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Adapters in the organization of mast cell signaling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary:  Mast cells are pivotal in innate immunity and play an important role in amplifying adaptive immunity. Nonetheless, they have long been known to be central to the initiation of allergic disorders. This results from the dysregulation of the immune response whereby normally innocuous substances are recognized as non-self, resulting in the production of IgE antibodies to these 'allergens'. Preformed and newly synthesized inflammatory (allergic) mediators are released from the mast cell following allergen-mediated aggregation of allergen-specific IgE bound to the high-affinity receptors for IgE (FcεRI). Thus, the process by which the mast cell is able to interpret the engagement of FcεRI into the molecular events necessary for release of their allergic mediators is of considerable therapeutic interest. Unraveling these molecular events has led to the discovery of a functional class of proteins that are essential in organizing activated signaling molecules and in coordinating and compartmentalizing their activity. These so-called 'adapters' bind multiple signaling proteins and localize them to specific cellular compartments, such as the plasma membrane. This organization is essential for normal mast cell responses. Here, we summarize the role of adapter proteins in mast cells focusing on the most recent advances toward understanding how these molecules work upon FcεRI engagement.  相似文献   

The tyrosine kinase network regulating mast cell activation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary:  Mast cell mediator release represents a pivotal event in the initiation of inflammatory reactions associated with allergic disorders. These responses follow antigen-mediated aggregation of immunoglobulin E (IgE)-occupied high-affinity receptors for IgE (FcεRI) on the mast cell surface, a response which can be further enhanced following stem cell factor-induced ligation of the mast cell growth factor receptor KIT (CD117). Activation of tyrosine kinases is central to the ability of both FcεRI and KIT to transmit downstream signaling events required for the regulation of mast cell activation. Whereas KIT possesses inherent tyrosine kinase activity, FcεRI requires the recruitment of Src family tyrosine kinases and Syk to control the early receptor-proximal signaling events. The signaling pathways propagated by these tyrosine kinases can be further upregulated by the Tec kinase Bruton's tyrosine kinase and downregulated by the actions of the tyrosine Src homology 2 domain-containing phosphatase 1 (SHP-1) and SHP-2. In this review, we discuss the regulation and role of specific members of this tyrosine kinase network in KIT and FcεRI-mediated mast cell activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: IL-10 exhibits anti-inflammatory effects on activated rodent mast cells (MC) in vitro and inhibits allergen-induced airway inflammation in vivo in murine models. The effects of IL-10 on the allergic activation of human MC are presently unknown. OBJECTIVE: In light of the well-known heterogeneity of mast cell reactivity between animal species, one cannot readily predict the response of human MC to IL-10. Moreover, the impact of IL-10 on MC-derived proinflammatory mediators is still unknown. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the effects of IL-10 on the release of inflammatory mediators by IgE/anti-IgE-challenged human cord blood-derived mast cells (CBMC), used as an in vitro model of MC phenotypically similar to human lung MC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Highly purified human MC were obtained by a first step of long-term culture of cord blood mononuclear cells in the presence of human recombinant stem cell factor (rhSCF) and of human recombinant IL-6 (rhIL-6), followed by a second step of purification by depletion of contaminating cells with an immunomagnetic METHOD: The cells were treated with human IgE, then challenged with anti-human IgE, in the presence or the absence of recombinant rhIL-10 used at various concentrations. Histamine, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), IL-5 and IL-8 were measured in the various supernatants collected at different times after the beginning of the challenge. RESULTS: IL-10 inhibited the release of TNF-alpha and of IL-8, but not of IL-5, by activated CBMC. Interestingly, IL-10 also inhibited the release of histamine by activated CBMC, contrasting with data reported for rodent MC. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that IL-10 might have anti-inflammatory effects on IgE/anti-IgE-challenged human MC by inhibiting their release of TNF-alpha, IL-8 and histamine. These data provide new insights into the control of human mast cell activation and might lead to a better knowledge of the cellular mechanisms controlling allergic reactions.  相似文献   

J. S. Dahlin  B. Heyman  J. Hallgren 《Allergy》2013,68(10):1333-1337
Mast cell progenitors (MCp) leave the bone marrow and migrate to peripheral tissues where they mature. Although the existence of committed MCp in adult mouse and human blood has been postulated, they have never been found. We have isolated a rare population of cells in adult mouse blood, committed to the mast cell lineage. These were identified as lineage c‐kithi ST2+ integrin β7hi CD16/32hi cells. Moreover, a major difference in maturity of these cells based on FcεRI expression was observed between the Th2‐prone BALB/c strain and the Th1‐prone C57BL/6 strain (66% vs 25% FcεRI+, respectively). Therefore, the choice of mouse strain is critical when studying disease models such as experimental asthma where mast cells and their progenitors are involved.  相似文献   

