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目的了解某院医院感染现状及危险因素,为更好地预防与控制医院感染及进一步完善医院感染管理计划与措施提供科学依据。方法采用横断面调查,床旁与病历调查相结合的方法,对2012年5月10日00∶00-24∶00该院所有住院患者进行医院感染现患率调查。结果应查住院患者2 700例,实查2 684例,实查率为99.41%。共发生医院感染67例,74例次,医院感染现患率为2.50%,例次现患率为2.76%;发生社区感染171例,182例次,社区感染现患率为6.37%,例次现患率为6.78%。医院感染现患率最高的科室是干细胞移植病房(25.00%,2/8),其次为血液科(7.77%,8/103)和整形科(6.82%,3/44);医院感染部位以下呼吸道居首位(41.90%),其次为泌尿系统(10.81%)和手术切口(9.46%)。抗菌药物使用率为32.94%(884/2 684),其中预防用药占76.24%,治疗+预防用药占3.28%,治疗用药占20.48%;抗菌药物单一用药占86.65%,二联用药占12.78%,三联及以上用药占0.57%。多因素logistic回归模型结果显示,单纯气管切开、留置导尿、经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉置管(PICC)、留置引流和肠内营养是医院感染的危险因素。结论医院感染现患率调查有助于了解医院感染发生情况;医院应加强重点科室的医院感染管理,尽量避免不必要的侵入性操作,规范、合理使用抗菌药物,以降低医院感染发生率。  相似文献   

Maternal anemia is a frequent problem during pregnancy, especially in developing countries, such as Pakistan. In this context, the present study was conducted to determine factors associated with maternal anemia prevalent among women of different age groups visiting different hospitals in Lahore from February to April 2017. The current study used a cross-sectional design involving 390 pregnant women. Data related to demographic area, maternal age, gestational age/period, educational and income level, as well as socioeconomic status of all the participants were collected. Also, hemoglobin levels of the participants were obtained for assessment of maternal anemia. A total of 57.7% of participants were anemic (34.4 % mild and 23.3% moderate anemia). Bivariate analysis showed that less education (p = 0.01), occupation as housewife (p = 0.03), lower income (p = 0.001), rural residence (p = 0.028), and greater number of house members (p = 0.04) were significantly associated with maternal anemia. Results of multivariable logistic regression showed that low income was the only significant factor independently associated with maternal anemia. These results suggest that interventions, such as the Nutrition Support Program, to improve nutritional status of pregnant women by providing free food supplements with focus on the poor and marginalized communities are recommended to prevent anemia.  相似文献   

韩珍  李晓芬  冷雪 《现代预防医学》2015,(10):1850-1850
摘要:目的 探讨惠州市人群结核分枝杆菌耐药状况及其影响因素,为临床合理用药及结核病有效控制提供参考。方法 选取2013年5月-2014年4月期间某院门诊病人及惠城区、惠东县、惠阳县、博罗县、龙门县及惠州市大亚湾地区送检的痰标本进行培养,经培养阳性的结核分枝杆菌,采用 1%比例法进行一线抗结核用药(INH、RFP、EMB、SM)药敏试验,统计药敏结果并分析原因。结果 共收集1 248株阳性分枝杆菌,其中1 179株(94.47%)为结核分枝杆菌。1 179株结核分枝杆菌中,799株(67.77%)对4种抗结核病药均有敏感性,即总体耐药率为32.23%,单耐药率为11.96%,多耐药率为7.89%,耐多药率为12.38%;获得性耐药率明显高于初始耐药率;结核分支杆菌对4种抗结核药物的耐药率为INH(12.27%)>RFP(8.04%)>SM(7.31%)>EMB(4.86%)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,耐药的发生与户籍类型、抗结核治疗史有关(P均<0.05);耐多药的发生与年龄、性别、户籍类型、抗结核治疗史有关(P均<0.05)。结论 惠州市人群结核分枝杆菌耐药率高,耐多药率高和获得性耐药率高,有必要加强抗结核药物耐药性的监测,指导临床合理用药,采取切实措施控制耐药结核的蔓延。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study compares the prevalence of Mantoux positivity among prisoners in NSW in 1996 and 2001 and examines factors associated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. DESIGN: Cross-sectional random samples of prisoners, including a longitudinal cohort of prisoners screened in both 1996 and 2001. Setting: 29 correctional centres. PARTICIPANTS: 747 men and 167 women participated in the 2001 NSW Inmate Health Survey; a cohort of 104 prisoners from the 1996 and 2001 NSW Inmate Health Surveys. RESULTS: The prevalence of Mantoux positivity remained stable between 1996 and 2001 (12% and 14%, p = 0.2), and increased among prisoners from Asian backgrounds (21% and 47%, p = 0.02). The annual risk of infection in the cohort among those detained continuously between 1996 and 2001 was 3.1%, and among recidivists it was 2.7% (p = 0.6). CONCLUSION: The risk of M. tuberculosis infection for Australian prisoners is assessed to be approximately four times higher than that for the community, however there is no attributable risk to the prison environment itself.  相似文献   

