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Yuasa F Kawamura A Yokoe H Yoshida S Murakawa K Sugiura T Iwasaka T 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》2011,31(2):94-100
Background: Clonidine is a potent sympatholytic drug with central neural effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of clonidine on arterial baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and cardiopulmonary (CP) baroreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction. Method: Twenty patients were randomly assigned to either clonidine or placebo groups (10 in each group). BRS (by phenylephrine method) and CP baroreflex (by lower body negative pressure) effects on sympathetic nerve activity (circulating norepinephrine and MSNA recordings) were measured before and after a 4‐week treatment period. Results: Clonidine lowered blood pressure and heart rate. Clonidine was accompanied not only by a decrease in plasma noradrenaline (from 444 ± 196 to 260 ± 144 pg ml?1) but also by a reduction in directly measured MSNA (from 47 ± 16 to 36 ± 16 bursts min?1). BRS increased significantly from 3·01 ± 1·19 to 6·86 ± 2·84 ms mmHg?1 after clonidine. When expressed as per cent change in MSNA during CP baroreceptor stimulation, CP baroreflex control of MSNA was significantly increased from 9·26 ± 8·93% to 28·83 ± 11·96% after clonidine. However, there were no significant changes in the measured variables in the control group. Conclusion: Clonidine enhanced BRS and CP baroreflex control of MSNA while reducing baseline sympathetic activity in patients with LV dysfunction. 相似文献
H. Vagn Nielsen K. Hasselstrm U. Feldt-Rasmussen J. Mehlsen K. Siersbk-Nielsen Th. Friis S. Hauns J. Trap-Jensen 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》1987,7(4):297-302
Summary. Sympathetic reflex regulation of subcutaneous blood flow (SBF) in the forearm was studied in eight patients with primary hypothyroidism. Diastolic arterial pressure was ≥95 mmHg in five patients. SBF was determined by local clearance of Na99mTcO4. Sympathetic vasoconstriction normally seen after lowering the forearm 40 cm below heart level was absent since SBF only decreased by 4% (± 7%, P > 0·1) during these conditions. In head-up vertical position we noticed a diminished baroreceptor response as SBF at heart level was reduced by 11% (±7%, P < 0·1) compared to supine position. After proximal local anaesthesia SBF increased by 351% (±81%, P < 0·01) and disclosed a normal vasoconstrictor response as SBF was reduced by 53% (±5%, P < 0·01) during arm lowering. Five of the treated patients were restudied in the euthyroid state. Mean arterial pressure was reduced in mean by 20 mmHg (± 6 mmHg, P < 0·02) during treatment and a significant vasoconstriction was observed both during arm lowering (SBF =-52% (±6%, P<0·02)) and in head-up vertical position (SBF= -45% (± 11%, P<0·02)). In conclusion sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity in adipose tissue is markedly increased in primary hypothyroidism. Sympathetic tone and arterial pressure are reduced during treatment. 相似文献
人体进行随意运动时,支配前调节运动的大脑皮质的局部电运动增强,该区细胞代谢水平改变,从而局部脑血流量(rCBF)也发生变化。不同的rCBF的改变表示了相应运动涉及运动皮质的范围,其研究对认识脑的基本活动规律和特性有重要意义。本文简略介绍了rCBF的测量方法,并描述了受试者进行不同类型随意运动时皮质各个区域rCBF的变化和分布情况。 相似文献
目的 研究原发性高血压患者的动态动脉硬化指数(Ambulatory arterial stiffness index,AASI)与血压变异性(blood pressure variability,BPV)的关系.方法 随机选择120例原发性高血压患者进行动态血压监测,测定BPV、AASI.结果 AASI与24小时平均收缩压(r=0.231,P<0.001)、24小时舒张压标准差(r=-0.132,P<0.01)、24小时收缩压变异性(r=-0.13,P<0.01)、24小时舒张压变异性(r=-0.21,P<0.01)及勺型血压(r=-0.13,P<0.01)有明显的相关性.AASI与24小时平均收缩压(β=0.018,P<0.001)、24小时舒张压标准差(β=-0.011,P<0.01)、24小时收缩压变异性(β=0.036,P<0.01)、24小时舒张压变异性(β=-0.01,P<0.01)、勺型血压(β=-0.15,P<0.01)、及左心室质量指数(β=0.022,P=0.034)之间有线性回归关系.结论 AASI与BPV之间有明显的相关性. 相似文献
Ralph-Thomas Kiefer MD ; Peter Rohr MD ; Annette Ploppa MD Karl-Heinz Altemeyer MD ; Robert Jay Schwartzman MD 《Pain practice》2007,7(2):147-150
Objective: To describe the treatment of an intractable complex regional pain syndrome I (CRPS-I) patient with anesthetic doses of ketamine supplemented with midazolam.
