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目的:探讨各种因素与准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(LASIK)后屈光度欠矫的关系。方法:对行LASIK的近视患者696例中屈光度欠矫病例,按年龄、性别、职业、住址、近视时间、家族史以及手术前后全部检查资料分左右眼两组进行单因素χ^2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。结果:多因素条件logistic回归分析显示,左、右眼两组均与4种因素有关:近视时间(左眼组OR=1.076,95%CI:1.030-1.124;右眼组OR=1.093,95%CI:1.046-1.142)、近视屈光度(左眼组OR=7.799,95%CI:1.755-34.654;右眼组OR-28.823,95%CI:5.750-144.467)、术前矫正视力(左眼组OR=0.000,95%CI:0.000-0.262;右眼组OR=0.000,95%CI:0.000-0.144)和角膜厚度(左眼组OR=0.976,95%CI:0.965-0.987;右眼组OR=0.975,95%CI:0.965-0.986)。结论:近视时间长,近视屈光度大是LASIK术后屈光度欠矫的危险因素;术前矫正视力好,角膜厚度厚是LASIK术后屈光度欠矫的保护因素。  相似文献   

农村老年人高血压与前列腺增生的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
目的 探讨老年性高血压与良性前列腺增生(BPH)的关系。方法 采用以人群为基础的现况调查及病例对照研究,病例组为沈阳市某郊区农村60周岁以上的前列腺增生(BPH)患,对照组为无前列腺增生(排除前列腺癌、前列腺炎等疾病)的老年男性,病例与对照各100例,单因素分析采用χ^2检验,多因素分析采用非条件Logistic回归分析。结果 该地农村老年人高血压组BPH患病率高于非高血压组,舒张压水平与BPH间呈现剂量一反应关系.调整其他因素后舒张压仍与BPH发病有关(OR=1.10,95%CI:1.07~1.14)。结论 舒张压升高可能是BPH发生的的危险因素.  相似文献   

尿石症危险因素人群病例对照研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探索尿石症发病的危险因素,为人群预防提供依据。方法 选取深圳市尿石症现况调查发现的334例患者为病例组,721名健康者为对照组,进行尿石症危险因素人群病例对照研究;采用非条件logistic回归对34个变量进行分析,采用Falconer回归法估算遗传变。结果 尿石症病例组和对照组配比条件均衡可比,单因素logistic回归分析共有17个变量有统计学意义,但最终进入模型的因素有10个,其中4个变量为尿石症发病危险因素,OR值大小依次为既往泌尿系慢性炎症史(OR=4.09,95%CI:1.38-12.14),一级亲属尿石症史(OR=2.61,95%CI:1.70-4.01)和多食动物蛋白质(OR=2.14,95%CI:1.71-2.69),暴露日照时间长(OR=1.39,95%CI:1.16-1.66);而较高文化程度(OR=0.46,95%CI:0.29-0.73),日引水量多(OR=0.59,95%CI:0.48-0.72),饮果汁(OR=0.41,95%CI:0.18-0.94),多食奶及奶制品(OR=0.82,95%CI:0.68-0.99),多食蔬菜(OR=0.70,95%CI:0.55-0.91)和多食水果(OR=0.78,95%CI:0.64-0.94)6个变量为尿石症发病的保护因素。一级亲属尿石症患病率病例组高于对照组,尿石症分离比为0.0109,95%CI:0.0050-0.0168,一级亲属尿石症的遗传度为28.48%,男,女分别为32.06%和24.60%。结论 尿石症主要受饮食习惯影响,尿石症家族史和社会经济状况也与发病有关。  相似文献   

隐睾发生的危险因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:研究隐睾发生的危险因素。方法:采用以医院为基础的1:2配比的病例对照研究方法,按统一的调查方法对99例隐睾及198例对照组面对面问卷调查。应用SAS6。12软件对所调查因素进行单因素及多因素logistic回归分析,结果:胎儿隐睾与母亲孕早期感冒伴发热(OR=9.37,95%CI:2.25-39.09),孕期发生先兆流产(OR=4.66,95%CI,2.02=10.74),孕期发生先兆子痫(OR=16.33,95%CI:1.40-191.20),父亲职业性接触农药(OR=12.79%CI;2.90-56.43),低出生体重(OR=5.77,95%CI:1.39-23.98),母亲怀孕年龄<24(OR=2.89,95%CI:1.29-4.06)呈正相关。结论:母亲孕早期感冒伴发热,孕期发生先兆流产及先兆子痫,父亲职业性接触农药,低出体重,母亲怀孕年龄<24岁是隐睾发病的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

