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Inactive or abandoned mines represent a significant source of environmental, chemical, physical, and aesthetic impact. Among concerning situations, the occurrence of abandoned or semi-abandoned mine-associated ponds (for sedimentation of solids, for effluent neutralization, or for washing the ore) is a common feature in this type of system. These ponds are a source of contamination for the groundwater resources and adjacent soils, because they lack appropriate impermeabilization. The use of this water for agriculture may also pose chronic risks to humans. In Portugal, these problems have been diagnosed and some remediation projects have been developed. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity of water samples collected from the aquatic system surrounding an abandoned uranium mine (Cunha Baixa, Mangualde, Central Portugal). The present study focuses on the water compartment, whose toxicity was evaluated by means of standard toxicity assays using two Daphnia species (D. longispina and D. magna). Three different ponds were used in the characterization of the aquatic system from Cunha Baixa mine: a reference pond (Ref), a mine effluent treatment pond (T), and a mine pit pond (M). Metal analyses performed in the water samples from these ponds showed values that, in some cases, were much higher than maximum recommendable values established (especially Al, Mn) by Portuguese legislation for waters for crop irrigation. Acute toxicity was only observed in the mine pit pond, with EC50 values of 28.4% and 50.4% for D. longispina and D. magna, respectively. The significant impairment of chronic endpoints, translated in reductions in the population growth rate for both species, gives rise to concerns regarding the potential risks for aquatic zooplanktonic communities, from local receiving waters, potentially exposed to point source discharges of the treated and nontreated effluent from Cunha Baixa uranium mine.  相似文献   

This study assessed the potential of Potamogeton crispus and Pomacea canaliculata as biomonitors of sedimentary metal contamination. The results indicate P. crispus possesses several attributes of a biomonitor and its tissue concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn may reflect the levels of sedimentary contamination by these metals. Although P. canaliculata can accumulate metals to high levels and serve as an indicator of metal contamination, its tissue metal concentrations did not correlate with those of the sediments or macrophytes.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology - Few reports of the relationship exist between mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) from locations of severe Hg contamination in terrestrial...  相似文献   

Introduction Standard treatments for depression and anxiety disorders are generally expected to benefit individuals, employers, and the wider community through improvements in work-functioning and productivity. Although some evidence supports expectations of treatment benefits, these are rarely examined at a population level. Methods We investigated receiving treatment, labor force activity, and self-reported work performance among people with ICD-10 affective and anxiety disorders. Data were collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics using representative multistage sampling strategies. This large household probability sample consisted of 37,580 working age individuals. A secondary analysis was conducted using multiple binary logistic regression. Results After statistically controlling for eight covariates: extent of employment restrictions; mental health status; age; sex; partner status; country of birth; age left school; and educational attainment; receiving treatment was consistently associated with non-participation in the labor force, and was negatively associated with work performance. Conclusions At a population level, receiving treatment for anxiety and depression was negatively associated with being employed or looking for work. This could be an unintended side effect of treatment, although other explanations are also possible. These results justify more specific longitudinal investigations into how different forms of mental health treatment influence labor force activity among working age community residents with anxiety and affective disorders.  相似文献   

The antiviral drug Tamiflu has received particular attention because of its recommended use against the influenza A H5N1 and H1N1 viruses. Given its resistance to degradation and its hydrophilicity the active metabolite, Oseltamivir Carboxylate (OC), is expected to enter the aquatic ecosystem from sewage treatment plants. In the present paper the bacterial community of surface water samples, treated with OC (1.5 mg L−1), was characterized by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) in microcosm experiments. The α-, β- and γ-Proteobacteria increased in OC-treated versus non-treated water samples during the incubation period, suggesting these bacterial groups had an active role in OC degradation.  相似文献   

Research has shown that the provision of brief interventions in the health care system is effective for reducing hazardous drinking. Using a telephone-administered questionnaire, this study provides a population-based investigation on the extent to which physicians address patients' alcohol habits in the Swedish health care system, whether there are gender differences in the extent to which patients receive questions about alcohol, and predictors for receiving such questions. Data were obtained from monthly telephone surveys with around 72,000 people in 2006-2009. Having received an alcohol enquiry was defined as having been asked about one's drinking habits by a physician in any health care visit in the last 12 months. Fourteen percent of the total population had received an alcohol enquiry, but there were considerable gender differences: for hazardous drinkers, 13% of the women and 17% of the men had received an alcohol enquiry; among those with sensible alcohol consumption, 10% of women and 15% of men had received an alcohol enquiry. Patients were more likely to have received an alcohol enquiry if they had self-reported alcohol-related problems, were hazardous drinkers and/or daily smokers. Some of the alcohol enquiry predictors differed by gender; social class was an important predictor for women but not for men.  相似文献   