Methods: A patient presented with a rapidly progressing contiguous spread of CRPS from a severe ligamentous wrist injury. Standard pharmacological and interventional therapy successively failed to halt the spread of CRPS from the wrist to the entire right arm. Her pain was unmanageable with all standard therapy. As a last treatment option, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit and treated on a compassionate care basis with anesthetic doses of ketamine in gradually increasing (3–5 mg/kg/h) doses in conjunction with midazolam over a period of 5 days.
Results: On the second day of the ketamine and midazolam infusion, edema, and discoloration began to resolve and increased spontaneous movement was noted. On day 6, symptoms completely resolved and infusions were tapered. The patient emerged from anesthesia completely free of pain and associated CRPS signs and symptoms. The patient has maintained this complete remission from CRPS for 8 years now.
Conclusions: In a patient with severe spreading and refractory CRPS, a complete and long-term remission from CRPS has been obtained utilizing ketamine and midazolam in anesthetic doses. This intensive care procedure has very serious risks but no severe complications occurred. The psychiatric side effects of ketamine were successfully managed with the concomitant use of midazolam and resolved within 1 month of treatment.
This case report illustrates the effectiveness and safety of high-dose ketamine in a patient with generalized, refractory CRPS. 相似文献
Methods: A patient presented with a rapidly progressing contiguous spread of CRPS from a severe ligamentous wrist injury. Standard pharmacological and interventional therapy successively failed to halt the spread of CRPS from the wrist to the entire right arm. Her pain was unmanageable with all standard therapy. As a last treatment option, the patient was transferred to the intensive care unit and treated on a compassionate care basis with anesthetic doses of ketamine in gradually increasing (3–5 mg/kg/h) doses in conjunction with midazolam over a period of 5 days.
Results: On the second day of the ketamine and midazolam infusion, edema, and discoloration began to resolve and increased spontaneous movement was noted. On day 6, symptoms completely resolved and infusions were tapered. The patient emerged from anesthesia completely free of pain and associated CRPS signs and symptoms. The patient has maintained this complete remission from CRPS for 8 years now.
Conclusions: In a patient with severe spreading and refractory CRPS, a complete and long-term remission from CRPS has been obtained utilizing ketamine and midazolam in anesthetic doses. This intensive care procedure has very serious risks but no severe complications occurred. The psychiatric side effects of ketamine were successfully managed with the concomitant use of midazolam and resolved within 1 month of treatment.
This case report illustrates the effectiveness and safety of high-dose ketamine in a patient with generalized, refractory CRPS. 相似文献
Subir R. Maitra PhD DSc Clark S. Homan MD Wansong Pan MD Evan R. Geller MD Mark C. Henry MD Henry C. Thode Jr. PhD 《Academic emergency medicine》1996,3(11):1006-1010
Objectives: To determine whether endotoxic shock decreases the renal gluconeogenic capacity and the renal artery blood flow.
Methods: An in-vivo, murine, nonrecirculating kidney perfusion model was studied in a trauma research laboratory. Each of 12 fasted, male Holtzman rats (shock n = 6, control n = 6) was injected with 1 mL of normal saline or endotoxin (20 mg/kg). Five hours after the injection, all the rats were anesthetized and blood samples were obtained for the determination of the plasma glucose. Right renal artery blood flow was measured by an ultrasonic small-animal flow meter. The kidney was then perfused via the renal artery with 37°C, oxygenated, glucose-free Krebs-Henseleit solution in the presence of 100 μmol of phloridzin to inhibit the cellular uptake of glucose. Renal glucose production was determined by measuring glucose in both renal vein effluent and urine. After 30 minutes of equilibration, 5 mmol of lactate and 0.5 mmol of pyruvate were added to the perfusate as a gluconeogenic substrate. Renal vein and ureteral effluent samples were collected after 5, 10, and 15 minutes.