贲门癌危险因素病例对照研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郑宗立  蔡琳 《中国公共卫生》2002,18(11):1345-1347
目的:探讨贲门癌发生的危险因素,为深入进行病因学研究提供线索。方法:对福州市6所医院2000年和2001年4月至7月的住院病人603例进行多组病例对照研究。贲门癌组为病理、手术和胃镜确诊的贲门癌191例,非贲门部胃癌190例,健康对照组为与肿瘤病例同期住院的骨科、泌尿外科的非肿瘤病人222例。采用统一调查表进行床边询问,对资料进行单因素及多因素Logistic分析。结果:贲门癌的主要危险因素有一一级亲属患肿瘤(OR=4.286 95%CI:2.431-7.554)、进食速度快(OR=2.028 95% CI:1.142-2.912)、三餐不按时吃(OR=1.909 95% CI:1.396-2.610)、饮用井水(OR=1.741 95%CI:1.042-2.910)每日吸烟量多(OR=1.347 95%CI:0.989-1.835)。主要保护 因素有:常吃新鲜水果(OR=0.645 95%CI:0.439-0.945)、使用冰箱年数长(OR=0.731 95%CI:0.536-0.997)、化程度高(OR=0.468 95%CI:0.276-0.74)。结论: 贲门癌与非贲门部胃癌可能有不同的危险因素,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

男性不育症危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨男性不育症的危险因素,方法:对94对病例和对照1:1配比进行病例对照研究。结果:长期大量吸烟(OR=3.45,95% CI:1.95-6.10)、婚外性生活史(OR=7.29,95%CI:2.54-20.89)、高温大棚蔬菜种植(OR=6.73,95%CI:1.91-23.69)、苯类化学品接触(OR=20.53,95%CI:4.67-90.25),解脲支原体感染(OR=5.55,95%CI:2.8-13.533)与男性不育症有关联,为其危险因素,结论:男性不育症是由多种因素长期反复作用的结果,其预防应从整治环境污染,加强职业防护,提高自我防护能力,改变不良工作生活习惯等方面做起。  相似文献   

胃腺癌危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨与胃癌有关的危险因素。方法 对天津市区1998-1999年的189例新发胃癌病人进行1:1配对病例对照研究,采用条件Logistic回归分析。结果 烟熏食品OR=2.34,OR95%CI=1.60-4.98;吸烟量OR=6.07,OR95%CI=1.26-7.16;喜食重盐饮食OR=1.95,OR95%CI=1.27-3.23;过量摄入动物肉类OR=1.46,OR95%CI=1.05-2.02。结论 经常食用烟熏食品、吸烟量大、重盐饮食、过量摄入动物肉类等可能是胃癌的危险因素。  相似文献   

自杀未遂危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
目的:探讨自杀未遂的独立危险因素以及精神疾病在自杀行为危险因素中的相对重要性。方法:对就诊于综合医院的152例自杀遂者和按1:1匹配的对照组用自制问卷进行调查。结果:自杀未遂组患精神病的比例显著高于对照组(37.7%比4.0,配对X2.45.45,P<0.001),条件logistic回归分析结果显示自杀未遂有三个独立的危险因素,急性应激强度大(OR=67.47,95%,CI8.85-514.56),患有精神疾病(OR=13.85,95%,CI 2.01-95.55),和负性生活事件在近一年对心理的影响程度大(OR=5.40,95%CI 1.12-26.08),结论:精神疾病是导致自杀未遂的一个重要因素但不是必然因素,有必要制定出具有中国特色的全国性自杀干预计划。  相似文献   

