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医学科普报刊创新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨医学科普报刊提高健康传播效果的方法。[方法]从内容、观念、策划、新闻、标题和版面6个方面来展开讨论。[结果]医学科普报刊要有强烈的创新意识才能吸引广大读者。[结论]提高医学科普报刊的质量,是传播健康的有效途径。  相似文献   

论卫生科普创作的“三性”要素   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
改革开放以来 ,随着社会的进步 ,人民生活水平的提高以及全民健康教育的不断深入 ,卫生科普工作得到了迅猛的发展。据不完全统计 ,在全国范围内 ,各类卫生科普期刊、杂志、报纸已超过了 2 0 0 0种 (版 )以上。卫生科普的普及与繁荣 ,为增强广大人民群众的大卫生观念 ,促进老百姓的健康保健意识起到了积极的推动作用。尤其是一些品位及层次较高、贴近老百姓生活、可读性较强的指导性文章 ,更是备受广大读者的欢迎。然而不尽如人意的是 ,在众多卫生科普读物之中 ,也确实存在着不少不健康、不科学的东西。加之一些作者平时所积累的知识面比较狭…  相似文献   

脱口秀作为一种受到大众喜爱的电视节目形式,与健康科普的结合为健康教育机构开展健康知识普及带来了新的传播手段。“脱口秀+健康科普”以健康为话题,将健康知识、健康理念和健康技能以幽默逗趣的方式进行传播,唤起公众的健康意识,塑造健康行为。本文以广州市卫生健康宣传教育中心在广州电视台开办的《健康羊城脱口秀》节目为例,总结“脱口秀+健康科普”的实践经验,为健康教育机构利用脱口秀开展健康传播提出建议。  相似文献   

护士的重要职责包括促进健康、预防疾病、恢复健康和减轻痛苦,护士对疾病知识的健康科普则贯穿在护理的整个过程。如今,护士健康科普宣传的方式也根据人群、地点、内容变得多种多样。通俗易懂的解说词,加以合适的图片、动画制作的健康护理小视频,能让人们更方便地认识疾病,更顺畅地学习疾病的预防知识。  相似文献   

健康科普是科普事业的重要组成部分。公立医院是我国医疗卫生系统的正规军,也应该成为健康科普的主力军。本文通过梳理、总结我国健康科普相关政策,结合公立医院健康科普工作实际情况和存在的问题,从六个方面对公立医院的健康科普工作提出建议。  相似文献   

增强医学科普作品的休闲功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许永杰 《中国健康教育》2001,17(12):754-755
在当今信息时代 ,具有科学普及与休闲娱乐双重功能的医学科普作品是深受人们欢迎的精神食粮。这种近些年来不断出现的高品味的医学科普作品 ,不仅能使人们增长知识 ,而且也使读者在紧张的工作之余 ,收到松弛身心、缓解疲劳的效果。不难理解 ,医学科普的休闲功能 ,是指作为信息载体的医学科普作品 ,能够诱发读者的阅读和运用兴趣 ,产生在休闲之时愉悦的心理体验 ,指导人们在业余时间做一些自己喜欢的积极向上的事情 ,科学安排衣食住行 ,进而提高人们的自我保健意识和能力 ,为人民健康服务。缺乏休闲功能的医学科普作品易遭冷落随着当代科学技…  相似文献   

在铁路卫生防疫工作中,健康教育科的大量工作是进行健康教育的宣传。因此各类宣传品的编辑方法的优劣将直接影响其工作的质量。  相似文献   

目的了解三明市居民健康科普视频的需求状况,并探讨用于开展健康教育的可行性和方法。方法用随机拦截过往路人法,调查三明市区居民500人,用《三明市居民健康科普视频需求调查问卷》开展调查并分析。结果三明市98.6%的居民日常生活中有通过互联网获取健康科普知识;53.3%的居民日常生活中会通过互联网观看健康科普视频;86.7%的居民在看到感兴趣的健康科普视频时会分享给家人或朋友;不同年龄段和文化程度的居民对健康科普视频的内容和类型有不同需求;健康科普视频时长应尽量控制在10 min以内。结论用健康科普视频开展健康教育是一种重要手段,在实际工作中应注意其方法。  相似文献   

医院健康教育是全民健康教育的重要组成部分,随着现代科技进步及医学模式的改变,人们的健康观念发生了深刻的变化。目前我国传统的医学健康教育模式已经不能满足大众的需要,如何利用医院现有的人力物力资源,探索出新的健康教育途径,调动公众的主观能动性,激发其主动获取健康知识的兴趣,达到提高健康教育影响力、提升公众科学素养及健康水平的目的,成为当今医院开展健康教育工作需要思考和探讨的问题。本文以北京安贞医院设立互动体验型健康科普展厅为例,探讨医院设立健康科普展厅的现实意义和前景。  相似文献   

卫生谚语与格言谚语来自民间 ,涉及面广 ,内容丰富 ,具有语言精炼、通俗、形象、易懂等优点。简洁的谚语往往引出含意很深的哲理 ,阐明一个观点 ,道出一个问题 ,如“太阳给人类带来光明 ,卫生为人类增进健康” ,“锻炼是健康的基础 ,卫生是健康的保证”等。由于谚语来自群众 ,故生命力较强 ,并能在群众中广泛流传[1 3] 。格言是言简意赅 ,能够启迪思想 ,规范言行的语录。社会文明程度愈高 ,科学愈发达 ,知识信息愈丰富 ,人们愈喜爱这种简明、深刻、凝聚智慧的语言形式。如 :“健全自己的身体 ,保持合理的规律生活 ,这是自我修养的物质基础…  相似文献   