Results: The endotoxic shock group showed hypoglycemia (p < 0.05) as well as a decrease in renal artery blood flow (p < 0.05). Gluconeogenic stimulation was demonstrable in both the control and the endotoxic shock groups after 15 minutes of perfusion with substrate (p < 0.05). However, renal gluconeogenesis was significantly attenuated in the endotoxic shock group compared with the control.
Conclusions: Renal glucose production in response to a gluconeogenic substrate is significantly attenuated during the hypoglycemic phase of endotoxic shock. Endotoxic shock also causes a significant decrease of renal artery blood flow 相似文献
Methods: An in-vivo, murine, nonrecirculating kidney perfusion model was studied in a trauma research laboratory. Each of 12 fasted, male Holtzman rats (shock n = 6, control n = 6) was injected with 1 mL of normal saline or endotoxin (20 mg/kg). Five hours after the injection, all the rats were anesthetized and blood samples were obtained for the determination of the plasma glucose. Right renal artery blood flow was measured by an ultrasonic small-animal flow meter. The kidney was then perfused via the renal artery with 37°C, oxygenated, glucose-free Krebs-Henseleit solution in the presence of 100 μmol of phloridzin to inhibit the cellular uptake of glucose. Renal glucose production was determined by measuring glucose in both renal vein effluent and urine. After 30 minutes of equilibration, 5 mmol of lactate and 0.5 mmol of pyruvate were added to the perfusate as a gluconeogenic substrate. Renal vein and ureteral effluent samples were collected after 5, 10, and 15 minutes.
Results: The endotoxic shock group showed hypoglycemia (p < 0.05) as well as a decrease in renal artery blood flow (p < 0.05). Gluconeogenic stimulation was demonstrable in both the control and the endotoxic shock groups after 15 minutes of perfusion with substrate (p < 0.05). However, renal gluconeogenesis was significantly attenuated in the endotoxic shock group compared with the control.
Conclusions: Renal glucose production in response to a gluconeogenic substrate is significantly attenuated during the hypoglycemic phase of endotoxic shock. Endotoxic shock also causes a significant decrease of renal artery blood flow 相似文献
This study hypothesized that central and local reflex mechanisms affecting vascular conductance (VC) through the popliteal artery compensated for the reduction in muscle perfusion pressure (MPP) to maintain popliteal blood flow (PBF) during head‐down tilt (35? HDT), but not in head‐up tilt (45? HUT). Resting measurements were made on 15 healthy men in prone position to facilitate the access to the popliteal artery, on two separate days in random order during horizontal (HOR), HDT or HUT. In each body position, the body was supported, and the ankles were maintained in relaxed state so that there was no muscle tension, as with normal standing. Popliteal blood flow velocity and popliteal arterial diameter were measured by ultrasound, and PBF was calculated. MPP was corrected to mid‐calf from measured finger cuff pressure, and VC was estimated by dividing PBF by MPP. The MPP in HDT (48 ± 2 mmHg) was ~100mmHg less than in HUT (145 ± 2 mmHg). PBF was similar between HOR (51 ± 18 ml min?1) and HDT (47 ± 13 ml min?1), but was lower in HUT (30 ± 9 ml min?1). VC was different between HDT (1·0 ± 0·3 ml min?1 mmHg?1), HOR (0·6 ± 0·2 ml min?1 mmHg?1) and HUT (0·2 ± 0·1 ml min?1 mmHg?1). In conclusion, the interactions of central and local regulatory mechanisms resulted in a disproportionate reduction of VC during HUT lowering PBF even though MPP was higher, while in HDT, increased VC contributed to maintain PBF at the same level as the HOR control condition. 相似文献
D. R. Seals 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》1990,10(2):123-129
