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目的探讨跟骨内移截骨术中跟骨内侧的截骨安全区。方法 10具防腐成人尸体的20只足部标本上,取跟骨结节内缘最低点为A点,内踝尖最低点为B点,足舟骨结节为C点。显露跟骨内侧各神经血管结构后,用游标卡尺测量AB、AC长度,以及各神经血管结构与AB、AC线段交点与A点间的长度。经统计学检验,各组长度符合正态分布,所以可以用后者的长度均值除以AB、AC长度的均值,计算出各神经血管结构在AB、AC上的分布比例。结果跟骨内侧神经、足底外侧神经、足底内侧神经、胫后动脉在AB线上分别位于A点后的:29%、57%、66%、60%;而在AC线上跟骨内侧神经、足底外侧动脉、足底外侧神经、足底内侧动脉、足底内侧神经分别位于A点后的:20%、45%、50%、60%、66%。结论 AB线上A点后29%-57%,AC线上A点后20%45%的区域无重要神经血管走行,满足跟骨内移截骨术在跟骨中后部截骨的要求,可作为跟骨内移截骨术的手术安全区。 更多还原  相似文献   

重建感觉的腓肠神经营养皮瓣修复足跟部缺损的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 利用腓肠神经皮瓣所带的腓肠神经内侧支和外侧支与创面周围胫神经端侧缝合,重建皮瓣的感觉以及恢复足背外侧感觉,以解决患者足踝部感觉缺失的痛苦并恢复覆盖足跟皮瓣的感觉.方法 1999年8月-2007年8月,收治足跟部皮肤软组织缺损25例(27足),进行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣移植,其中14例行腓肠神经营养皮瓣与腓动脉皮瓣联合皮瓣移植.切取皮瓣时,在腓肠神经近端多取1~3cm.腓肠神经内侧支和外侧支,断端与胫神经行端侧缝合.术后6~9个月随访,按照感觉检查分级标准把皮瓣和足背外侧感觉恢复情况分成S_1~S_55级,并按感觉恢复范围分成R_1,小于25%;R_2,25%~50%;R_3,50%~75%;R_4,75%~100%.结果 术后随访6~9个月,皮瓣及足背外侧皮肤感觉恢复情况:S_46足、S_318足、S_23足.皮瓣及足背外侧感觉恢复范围:R_412足、R_315足.结论 作腓肠神经营养皮瓣移植时行腓肠神经与创面周围胫神经端侧缝合手术简单,对胫神经无不良影响,而皮瓣和足背外侧感觉恢复较好.腓肠神经营养皮瓣与腓动脉皮瓣的联合皮瓣切取面积大,对大面积的足部皮肤缺损是一种理想的方法.  相似文献   

腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣临床应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1 应用解剖腓肠内侧皮神经在窝内起自胫神经 ,主干在深筋膜深面随小隐静脉下行 ,至小腿中段以下方穿出深筋膜 ,后有发自腓肠外侧皮神经的交通支加入 ,吻合成腓肠神经 ,继续伴小隐静脉下行经外踝后方至足部 ,分布于足背外侧缘和小趾外侧的皮肤[1 ] 。胫后动脉分支腓动脉在外踝后缘近侧 0~ 5cm发出分支营养腓肠神经 ,并通过腓肠神经内供血系统与腓肠神经另一套外供血系统周围肌皮血管穿支相通[2 ] 。临床上据此设计腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣 ,从后踝外侧缘O′至胭窝中点O″连线 ,下 1 3段为腓肠神经体表投影 ,以此为皮瓣轴心 ,在O′附近 5cm…  相似文献   

目的 研究跟外侧动脉损伤与跟骨骨折术后皮瓣坏死的关系,为手术切口的改良提供依据.方法 收治跟骨骨折手术后皮瓣坏死11例,对于术中已经明确跟外侧动脉损伤的病例,术后观察皮瓣血运;就诊时已经发生皮瓣坏死的病例再次手术修复时,术前超声多普勒血管仪探测跟外侧动脉血流:术中对跟外侧动脉及伴行神经进行显微解剖,确认其损伤情况.结果 11例中,10例跟外侧动脉完全断裂,1例跟外侧动脉闭塞,8例腓肠神经终末支损伤.结论 跟骨骨折外侧"L"形切口术后皮瓣坏死与跟外侧动脉损伤有直接的关系.  相似文献   