胃癌危险因素的病例对照研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的 探讨各危险因素与胃癌的关系,方法 对天津市市内区1998年91例新发胃癌病人进行了1:1配对病例对照研究,资料处理采用条件Logistic回归分析,结果 烟熏食品OR=4.88,OR95%/CI 2.54-9.38,吸烟量OR.6.12,OR95%CI 1.63-22.95,喜食重盐饮食OR.2.87,OR95%CI 1.80-4.58,过量摄入动物肉类OR=1.71,OR95%CI 1.33-2.19。结论 经常食用烟熏食品,吸烟量大,喜吃重盐饮食,过量摄入动物肉类等可能是胃癌的危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨贲门癌发生的危险因素,为病因学研究提供线索。方法:对福州市6所大医院2000年4-7月的住院病人进行多组病例对照研究,其中男性287例(82.5%),女性61例(17.5%),病例组为经病理,手术或胃镜确诊的贲门癌病例93例,非贲门部胃癌病例85例及非消化道肿瘤病例73例,对照组为与肿瘤病例同期住院的骨,泌尿外科的非肿瘤病例97例,采用统一调查表进行床边询问,内容包括一般人口学特征,身高,体重体,吸烟,饮酒,饮食状况,既往疾病史,家族肿瘤史等,对资料进行单因素及多因素Logistic分析。结果:贲门癌的危险因素有每日吸烟量(OR=1.76,95%CI:1.19-2.58),10年前食用猪油(OR=4.24,95%CI:2.01-8.92),父母患胃癌(OR=3.78,95%),CI:1.06-13.41),胃部疾病史(OR=3。19,95%CI:1.46-6.96),常吃新鲜蔬菜(OR=0.21,95%CI:0.07-0.62),豆及豆制品(OR=0.29,95%CI:0.09-0.92)为保护因素。结论:贲门癌与非贲门部胃癌可能有不同的危险因素,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

We defined risk factors for a clinical diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) among subjects of the population-based Massachusetts Male Aging Study. In 1987-89 1709 men aged 40-70 provided baseline risk factor data and were followed for a mean of 9 years; 1019 men without prostate cancer provided follow-up data. We classified men with clinical BPH at follow-up if they reported (1) frequent or difficulty urinating and were told by a health professional that they had an enlarged or swollen prostate or (2) if they reported having surgery for BPH. At follow-up the prevalence of clinical BPH was 19.4%, increasing from 8.4% of men aged 38-49 years to 33.5% of men aged 60-70 years (P < 0.001 for trend). Elevated free PSA levels (age- and total PSA-adjusted OR, top vs. bottom quartile ng/mL 4.4, 95% CI 1.9-10.5), heart disease (age-adjusted OR 2.1, CI 1.3-3.3), and use of beta-blocker medications (OR 1.8, CI 1.1-3.0) increased odds for BPH, while current cigarette smoking (OR 0.5, CI 0.3-0.8) and high levels of physical activity (top vs. bottom quartile kcals/day OR 0.5, CI 0.3-0.9) decreased odds of BPH. All but the medication effects persisted in fully adjusted multivariable models. Total or fat calorie intake, sexual activity level, alcohol intake, body mass index, waist-hip ratio, diastolic blood pressure, a history of diabetes, hypertension, vasectomy, or serum levels of androgens or estrogens did not individually predict clinical BPH. We conclude that physical exercise and cigarette smoking appear to protect against development of clinical BPH. Elevated free PSA levels predict clinical BPH independent of total PSA levels. Risk associated with heart disease does not appear to be due solely to detection bias or to effects of heart disease medications. A wide variety of other characteristics appear to have no influence on risk for clinical BPH.  相似文献   