Summary. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the size of the stimulus area on the muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), systolic arterial blood pressure (SAP), and heart rate responses to the cold pressor test. To accomplish this, these variables were measured before (control), during, and after 1·5 min of ice water immersion of either one or both hands in nine healthy subjects (aged 19–27 years). The cold stimulus elicited significant increases above control levels in all three variables under both conditions (P<0·05). Immersion of both hands produced a much greater increase in total MSNA (+366%) than immersion of a single hand (+187%) (P<0·05). However, the magnitudes of the increases in SAP and heart rate during two-hand immersion (29±6 mmHg and 10±2 beats min-1) were not significantly different from the responses during the one-hand trials (24±5 mmHg and 6±2 beats min-1, P>0·05). There was a strong, direct relationship between total MSNA and SAP responses during one-hand immersion (r= 0·93, P<0·001) but not during immersion of both hands (r= 0·66, P= 0·08). These findings indicate that during the cold pressor test the magnitude of the increase in sympathetic discharge to skeletal muscle, but not the systolic blood pressure response, is influenced by the size of the tissue area exposed to the stimulus. 相似文献
Jose E. Irazuzta MD Charles B. Berde MD PhD Dr Navil F. Sethna MB ChB 《Journal of clinical monitoring and computing》1992,8(1):16-19
Changes in the skin capillary blood flow (SBF) and temperature before, during, and 1 hour after unilateral lumbar paravertebral sympathetic blockade (LSB) were studied simultaneously with laser Doppler flowmetry and thermometry in patients with reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome. The baseline flow measurements in the toes on the affected limb were significantly lower than in the contralateral limb (p<0.01). During LSB, a 10-fold increase in SBF was detected within 4 minutes after injection of a local anesthetic agent when the sympathetic blockade was effective; an increase of more than 1°C in the skin temperature occurred within 11 minutes. Measurements 1 hour after blockade showed an 18-fold (mean) increase in SBF in the toes (p<0.0001) and a 2-fold (mean) increase in SBF in the thighs (p<0.001). There was a significant decrease in the skin blood flow in the contralateral toes after the sympathetic blockade (p<0.01). We conclude that laser Doppler flow measurements can be used to detect immediate onset of sympathetic blockade in patients under general anesthetic or conscious sedation. 相似文献
目的比较直式留置针和带延长管留置针应用于外周动脉血压监测中的安全性。方法将2009年10月至2010年12月佛山市某三级甲等医院ICU行有创动脉血压监测的100例患者随机分为观察组和对照组各50例,观察组使用20 G带延长管留置针,对照组使用20 G直式静脉留置针。比较两组患者的置管意外(导管折叠、脱出和阻塞)发生率、穿刺点渗血情况和置管时间。结果观察组导管折叠和脱出的发生率、穿刺点渗血率低于对照组,而置管时间3 d以上者多于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论有创动脉血压监测时使用带延长管的留置针,可减少导管折叠、脱出和穿刺点渗血的发生率,延长留置时间,在减轻患者痛苦和经济负担的同时,也减少了护理人员的工作量。 相似文献
L. G. Jrgensen M. Perko G. Perko N. H. Secher 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》1993,13(4):323-336
Summary. Middle cerebral artery mean velocity (Vmean) and pulsatility index (PI) were followed during head-up tilt induced hypovolaemic shock in nine subjects. Mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), central venous pressure (CVP) and thoracic (TI) electrical impedance were also recorded. Vmean, PI, and CVP did not change during head-up tilt to 50°, while MAP increased from 92 (81–106) (median and range) to 100 (97–112) mmHg, HR from 63 (53–74) to 84 (68–89) beats min-1 and Tl100kHz from 30 (27–36) to 32 (30–39) Ohm (P < 0.01) (n= 8). During maintained tilt, Vmean decreased from 52 (32–72) to 34 (16–59) cms-1, whereas HR increased to 87 (52–108) beats min-1 and Tl100kHz to 33 (31–39) Ohm (P < 0.01). Presyncopal