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乳腺钼靶X线摄片计算机辅助定位穿刺活检术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨乳腺钼靶照片在电子计算机辅助下立体定位穿刺活检对乳腺疾病诊断的价值。方法 对79例乳腺钼靶照片发现可疑病灶的患者,采用由电子计算机辅助定位仪立体定位,用穿刺针对病灶进行准确穿刺,取得活组织送病理检查。结果 79例所取活组织全部符合组织学检查要求。79例中68例行手术治疗,手术切除标本的石腊切片诊断符合率为97.1%(66/68)。结论 X线计算机辅助定位穿刺检查技术具有定位准确,创伤小,操作简单等优点,对诊断早期乳腺癌有重要价值。  相似文献   

X线立体穿刺钢丝标记定位对无体征乳癌的诊断价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨X线立体穿刺钢丝标记定位在无临床体征的早期乳癌中的诊断价值。方法 对29例钼靶X片上有可疑病灶而无任何临床体征的患者,在X线立体定位下穿刺病灶并用金属导丝标记,标记后根据导丝位置切除病灶,并进行快速冰冻活检,明确诊断。结果 29例中9例(31.0%)为癌,20例(69.0%)良性。冰冻切片病理检查与术后石蜡报告结果一致。结论 X线立体穿刺钢丝标记定位活检技术解决了乳腺微小病灶活检术中精确定位的难题,对无临床体征的早期乳癌诊断准确、可靠、实用。  相似文献   

钼靶摄片立体穿刺定位乳腺活检术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨X线立体穿刺钢丝标记定位活检术用于无体征的早期乳腺癌诊断的可行性。方法 对18例钼靶X片上有可疑病灶而无任何临床体征的患者,在X线立体定位下穿刺病灶并用金属导丝标记,标记后根据导丝位置切除病灶,并进行快速冰冻活检,明确诊断。结果 18例中,7例恶性,11例良性。与术后病检报告一致。对无体征的早期乳腺癌诊断准确率为100%。结论 X线立体穿刺钢丝标记定位活检技术解决了只有影像学改变的乳腺病灶切除活检术中精确定位的难题,是诊断无体征的早期乳腺癌的理想诊断技术。  相似文献   

目的 评价99mTc MIBI乳腺显像与乳腺X线照相检测乳腺癌的实用性。方法 对 10 0例10 6个经临床检查可疑乳腺病灶的妇女进行乳腺钼靶X线照相和99m Tc MIBI乳腺显像检查 ,并与病理学诊断结果进行对比。结果 与病理组织学诊断比较 ,钼靶照相检测乳腺癌特异性为 44 .6% ,阳性预测值为 3 1.7% ;99mTc MIBI乳腺显像检测乳腺癌的特异性为 87.8% ,阳性预测值为 76.9%。结论 99mTc MIBI乳腺显像对乳腺癌的诊断较乳腺X线照相具有较大的临床价值  相似文献   

目的评价PET/CT诊断乳腺癌的真实性,初步探讨其临床意义。方法33例乳房肿块患者行钼靶X线和PET/CT检查,分别采用半定量和定性方法分析肿瘤病灶摄取氟脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)的程度和血流灌注情况,比较PET/CT和钼靶X线诊断乳腺癌的差异。结果PET/CT诊断乳腺癌的敏感度、特异度和精确度分别为92.6%,100%和93.9%;钼靶X线的敏感度、特异度、精确度分别为81.5%,80.0%和78.8%;但两种方法的诊断效能无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论PET/CT诊断乳腺癌的敏感度、特异度和阳性预测值较高,并可提供更多方面的活体诊断信息,为治疗策略提供参考,弥补了钼靶X线之不足。  相似文献   

99mTc-MIBI乳腺显像与乳腺X线照相在乳腺癌诊断中的价值   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的评价^99m Tc-MIBI乳腺显像与乳腺X线照相检测乳腺癌的实用性。方法对100例106个经临床检查可疑乳腺病灶的妇女进行乳腺钼靶X线照相和^99m Tc-MIBI乳腺显像检查,并与病理学诊断结果进行对比。结果与病理组织学诊断比较,钼靶照相检测乳腺癌特异性为44.6%,阳性预测值为31.7%;^99m Tc-MIBI显像检测乳腺癌的特异性为87.8%,阳性预测值为76.9%。结论^99m Tc--MIBI乳腺显像对乳腺癌的诊断较乳腺X线照相具有较大的临床价值。  相似文献   