Tam SW  Demissie S  Thomas D  Daëron M 《Allergy》2004,59(7):772-780
BACKGROUND: FcgammaRIIB are low-affinity immunoglobulin (Ig)G receptors that we previously demonstrated to negatively regulate IgE-induced mast cell activation when coaggregated with FcepsilonRI. Here, we engineered and characterized a bispecific reagent capable of coaggregating FcgammaRIIB with FcepsilonRI on human mast cells and basophils. METHODS: A bispecific antibody was constructed by chemically crosslinking one Fab' fragment against human IgE and one Fab' fragment against human FcgammaRII. This molecule was used to coaggregate FcepsilonRI with FcgammaRII on human mast cells and basophils sensitized with human IgE antibodies, and the effect of coaggregation was examined on mediator release upon challenge with specific antigen. RESULTS: When used under these conditions, this bispecific antibody not only failed to trigger the release of histamine by IgE-sensitized cells, but it also prevented specific antigen from triggering histamine release. Comparable inhibitions were observed with mast cells and basophils derived in vitro from cord blood cells and with peripheral blood basophils. CONCLUSIONS: The bispecific antibody described here is the prototype of similar molecules that could be used in new therapeutic approaches of allergic diseases based on the coaggregation of activating receptors, such as FcepsilonRI, with inhibitory receptors, such as FcgammaRIIB, that are constitutively expressed by mast cells and basophils.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although allergen-specific IgE content in serum can be determined immunochemically, little is known about the relationship between this parameter and the strength of the degranulation response upon allergen triggering. OBJECTIVES: Analyse the degranulation capacity of immunochemically defined purified and serum IgE after challenge with anti-IgE or allergen using a rat mast cell line (RBL) transfected with the alpha-chain of the human high-affinity IgE receptor (FcepsilonRI). METHODS: Purified IgE specific for 4-hydroxy-3nitrophenylacetyl, purified IgE of unknown specificity, and sera from allergic patients sensitive to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dactylis glomerata were assessed. Degranulation was measured by a beta-hexosaminidase release assay after anti-IgE or allergen-specific challenge. RESULTS: For purified monoclonal IgE a significant correlation (r = 0.97) was found between the proportion of bound allergen-specific IgE and the strength of the degranulation response. In contrast, no correlation (r = 0.27) was detected after sensitization with serum IgE. CONCLUSION: Our studies demonstrate that mast cell activation mediated through IgE from allergic patients is a result of complex relationships that are not only dependent on allergen-specific IgE content but also relate to the capacity to efficiently sensitize and trigger the signalling responses that lead to degranulation.  相似文献   

Mast cells are important effector cells in allergic inflammatory reactions. The aggregation of the high-affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) on the surface of mast cells initiates a complex cascade of signaling events that ultimately leads to the release of various mediators involved in allergic inflammation and anaphylactic reactions. The release of these mediators is tightly controlled by signaling pathways that are propagated through the cell by specific phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events. These events are controlled by protein kinases and protein phosphatases which either positively or negatively regulate the propagation of the signal through the cell. This review summarizes the role of both positive and negative regulators of FcεRI-induced mast cell activation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mast cells (MCs) are multi-functional effector cells with an essential role in innate immunity and host defence, and under several pathological conditions, such as allergy. Here, we aimed at defining the culture conditions that would allow efficient generation of mature and functional human MCs from their progenitor cells. METHODS: Human peripheral blood-derived CD34(+) progenitor cells were cultured in vitro under serum-free conditions with human stem cell factor for 9 weeks. Growth and differentiation of the cells into MCs were optimized by selected cytokines and a combination of hypoxic and normoxic conditions. MCs were phenotypically characterized by immunocytochemistry, their preformed mediators were quantified, and their functional ability to degranulate and release histamine was tested. RESULTS: On average, 20 x 10(6) mature MCs were generated from 0.5 x 10(6) progenitor cells during 9 weeks of culture, i.e. at least a 40-fold increase in cell number was achieved. The mature MCs had oval-shaped non-lobular nuclei, contained histamine, heparin, tryptase, chymase, and cathepsin G in their secretory granules, and strongly expressed c-kit (CD117) and Fc epsilon receptor I on their surface. Histamine release from the cells could be brought about by IgE-anti-IgE cross-linkage, compound 48/80, substance P, and anaphylatoxin C3a. The MCs remained functional for several weeks after their maturation. CONCLUSION: This study describes an efficient protocol for generating mature MCs from human peripheral blood with a functional phenotype of connective tissue-type MCs. Use of these cultured human MCs will increase our knowledge and understanding about human MC development and biology in human disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although there is convincing evidence that human B cells can be induced to produce IgE by a combination of interleukin 4 (IL-4) and hydrocortisone (HC) in atopic subjects, it is still uncertain if this performs the same functions in allergen-specific IgE synthesis. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to investigate the differences of IgE regulation between atopics and nonatopics, interactions of HC with IL-4, and the correlation between in vitro total IgE, allergen-specific IgE synthesis and serum IgE levels. METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 16 atopic asthma patients sensitive to Dermatophagoides farinae and seven nonatopic controls were cultured with IL-4 and/or HC. Total IgE and D. farinae-specific IgE in culture supernatant were measured by ELISA and FAST. RESULTS: IL-4 increased total IgE synthesis in PBMCs from both atopics and nonatopics, whereas, HC had this effect only in some atopics who showed spontaneous IgE production in vitro. HC acted synergistically with IL-4 in total IgE synthesis. Their effects were more remarkable in cases with lower total serum IgE levels. PBMCs from eight of 16 atopics produced D. farinae-specific IgE in vitro either spontaneously or by IL-4 and/or HC. HC had more profound effects than IL-4 in these patients. They also showed higher total IgE synthesis by HC, and higher specific serum IgE levels than the others. IL-4 and/or HC did not induce any D. farinae-specific IgE synthesis by PBMCs from nonatopics. CONCLUSION: HC had a more profound effect than IL-4 on the induction of D. farinae-specific IgE synthesis in atopic patients with high serum allergen specific IgE levels. Further studies to determine the causes of these effects, such as the presence of long lived allergen specific B cells as the result of the priming effect of IL-4 in vivo, may be needed.  相似文献   