目的了解某院医院感染的现状以及抗菌药物的使用情况。方法采用横断面调查的方法,对2013年8月21日该院所有住院患者医院感染现患率、抗菌药物使用情况以及病原学送检率进行调查。结果共调查住院患者2 238例,发生医院感染104例,126例次,医院感染现患率为4.65%,例次现患率为5.63%。医院感染部位居前4位的是下呼吸道(28.57%)、上呼吸道(18.25%)、泌尿道(7.94%)和胃肠道(4.76%);标本送检率为91.35%(95/104),标本来源以痰液(26.32%)居首位,其次为血液(25.26%)、尿液(10.53%)等。抗菌药物使用率为24.58%,其中治疗、预防+治疗、预防用药分别占36.55%、45.09%和18.36%;抗菌药物单一、二联和三联用药率分别为75.82%、20.91%、3.27%。危险因素分析结果显示,年龄(<15岁或>60岁)、各种侵入性操作(气管切开、使用呼吸机、泌尿道插管、动静脉置管和血液透析)、抗肿瘤化学治疗是医院感染的危险因素。结论医院感染现患率调查有助于了解医院感染和抗菌药物使用情况,以及发生医院感染的高危因素和高危科室,为后期有效开展医院感染目标性监测提供有力的依据。  相似文献   

To estimate the prevalence of latent tuberculosis (TB) infection (LTBI) in Italian dental students exposed to the same occupational risks as dental health care personnel and to evaluate potential risk factors, a cross-sectional study was conducted on undergraduate and postgraduate students. After clinical evaluation, students were given a tuberculin skin test; in those found positive, an interferon-γ release assay (IGRA) was conducted. Of the 281 students enrolled, 10 were only TST positive; 8 were TST or/and IGRA positive. We found that participants testing positive at TST and/or IGRA, a group in which the risk of false LTBI positives is minimal, were older and had been studying longer. Although the prevalence of LTBI among dental students in our study was low, a risk of acquiring a work-related infection exists even in a country with a low incidence of TB. Thus, dental students should be screened to catch LTBI early on.  相似文献   

田随安  马彦民 《中国公共卫生》2011,27(12):1537-1539
目的 了解河南省吸毒人群人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染状况及其相关危险因素,为针对其制订艾滋病防治措施提供科学依据。方法 于2009年1月-2010年6月对河南省美沙酮维持治疗门诊收治的836名吸毒者进行行为学和血清学调查,分析其HIV、HCV感染的危险因素。结果 836名吸毒者HIV抗体阳性者12例,阳性率为1.44%,HCV抗体阳性者32例,阳性率为3.83%;HIV/HCV合并感染率为0.8%(7/836);近半年吸毒方式为单纯注射的人群合并感染率为12.1%(7/58);曾共用针具人群的合并感染率为9.5%(2/21);20.5%(171/836)的吸毒者曾注射过毒品;66.7%(565/836)的吸毒者曾戒毒,但均未成功;在进入美沙酮门诊时59.7%(499/836)的研究对象尿检阳性,提示近期曾使用毒品。结论 吸毒人群是HIV、HCV感染的易感人群,同时其存在多种导致HIV传播的危险因素;应加强美沙酮维持治疗,降低吸毒人群高危行为,遏制艾滋病在该人群中的传播。  相似文献   