逆行足底内侧岛状皮瓣修复口止母趾损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1994年 2月~ 2 0 0 2年 5月 ,我们应用逆行足底内侧岛状皮瓣修复口止母趾损伤 ,取得满意疗效 ,报告如下。1 应用解剖胫后动脉经踝管进入足底 ,在口止母展肌起点处分为足底内、外侧动脉。足底内侧动脉经口止母展肌深面后 ,沿足底内侧向前走行 ,主干位于口止母展肌与趾短屈肌之间 ,沿途向足底内侧发出多个皮支营养皮肤 ,并在第1、2跖骨间隙近侧与足背动脉足底深支相交通 ,在靠近第 1跖骨远端时走向深面 ,潜行于口止母长屈肌与第 1跖骨之间 ,在第 1跖骨头跖侧与足底外侧动脉分支、第1跖底动脉及 口止母趾胫侧趾底动脉形成“X”形吻合。这是…  相似文献   

目的 探讨总结足踝部外伤皮肤缺损的特点和常用带蒂皮瓣的选择,并针对修复不同部位皮肤缺损的皮瓣供区选择提供建议和参考. 方法 采用足背皮瓣、足底内侧皮瓣、跖底皮瓣、(足母)趾腓侧皮瓣、第2趾胫侧皮瓣、胫前皮瓣、小腿内侧皮瓣、腓肠神经皮瓣、跗外侧皮瓣、踝前皮瓣、腓动脉皮瓣等行带蒂转移修复前足、足背、足底及踝部皮肤缺损. 结果 术后251例皮瓣除2例坏死外全部成活.5例术后第1天、2例第2天因植皮处包扎过紧,出现血管危象,探查后血运恢复正常.135例随访3~96个月,平均16个月,足底内侧皮瓣有4例、跖底皮瓣3例,转移后出现皮瓣和足底皮肤缝合处的磨损,二期皮瓣修整,改变负重点恢复正常行走.9例小腿内侧皮瓣、6例腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣,因为皮瓣臃肿行二期整形.其余皮瓣无明显臃肿,外形良好,不需要二期整形.其中足底内侧皮瓣和躅趾腓侧皮瓣、第2趾胫侧皮瓣顺行转移均带感觉神经,供区为非负重部位,不影响患者行走及负重功能,术后皮瓣感觉正常,两点辨别觉4 ~10 mm. 结论 足底内侧皮瓣、跖底皮瓣、(足母)趾腓侧皮瓣及第2趾胫侧皮瓣修复前足跖侧较好,皮肤耐磨,感觉好;足背皮瓣、胫前皮瓣、小腿内侧皮瓣、腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣、跗外侧皮瓣、踝前皮瓣、腓动脉皮支皮瓣、腓动脉皮瓣等皮瓣可以切取的面积较大,修复足背及踝关节周围皮肤缺损,具有皮瓣较薄、色泽接近和锯剖位置恒定等优点.以上皮瓣均操作简单,修复效果好,是修复足踝部皮肤缺损的良好方法.  相似文献   

[目的]通过解剖学研究探讨臀肌挛缩症手术操作的相对安全区,并在临床验证相对安全区皮下松解术治疗臀肌挛缩症的可行性.[方法]通过对51具尸体标本102侧臀部的解剖研究,确定臀部手术操作的相对安全区,并在临床应用.[结果]①臀肌拿缩症手术操作的相对安全区:臀上神经最下支的体表投影的弧线与大转子外侧最凸点形成一类扇形区域内重要血管神经分布,无论何种体位坐骨神经均无法到达该区域,为手术操作的相对安全区.②临床应崩23例,经12~29个月随访,平均19.7个月,术后患者均恢复正常步态或明显改善,均无坐骨神经损伤等严重并发症.[结论]臀肌挛缩症手术操作的相对安全区为臀上神经最下支的体表投影与大转子外侧最凸点所构成的类扇形区域,在此区域内操作不易损伤坐骨神经、臀上神经等重婴神经、血管,临床应用后,效果良好.  相似文献   

