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Lipopolysaccharide from serostrains of Serpulina (Treponema) hyodysenteriae for serogroups A to I was characterized using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and silver staining. All strains had lipopolysaccharide components ranging from 10 to 16 kDa that represented lipid A-core polysaccharide regions, and short O-antigen side chain were also recognized in certain immunoblots. Serological reactions between lipopolysaccharide and antisera against each of these serostrains were examined by Western immunoblotting. There was relatively little antigenic cross-reactivity between LPS from the nine strains, thus confirming their suitability as serostrains. Using cross-absorbed sera, isolates within serogroups A and E were shown to possess unique epitopes on the core lipopolysaccharide, distinct from serogroup reactivities. These isolates were therefore identified as serovars within the serogroups. This study confirmed the usefulness of the serotyping scheme for S. hyodysenteriae, in which the bacteria can be placed into serogroups using unabsorbed sera, and into serovars within these using cross-absorbed sera.  相似文献   

Analysis of lipopolysaccharide antigens of Treponema hyodysenteriae   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracts obtained from Treponema hyodysenteriae of serogroups A, B, D and E, and from T. innocens were examined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), silver-staining, and immunoblotting with hyperimmune rabbit sera. All organisms possessed multiple LPS bands, but their position and number differed. Immunoblotting of LPS with grouping sera identified three or four major antigenic LPS components in the 10-42 kDa range in all organisms: these components were largely specific to each type-organism of a serogroup, and presumably represented group antigens. Although some minor cross-reactivity occurred between LPS from organisms in the different groups, this was insufficient to merit changes to the current LPS serogrouping system for T. hyodysenteriae. Besides this LPS 'complex', other higher-molecular-weight material which appeared to be a common component of the treponemes examined was present in low concentrations. Organisms with different serotypes within a serogroup apparently possessed common LPS bands, but also had unique LPS bands which may account for their serotype specificity. One 'untypable' organism lacked group-specific LPS and was thought to be a mutant of a group B organism. The loss of serogroup LPS by the isolate suggested that this material is an external component of the cell wall. The availability of an atypical organism lacking LPS components may facilitate further studies on the pathogenesis of swine dysentery.  相似文献   

A slide agglutination (SA) test was developed to determine the serogroup of isolates of Treponema hyodysenteriae of serogroups A to F. Rabbit antisera which are normally used for serogrouping T. hyodysenteriae in an agarose gel double-diffusion precipitation test (AGDP) were not suitable for SA because they agglutinated isolates from more than one serogroup. The agglutination reaction was made serogroup-specific by cross-absorbing the typing sera for serogroups A to F with whole treponemes from the other 5 of these 6 serogroups of T. hyodysenteriae. The absorbed sera were reacted in slide agglutination tests with 33 isolates of T. hyodysenteriae and with four non-T. hyodysenteriae intestinal spirochaetes. None of the non-T. hyodysenteriae isolates agglutinated, but 27 of the 33 isolates of T. hyodysenteriae did. The results for 26 of the 27 agglutination reactions agreed with the serogroup as determined in AGDP. One of the 6 isolates of T. hyodysenteriae which failed to react in slide agglutination was of serogroup B, 1 of serogroup D, 1 each were from new serogroups G, H and I, and 1 was untypable in AGDP.  相似文献   

Antisera were prepared in rabbits against seven well-characterized strains of Treponema hyodysenteriae of known serotype, and reacted in agarose gel double immunodiffusion tests (AGDP) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) extracted from 18 Western Australian isolates of the organism. Eight isolates were provisionally typed by this method, but sera raised against one 'typed' and two 'untypable' local isolates reacted in an unexpected fashion with LPS from other local and type strains. Serum raised against the 'typed' local isolate reached with LPS from other previously untyped local isolates: this indicated the presence of more than one major LPS antigen amongst certain local isolates, and was confirmed by cross-absorption of sera. Sera raised against apparently untypable local isolates reacted with LPS from certain type organisms, thus suggesting the presence of complex antigenic relationships between LPS antigens. The serotyping system for T. hyodysenteriae which was proposed by Baum & Joens (1979) uses unabsorbed antisera and is made unworkable by these observations. Instead we propose placing organisms which share common LPS antigens into serogroups A to E, members of which are defined by their reactivity with unabsorbed sera raised against a type organism for the group. We suggest strains B78, WA1, B169, A1 and WA6 respectively as being the most suitable type organisms for the five serogroups identified so far. Isolates possessing additional unique LPS antigens can be regarded as serotypes within the serogroup. However the serotype of an isolate can only be established if antiserum is prepared against it, and this serum continues to react homologously after cross-absorption with bacteria from other serotypes within the serogroup.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) has been developed to detect serum Immunoglobulin antibodies G and M to Treponema hyodysenteriae in vaccinated, experimentally infected and naturally infected swine. Naturally infected swine gave ELISA titres that were similar to experimentally infected swine, but were significantly less than the titres of vaccinated swine. When serum from naturally infected swine was used to probe nitrocellulose blots of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresed whole cell proteins of T. hyodysenteriae, the immunoblotting patterns showed IgG antibodies were produced against many T. hyodysenteriae protein antigens and against lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The IgG antibodies directed against LPS were serotype-specific for that LPS and could be used to identify the serotype involved in the T. hyodysenteriae infection in that herd. IgM immunoblots also reacted with the many protein antigens but were less specific for LPS antigen, with a substantial degree of cross-reaction between the LPS of all serotypes. The data demonstrate that a microplate enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, coupled with immunoblotting, is a very specific and sensitive test for detection of antibody to Treponema hyodysenteriae in swine.  相似文献   