乳腺X线立体定位穿刺活检术的临床应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨应用乳腺X线立体定位穿刺活检技术 (SMCNB)对不可触及的乳腺病变 (NPBL)定性诊断上的价值。 方法 本组 32例行SMCNB ,其中 2 1例行手术 ,对 2 1例SMCNB的病理与手术病理进行对照。 结果 SCNB病理与手术病理诊断准确率为 95 % ,灵敏度为 80 % ,特异性为 10 0 % ,假阴性 1例 (2 0 % ) ,无假阳性。 结论 SCNB是一种定位准确、操作简单、损伤小的诊断方法 ,可明确一些常规检查无法确诊的乳腺微小病灶 ,提高早期乳腺癌的诊断水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺X线三维立体定位真空辅助乳腺活检在可疑钙化中的应用价值。方法2016年1月~2018年12月对242例临床不可触及且超声检查阴性,乳腺X线可疑钙化,在乳腺X线三维立体定位下采用EnCor真空辅助乳腺活检系统旋切取活检,利用乳腺X线0°导航位和±15°立体定向确定病灶位置后,从该位置插入旋切刀进行微创旋切取活检。结果242例顺利完成活检,活检病理诊断良性病变205例(非典型病变16例),恶性病变37例(导管原位癌30例,浸润性导管癌7例)。37例恶性病变手术治疗,7例为浸润性导管癌,其中5例钙化完全切除,手术时无肿瘤残留,2例有残余微钙化和残余肿瘤;30例为导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS),其中28例钙化病灶完全切除,2例活检术中有肿瘤残留[手术切除标本示导管内癌伴早期浸润,DCIS升级率为6.7%(2/30)]。11例非典型性病变手术治疗,10例术后病理诊断为腺病,1例升级为DCIS,非典型增生升级率9.0%(1/11);5例非典型病变在3年的随访中无可疑发现。结论乳腺X线立体定位下真空辅助乳腺活检可以较好地应用于可疑钙化的微创活检,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化乳腺X线立体定位真空辅助活检(stereotactic vacuum assisted breast biopsy,SVAB)在乳腺微小病变中的临床应用价值.方法:采用全数字化乳腺X线机、三维立体定位系统以及真空负压旋切活检系统,对53例临床不可触及的可疑乳腺微小病变(BI-RADS分级为Ⅳ级及以上)行SVAB.结果:SVAB诊断的特异性为100%,敏感性为96%;阳性预测值为100%,阴性预测值为95%;假阴性率为1.9%,无假阳性病例.结论:SVAB具有定位准确,操作安全、简便,手术成功率高,损伤小等特点,是临床诊断不可触及的乳腺微小病变的理想活检方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨数字化乳腺X线立体定位真空辅助活检(stereotactic vacuum assisted breast biopsy,SVAB)在乳腺微小病变中的临床应用价值。方法:采用全数字化乳腺X线机、三维立体定位系统以及真空负压旋切活检系统,对53例临床不可触及的可疑乳腺微小病变(BI-RADS分级为Ⅳ级及以上)行SVAB。结果:SVAB诊断的特异性为100%,敏感性为96%;阳性预测值为100%,阴性预测值为95%;假阴性率为1.9%,无假阳性病例。结论:SVAB具有定位准确,操作安全、简便,手术成功率高,损伤小等特点,是临床诊断不可触及的乳腺微小病变的理想活检方法。  相似文献   

One hundred fifteen patients underwent needle aspiration biopsy of palpable breast masses prior to open biopsy. Aspirates were obtained by surgical residents, prepared by a cytotechnologist present at the procedure, and evaluated by a single pathologist. Cytologic findings were interpreted as positive or highly suspicious for malignancy, normal or benign, or insufficient. All patients underwent open biopsy. Patients with positive or highly suspicious cytologic findings who preferred partial mastectomy and radiotherapy were offered a segmental mastectomy. No patient was offered total mastectomy based on cytologic findings alone. There were two false-positive and two false-negative results, for a 92 percent sensitivity and 97 percent specificity. The value of needle aspiration biopsy lies in its ability to identify patients at high risk for malignancy. Total mastectomy cannot be recommended based on cytologic findings alone. The setting of a surgical residency program does not adversely affect the reliability of the technique.  相似文献   