We conducted a 4-year (1/89–12/92) retrospective cohort study among employees at a large metropolitan hospital where a nosocomial outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) had occurred. We compared the risk of tuberculin skin test (TST) conversion among employees who worked on wards where patients with culture-confirmed TB were cared for (“exposed”) with the risk among employees who worked on wards with no such patients (“unexposed”). Exposed employees had a higher 4-year risk of TST conversion (14.5%) than unexposed employees (1.4%) (adjusted relative risk 13.4; 95 percent confidence interval 5.1–35.2). Exposed employees had significantly higher risks of conversion than unexposed employees during 1989–91, but not for 1992. Among the exposed, ward clerks had a risk of conversion (15.6%) only slightly lower than nurses (18.2%). We conclude that employees who worked in areas where patients with active M. tuberculosis infection were cared for, including workers who did not provide direct patient care, had a higher risk of TST conversion than employees who did not work in these areas. Reasons for the decline in risk over time include outbreak termination, fewer admissions of patients with TB, implementation of effective infection control measures, and possible resistance to infection in some members of the study population. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:528–534, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) can be transmitted to susceptible healthcare workers via inhalation of droplet nuclei carrying viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli. Several types of respiratory protective devices are compared with respect to efficacy against droplet nuclei penetration: surgical masks, disposable dust/mist particulate respirators (PRs), elastomeric halfmask respirators with high-efficiency (HEPA) filters, and powered airpurifying respirators (PAPRs) with elastomeric halfmask facepieces and HEPA filters. It is estimated that these devices permit, respectively, 42%, 5.7%, 2%, and 0.39% penetration of droplet nuclei into the facepiece. More limited data for the disposable HEPA filtering-facepiece respirator suggest that it would allow droplet nuclei penetration of 3% or less, similar to the value estimated for the elastomeric halfmask HEPA filter respirator. Because a respirator wearer's cumulative infection risk depends on the extent of droplet nuclei penetration, the cumulative risk will differ, given use of these different respirators. Hypothetical but realistic “low-exposure” and “high-exposure” scenarios are posed that involve, respectively, a 1.6% and a 6.4% annual risk of infection for healthcare workers. For the low-exposure scenario, the 10-year cumulative risks given no respirators versus surgical masks versus disposable dust/mist PRs versus elastomeric halfmask HEPA filter respirators versus HEPA filter PAPRs are, respectively, 15%, 6.7%, 0.94%, 0.33%, and .064%. For the high-exposure scenario, the 10-year cumulative risks for no respirator use versus use of the same four types of respirators are, respectively, 48%, 24%, 3.7%, 1.3%, and 0.26%. The use of disposable HEPA filtering-facepiece respirator should permit cumulative risks close to those estimated for the elastomeric halfmask HEPA filter respirator. It is concluded that when an infectious TB patient undergoes a procedure that generates respiratory aerosols, and when droplet nuclei source control is inadequate, healthcare workers attending the patient may need to wear highly protective respirators, such as HEPA filter PAPRs.  相似文献   

An estimated 150-200 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. Prevalence is higher in some countries in Asia and Africa. Only limited information about the epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection especially in females is available. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies and the possible factors for transmission in the female population of a largely urban city Islamabad. A cross sectional study was conducted from May 2006 to August 2006 in Islamabad. We select 252 female households (n=252) following the selection criteria. The primary outcome variables were HCV seropositivity and factors like history of major surgical procedure, blood transfusion, Intravenous drug use etc. The results showed mean age of the sample was 33.21 (±9.95) years and HCV seropositivity was present in 62 (24.6%) females. Final Forward Stepwise multiple logistic regression showed blood transfusion [OR, 10.094 95% CI 1.950-52.257], dental procedure [OR, 5.381 95% CI 2.315-12.507] and dilation and curettage [OR, 3.869 95% 1.867-8.015] were significantly associated with HCV seropositivity in females. The study highlights poor quality of care provided and a massive need to educate general population including patients as well as health professionals and allied health workers.  相似文献   