Drawing on our experiences as an anthropologist and a researcher-activist working with a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) rights NGO in Malawi, this paper presents reflections on the ethics of engaging LGBTI-identified Malawians in research and other projects. While community engagement is normatively discussed as a tactic for creating meaningful dialogue and collaboration between researchers and the researched, this paper advocates a broadening of the term ‘research’ to encompass NGO work and activities with LGBTI persons in order to complicate normative discussions of harm – rooted in biomedical research or clinical trial contexts – that cast it primarily as visible bodily or mental suffering that befalls research participants. First, we discuss some less obvious risks faced by LGBTI-identified volunteer peer educators as they go about their work, and, second, we show how seemingly minor benefits such as provision of per diems for attending workshops generate patron/client relations and mostly unfulfilled expectations for future financial or other support that might be construed as a form of harm. Throughout, we emphasize how LGBTI people learn to navigate an ‘economy of harms,’ a network of social relations that hinge on transactions and obligations that are simultaneously risky and potentially profitable. A more capacious interpretation of harms and benefits – from the perspective of those on the front lines of projects – that arise through modes of engagement can nuance our thinking about the ethics of engagement with key populations living in impoverished and rights-constrained settings such as Malawi.  相似文献   

Investigations into disease outbreaks generally incorporate an epidemiologic investigation, laboratory analysis, and an environmental health assessment. This last component is designed to discover connections between factors in the environment and the outbreak, but is often limited, either by time and resources, or the expertise of the personnel included in outbreak investigation teams. A waterborne Norovirus outbreak investigation in Sheridan County, Wyoming, in 2001 provides an excellent example of the importance of including an in-depth, systems-based environmental health assessment in outbreak investigations. The epidemiologic component of this investigation identified the water supply of a snowmobile lodge in the Bighorn Mountains as the source of the outbreak, a result that was confirmed by laboratory analysis. Including a systems-based environmental health assessment in this investigation also helped to uncover the underlying environmental factors that led to contamination of the water supply. Those factors included an onsite wastewater disposal system that was overloaded by increased use and not well suited to local soil and geologic conditions and a drinking water system with no treatment or disinfection. In addition, heavy precipitation and increased pumping of wells to satisfy higher demands probably facilitated the contamination of the drinking water wells by causing greater movement of wastewater through the soil and underlying bedrock. By focusing on these links between factors in the environment and adverse health outcomes, the systems-based environmental health assessment also helped to highlight prevention strategies for avoiding recurrences.  相似文献   

Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium (VRE) from human wastewater effluents in a nonclinical semiclosed agri-food system in Texas were characterized for susceptibility to antibiotics and disinfectants. The 50 VRE were resistant to eight fluoroquinolones and 10 of 17 antimicrobials typically active against Gram-positive organisms. The VRE were susceptible to quinupristin/dalfopristin and linezolid. Lack of the insertion element IS1251 correlated with VRE susceptibility to streptomycin and gentamicin at p < 0.0001 and p = 0.033, respectively. An association was observed between pulsed-field gel electrophoresis genotypes Ic and II and susceptibility to streptomycin at p = 0.0006. VRE susceptibility for nine disinfectants and five disinfectant components is shown. Ninety-two percent of the isolates had a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for triclosan ≥2 ppm. Triclosan MICs for many of the VRE were well over expected product application levels. No association was observed between antibiotic resistance and disinfectant susceptibility in these VRE. Enterococci multiply-resistant to vancomycin and aminoglycosides were found in a non-hospital environment where one would not expect to find them.  相似文献   