Needle biopsy of the prostate, employing large "core" needles and performed via the transperineal or transrectal routes, is a well-established method for diagnosing prostatic malignancy. This procedure can be performed safely under local anesthesia in an outpatient setting. Rectal cleansing and prophylactic antibiotics have minimized infectious complications following transrectal biopsy, and it remains the favored technique in patients with small lesions. Repeat biopsy under anesthesia is indicated when the clinical suspicion of malignancy remains high despite negative biopsies. In contrast to "core" needle biopsy, which obtains a cylinder of tissue for histologic examination, the fine-needle biopsy obtains a specimen for cytologic examination. If cytologic expertise is unavailable locally, the specimen may be fixed in the office and shipped to a major medical center for interpretation. Fine-needle aspiration may be safely employed to biopsy the prostate, pelvic masses, and inguinal and pelvic lymph nodes. Biopsy of palpable masses can be done simply and safely with morbidity akin to venipuncture. Nonpalpable tissues may be biopsied under radiographic guidance. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is safe and cost-effective, has resulted in a significant improvement in the accuracy of our clinical staging, and has spared many patients unnecessary surgical procedures.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Traditional treatment of breast abscesses involves incision and drainage, with and without ultrasound guidance. These procedures cause considerable discomfort and morbidity for the patient. This study was conducted to determine whether needle aspiration of breast abscesses without ultrasound guidance was an effective treatment modality. METHOD: In our prospective study, 30 patients with 33 breast abscesses were treated by needle aspiration of pus, oral antibiotics, and repeat aspiration, if necessary. All were outpatients, and ultrasonography was not used. Twenty-five of the 30 patients were lactating. RESULTS: Eighteen patients required only a single aspiration, 9 patients required multiple aspirations, and 6 patients required incision and drainage (overall cure rate, 82%). Those patients in whom needle aspiration was successful had a significantly smaller volume of pus on initial aspiration (4.0 mL versus 21.5 mL, P = 0.002) and were more likely to have presented earlier than those not cured by aspiration (5.0 days versus 8.5 days, P = 0.006). CONCLUSION: Needle aspiration without ultrasound guidance is an effective treatment for breast abscesses.  相似文献   

Clinical staging of supraglottic carcinoma requires evaluation of the pre-epiglottic space (PES). To explore the role of fine needle aspiration biopsy of the PES in the staging of epiglottic carcinoma, endoscopic transvallecular fine needle aspiration biopsies of the PES were performed in 16 patients with epiglottic carcinoma. The results of aspiration cytology were compared with CT scanning and postoperative histopathologic sections of the PES after total or supraglottic laryngectomy. This preliminary report shows that needle aspiration biopsy of the PES is a safe and sensitive technique, having a high correlation with histopathologic follow-up. Needle biopsy, along with CT scan, is clinically useful in staging the PES, which cannot be examined directly.  相似文献   

The value of needle aspiration biopsy in the evaluation and management of salivary gland pathology is controversial. The major reasons for this controversy are the difficulty in cytologic evaluation and the fact that the extent of surgery can be easily defined based on clinical judgement. However, a preoperative diagnosis is helpful in discussions with patients regarding the extent and type of surgery. Apart from the fact that needle biopsy can distinguish benign from malignant conditions, it is also very useful in distinguishing between salivary and other nonsalivary pathology. Over the past 7 1/2 years, we have performed 160 needle aspirations of parotid, submandibular, and submucosal lesions. Adequate specimens for cytologic evaluation were obtained in 155 patients (97%). A total of 84 parotid lesions, 70 submandibular lumps, and 6 submucosal abnormalities were detected. A cytologic diagnosis of benign pathology was made in 120 patients. Twelve patients had lymphoma and the diagnosis was suspected based on needle aspiration. There were 10 patients with tuberculosis and 30 patients with hyperplastic lymph nodes or benign lymphoepithelial disease of the parotid. There were three false-positive and two false-negative reports. No complications such as hematoma, nerve injury, or infection developed. The major difficulty was in distinguishing between malignancy and obstructive sialadenitis in the submandibular region. Needle aspiration was helpful in evaluating lesions in the tail of the parotid and submandibular area. The cytologic distinction between salivary and nonsalivary pathology was useful in planning the appropriate surgery and the extent of surgical resection. From a clinical standpoint, the distinction between benign and malignant salivary and nonsalivary pathology was very helpful. Preoperative diagnosis of Warthin's tumor, lymphoma, or benign lymphoepithelial disease was essential to the correct management of these patients.  相似文献   

Nonpalpable breast lesions in 20 female patients were prospectively evaluated with a new technique of fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) under mammographic guidance. The patient age range was 37-82 years (mean: 60 years), and the mammographic indications for biopsy were microcalcifications (30%), mass (30%), mass with calcifications (25%), and asymmetric density (15%). Seven (35%) patients had significant risk factors for breast cancer. Prototype coaxial 19-gauge/22-gauge and 18-gauge/20-gauge needle systems (Cook, Inc., Bloomington, IN) were used for localization and biopsy. The technique involved needle localization of the target lesion with FNAB performed through the localizing needle after radiologic confirmation of position. A localizing wire then was inserted to allow each patient to proceed directly to the operating room for a standard needle localization open biopsy. Successful localization and aspiration was possible in 18 (90%) patients. Surgical excision was performed in all 20 patients and confirmed by specimen radiography in 17 (85%). A significant concordance of 94 per cent was found between the histologic results of the open biopsy specimens and the cytologic findings of aspirated specimens. These findings suggest that mammographically guided FNAB may offer a safe, reliable, and cost-effective alternative to open biopsy of nonpalpable breast lesions. Further study of this procedure is warranted to confirm its potential in this area.  相似文献   