天津市区胃癌危险因素的配对病例对照研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
目的 进一步探讨各危险因素与胃癌的关系。方法 选取天津市市内六区1998年和1999年的189例新发胃癌病人并按性别、年龄、民族等配比条件选取该市189名健康人群进行1:1配对的病例对照研究,资料处理采用条件logistic回归分析。结果 多因素条件logistic回归分析显示胃癌的发病与下列4种因素关节密切:烟熏食品OR=2.34,95%CI:1.60-4.98;吸烟量OR=6.07,95%CI:1.26-7.16;喜食重盐饮食OR=1.95,95%CI:1.27-3.23;过量摄入动物肉类OR=1.46,95%CI:1.05-2.02。结论 经常食用烟熏食品、吸烟量大、喜食重盐饮食、过量摄入动物肉类可能是胃癌的危险因素。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between physical activity, sleeping hours, alcohol intake and smoking and metabolic syndrome. METHODS: Social, demographic, personal and family medical histories and behavioral characteristics were collected as self-reported for 2164 participants (1332 women; 832 men), aged 18-92 years old, randomly selected during 1999-2003, among residents in Porto, Portugal, evaluated in the Department of Epidemiology of Porto Medical School. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to the NCEP-ATPIII. Associations between metabolic syndrome and lifestyles factors were computed as odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). RESULTS: After adjustment, higher total physical activity (OR=0.63 95% CI%: 0.43, 0.94--females; OR=0.55 95% CI: 0.33, 0.91--males) and work activity levels in females (OR=0.55; 95% CI: 0.33, 0.91) were significantly associated with lower prevalence of the metabolic syndrome. More sleeping hours were positively associated with metabolic syndrome (OR=1.25; 95% CI: 1.13, 1.38--females; OR=1.19; 95% CI: 1.04, 1.36--males). Regarding smoking, the only statistically significant association was found in women that smoked less than 10 cigarettes per day (OR=0.32 95% CI: 0.11, 0.92). No statistically significant association was found between ethanol intake and metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSIONS: An association between decreased physical activity, increased sleeping hours and metabolic syndrome was found. No association was found between cigarette smoking, alcohol intake and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

目的 探讨江苏省医学生酒精滥用的危险因素,为制订减少有害使用酒精策略提供参考依据.方法 以江苏省医学生酒精滥用现况调查中319例酒精滥用者作为病例组,按照1:2匹配同性别、专业、年级的对照组638人.采用SPSS 22.0软件进行单因素和多因素条件Logistic回归分析模型分析.结果 江苏省医学生饮酒率为44.59%...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effect of smoking on lung cancer risk has been well documented, while the effect of alcohol remains controversial. We examined the hypothesis that the apparent association between alcohol intake and lung cancer risk is fully due to the confounding effect of cigarette smoke. METHODS: Our sample of hospitalized patients included 2,953 male and 1,622 female lung cancer cases; 521 male and 159 female larynx cancers cases; and 8,169 male and 4,154 female controls, admitted to participating hospitals between 1981 and 1994. All controls had been diagnosed with non-smoking-related diseases. Larynx cancer was used as a positive control for lung cancer. Relative risks were estimated through odds ratios, adjusted through multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: Although the odds ratios for alcohol had been significantly elevated prior to adjustment for smoking (OR = 2.4, 95% CI = 2.0-2.8), alcohol had no effect on lung cancer following this adjustment (OR = 1.2, 95% CI = 1.0-1.4). By contrast, the effect of alcohol on larynx cancer remained high even after adjustment for smoking (OR = 5.6, 95% CI = 3.7-8.6). CONCLUSION: The often-reported association between alcohol and lung cancer risk can be fully explained by the confounding effect of cigarette use.  相似文献   

Laryngeal cancer is the most common head and neck cancer. There might be many risk factors for laryngeal cancer. Smoking, especially cigarette smoking and alcohol are indisputable risk factors. The authors of this paper assessed the presumed risk factors in order to identify possible aetiological agents of the disease.A hospital-based case-control study was conducted. The study group consisted of 108 histologically verified laryngeal cancer patients and 108 hospital controls matched by sex, age (+/-3 years) and place of residence. Laryngeal cancer patients and controls were interviewed during their hospital stay using a structured questionnaire. According to multiple logistic regression analysis six variables were independently related to laryngeal cancer: hard liquor consumption (Odd Ratio/OR/=2.93, Confidence Interval/CI/95% = 1.17 to 7.31), consumption more than 2 alcoholic drinks per day (OR=4.96, CI 95% = 2.04 to 12.04), cigarette smoking for more than 40 years (OR=4.32, CI 95% = 1.69 to 11.06), smoking more than 30 cigarettes per day (OR=4.24, CI 95% = 1.75 to 10.27), coffee consumption more than 5 cups per day (OR=4.52, CI 95% = 1.01 to 20.12) and carbonated beverage consumption (OR=0.38, CI 95%=0.16 to 0.92). The great majority of laryngeal cancers could be prevented by eliminating tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