目的 探讨跗内和(或)外侧动脉蒂胫前动脉踝上穿支皮瓣的解剖学特点,以及修复伴足背动脉缺损足前部创面的可行性. 方法 20侧成人下肢标本,解剖观测胫前动脉踝上分支直径、走行,跗内侧动脉、跗外侧动脉走行、吻合情况.据此设计皮瓣,12例前足创面患者,足背动脉缺损,创面范围13.0 cm×6.0 cm ~ 15.0 cm× 8.0 cm,均采用跗内和(或)外侧动脉蒂胫前动脉踝上穿支皮瓣覆盖.皮瓣范围14.0 cm×8.0 cm ~ 17.0 cm×9.0 cm.供区直接缝合或游离植皮覆盖. 结果 胫前动脉在距踝间连线近心端(3.1±0.8)cm处有一恒定穿支,穿支起始处外径(1.1±0.2)mm.胫前动脉穿支、胫前动脉、跗外侧动脉、跟外侧动脉相互吻合形成一血管轴,胫前动脉穿支、胫前动脉、跗内侧动脉、足底内侧动脉相互吻合形成一血管轴.术后皮瓣及植皮均顺利成活,供、受区切口均I期愈合.患者均获随访,随访6~18个月,平均10个月.皮瓣色泽、质地、外形良好.患足负重行走正常,皮瓣及皮瓣供区无溃疡. 结论 跗内和(或)外侧动脉蒂胫前动脉踝上穿支皮瓣修复伴足背动脉缺损足前部创面,皮瓣无效蒂短,血供可靠,符合整形外科原则.  相似文献   

踝部平面的断足再植术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足、小腿的断肢再植报道较少 ,我院从 1995年 3月~ 1999年 12月共进行踝部水平断足再植 8例 ,效果满意 ,报道如下。应用解剖踝部以下的血管主要有足背动脉和足底动脉 ,足背动脉来自行走于小腿深肌群之间的小腿胫前动脉 ,位于足背表浅 ,行程中发出跗内、外侧动脉 ,前行于第一跖骨间隙分为足底深支和第一跖背动脉。足底的动脉来自行走于小腿后面浅、深层肌之间的胫后动脉 ,经内踝后方转入足底 ,分为足底内、外侧动脉。静脉为同名动脉的 2条伴行静脉和丰富的皮下浅静脉。胫神经与胫后动脉伴行 ,经内踝分为足底内、外侧神经 ,支配足底的感觉 ,…  相似文献   

跟骨后外侧L形入路适用于累及后关节面的跟骨关节内骨折,优点是符合皮肤供血规律对血供影响小(切口上为胫前动脉系统、下为腓动脉系统),皮瓣坏死率低,减少切口并发症;不易损伤腓肠神经及跟外侧动脉;不接触牵开技术可以保护软组织;显露广泛便于复位及置放内固定物。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To redefine the medial calcaneal anatomic safe zone for pin placement with respect to reproducible palpable landmarks. DESIGN: Anatomic study. SETTING: Medical school anatomy laboratory. INTERVENTIONS: Thirty-three fresh-frozen adult cadaveric feet were used. Three palpable anatomic landmarks were identified on each ankle and labeled as Point A (posteroinferior medial calcaneus), Point B (inferior medial malleolus), and Point C (navicular tuberosity). The medial neurovascular bundle was carefully dissected, and the medial calcaneal nerve, the most posterior branch of the lateral plantar nerve, the lateral plantar nerve, the medial plantar nerve, and the posterior tibial artery were identified. These structures were recorded at the point at which they transected a line from Point A to B and from Point A to C. Based on the findings of the first thirty-three feet, two pins were placed percutaneously into the medial calcaneus of ten additional feet. Pin 1 was placed one half the distance from Point A to B. Pin 2 was placed one third the distance from Point A to C. The neurovascular structures were then dissected and identified in relation to the pin position. RESULTS: The medial calcaneal, most posterior branch of the lateral plantar, and lateral plantar nerves are at significant risk for abutting the pins or being directly injured at the margins of these relative safe zones. CONCLUSION: The medial calcaneus provides a small window for safe percutaneous pin placement. Posterior to the halfway point from Point A to B and posterior to the one-third mark from Point A to C remain the relatively safest regions; a more posterior placement in the safe zone is safest. Careful blunt dissection and the use of cannulas may help to avoid neurovascular injury.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the os calcaneum and the clinical consequences.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was conducted to analyze extraosseous and intraosseous vascularization of the os calcaneum and to elucidate possible clinical manifestations. The arteries of 13 lower leg and foot specimens of human cadavers were injected with a polymer and subjected to maceration or were embedded in plastic. The examination revealed that 45% of the bone is vascularized via medial arteries and 45% via lateral arteries, whereas the remaining 10% is supplied by the sinus tarsi artery. From the medial side, two or three vessels branch off the posterior tibial artery, penetrate the calcaneus below the sustentaculum, and supply the medial part of the posterior joint. The lateral calcaneal artery normally is a branch from the posterior tibial artery. In two of 13 specimens, this lateral supply comes from the peroneal artery. The medial and lateral intraosseous arterial supply for the calcaneus is equal. Inside the bone there is a water-shed zone where the medial and lateral arterial supply meet in the midline. Only 10% of the blood flow is supplied by vessels in the sinus tarsi. Clinically, interruption of the lateral calcaneal artery during the conventional lateral surgical approach for a calcaneus fracture may result in ischemic bone necrosis. The lateral calcaneal artery could supply a local microvascular flap to cover soft tissue defects of the heel. A compartment syndrome after a calcaneus fracture may be caused by bleeding from the medial calcaneal arteries into the quadratus plantae compartment.  相似文献   