In this analysis, the authors examined the effects of different sets of process, structure, and environmental variables on the performance of the CCOP as a quasi-firm. Specifically, they distinguished between internal organizational processes, structural, and size characteristics of the CCOP and the organizational environment created by prior NCI program experience and the relationship within the quasi-firm. The analysis revealed that these sets of organizational and environmental characteristics have differential effects on treatment accrual. The strongest predictors are those associated with the quasi-firm relationship between the CCOP and its chosen research bases. Any definitive policy implications for the design of organizational network relationships--especially the CCOPs--will require further analysis. Particular attention needs to be given to the longitudinal nature of the relationships and the ability of these organizational and environmental factors to affect other aspects of performance. Several points have been made within this initial assessment. First, the structural character of the CCOP and its relationship to its organizational environment are important factors affecting accrual performance. The subtleties of this multivariate model are not as important as simply demonstrating that the various internal and external characteristics of these organizations as quasi-firms simultaneously affect their ability to accrue patients to clinical trials. Secondly, the importance of research base relations, and particularly the significant role of nurses, needs to be emphasized. While CCOPs were originally designed as a network of physicians and hospitals, it appears that an infrastructure of professionally active nurses working within a larger organizational environment is critical to success--at least as defined by accrual to treatment protocols. Finally, the failure of prior experience with other NCI community programs to affect CCOP accrual performance suggests that such experience does not assure "organizational learning" that may enhance performance. This suggests that CCOPs can be designated de novo to maximize performance without necessarily having to undergo a developmental or experiential phase involving community cancer programs to be effective. However, the authors suspect that another method of characterizing experience may produce different results. Further analyses of these data will test these results against other measures of CCOP performance. Specifically, attention will be given to whether this same set of characteristics is predictive of accrual to cancer control research protocols. Similarly, these same organizational characteristics may or may not be associated with other dimensions of CCOP performance such as changes in physician practice patterns and/or levels of institutionalization of the CCOP within its local community.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article reports on observations of the implementation of a patient-centered care (PCC) work reorganization model in a community hospital setting. Analysis of videotape, direct observation, and interviews with key informants demonstrated the similarities between organizations and families in times of change. We propose a family systems framework for understanding some of the complex relationships and transitional experiences we observed.  相似文献   

无锡市某社区高血压病患者规范化管理效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高血压病是一种严重危险人类健康的疾病,不仅患病率高,且可引起严重的心、脑、肾并发症,是脑卒中、冠心病的主要危险因素.为了提高社区高血压病患者的治疗效果,于2006-2007年对无锡市崇安区小娄巷社区高血压患者进行了规范化管理.  相似文献   

雷红梅  淮建军 《现代预防医学》2012,39(20):5288-5290
目的 分析某社区60周岁以上老年人高血压的患病、控制现状以及相关影响因素,为社区人群高血压的防治管理工作提供依据.方法 2009年对某社区60周岁以上常住居民1 504人进行健康体检和问卷调查,应用Logistic回归分析的方法进行高血压的危险因素分析.结果 高血压总患病率为60.4%,其中,女性既往患者患病率(39.3%)高于男性(32.7%),文盲组总患病率最高(70.2%).既往患者规律服药率为92.3%,其中60~69岁组最高(95.1%).既往患者高血压控制率为30.8%,其中女性(48.7%)高于男性(12.8%).多因素Logistic回归分析表明,男性、超重、肥胖、吸烟、饮酒、文化程度、定期运动、规律服药是高血压患病率与控制率的重要影响因素.结论 高血压是目前影响该社区60周岁及以上老年人健康的主要慢性病之一.本地区高血压患病率较高,控制率较低.女性规律服药率高于男性,规律服药率随着年龄的增大而降低,随着文化程度的提高而升高,80岁以上组规律服药率最低.  相似文献   

Microcosm trials were conducted with the botanical insecticide Margosan-O(R) to assess the potential hazards of the product to aquatic organisms. Laboratory chronic bioassays with water from the treated microcosms were conducted to provide an estimate of the residual effect of Margosan-O. Results from chronic tests showed Margosan-O toxicity to be greater in the laboratory exposures than in situ with Culicidae larvae exposed to the same concentrations. Residue analyses of the active ingredient, azadirachtin, determined that it had a half-life of 36 to 48 h in water exposed to natural sunlight. Two applications of Margosan-O at the recommended application rate for pests did not harm aquatic invertebrates that are categorized as planktonic and filter feeding (Culex sp. and Daphnia sp.). However, the benthic invertebrate (Chironomus riparius) was affected by multiple applications of neem. These results show that the use of Margosan-O and possibly other neem extracts in or near aquatic environments could lead to disturbances in benthic populations and may cause decreases in numbers of organisms that are important in food web and nutrient cycling processes.  相似文献   

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