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将要求紧急避孕的妇女 1 31例随机分为左炔诺孕酮 (左炔 )组和米非司酮 (米非 )组。左炔组服用左炔诺孕酮 0 .75mg,间隔 1 2 h再服 0 .75mg。米非组一次服用米非司酮 2 5mg。避孕有效率以 Dixon预期妊娠概率计算 ,结果两组避孕有效率分别为 60 .1 %和 79.9% ,失败率分别为 3.1 7%和 1 .47% (P >0 .0 5) ,无显著差异 ,两组副反应程度均轻微  相似文献   

林丽玲 《海峡药学》2004,16(5):123-124
目的  探讨左炔诺孕酮用于紧急避孕的效果。方法   10 0例妇女在性交后 72 h内口服左炔诺孕酮 (毓婷 ) 0 .75 mg,12 h后重复 1次。随访下次月经来潮 ,观察妊娠率 ,副作用、月经情况。结果  观察实际妊娠数 1例 ,与预期妊娠数 7.47相比 ,有显著差异 ( P<0 .0 5 )。有效率 86.6% ,失效率 1%。月经影响少 ,副作用轻。 结论  毓婷作为紧急避孕药是有效的 ,安全的。  相似文献   

甘秀华  姜虹  李丽萍 《现代医药卫生》2007,23(11):1634-1635
目的:观察25mg米非司酮用于紧急避孕的效果、不良反应及对月经的影响。方法:采用开放性随机对照性试验方法,将在单一次未保护性交72小时内要求紧急避孕的妇女456例随机分为观察组250例,对照组206例,观察组单次口服米非司酮片25mg(1片).对照组口服左炔诺孕酮0.75mg(1片),12d,时后,再服左炔诺孕酮0.75mg,总剂量为1.5mg。全部病例随访至月经来潮,判断避孕效果。记录不良反应和月经情况。结果:避孕有效率Dixon预期妊娠概率计算,两组各有2例妊娠,避孕有效率观察组90.3%,对照组88.67%。差异无显著性(P〉0.05),两组不良反应发生率低,程度轻微,下次月经按期来潮者观察组和对照组分别为78.4%和79.6%,与平时月经量相似者分别为92%和88.3%(P〉0.05)。结论:小剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕效果好,与左炔诺孕酮效果相当。  相似文献   

左炔诺孕酮(左旋18-甲基炔诺酮)的各种剂型作为常规避孕药已在临床应用几十年。近年WHO组织多中心随机临床试验将左快诺孕酮0.75mg口服2次用于紧急避孕[1],取得良好效果。为进一步方便使用,我们探索应用1.5mg口服1次作为紧急避孕,观察其效果及对月经的影响。1治疗对象1998年3月至1998年11月在我院要求紧急事后避孕的健康育龄妇女200例,月经规则,未采用避孕措施或避孕失败。其中未采取避孕措施的占56%,避孕套破裂及滑脱的占38.5%,其它的占55%。平均年龄29.56岁。平均无保护性突至服药时间28.76h,本组基本情况与我院1995…  相似文献   

小剂量米非司酮与左炔诺孕酮用于紧急避孕的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院将小剂量米非司酮与左炔诺孕酮用于紧急避孕,对自愿配合的200名妇女随机分为两组,分别服用上述这两种药物,并对其效果进行了临床观察,现报告结果如下。1对象与方法1.1对象:24-45岁的健康已婚妇女,平素月经规律,在本次月经周期内只有1次无保护措施的性交,性交距取药时间不超过72小时,并且服药后距下次来月经之前不再性交。1.2药品:米非司酮,每片10mg(北京第三制药厂特制),左炔诺孕酮(商品名:毓婷,北京第三制药厂出品),每片0.75mg。  相似文献   

紧急避孕专用药品——毓婷的上市,既弥补了我国常规避孕措施所不及的缺陷,也为广大育龄妇女提供了一种方便有效的应急措施。但是在该药的推广普及使用当中,由于部分服药者对毓婷及紧急避孕知识了解不足,一些错误的服药方法直接影响了毓婷的药效,导致紧急避孕的失败。  相似文献   