The aim of this cadaver study is to improve our knowledge on the anatomy of the sensory fibres of the three weight-bearing areas of the plantar region. Previous studies mainly focused on the innervation of the heel but the innervation of the other two weight-bearing areas over the most medial and lateral metatarses have been neglected and are not well known. The study was carried out on 10 feet of five male cadavers. The tibial nerve was dissected down to the fat pads over the heel and the first and fifth metatarsal heads under the microscope. The distances of the branching point of the tibial nerve and origins of the medial and inferior calcaneal nerves to a line drawn from the centre of the medial malleolus to the centre of the calcaneous were all measured. The tibial nerve was divided into two branches called the lateral and medial plantar nerves 23.45 mm proximal to the predefined axis. The medial plantar nerve passed underneath the abductor hallucis muscle and gave two sensory branches to the fat pad over the first metatarsal head. The lateral plantar nerve coursed beneath the abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis muscles and supplied innervation of the fat pad over the fifth metatarsal head. The sensory innervation of the heel was provided by medial calcaneal and inferior calcaneal nerves. The medial calcaneal nerve originated from the tibial nerve 41.89 mm proximal to the axis. It divided into two or three branches innervating the fat pad over the heel. The inferior calcaneal nerve originated from the lateral plantar nerve (70%) or the medial calcaneal nerve (30%) 10.66 mm proximal to the axis. This study describes the sensory fibres to the heel and the previously neglected weight-bearing areas over the first and fifth metatarses. Reconstruction of defects in these areas is very difficult so every attempt should be made to protect the sensory fibres during any surgical procedure.  相似文献   



Sural nerve related symptoms following the extensile lateral approach to the calcaneus (ELA) and the sinus tarsi approach (STA) are a known postoperative complication despite awareness of the course the sural nerve. While the main trunk of the sural nerve and its location relative to the approaches have been previously described, the nerve gives rise to lateral calcaneal branches (LCBs) and an anastomotic branch (AB) that may be at risk of injury. The purpose of this study was to describe the course of the sural nerve, its LCBs and the AB in relation to the ELA and STA.


17 cadaveric foot specimens were dissected, exposing the sural nerve, the LCBs and the AB. A line representing the ELA and STA incision was then created. It was noted if the line crossed the sural nerve trunk, any of the LCBs, and the AB, and at what distance they were crossed using the distal tip of the fibula as a reference.


The sural nerve was identified in all specimens, and the main trunk was noted to cross the path of the ELA in no specimens and the path of the STA in 2 (12%) specimens. At least one LCB of the sural nerve was identified in all specimens. The ELA crossed the path of at least one LCB in 15 specimens (88%). An AB was present in 9 specimens (53%). If an AB was present, this was crossed by the STA in every instance.


