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目前,由于生活节奏的加快,不少人感到白天时间不够用,常利用晚上去干那些白天未干完的工作,甚至成为习以为常的事。另外,五光十色的夜生活吸引不少的人深夜泡在舞厅、歌厅里,看通宵电影或参加其它娱乐活动。作为都市里的“晚睡一族”,明知镜子里的黑眼圈已惨不忍睹,也明知“男靠吃,女靠睡”的古训,可是。加班、聚会、上网、看碟、泡吧、  相似文献   

我国古人把每年太阳到达黄经75度时定为芒种节气,时值公历6月5日或6日,意即有芒的作物(主要指麦类)开始成熟收割,也是夏播作物播种时节,如晚谷、黍、稷等。此时已进入真正的夏季,最大的特点就是气温升高、空气潮湿,此时又恰是蚊虫繁殖滋生之时,因此生活上更要注意一些细节,才能适应天气的变化。[第一段]  相似文献   

每年8月8日或9日,是二十四节气中的立秋。“秋”就是指暑去凉来.意味着秋天的开始。从秋季的气候特点来看,由热转寒。即“阳消阴长”的过渡阶段。人体的生理活动,随“长夏”到“秋收”而相应改变。因此,秋季养生不能离开“收、养”这一原则。  相似文献   

佟靖 《自我药疗》2013,(12):6-6
大健康时代,要享受到时代的惠及,就要全身心的参与,甚至是真正融入其中。懂得自我药疗,是一种靠谱的参与;而学会自我药疗,且能关照到身边的人,就是真切的融入了。中医养生,历史悠久;食疗药膳、太极“五禽”,绵延千年、惠及华夏。然而,科学在进步,社会在发展,大健康时代的中医养生、健康长寿就不仅仅是“个体的行为意识”,也不仅仅是“狭义的自我药疗”了。不是百姓式的自我药疗,而是国民式的自我药疗。  相似文献   

中医有“天人相应”的养生学说,即人体的精神心理,心态情绪会随着自然和季节气候的变化而发生微妙的变化,气候变化会引起生理和精神情绪的变化。[第一段]  相似文献   

侍茹 《家庭用药》2011,(5):40-41
多年前,读到一文《“四个汤头”开药铺》好生惊叹,是说“汤头医生”有这“四个汤头”打底就可以行走江湖了。  相似文献   

本月养生提示气候特点:温度回升,天气多变,阴雨频繁。三月是普通感冒、流行性感冒和麻疹等呼吸道传染病的高发季节。对于小朋友们来说,手足口病也需重点注意。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(6-7):803-821
This paper reviews the world literature on methadone. Methadone has been used in hundreds of thousands of patients, in disparate social, economic, cultural, and geographic situations; it has been evaluated in scores of studies. The large majority of evaluations demonstrate that opioid use, criminality, and general health status are affected positively in many addicts. Smaller gains in job and family functions are noted. Alcoholism and multiple drug use complicate treatment for some addicts. Despite the positive data, public opinion remains negative about this treatment. The use of methadone in withdrawal from opioid dependence and in pregnancy complicated by opioid dependence is discussed.  相似文献   

In a pilot study, 130 methadone maintained subjects with a six-month history of good treatment performance were assigned randomly, for a one-year study period, to an experimental condition (once per month non-random urine screen, counseling session and doctor visit, two times per month methadone pick up, a quarterly true random urine screen, and participation in a diversion control program), or they were assigned to a control condition of staying under standard conditions for six months and then being transferred to the experimental condition for six months. Three out of four subjects (73%) completed the year in good standing with no differences between control and experimental conditions. Subject satisfaction was such that the Institutional Review Board judged that return to standard conditions would be a hardship. A Study of Medical Maintenance (SMM) continues and extends the pilot study with two protocols: (1) for new subjects and (2) for subjects entered from the pilot study. SMM requires a once per month random urine screen and extends the experimental condition to two years but is otherwise identical to the pilot study; 71 of 107 S's (66 %) entered protocol 1 and are in good standing. Pilot subjects (N = 75) are holding their good performance, some for over four years. The reduced levels of services in these studies free up resources which can be applied to entering IDU's into treatment thereby contributing to a slowing of the HIV epidemic.  相似文献   

Since first developed by Dole and Nyswander, there have been significant changes in the clinical use of methadone, based on evaluation of the initial programs and a better understanding of the psychology and pharmacology of addictive behavior. Treatment has evolved from Dole's original concept that methadone "blockaded" the euphoric effect of heroin to current usage which reflects a greater appreciation of methadone's ability to prevent the development of withdrawl symptoms and to moderate intense affective states. The successes and limitations of methadone maintenance are best appreciated in comparison with alternative treatment modalities including therapeutic communities and detoxification. Program administrators face unique pressures because of the need to resolve the often contradictory goals of patients, staff, community groups, law enforcement officials, government regulators and funding agents. The evolution of effective treatment models has been greatly impaired by these pressures. Clinicians must become more effective leaders in helping to resolve these problems and to help formulate more rational drug abuse treatment policy.  相似文献   

目的通过对美沙酮维持治疗中坚持服药3年及以上服药人员情况进行分析,了解其一般情况及治疗情况。方法选取广州市荔湾区药物维持治疗点坚持服药3年及以上的46例服药人员作为研究对象,采用描述性统计方法对其人口学特征及治疗前后情况进行分析。结果长期维持治疗患者以男性为主,平均年龄(39.93±8.10)岁;大部分具有初中及以上文化程度;与家人、亲属或朋友居住,并有较好的家庭关系;93.48%的服药人员为无业或待业;97.80%的长期维持治疗人员吸毒时间10年以上,平均时间为(17.78±3.75)年;吸毒花费以100~500元者居多;82.6%的服药人员至治疗点所需时间在30min以下;大多数患者服药剂量为20~80mL;服药参与率中位数91.72%,尿检参与率中位数91.72%,尿检阳性率中位数14.12%。结论在治疗中对美沙酮维持治疗患者一般情况和治疗前后情况进行监测,并针对监测结果对患者采取相应干预措施有利于其长期维持,进而改善治疗效果。  相似文献   

Maintenance of ionic composition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Maintenance digoxin in elderly patients   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  


This article aims to assess the influence of the need to inject and drug withdrawal on drug injectors' perceptions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk behavior inside and outside prison. Complementary qualitative research methods were used with 24 drug injectors in England. It was found that when sterile injecting equipment was unavailable the need to inject and drug withdrawal were important factors on the reported readiness to share injecting equipment. This finding was broadly consistent both outside and inside prison. However, different patterns of responses between these two environments were influenced by the social context in which HIV risk was considered. These perceptions of HIV risk are situationally specific, but the influence of the need for a drug injection and drug withdrawal on HIV risk behavior transcends social settings. Thus, HIV risk reduction strategies should be consistent outside and inside prison.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(3):359-373
A working outline is provided of the “randomized response model” which offers an alternative indirect procedure for obtaining estimates of drug use. Evidence obtained from an experimental study demonstrated significant Mttderreporting of drug use when estimates were obtained by standard direct methods of inquiry when compared to those obtained by the randomized response technique.  相似文献   

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