对100例身体健康、月经规律、未采取避孕措施或避免失败的妇女,在72小时内按随机方法口服米非司酮(Ru486)10mg,12小时服安慰剂一片;或服左炔诺孕酮0.75mg,12小时重复服用0.75mg。观察此两种紧急避孕方法的临床效果、副反应及对月经的影响情况。Ru486组与左炔诺孕酮组的有效率分别为100%、77.48%(按Dixon方法计算)。两组受试者中各有1例出现恶心反应,分别有2例、1例月经期延长到40余天方行经。表明低剂量Ru486与左炔诺孕酮用于紧急避孕均是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的观察吉妮IUD用于紧急避孕的临床避孕效果及副反应。方法选择镇沅县计划生育服务站2007年7月至2010年8月门诊无保护性生活≤72h 25例,72~120h 83例自愿使用吉妮IUD紧急避孕者。由我站专业技术人员放置,术后口服抗生素3~5d预防感染,随访到下次月经来潮。按Dixon方法计算避孕有效率。结果无1例感染发生,避孕有效率100%,续用率94.4%。结论只要严格掌握适应证,吉妮IUD用于紧急避孕是高效、安全、可靠的,尤其适用于长期避孕者。  相似文献   

目的:观察左炔诺孕酮、小剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床效果。方法:选择无保护性交72小时内要求紧急避孕者200例,随机分成两组,分别用左炔诺孕酮1.5mg、米非酮25mg,随访观察避孕效果、药物反应及对月经的影响。按Dixon方法计算妊娠有效率。结果:左炔诺孕酮组,预期妊娠数10.241,实际妊娠数为2,失败率2%,避孕有效率80.47%;米非司酮组,预期妊娠数10.554,实际妊娠数1,失败率1%,避孕有效率90.52%。两者相比,P〉0.05,差异无显著性。两组不良反应及对月经影响均较轻,组间差异无显著性。结论:左炔诺孕酮、小剂量米非司酮用于紧急避孕均安全、有效。  相似文献   

紧急避孕 (EC)是指那些在无保护性生活后或避孕失败后用药物或放置含铜的宫内节育器 (IU D)等措施 ,以避免非意愿的妊娠 ,降低人工流产率。近年来随着紧急避孕方法研究的不断深入 ,发现小剂量的米非司酮用于无保护性生活 72 h内安全有效 ,现将我们口服米非司酮 10 mg用于紧急避  相似文献   

王捷文 《淮海医药》2006,24(1):19-20
目的比较米非斯酮10 mg和25 mg用于紧急避孕的有效性,副反应及可接受性.方法将无保护性交后72 h内的198例健康育龄妇女随机分为2组.Ⅰ组198例,口服米非斯酮10 mg;Ⅱ组100例,口服25 mg.于预期下次月经日期的第7天随访,了解避孕效果、副反应及月经的变化.结果 2组紧急避孕的有效率分别为89.28%和89.04%,无统计学差异(P>0.05);各种副反应发生率较低,均在10%以内,2组相近;2组月经延迟5天以上者的比率分别为8.16%和12%,差异有显著性(P<0.05).结论 10 mg米非斯酮用于紧急避孕优于25 mg米非斯酮.  相似文献   

不同剂量国产米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文娜  易淑君 《云南医药》2000,21(3):198-200
目的 探讨不同剂量国产米非司酮用于紧急避孕的临床疗效。谅圻内对400余名要求紧急避孕者,分别给予不同剂量的米非司酮片100mg、50mg、40mg、20mg、10mg,观察紧急避孕效果,药物副反应,月经复潮情况。结果 避孕有效率为95%可信区间分别为100mg组84.11%~96.95%,50mg组93%~100%,40mg、20mg、10mg组均为88%~100%。药物副反应发生率分别为24%、  相似文献   