The ELA and the STA traverses the path of either the main trunk of the sural nerve, the LCBs, or the AB in the majority of specimens, potentially accounting for the presence of sural nerve postoperative symptoms regardless of the approach used.  相似文献   

目的:为跗管综合征的诊治提供形态学基础。方法:对61例成人下肢标本的跗管进行观测。结果:(1)跗管可分为前室、后浅室和后深室,胫神经、胫动静脉位于浅后室内;(2)跗管内容物有3%的变异率;(3)足内外侧神经分叉部59%位于踝跟轴线上方,26%位于下方,9%平轴线;(4)跟神经2支及2支以上者占51.3%。57.8%的跟神经来源于足外侧神经,35.4%来自胫神经,6.8%来自足内侧神经。结论:任何导致后浅室内高压的因素均可引起跗管综合征,手术以松解后浅室为主,各神经支的解剖变异在诊治时应加注意。  相似文献   

AimThere is a risk of iatrogenic injury to the soft tissues of the calcaneus and this study assesses the risk of injury to these structures in circular frame calcaneal fracture fixation.Materials and methodsAfter olive tip wires were inserted, an L-shaped incision on the lateral and medial aspects of 5 formalin fixed cadaveric feet was performed to expose the underlying soft tissues. The calcaneus was divided into zones corresponding to high, medium and low risk using a grading system.ResultsStructures at high risk included the posterior tibial artery, posterior tibial vein and posterior tibial nerve on the medial aspect. Soft tissue structures on the lateral side that were shown to be at lower risk of injury were the small saphenous vein and the sural nerve and the tendons of fibularis longus and fibularis brevis.ConclusionThe lateral surface of the calcaneus provides a lower risk area for external fixation. The risk of injury to significant soft tissues using a circular frame fixation approach has been shown to be greater on the medial aspect.Clinical relevanceThis study highlights the relevant anatomical relations in circular frame fixation for calcaneal fractures to minimise damage to these structures.  相似文献   

The tibial nerve trunk and its branches were dissected in 20 embalmed cadaver legs and the relative topographic anatomy was defined at 3-cm intervals up to 15 cm proximal to the medial malleolar-calcaneal (MMC) axis. Each nerve branch was found in various locations. The calcaneal nerve was found to descend from medial to posteromedial. It was never found anterolaterally and only rarely laterally. The lateral plantar nerve was found to rotate externally from lateral and posterolateral to lateral and posteromedial as it descends. This nerve was not found medially or anteromedially. The first branch of the lateral plantar nerve was indistinguishable from the trunk of the tibial nerve descending medially to between the lateral plantar and calcaneal nerves. The overall pattern of the medial plantar nerve was an internal rotation from anteromedial (proximal) to anterior (distally). It was not found posteriorly. The flexor hallucis longus motor branch was located an average of 17.9 cm (range, 10-24 cm) proximal to the MMC axis. Preliminary application of these data has facilitated surgical dissection and afforded an understanding of how tibial nerve trunk pathology correlates with clinical manifestations.  相似文献   

Plantar fascia release and calcaneal slide osteotomy are often components of the surgical management for cavovarus deformities of the foot. In this setting, plantar fascia release has traditionally been performed through an incision over the medial calcaneal tuberosity, and the calcaneal osteotomy through a lateral incision. Two separate incisions can potentially increase the operative time and morbidity. The purpose of the present study was threefold: to describe the operative technique, use cadaveric dissection to analyze whether a full release of the plantar fascia was possible through the lateral incision, and examine the proximity of the medial neurovascular structures to both the plantar fascia release and calcaneal slide osteotomy when performed together. In our cadaveric dissections, we found that full release of the plantar fascia is possible through the lateral incision with no obvious damage to the medial neurovascular structures. We also found that the calcaneal branch of the tibial nerve reliably crossed the osteotomy in all specimens. We have concluded that both the plantar fascia release and the calcaneal osteotomy can be safely performed through a lateral incision, if care is taken when completing the calcaneal osteotomy to ensure that the medial neurovascular structures remain uninjured.  相似文献   

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