罗永慧  杨颖  闵青 《现代预防医学》2013,40(15):2892-2893
目的 对ORTHO AutoVue(R) Innova全自动血型分析系统的临床应用进行评价.方法 对4 869例病人标本同时采用全自动血型分析系统和试管法进行ABO血型和Rh(D)血型检测.结果 4 869例病人标本中有4 865例ABO血型和Rh (D)血型仪器判读结果与试管法结果一致;4例仪器不能自动判读结果,其中3例经证实为ABO亚型.结论 ORTHO AutoVue(R) Innova全自动血型分析系统替代传统手工法进行ABO血型和Rh (D)血型检测,方便快捷、结果可靠,可满足检验科工作自动化发展的需要.  相似文献   

In recent years many investigations have been carried out on the morphology of Treponema pallidum by means of the electron microscope, and the use of ultra-thin sections has shown up a number of structural details. However, there is still need for much more evidence before the internal structure of treponemes can be elucidated fully and the functions of the structures interpreted. To provide such evidence, the authors have examined under the electron microscope negative-stained treponemes and ultra-thin sections, using both cultivated strains and treponemes obtained direct from syphilids in people suffering from fresh secondary syphilis. It has been shown that treponemes have a complex structure. T. pallidum has a two-layered outer wall, a cytoplasmic membrane proper, cytoplasm and a bunch of fibrils following a different path in different places on the treponeme. The sites of insertion of the fibrils (the basal granules) were investigated; structures similar to mesosomes and nucleoids were found. Cysts and granular forms are described.  相似文献   

One approach to obviating some of the difficulties and complexities of the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) test is to be found in the use of T. pallidum as an antigen in agglutination tests. The four main representative techniques of such tests are compared with respect to: strain of organism used, treatment of rabbits, time of harvesting, extracting medium, method of inactivation, preservative, and reagent. The results obtained with the different techniques are then reviewed and the various difficulties met in each are discussed.  相似文献   

目的探讨梅毒酶联免疫吸附试验与梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验检测梅毒的效果。方法对100例梅毒患者,分别运用梅毒酶联免疫吸附试验与梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验进行检测,对比检测结果。结果两种方法的阳性检出率分别为97.0%和92.0%,特异性分别为94.O%和100%。结论在梅毒阳性检出率上梅毒酶联免疫吸附试验较高,而特异性梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验较高。  相似文献   

在澳大利亚疾病诊断相关组的基础上,本研究以上海市级医院临床信息交换平台(医联平台)为依托,获取病案首页的疾病诊断分类信息并实现计算机数据采集和分析,根据国内临床实际情况调整和完善疾病诊断分组模型,完成了疾病诊断系统的本土化,并建立上海市级医院基于危重度的疾病诊断分组模型及分组器。  相似文献   

The Treponema pallidum immobilization test   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The authors first discuss the principle of the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) test, considered both as a qualitative and as a quantitative test, and then various specific aspects of passage of the Nichols strain of treponeme in rabbit testes. A number of important technical details and modifications in the test procedure are then reviewed, and the clinical value of the test is discussed.  相似文献   

This case history details one company's success in using coding software to handle the requirements of the new ambulatory patient group (APG) system following the implementation of this complex new payment mechanism for outpatient care. Providers and payers are looking to coding software for help in billing and paying for outpatient services. Since the APG system "consolidates," "packages," and "discounts" a facility's payment for outpatient services, the new coding software helps ensure adequate reimbursement.  相似文献   

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