symptoms appeared after 33 (3–46) min and were associated with a MAP of 65 (32–84) mmHg (P < 0.01) and a HR of 58 (52–71) beats min-1 (P < 0.05).Vmean decreased to 25 (16–36) cms-1, and cerebral conductance index (Vmean/MAPbrain) and PI increased (P < 0.01). Arterial collapse was observed (diastolic velocity of zero) in one subject at a brain (diastolic) blood pressure of 21 mmHg and he developed tachycardia (131 beats min-1) during presyncope. PaCO2 did not change. Maintained tilt resulted in central volume depletion reflected by changes in MAP, HR, and thoracic electrical impedance but not in CVP. Transcranial Doppler derived indices of cerebral perfusion demonstrated critically low values despite marked increase in conductance index. 相似文献
本文联合应用二维、脉冲式和连续式多普勒技术测定了15例动脉导管未闭患儿的主动脉体积血流、动脉导管两侧收缩期最大压力阶差、舒张末期压力阶差和平均压力阶差,并同时用袖带法测量肱动脉压,由此分别计算肺循环量、肺动脉收缩压、舒张压和平均压及肺总阻力,与心导管术测值比较相关性良好(相关系数r=0.87~0.94)。提出并证实了应用二维/多普勒超声心动图可对动脉导管未闭的肺循环血流动力学改变作出系统的定量诊断。 相似文献
Blake G. Perry Zachary J. Schlader Aaron Raman Darryl J. Cochrane Samuel J. E. Lucas Toby Mündel 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》2013,33(6):483-488
Lower body positive pressure (LBPP) has been used in the treatment of haemorrhagic shock and in offsetting g‐force induced fluid shifts. However, the middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity (MCAv) response to supine LBPP is unknown. Fifteen healthy volunteers (mean ± SD: age, 26 ± 5 year; body mass, 79 ± 10 kg; height, 174 ± 9 cm) completed 5 minutes of 20 and 40 mm Hg LBPP, in a randomized order, separated by 5 minutes rest (baseline). Beat‐to‐beat MCAv and blood pressure, partial pressure of end‐tidal carbon dioxide (PETCO2) and heart rate were recorded and presented as the change from the preceding baseline. All measures were similar between baseline periods (all P>0·30). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased by 7 ± 6 (8 ± 7%) and 13 ± 7 mm Hg (19 ± 11%) from baseline during 20 and 40 mm Hg (P<0·01), respectively. The greater MAP increase at 40 mm Hg (P<0·01 versus 20 mm Hg) was mediated via a greater increase in total peripheral resistance (P<0·01), with heart rate, cardiac output (Model flow) and PETCO2 remaining unchanged (all P>0·05) throughout. MCAv increased from baseline by 3 ± 4 cm s?1 (5 ± 5%) during 20 mm Hg (P = 0·003), whilst no change (P = 0·18) was observed during 40 mm Hg. Our results indicate a divergent response, in that 20 mm Hg LBPP‐induced modest increases in both MCAv and MAP, yet no change in MCAv was observed at the higher LBPP of 40 mm Hg despite a further increase in MAP. 相似文献
Introduction: Stellate ganglion block (SGB) is commonly performed for upper extremity complex regional pain syndrome and other conditions. Known complications of stellate block include Horner's syndrome, hoarseness, hematoma formation, airway compromise, immediate seizure (presumably from vertebral artery injection), and death. A previous arterial anatomy study demonstrated other vessels, eg, the ascending and deep cervical arteries, reinforcing the blood supply of the spinal cord and brain stem. The potential role of these vessels in the pathogenesis of seizures or hematoma during SGB has not been studied.
Methods: The anatomical recording log from 10 cadaver dissections and photographic records of same were reviewed to ascertain the presence of the ascending or deep cervical arteries, or other branches emanating from the thyrocervical or costocervical trunk and their relationship to the medial anterior surface of the C6 and C7 transverse processes.
Results: In 4 cases, as determined by the dissection log, and in 6 cases, determined by photographic images, the ascending cervical artery or a branch from the thyrocervical trunk passed over the anterior aspect of the transverse processes of C6 or C7.