Feeding practices may have an important impact on diarrheal diseases in developing countries. This study evaluated feeding practices in three groups of male children aged 6-36 mo: 100 with persistent diarrhea (PD), 79 with acute diarrhea (AD), and 86 in a comparison group (CG). The children came from comparably poor socioeconomic settings in Karachi, Pakistan, except that the literacy rates were higher in mothers of the CG (P = 0.0001). Although greater than 95% of all infants were breast-fed, delayed initiation of breast-feeding was more common in the diarrhea groups. Children with diarrhea were also more likely to receive supplemental milk (PD = 92%, AD = 87%) than were children in the CG (69%, P less than 0.05). Feedings were not withheld during diarrhea but changes were made in the nature of foods given. These results indicate that several feeding practices may be important risk factors for diarrhea in Pakistan.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Although the incidence of syphilis is generally low, it remains an important global public health problem, given its interaction with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It has been shown that syphilis, due to the genital ulcers it produces, is a co-factor for acquiring other STDs, principally those of viral origin such as herpes simples type 2, hepatitis B and HIV. Many female commercial sex workers (FCSW) in Mexico have been found to have acquired good levels of knowledge about STD prevention. Nevertheless, they constitute a heterogeneous group in terms of socio-economic level, health status and type of work site; these factors in turn appear to determine their attitudes, knowledge and behavior related to acquiring and transmitting STDs, including syphilis. This study, therefore, focused on the factors associated with Treponema pallidum infection in this group of women. METHOD: Based on a sample frame of sites where female commercial sex work takes place within Mexico City, a sample of 807 FCSWs was selected; after providing informed consent, they completed a structured questionnaire. A blood sample for identifying serologic markers for STDs was collected and analyzed according to a procedure manual for STD diagnosis. Treponema pallidum was diagnosed using the RPR (Bigaux Diagnostica) screening test, and FTA-ABS (Pasteur Diagnostics) for confirmation. RESULTS: The prevalence of syphilis in this sample of FCSWs was 6.4% (52/807), and was higher among women who worked at street sites than among those who worked in massage parlors. The age of the women interviewed ranged from 17 to 58 years, with a mean of 29.2 years (SD 7.3 years); syphilis was more prevalent among women over 30 years of age. Age at first sexual intercourse ranged from 11 to 30 years, with a mean of 16 years (SD 3.1 years), which is similar to that of the general female population in Mexico. Predictive factors for T. pallidum infection, determined adjusted logistic regression, included: tupe of by work site (bar and street sites); socio-economic level (middle and low); age (over 30 years); duration of involvement in sex work (> 5 years) and number of clients per week (> 10). CONCLUSION: In spite of some limitations regarding statistical precision, this study shows that FCSWs are heterogeneous in terms of risk of acquiring STDs, including syphilis; the principal differentiating factor was shown to be the type of work site. Given that it is not belonging to a risk group but rather participating in risky practices that leads to acquiring STDs, situations that facilitate riskier or safer practices (such as type of sex work site, for sex workers) should be taken into account when studying people's risk level. STD prevention campaigns must also consider these factors, in addition to focusing on FCSWs and their clients and personal partners, so that all involved assume their responsibility for safer sex.  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence of, and factors associated with, Helicobacter pylori infection in 222 subjects from 3 distinct communities of native populations (Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indians and 2 riverine communities living on the banks of the Machado river and in Portuchuelo) living in isolation in the rainforest of Brazilian Western Amazon. The overall prevalence was 78.8% (95% CI 72.7-83.9). The prevalence was higher in the Machado river community compared with Portuchuelo (chi2 = 3.84, P = 0.05), but no significant difference was observed between the Machado river community and the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau Indians. Logistic regression showed that residential crowding and age were factors associated with the presence of H. pylori infection. Acquisition of the bacterium started early in life and by the age of 2 years 50% of children were infected. The prevalence increased with age, reaching near universal levels during adulthood (97.9%). Residential crowding was high with a global index of 3.3 persons/room (SD = 1.8), varying significantly between the 3 communities (P = 0.001). These data provide further evidence supporting direct person-to-person spread of the bacterium.  相似文献   