During the last two decades different scientific groups have investigated the phenotype and function of in vitro generated human mast cells (MC). The cells have been shown to display variable surface markers and functional characteristics. The phenotypic differences may reflect different culture conditions, protocols or the use of different progenitors. To investigate the significance of different progenitors, we have compared MC generated from CD133(+) progenitor cells from cord blood (CBMC) or peripheral blood (PBMC). The progenitors were cultured for 7 weeks in the presence of IL-6 and SCF, with addition of IL-3 the first 3 weeks, and FCS during week 7. The phenotype of the established MC was characterized by surface marker expression levels, metachromasia, histamine and tryptase contents and their function was evaluated by receptor-mediated release of histamine and PGD(2). The generated metachromatic (<99%) MC were 75% tryptase(+), regardless of the source of progenitor cell. Expression of c-kit/CD117, CD203c, and FcepsilonRI was comparable. The density of c-kit/CD117 receptors on CBMC was higher that of PBMC (p<0.001). The density of CD203c and FcepsilonRI was higher on PBMC (p<0.001). PBMC contained more histamine (p<0.001), expressed more FcepsilonRI (p<0.001) and released more histamine (p<0.001) and PGD(2) (p<0.001) upon ligation of FcepsilonRI, than CBMC. Culture with IL-4 increased expression of tryptase, FcepsilonRI, CD117 and CD203c, secretion of histamine and PGD(2) of PBMC, and histamine secretion of CBMC. Cord and peripheral blood may give rise to different types of MC. The question addressed should determine the progenitor cell and protocol to be used.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) is a major cytokine regulator of mast cell growth and function. The present study demonstrates that human mast cells are able to produce SCF. Constitutive synthesis of SCF mRNA was seen in the mast cells isolated from human lung and skin by RT-PCR. This was confirmed by in situ hybridization in conjunctival mast cells of both tryptase-only (MCT) and tryptase/chymase (MCTC) subsets. SCF protein product was found in conjunctival MCT and MCTC mast cells by immunohistochemistry. Soluble SCF protein was detected in the culture supernatant of isolated lung mast cells by ELISA, and cross-linkage of IgE receptor (Fcε–RI) on the lung mast cells in culture did not alter SCF mRNA expression, or the secreted soluble SCF protein. This was consistent with the finding that levels of SCF mRNA expression in conjunctival mast cells were similar between normal subjects and patients with seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (SAC). This study shows that human mast cells themselves are a cellular source of SCF, as well as being target cells for this growth factor. SCF may regulate mast cell growth and function via both paracrine and autocrine mechanisms. The production of SCF by mast cells may be regulated via mechanisms other than IgE receptor-mediated pathways. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Summary:  Activation of mast cells through their high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor (FcεRI) plays an important role in allergic disorders. Other mast cell-activating stimuli, such as Toll-like receptor (TLR) ligands, synergize with FcεRI to enhance allergic inflammation. Thus, there is much interest in understanding how signaling occurs downstream of these receptors. One key event for FcεRI-mediated mast cell activation is the inducible formation of multimolecular proximal signaling complexes. These complexes are nucleated by adapter proteins, scaffolds that localize various signaling molecules through their multiple molecule-binding domains. Here we review recent findings in proximal signaling cascades with an emphasis on how adapter molecules cooperate with each other to generate an optimal signal in mast cells, and we discuss how signals crosstalk between FcεRI and TLRs in enhancing mast cell activation. Deciphering the molecular mechanisms leading to mast cell activation will hopefully bring new ideas for the development of novel therapeutics to control allergic diseases.  相似文献   