目的使用复方左炔诺孕酮进行紧急避孕,并对其避孕效果进行临床研究。方法采用开放性对照试验,按照试验需要接纳单次无保护性性交72h内要求紧急避孕的患者100例,其中50例患者使用复方左炔诺孕酮片进行治疗,作为观察组;剩下的50例患者使用左炔诺孕酮片进行治疗,作为对照组。比较两组患者的避孕效果,并将比较结果使用统计学软件进行统计学处理。结果观察组患者和对照组患者的避孕效果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组患者服药后的不良症状差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论复方左炔诺酮片用于紧急避孕的效果良好,其避孕效果基本与左炔诺孕酮片等效。  相似文献   

米非司酮与毓婷用于紧急避孕的疗效比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较米非司酮与毓婷用于紧急避孕的疗效。方法随机选择无防护性生活或避孕失败后72h内的要求紧急避孕育龄妇女200例,随机选择100例给予口服米非司酮作为观察组;另外100例给予口服毓婷作为对照组,观察两组的避孕效果及不良反应。结果观察组的妊娠率为0%,对照组为6%,前者避孕效果优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且不良反应略低,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论米非司酮较毓婷用于紧急避孕,更具有安全、有效及不良反应少的特点,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

非意愿妊娠妇女紧急避孕知识的可接受性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗琳  张蕴红 《河北医药》2004,26(6):470-471
目的了解人工流产妇女避孕状况及对紧急避孕法(EC)的可接受程度,有的放矢的提高避孕服务,提高妇女生殖健康水平。方法对346例来自天津市和平区妇产科医院行人工流产的妇女进行横断面研究,非条件Logistic回归分析。结果使用意愿率的Logistic回归分析显示,个人收入高、职业为医生、教师、科研人员、未避孕者、使用避孕套者、使用避孕药者,是意愿使用EC的正相关因素。知道EC者使用此法的意愿率高,知道EC的方法多者使用EC意愿率高、知道使用EC有时间限制者EC使用意愿率高、从药店获得避孕药具者较从医院获得者,使用EC意愿率高、从朋友处获得避孕知识较其他途径获得避孕知识意愿率高,在对紧急避孕法可接受性相关Logistic回归分析显示知道EC是接受此法的促进因素。结论应向未婚年龄小的育龄妇女提供详尽的紧急避孕知识。  相似文献   

Objectives: Emergency contraception (EC) provides an opportunity to avoid an unwanted pregnancy following unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI), failure of a regular contraceptive method, or after sexual assault. Two main methods are currently available: oral pills or the copper-T intrauterine device. In recent years there has been some debate regarding the efficacy of oral therapy in obese women. In this brief commentary we review new evidence, published after the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) referral of 2014, relating to the effect of obesity on the pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of levonorgestrel EC in light of some of the concerns that have been raised.

Methods: A PubMed literature search (“levonorgestrel” and “emergency contraception”) was conducted between 1 January 2005 to 31 March 2018; results from the main clinical trials are discussed. Additional literature known to the authors and identified from the reference lists of cited publications was included.

Results: Overall, it should be noted that, in studies which determined pregnancy rates across different weight or BMI categories, the overall pregnancy rate was low (1–2%) and there was no direct evidence that lower levonorgestrel plasma levels contributed to an increased pregnancy rate in obese women. This conclusion was reached by the EMA referral in 2014 and they concluded that emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs) could be taken regardless of body weight or BMI, as soon as possible after UPSI. Since the EMA review, additional evidence has been published regarding this topic. This includes PK data (which can neither support, nor deny the previously submitted meta-analyses during the Article 31 Referral procedure), or re-analyses of the previously submitted data.