Infection with Mycobacterium avium complex is acquired from the environment, but risk factors for M. avium complex infection and disease are poorly understood. To identify risk factors for infection, the authors performed a 1998-2000 cross-sectional study in western Palm Beach County, Florida, using a population-based random household survey. M. avium complex infection was identified by use of the M. avium sensitin skin test. Of 447 participants, 147 (32.9%) had a positive test reaction, 186 (41.6%) had a negative test reaction, and, for 114 (25.5%), test results were indeterminate. Among the 333 participants with positive or negative M. avium sensitin skin tests, age-adjusted independent predictors of M. avium complex infection in a multivariate model included Black race (odds ratio = 3.8, 95% confidence interval: 2.2, 6.6), birth outside the United States (odds ratio = 2.1, 95% confidence interval: 1.1, 3.9), and more than 6 years' cumulative occupational exposure to soil (odds ratio = 2.7, 95% confidence interval: 1.3, 6.0). Exposure to water, food, or pets was not associated with infection. Results indicate that soil is a reservoir for M. avium complex associated with human infection and that persons whose occupations involve prolonged soil exposure are at increased risk of M. avium complex infection.  相似文献   

目的了解青岛地区结核分枝杆菌耐药情况及耐药产生的影响因素,为结核病的防治提供科学依据。 方法以青岛市2013年结防所新登记的490例结核分枝杆菌感染的涂阳肺结核病人为研究对象,采用WHO/IUATLD 推荐的比例法进行耐药性检测;多因素分析采用多因素logistic回归分析;统计软件为SPSS 18.0。 结果青岛地区结核分枝杆菌总耐药率为22.45%,初治肺结核患者耐药率为21.75%,复治肺结核患者耐药率为38.09%,耐多药率为4.69%;多因素logistic结果显示,治疗依从性差(OR=9.97,95%=5.16~19.28)、居住地为农村(OR=6.22,95%=3.27~11.83)、年龄(OR=1.77,95%=1.30~2.39)是青岛市肺结核发生耐药的主要危险因素。结论青岛地区耐药结核病疫情相对严重,且既往治疗史、治疗过程中依从性、居住地是影响肺结核发病的主要的非生物学因素。  相似文献   

Several recent studies have used proportions of tuberculosis cases sharing identical DNA fingerprint patterns (i.e., isolate clustering) to estimate the extent of disease attributable to recent transmission. Using a model of introduction and transmission of strains with different DNA fingerprint patterns, we show that the properties and interpretation of clustering statistics may differ substantially between settings. For some unindustrialized countries, where the annual risk for infection has changed little over time, 70% to 80% of all age groups may be clustered during a 3-year period, which underestimates the proportion of disease attributable to recent transmission. In contrast, for a typical industrialized setting (the Netherlands), clustering declines with increasing age (from 75% to 15% among young and old patients, respectively) and underestimates the extent of recent transmission only for young patients. We conclude that, in some settings, clustering is an unreliable indicator of the extent of recent transmission.  相似文献   

In 2001-2002, a multicenter, prospective case-control study involving 1,714 participants > or =5 years of age was conducted in Australia to identify risk factors for Campylobacter infection. Adjusted population-attributable risks (PARs) were derived for each independent risk factor contained within the final multivariable logistic regression model. Estimated PARs were combined with adjusted (for the > or =5 years of age eligibility criterion) notifiable disease surveillance data to estimate annual Australian Campylobacter case numbers attributable to each risk factor. Simulated distributions of "credible values" were then generated to model the uncertainty associated with each case number estimate. Among foodborne risk factors, an estimated 50,500 (95% credible interval 10,000-105,500) cases of Campylobacter infection in persons > or =5 years of age could be directly attributed each year to consumption of chicken in Australia. Our statistical technique could be applied more widely to other communicable diseases that are subject to routine surveillance.  相似文献   

目的了解医院感染现患率及医院感染发生的危险因素。方法采取床旁调查和同期住院病历调查相结合的方法,调查2010年7月26日所有住院患者的医院感染患病情况。结果应调查898例,实查866例,实查率96.44%,患者现患率和感染例次现患率分别为3.00%和3.23%;logistic回归显示,在排除混杂因素后,年龄、动静脉插管、化疗和住院天数是医院感染独立的危险因素。结论感染控制工作应重点关注年龄>60岁、有动静脉插管、化疗以及住院天数较长的患者。  相似文献   

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