Discussion: Arterial vessels other than the vertebral artery that also supply the anterior spinal cord and brain stem pass directly anterior to the transverse processes at the most common sites of the SGB. It is anatomically possible, therefore, that accidental injection or induced spasm of these vessels and not the vertebral arteries is responsible for some cases of seizure, hematoma, or other vascular complications during SGB. 相似文献
Methods: The anatomical recording log from 10 cadaver dissections and photographic records of same were reviewed to ascertain the presence of the ascending or deep cervical arteries, or other branches emanating from the thyrocervical or costocervical trunk and their relationship to the medial anterior surface of the C6 and C7 transverse processes.
Results: In 4 cases, as determined by the dissection log, and in 6 cases, determined by photographic images, the ascending cervical artery or a branch from the thyrocervical trunk passed over the anterior aspect of the transverse processes of C6 or C7.
Discussion: Arterial vessels other than the vertebral artery that also supply the anterior spinal cord and brain stem pass directly anterior to the transverse processes at the most common sites of the SGB. It is anatomically possible, therefore, that accidental injection or induced spasm of these vessels and not the vertebral arteries is responsible for some cases of seizure, hematoma, or other vascular complications during SGB. 相似文献
Michael Kjr Thomas Mohr Flemming Dela Niels Secher Henrik Galbo Hanne Lis Olesen Fin Biering Srensen Sren Schifter 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》2001,21(1):32-38
Exercise‐induced increases in cardiac output (CO) and oxygen uptake (VO2) are tightly coupled, as also in absence of central motor activity and neural feedback from skeletal muscle. Neuromodulators of vascular tone and cardiac function – such as calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) – may be of importance. Spinal cord injured individuals (six tetraplegic and four paraplegic) performed electrically induced cycling (FES) with their paralyzed lower limbs for 29 ± 2 min to fatigue. Voluntary cycling performed both at VO2 similar to FES and at maximal exercise in six healthy subjects served as control. In healthy subjects, CGRP in plasma increased only during maximal exercise (33·8 ± 3·1 pmol l?1 (rest) to 39·5 ± 4·3 (14%, P<0·05)) with a mean extraction over the working leg of 10% (P<0·05). Spinal cord injured individuals had more pronounced increase in plasma CGRP (33·2 ± 3·8 to 46·9 ± 3·6 pmol l?1, P<0·05), and paraplegic and tetraplegic individuals increased in average by 23% and 52%, respectively, with a 10% leg extraction in both groups (P<0·05). The exercise induced increase in leg blood flow was 10–12 fold in both spinal cord injured and controls at similar VO2 (P<0·05), whereas CO increased more in the controls than in spinal man. Heart rate (HR) increased more in paraplegic subjects (67 ± 7 to 132 ± 15 bpm) compared with controls and tetraplegics (P<0·05). Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was unchanged during submaximal exercise and increased during maximal exercise in healthy subjects, but decreased during the last 15 min of exercise in the tetraplegics. It is concluded that plasma CGRP increases during exercise, and that it is taken up by contracting skeletal muscle. The study did not allow for a demonstration of the origin of the CGRP, but its release does not require activation of motor centres. Finally, the more marked increase in plasma CGRP and the decrease in blood pressure during exercise in tetraplegic humans may indicate a role of CGRP in regulation of vascular tone during exercise. 相似文献