Conclusions: Evidence published since the EMA referral in 2014 does not change the original conclusions of the agency, which recommended that ECPs could be taken regardless of body weight or BMI, as soon as possible after UPSI.  相似文献   

朱向  李瑛 《中国药房》2011,(20):1835-1837
目的:为我国左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药安全使用与评价提供参考。方法:对美国食品与药品管理局医药产品不良事件报告体系、我国国家药品不良反应监测中心、世界卫生组织和我国国家人口计生委计划生育药具不良反应监测中心所收集到的左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药不良反应报告进行分析,并对左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药的不良反应进行文献检索与分析,找出国内、外关于左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药不良反应发生类型与报告数据的差距并分析原因。结果:国内、外关于左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药不良反应的发生类型、种类和报告数据方面均存在较大差距。结论:左炔诺孕酮紧急避孕药不良反应的公众教育、发放人员的专业培训及医师对紧急避孕药不良反应的认知与及时处理是减少与预防紧急避孕药不良反应发生的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨育龄妇女使用宫内节育器的不良反应发生状况,为控制其不良反应的发生提供参考。方法对本中心800例使用宫内节育器育龄妇女的不良反应情况及宫内节育器类型等进行调查与记录,并行统计分析。结果共344例妇女出现不良反应,不良反应发生率为43.00%,且不同类型的宫内节育器不良反应发生率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。使用T型环和宫型/元宫花环发生不良反应的危险分别是吉妮环的3.21倍、3.01倍,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论宫内节育器的不良反应发生率较高,且不同类型的宫内节育器不良反应存在差异,应加强不良反应的防治。  相似文献   

Objective To describe the awareness and perceptions of hormonal emergency contraception (EC) among retail pharmacists.Setting Private retail pharmacies in Kuwait City.Method A self-administered questionnaire was developed to elicit pertinent demographic information as well as awareness of and concerns about EC and administered to the senior pharmacist in 51 randomly selected private retail pharmacies.Main outcome measure Proportion of pharmacists aware of EC and who had recommended EC.Results The respondents had a mean (SD) age of 34.2 (7.7) years; 58.8% were male, and all but one were non-Kuwaiti. The median practice experience of the pharmacists was 6 years. Oral contraceptives and male condoms were universally available in the pharmacies, but none stocked emergency contraceptives, female condoms, or diaphragms. Twenty respondents (39.2%; 95% confidence intervals 25.5–53.9%) said they were aware of EC, and 4 (7.8%) that they had ever offered EC. Nine (17.6%) respondents saw EC as offering no advantages over other contraceptive measures and effectiveness was perceived to be low. Most cited concerns were of encouraging irresponsible behaviour and women relying on EC in place of regular contraceptive measures. Religious opposition (41.2%), lack of awareness by clients (51.0%) and lack of awareness by health providers (35.3%) were seen as the most significant obstacles to provision of EC.Conclusion Knowledge of EC is poor among community pharmacists in Kuwait. Action is needed to address this deficit and to make EC more accessible to women who wish to use it.  相似文献   

The aims of this study, conducted in the emergency departments of two hospitals of Naples (Italy), which differ in type of catchment area and in the number of daily visits, were to determine: (1) the percent of emergency department visits due to adverse drug events (ADEs); (2) the percent of visits requiring hospitalisation due to acute ADEs; (3) the drugs implicated in ADEs; and (4) the types of ADEs and their frequency. We studied all emergency department visits at the A. Cardarelli and Incurabili hospitals between 8.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. (prospectively), and between 8.00 p.m. and 8.00 a.m. (retrospectively) for two 10-day periods. When possible, a form was completed for each subject. Patients were asked if they had taken a drug (name, dosage and reason for its use) in the previous 2 weeks. Of the 2442 emergency visits considered, 34 (1.3%) were drug related. Of the 480 patients who were subsequently hospitalised 17 (3.6%) had an ADE. The number increased to 34 (8.9%) in the 379 patients who took drugs in the 2 previous weeks. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs accounted for 26.5% of cases, antibiotics 23.6%, and antihypertensive agents 17.7%. The most frequent ADEs were gastrointestinal diseases (diarrhea, vomiting and haemorrhagic gastritis) and cutaneous rash (erythema, dermatitis). This study shows that ADEs account for a large percent of hospital admissions and confirms that drug-induced disorders is a notable public health problem.  相似文献   

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