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Distance education in occupational therapy programs is increasingly becoming an instructional norm. Technological advances and the common expected use of the Internet and its multiple options to communicate and share information have made its use also commonplace for occupational therapy educators. As with any instructional modality, Web-based instruction can offer a vibrant learning environment created through different teaching strategies, activities, and technologies. This article briefly outlines educational models and instructional designs that can be part of every occupational therapy program as they incorporate distance education and Web-based learning into their programs. The primary focus is on the incorporation of the constructivist approach.  相似文献   


This study was designed to describe multicultural training practices in occupational therapy programs. A survey was sent to occupational therapy programs in the United States to gather information on multicultural content, skills, and teaching methods as well as diversity context and challenges. The response rate was 54%. The most frequently covered multicultural content was related to cultural background and sociopolitical factors. Multicultural skills covered most often were practice oriented and interpersonal skills. Teaching methods reported as used most often differed from the methods thought by the respondents to be most effective. Programs reported multiple challenges to multicultural training including lack of time and lack of diversity in the student body, faculty, and environment. Results suggest that educators may need to expand multicultural content and skills to prepare occupational therapy students for providing care in increasingly diverse practice settings. In addition, increased use of teaching methods that focus on exposure to diverse populations and reflection may be needed to improve the effectiveness of multicultural training in occupational therapy programs.  相似文献   

Occupational therapy has been gradually slipping away from its foundation in mental health practice. In order to provide the best services to individuals with mental health disorders, the occupational therapy profession must maintain and expand its involvement in this area of practice. The purpose of this paper is to explore the threats and opportunities to promote education and practice in mental health from a student perspective. The authors reviewed the literature, distributed questionnaires, and conducted focus groups with occupational therapy students at a southeastern university. Based on findings in the literature and of the focus groups with students, the authors have drawn a list of suggestions to improve the visibility of occupational therapy in mental health care. These suggestions are for occupational therapy educational programs, mental health practitioners, AOTA, and state associations.  相似文献   

Aim:  This study aimed to investigate the perception of graduate students on their preparation for practice, at 7 months post graduation.
Method:  Using an anonymous postal questionnaire, 18 respondents (58% response rate) provided data on the nature of current employment, the experience as a graduate therapist, and perceptions of their undergraduate experience in preparing them for practice.
Results:  Fifty percent of the respondents were practising in a rural environment. There was a significant positive relationship between respondents perception of their curriculum and fieldwork experiences and their preparation for practice ( rho = 0.52, p  < 0.05, and rho = 0.55, p  < 0.05, respectively). Of the fieldwork experiences, respondents rated block placements as more beneficial to practice than non-traditional placements. However, a correlational analysis showed the non-traditional placement was significantly related to preparation for practice ( rho = 0.54, p  < 0.05). On a seven-point Likert scale, respondents rated themselves from 5.2 to 5.7 for perceived self-competence as a newly graduated practitioner with community-based graduates having the higher rating. Confidence in clinical decision-making was rated 5.0 to 5.6 with community-based graduates having higher rating. Respondents reported a positive perception that the undergraduate program prepared them to enter the workforce and practise as an occupational therapist (mean ratings 5.5 to 6.2).
Conclusion:  Respondents felt adequately prepared to enter the occupational therapy profession and workforce. Strengths and weaknesses in their preparation are discussed as well as the need for further research.  相似文献   

This article reports the main findings of a Victorian occupational therapy labour force survey (1986). The survey was conducted in two parts. The first part sought information from heads of departments of occupational therapy and sole practitioners and focused on current and proposed future staff establishments and recruitment and retention problems. The second part sought data from both practising and nonpractising occupational therapists on career patterns, career and professional development plans and reasons for temporary or permanent withdrawal from the labour force. The findings of the survey are placed in the context of occupational therapy in Australia and their implications for educators, employers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   


As the profession of occupational therapy enters a second century, its growth in an increasingly complex and globalized world requires an adaptive and diverse philosophical foundation. The existentialist school of thought offers a complementary focus, which enhances existing philosophical foundations of the profession and supports two major tenets: (1) humans as self-making beings always in the process of becoming and (2) emotions and feelings as foundations for being-in-the-world. This article explores these two themes both in the context of existentialism and occupational therapy, and then provides an examination of existentialist utility in occupational therapy practice, research, and education.  相似文献   

Spirituality has become an increasingly important topic in healthcare and specifically in occupational therapy. This study utilized a survey design to examine occupational therapists' current beliefs and practices regarding spirituality, and to identify barriers to the use of spirituality in OT treatment. No statistically significant relationship was found between the use of spirituality and different practice settings or therapists' demographics However the participants' response indicated that the beliefs and practices regarding spirituality in occupational therapy may be changing Therapists reported discussing spiritual issues with clients more frequently than in previous studies. Lack of education or experience in taking a spiritual history was reported as the major barrier impeding the therapists' ability to incorporate spirituality into OT practice.  相似文献   

This preliminary investigation explored occupational therapists' perceptions of the value of Hypermedia-based computerised educational materials for client education. Occupational therapists employed in physical rehabilitation agencies in metropolitan Adelaide participated in the study. Client education was an important role for the therapists, taking up more than half client contact time. Therapists indicated that Hypermedia-based computer education materials had a potential role in teaching clients joint protection principles and diagnostic and prognostic information about certain conditions but were unsure if such materials would be an efficient medium.  相似文献   