Innovation center will teach employees to be more creative, differentiate facility. Other companies are more than willing to meet and share their experiences. Innovation seems to be a red-hot topic in every industry except health care.  相似文献   

健康是人类发展和社会繁荣的基础,关系千家万户的幸福。近年来,北京市西城区始终坚持政府主导进行区域规划和卫生资源调整,着眼于最大限度地利用资源、最优选择性地配置资源、最佳组合地对接资源,区域医疗机构、预防保健机构、社区卫生服务机构合理分工、密切配合着城市两级医疗服务体系的建立,全区优质医疗卫生资源发挥着保障西城、服务全市、辐射全国的作用。  相似文献   

Public sector health systems that provide services to poor and marginalized populations in developing countries face great challenges. Change associated with health sector reform and structural adjustment often leaves these already-strained institutions with fewer resources and insufficient capacity to relieve health burdens. The Strategic Approach to Strengthening Reproductive Health Policies and Programs is a methodological innovation developed by the World Health Organization and its partners to help countries identify and prioritize their reproductive health service needs, test appropriate interventions, and scale up successful innovations to a subnational or national level. The participatory, interdisciplinary, and country-owned process can set in motion much-needed change. We describe key features of this approach, provide illustrations from country experiences, and use insights from the diffusion of innovation literature to explain the approach's dissemination and sustainability.  相似文献   

Soup preloads in a variety of forms reduce meal energy intake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flood JE  Rolls BJ 《Appetite》2007,49(3):626-634
Consuming soup can enhance satiety and reduce energy intake. Little is known about the influence on energy intake and satiety of varying the form of soup by altering the blending of ingredients. We tested the effects on meal intake of consuming different forms of soup as a preload: broth and vegetables served separately, chunky vegetable soup, chunky-pureed vegetable soup, or pureed vegetable soup. Normal-weight men and women (n = 60) came to the laboratory for lunch once a week for 5 weeks. Each week, one of four compulsory preloads, or no preload, was consumed prior to lunch. A test meal was consumed ad libitum 15 min after the soup was served. Results showed that consuming soup significantly reduced test meal intake and total meal energy intake (preload + test meal) compared to having no soup. When soup was consumed, subjects reduced meal energy intake by 20% (134+/-25 kcal; 561+/-105 kJ). The type of soup had no significant effect on test meal intake or total meal energy intake. Consuming a preload of low-energy-dense soup, in a variety of forms, is one strategy for moderating energy intake in adults.  相似文献   

Abstract While health promotion is widely acknowledged as a practice field where multidisciplinary teamwork is important, within nursing's discipline‐specific literature, a strong argument can be discerned regarding the profession's belief that it has a clear and unique role to play in that field. Yet rarely is this unique role, how it arises, and specifically how its effects are to be demarcated, attended to within the discipline‐specific literature. Two philosophical perspectives on science are presented and we demonstrate the extent to which these two perspectives influence nursing scholarship, including nursing practice within the field of health promotion. We then go on to argue that, for nurses to sustain their claim to a unique and important contribution within health promotion, clear articulation of the philosophical premises underpinning practice methodologies is warranted. Specifically we argue the importance of such clarity within the context of an analysis of the discourse of multidisciplinary practice as a strategy for avoiding confronting the ways in which bio‐medical authority has already significantly demarcated how health promotion practice can proceed.  相似文献   

Citizen science engages members of the public in research design, data collection, and analysis – in asking and answering questions about the world around them. The United States, European Union, and Australia have placed citizen science at the forefront of national science policy. Journals such as Science, Nature and Bioscience regularly feature projects conducted by citizens. Citizen science engages millions of people worldwide. However, to date, population health science has not relied heavily on citizen contributions. Although community-based participatory action research remains a strong foundational method to engage those affected by public health problems, there is additional potential to mainstream population health through wider, less intensive opportunities to be involved in our science. If we are to tackle the complex challenges that face population health then new avenues are needed to capture the energy and attention of citizens who may not feel affected by public health problems, i.e. to engage the ‘by-standers’ in population health science. Particular types of citizen science methods have the potential to do this. But simply increasing the breadth and volume of scientific evidence will not be enough. Complex, intractable, macro-level problems in population health require change in how our journals and funding bodies respond to data generated by the public. Of course, democratisation of science and the potential decentralisation of scientific authority will bring deep challenges. But potentially it brings a future where population health science is better known, understood and respected, with benefits for the types of public policies that derive from this science.  相似文献   

The science of human development has been stimulating a new perspective on health research, highlighting contextual and ecological variables that influence the process of development and condition the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of individuals and groups. The objective of this article is to discuss about the implications of the science of human development for health psychology, specifically for the educational area aimed toward intervention in several contexts of health treatment. Another objective of this article is to critically analyze some methodological aspects os the studies in this area and point current and future tendencies at a more functional analysis of the health-disease process. It is expected that health professionals benefit from the arguments and models proposed by the science of human development, designing environments that are more adequate to the psychological needs of patients and families.  相似文献   

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