L. C. Gabriel    L. M. Escribano    J. L. Navarro   《Allergy》1988,43(6):430-434
In a case of systemic mast cell disease with moderate bone marrow involvement, we studied the sensitivity of mast cell cationic dye-binding to formaldehyde fixation, as well as the mast cell ultrastructure, so as to determine whether these cells possess characteristics of mucosal mast cells. This histochemical method has proved to be one of the few which reveal heterogeneity of the mast cells in human intestine. Even though rat bone marrow mast cells have been shown to belong to the mucosal mast cell compartment, we have found no difference in mast cell counts in samples fixed either in formaldehyde or Carnoy's fixative. The ultrastructure did not show major differences with cutaneous mast cells. A few cells presented two nuclei, suggesting mitotic division of mature mast cells in bone marrow.  相似文献   

CD30 is a surface molecule which can be expressed by normal B and T lymphocytes. Our study focused on the CD30 expression and release compared with IL-4 expression as well as CD23-α/β in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from atopic subjects and controls. Data showed a lack of CD30 mRNA expression in the PBMC of control subjects, while it was significantly expressed in those of 6/11 atopic patients. No substantial amounts of spontaneous soluble CD30 (sCD30) could be detected by ELISA in both atopic and control groups. Interestingly, CD30 mRNA expression in PBMC of allergic patients was positively correlated with IgE serum levels (r = 0·79, P = 0·003). Studies on purified B cells showed that CD30 was expressed mainly in CD19+B cells of allergic patients. These data suggest highly a potential functional significance of the CD30 molecule in IgE response during allergic diseases.  相似文献   

The mast cell IgG receptors and their roles in tissue inflammation   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary:  Mast cells are effector cells of the innate immune system, but because they express Fc receptors (FcRs), they can be engaged in adaptive immunity by antibodies. Mast cell FcRs include immunoglobulin E (IgE) and IgG receptors and, among these, activating and inhibitory receptors. The engagement of mast cell IgG receptors by immune complexes may or may not trigger cell activation, depending on the type of mast cell. The coengagement of IgG and IgE receptors results in inhibition of mast cell activation. The Src homology-2 domain-containing inositol 5-phosphatase-1 is a major effector of negative regulation. Biological responses of mast cells depend on the balance between positive and negative signals that are generated in FcR complexes. The contribution of human mast cell IgG receptors in allergies remains to be clarified. Increasing evidence indicates that mast cells play critical roles in IgG-dependent tissue-specific autoimmune diseases. Convincing evidence was obtained in murine models of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, bullous pemphigoid, and glomerulonephritis. In these models, the intensity of lesions depended on the relative engagement of activating and inhibitory IgG receptors. In vitro models of mature tissue-specific murine mast cells are needed to investigate the roles of mast cells in these diseases. One such model unraveled unique differentiation/maturation-dependent biological responses of serosal-type mast cells.  相似文献   

Isolated dermal mast cells from atopic dogs are a valuable tool for the analysis of their functional properties in atopic dermatitis. We have characterized the histamine secretory pattern of mast cells enzymatically dispersed from the skin of dogs naturally suffering from this condition. The total histamine content found per isolated skin mast cell was higher in the allergic dogs than in nonatopic (control) animals (8.7 pg/mast cell versus 5.2 pg/mast cell). This phenomenon together with the well known higher concentration of skin mast cell number in atopic dermatitis lesions might account for the observed increase in local histamine concentration (15.0 g/g versus 9.0 g/g). Atopic dog-derived mast cells were highly reactive to both non-immunological (ionophore A23187) and an immunological-like (concanavalin A) stimulus. Furthermore, histamine net release induced by concanavalin A (1 mg/ml) stimulation was clearly enhanced in the atopic dogs (33.3% net release versus 15.4% in controls). These results have not been described in dermal mast cells dispersed from the skin of individuals with atopic dermatitis and clearly support the hypothesis that mast cells play a major role in causing and possibly modulating atopic dermatitis, through enhanced sensitivity or releasability. however, whether these two phenomena are primary abnormalities of atopic dermatitis, or only secondary changes, remains undetermined.accepted by W. Lorenz  相似文献   

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