目的 探讨锦州地区绝经后妇女骨质疏松症患病的影响因素,为骨质疏松症的防治提供参考依据。方法 采用病例-对照的研究方法,对锦州医科大学附属第一医院体检的绝经后妇女进行骨密度测量和自行设计问卷调查,通过非条件Logistic回归模型进行绝经后妇女骨质疏松症的影响因素分析。结果 多因素分析显示,年龄(OR = 1.110,95% CI = 1.078~1.143)、被动吸烟(OR = 1.684,95% CI = 1.183~2.398)、摄入谷氨酸钠(OR = 1.422,95% CI = 1.016~1.990)及孕次(OR = 1.245,95% CI = 1.046~1.480)是绝经后妇女骨质疏松症发生的危险因素;体重指数(OR = 0.850,95% CI = 0.803~0.900)、参加体育锻炼(OR = 0.567,95% CI = 0.404~0.796)、摄入乳制品(OR = 0.708,95% CI = 0.502~0.997)及豆制品摄入频率(OR = 0.794,95% CI = 0.704~0.896)是绝经后妇女骨质疏松症发生的保护因素。结论 年龄增长、有被动吸烟行为、摄入谷氨酸钠和多孕次是影响锦州地区绝经后妇女骨质疏松症发生的重要危险因素,而适当增加体重、经常参加体育锻炼与摄入豆制品及乳制品有助于防治绝经后骨质疏松的发生。  相似文献   

[目的]通过深入调查上海市某区常住社区居民的吸烟情况及影响因素,为进一步开展有效控烟提供科学依据。[方法]2007年9—12月,采取整群抽样的方法,对上海市某社区11个居委的13 567名全年龄段常住居民进行问卷调查。调查内容包括:人口学特征资料、个人吸烟、饮酒、饮茶情况。应用卡方检验和非条件logistic回归方法评估吸烟与调查因素的关联。[结果]调查对象总吸烟率21.0%(2 083/9 903)。除家庭人均月收入外,不同性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、工种、饮酒状况、饮茶状况人群吸烟率差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。吸烟者开始吸烟年龄为(22.7±6.4)岁,65.4%的居民起床后60 min以内开始吸第一支烟。多因素分析显示:男性吸烟率高于女性(OR=46.97,95%CI:33.26,66.32);20~、30~、40~岁年龄组吸烟率均大于〈20岁组,OR值(95%CI)分别为3.56(2.06,6.17)、4.42(2.50,7.83)、4.16(2.43,7.14);大专及以上文化程度者吸烟率低于初中及以下(OR=0.59,95%CI:0.43~0.81);从事脑力劳动者吸烟率低于从事体力劳动者(OR=0.78,95%CI:0.61~0.98);已婚者和丧偶者的吸烟率高于未婚者,OR值(95%CI)分别为2.21(1.07,4.58)、2.19(1.70,2.81);饮酒者吸烟率高于不饮酒者(OR=2.53,95%CI:1.97~3.26);饮茶者吸烟率高于不饮茶者(OR=2.29,95%CI:1.87~2.81)。[结论]上海市某社区常住居民的总体吸烟率较高。男性、中年人、较低的文化程度、体力劳动者以及有饮茶和饮酒习惯的人群,与吸烟行为的关系更密切。  相似文献   

A reduced risk for Parkinson's disease (PD) among cigarette smokers has been observed consistently during the past 30 years. Recent evidence suggests that caffeine may also be protective. Findings are presented regarding associations of PD with smoking, caffeine intake, and alcohol consumption from a case-control study conducted in western Washington State in 1992-2000. Incident PD cases (n = 210) and controls (n = 347), frequency matched on gender and age were identified from enrollees of the Group Health Cooperative health maintenance organization. Exposure data were obtained by in-person questionnaires. Ever having smoked cigarettes was associated with a reduced risk of PD (odds ratio (OR) = 0.5, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.4, 0.8). A stronger relation was found among current smokers (OR = 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1, 0.7) than among ex-smokers (OR = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.4, 0.9), and there was an inverse gradient with pack-years smoked (trend p < 0.001). No associations were detected for coffee consumption or total caffeine intake or for alcohol consumption. However, reduced risks were observed for consumption of 2 cups/day or more of tea (OR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.2, 0.9) and two or more cola drinks/day (OR = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.3, 1.4). The associations for tea and cola drinks were not confounded by smoking or coffee consumption.  相似文献   

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