目的:分析福州市中小学教师的医疗服务需求与利用及其影响因素。方法:用慢性病患病率和二周患病率指标来描述中小学教师医疗服务需求量,用二周每千人卧床数和卧床日数、二周每千人休工人数和休工日数指标来反映教师疾病严重程度,用就诊率反映教师对医疗服务的利用情况。结果:福州市中小学教师的慢性病患病率和二周患病率分别为60。06%和44.32%;二周每千人卧床人数为21.76和卧床日数为59.84;二周就诊率为74.46%。结论:中小学教师医疗服务需求量大,但疾病严重程度不高,影响二周就诊率的主要因素是年龄和就医条件。  相似文献   



More than half of US states have legalized medical marijuana. Several states have also legalized it for recreational use. In spite of states' actions, marijuana remains illegal under federal law. It remains to be seen, however, if the Trump administration will enforce federal law in states that have legalized marijuana. For now, it appears the move toward state legalization of marijuana will increase. Because of its legal status, research concerning the medical benefits of marijuana has been limited.


We reviewed the literature pertaining to medical use and legalization of marijuana.


Available research shows that marijuana can benefit some conditions. There are also concerns about harmful effects on both individual and public health and whether legalization will lead to increased marijuana use among youth. Each of these elements has implications for school‐based drug education programs. Researchers have shown that the 10 states with the highest rate of past month marijuana use by youth all have legalized recreational and/or medical use of marijuana, whereas none of the 10 states with the lowest rate of past month marijuana use by youth, has legalized marijuana. In the debate over legalization schools can potentially serve as a community resource, providing accurate information concerning marijuana.


Teachers and parents should continue to discourage young people from using marijuana (as well as alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs).


A qualitative analysis of a ten-step management course project in occupational therapy education demonstrates the students changed perception of future job possibilities. The assignment, designed using a student-centered approach, bridges individual skills and interests with the creation of an occupational therapy position in an emerging market. The thematic analysis indicated the outcomes of the assignment were: a changed perception in the importance of a good fit between practitioner skills and the agency or program needs, added confidence in the students' skills based on a review of the two years of academic education, and a positive, anticipated transition of the academic knowledge base into real world experience. Student presentations served to measure the ability to articulate the services of occupational therapy within arenas unfamiliar to the profession.  相似文献   

A three-year $54,000 grant has provided an opportunity for students in the Master of Occupational Therapy Programs at The University of Findlay to complete Level II fieldwork experiences in a community mental health setting. Occupational Therapy Program faculty and Level II fieldwork students were involved in the evaluation and intervention process for individuals who have severe mental illness and were participating in a supported employment program. After the first year of completion with the addition of these occupational therapy services, results indicate a 69% increase in secured competitive employment for individuals who have participated in this grant project.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the status of lesbian health education in obstetrics and gynecology training programs in the United States and Canada. A survey was conducted of program directors of all accredited North American obstetrics and gynecology residency training programs. The response rate was 42% (118/283). The mean number of hours devoted to lesbian health education over the 4 years was 1.86 hr (n = 118 programs), with the most frequent method of instruction being lectures and seminars. More than half of the programs offered no instruction in lesbian health. Seventy-three percent of program directors felt that the lesbian health training was less than adequate, and 71% perceived a need to expand the lesbian health curriculum in their programs. In conclusion, lesbian health education is variable across institutions. The current status of lesbian health education is felt to be inadequate by program directors and there is a perceived need to expand the lesbian health curriculum in obstetrics and gynecology training programs.  相似文献   

目的 探讨特殊教育教师职业压力与职业倦怠的关系,以及探讨心理资本在其中的中介作用。方法 采用问卷调查法,对40所特殊教育学校的853名教师进行调查。结果 中级职称教师的职业压力高于高级职称教师,所教学生为感官障碍学生的教师职业压力低于教发展性障碍学生或两者都教的教师,专科及以下学历教师的心理资本水平高于本科及以上学历的教师,高级职称教师的心理资本水平分别高于初级和中级职称教师,男教师的职业倦怠水平低于女教师,专科及以下学历教师的职业倦怠水平低于本科及以上学历的教师,各差异均具有统计学意义。职业压力与职业倦怠呈显著正相关( r =0.565,P<0.001),心理资本与职业压力( r =-0.235,P<0.001)、职业倦怠( r =-0.315,P<0.001)呈显著负相关;心理资本在职业压力和职业倦怠之间具有显著的部分中介效应,解释率为19.7%。结论 特殊教育教师的职业压力越大,其职业倦怠水平越高,心理资本在其中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

目的通过对Ⅳ期支气管肺癌的吸烟、转移和生存期等情况进行分析,探讨一条以政府为主导,以社区干预为核心,以健康教育为抓手的健康教育对策,提高人们的健康水平。方法采用回顾性方法,对均已死亡的76例非小细胞未手术的Ⅳ期支气管肺癌的吸烟史、生存期、远道转移、死亡原因及相互关系进行分析。结果吸烟与肺癌关系的知晓率为93.4%,二手烟接触史100%;腺癌为最常见的病理类型。骨转移为最早(3月)、转移率最高(55.3%)并以多处骨转移存在,中位生存期6月;脑转移为第二好发的脏器(36.8%),中位生存期4月。治疗组的中位生存期11月,未治疗组的中位生存期2月,说明治疗组和未治疗组的生存期有差异。肺癌导致的呼吸循环衰竭为主要死亡原因(60.5%)。结论吸烟与支气管肺癌的发生有直接的因果关系,Ⅳ期支气管肺癌重要脏器的转移与生存期有因果关系,与转移脏器的多少无直接联系。开展健康教育,创建无烟环境,降低支气管肺癌的发生。  相似文献   

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