An investigation of the feasibility and validity of measurement of the conjunctival oxygen tension as a monitor of peripheral circulation, blood and extracellular fluid volume and cerebral circulation was carried out in 7 healthy volunteers and 5 unconscious critical care patients with proven total cerebral infarction. The healthy volunteers were subjected to changes in hydration achieved by the administration of furosemide and subsequent rehydration by administration of normal saline. Conjunctival oxygen tension was found to be a sensitive indicator of changes in the degree of hydration presumably by its ability to detect changes in peripheral circulation depending upon circulating blood and extracellular fluid volume. A drawback is that other stimuli of the sympatho-adrenergic system such as temperature and pain, interfere with measurement in the conscious volunteer. In patients with presumed total brain infarction the conjunctival PO2 cannot be used as a reliable monitor of cerebral blood flow because of varying perfusion of the palpebral conjunctiva from the external carotid artery in the occasional patient. 相似文献
多普勒超声对94例脐动脉血流频谱S/D值的研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
金欣荷 《中国超声医学杂志》1991,7(3):165-166
我们自1990年2月至今对89例孕龄15~41周的健康孕妇,4例疑有宫内发育迟缓(IUGR)及1例有畸胎史的孕妇在脐带的三个部位,即胎盘附着点(P)、脐带游离部(M)及胎儿脐部附着点(A)进行超声多普勒检查,测量脐动脉血流频谱中收缩期速度峰值(S)、舒张末期速度最低值(D),平均速度(V),并计算S/D值。结果健康孕妇组在脐带三个部位所测得的S/D值不一致,A点处最高,P点处最低,又随着孕令的增加,S/D值呈现有规律的递减趋势。另4例疑有IUGR的孕妇中2例在P点所测得的S/D值异常升高,1例有畸胎史的孕妇在P点处的S/D值也升高。以上得出的结论和国内外许多学者所提出的论点一致。证实超声多普勒检查不失为一种简便、安全且可定量估计胎盘血管阻力的新检查技术,从而判断胎盘功能和预示胎儿健康状况。 相似文献
J. P. Haberer G. Audibert C. G. Saunier C. Müller M. C. Laxenaire D. Hartemann 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》1993,13(2):197-207
Summary. The effect of propofol and thiopentone on cerebral (CBF), myocardial (MBF), muscular, and arterial hepatic blood flow was assessed with radiolabeled microspheres in 12 chronically instrumented dogs, six given propofol and six thiopentone. Tissue blood flows were measured in the awake animal, after 30 min of normoxic anaesthesia (room air), and after 30 min of hypoxic anaesthesia using a mixture of 10% O2 and 3% CO2 in nitrogen. The decrease in CBF from awake to normoxic anaesthesia was similar with propofol and thiopentone (propofol: 77 ±8 to 38±3 ml min-1 100 g-1, P<0.01; thiopentone: 66±3 to 33±2 ml min-1 100 g-1, P<0.01). During hypoxia, CBF rose moderately in the two groups (respectively + 19% and +28%, P<0.05). The MBF increased in propofol and thiopentone groups after 30 min of anaesthesia with air (propofol: 97 ±23 to 137 ± 15 ml min-1 100 g-1; thiopentone: 82 ±7 to 141 ± 10 ml min-1 100 g-1) and increased still more during hypoxia. The increase in MBF was related to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. The quadriceps blood flow decreased during anaesthesia in normoxia and in hypoxia. The diaphragmatic blood flow increased with thiopentone under hypoxia. The hepatic arterial blood flow was unchanged. It is concluded that the effects of propofol on regional blood flows are very similar to those of thiopentone. 相似文献
Rossi P Tauzin L Weiss M Rostain JC Sainty JM Boussuges A 《Clinical physiology and functional imaging》2007,27(3):180-184
OBJECTIVE: In critically ill patients, a decrease in whole body oxygen consumption under hyperoxia has been reported and this could be related to hyperoxia-induced arterial changes. We investigated changes in brachial artery circulation and tone during short-term hyperoxic ventilation in septic patients. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective clinical study in the intensive care unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Fourteen patients (severe sepsis n=3 and septic shock n=11) requiring mechanically controlled ventilation due to sepsis syndrome were investigated under stable clinical conditions. INTERVENTIONS: After a 20-min period of hyperoxic ventilation (inspired oxygen fraction = 100%), two-dimensional images of brachial artery cross-sectional area and brachial blood flow velocities were recorded using conventional ultrasonography and pulsed Doppler simultaneously with invasive arterial pressure measurements. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Hyperoxia did not affect heart rate, but increased mean arterial pressure and decreased cross-sectional areas both at the end of diastole and at the end of systole. Haemodynamic study showed an increase in resistance index, and a decrease in distensibility and compliance coefficients. Furthermore, a decrease in brachial artery blood flow and arterial oxygen delivery was observed during hyperoxic exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Hyperoxia was paradoxically demonstrated to decrease oxygen delivery in upper limbs during septic shock. 相似文献