Needle aspiration cytology has been reported to be a highly sensitive and specific method of evaluation of solid breast masses when used by a single individual or closely knit group of clinicians and cytopathologists. This report summarizes the experience in 86 patients in whom needle aspiration cytology and excisional biopsy of solid breast masses were performed. All clinical evaluations, including needle aspirations and excisional biopsies, were performed by surgical residents in the Breast Clinic of Grady Memorial Hospital. The cytologic and histologic interpretations were performed by members of the Department of Pathology without direct interaction with the patients. Of the entire group of 86 patients, 27 had cancer and 59 had benign breast disease. There were no false-positive findings and five (11.9%) false-negative findings. The sensitivity of fine-needle aspiration was 73.7 per cent and specificity 100 per cent. The results are compatible with previously reported studies and it is believed that needle aspiration cytology is an integral part of evaluation of breast masses.  相似文献   

A definitive preoperative diagnosis is not readily available for the majority of patients with an enlarging thyroid gland or nodule, but thyroid needle biopsy yields an immediate, safe, and accurate histopathologic diagnosis. In a review of 460 patients having thyroid needle biopsy at the Cleveland Clinic from 1967 to 1976, sufficient biopsy material was available for diagnosis in 410 patients. In 44 patients operations were performed for benign disease for a variety of reasons. In 23 patients operations were performed for thyroid malignancy; in 14 of the latter group the diagnosis was made by needle biopsy and confirmed surgically. Of 9 other patients operated on for thyroid malignancy, 6 had thyroid surgery because needle biopsy showed a follicular neoplasm in which malignancy could not be ruled out, and in the remaining 3, clinical findings and the hypercellular nature of the biopsy prompted operation. In an additional 9 patients thyroid malignancy was diagnosed by needle biopsy, but no operation was performed (1 because of age and prohibitive cardiac risk, 2 because the cancer was metastatic to the thyroid from a separate primary, and 6 because the neoplasms were lymphoma or small cell undifferentiated carcinomas that were treated by radiotherapy). There were 3 complications in 460 biopsies (transient recurrent nerve palsy, hematoma, and local discomfort), all of which were short-lived and minimal. The true value of needle biopsy was that 393 patients with benign disease were spared unnecessary surgery. After a quarter century of experience with this technique, the authors propose that needle biopsy be used more often to eliminate the mortality, morbidity, and significant cost of unnecessary thyroid surgery, and the uncertainty and expense of less accurate diagnostic methods.Résumé Dans la majorité des cas de goitres ou nodules thyroïdiens, il est difficile d'obtenir un diagnostic préopératoire certain. Néanmoins, la biopsie thyroïdienne à l'aiguille donne un diagnostic histologique rapide, sûr et exact. Une revue de 460 biopsies thyroïdiennes à l'aiguille faites à la Cleveland Clinic entre 1967 et 1976 montre que, dans 410 cas, la ponction a fourni un matériel suffisant pour le diagnostic histologique. Parmi ces malades, 44 ont été opérés de lésions bénignes, pour des raisons diverses. Sur 23 cancers thyroïdiens, l'opération a confirmé dans 14 cas le diagnostic fait par ponction. Parmi les 9 autres cas, 6 ont été opérés parce que la biopsie à l'aiguille avait montré une tumeur folliculaire sans pouvoir exclure une malignité et 3 parce que les données cliniques et l'aspect hypercellulaire de la biopsie posaient l'indication opératoire. Neuf autres cancers thyroïdiens diagnostiqués par ponction-biopsie n'ont pas été opérés pour des raisons diverses: 1 âge avancé et risque cardiaque majeur, 2 métastases intrathyroïdiennes d'un autre cancer, 6 lymphomes ou cancers indifférenciés à petites cellules traités par radiothérapie. Les 460 biopsies ont amené 3 complications (paralysie récurrentielle transitoire, hématome, douleur locale), toutes de courte durée et d'importance minime. La vraie valeur de la biopsie apparait lorsqu'on réalise qu'une opération inutile a été évitée à 393 malades. Les auteurs, qui utilisent cette technique depuis un quart de siècle, proposent que la ponction-biopsie soit utilisée plus largement, pour supprimer la mortalité, la morbidité et le prix élevé d'opérations inutiles ainsi que les incertitudes et le coût des méthodes de diagnostic moins précises.  相似文献   

From November 1981 to the end of August 1984, 456 patients with breast lesions underwent aspiration biopsy cytology (A.B.C.). This study includes 109 for whom the diagnosis was histologically confirmed at surgical biopsy. Seventy-five lesions were histologically proven to be malignant and 34 were benign. The accuracy of diagnoses with A.B.C. was; true positive 86.7 per cent (65/75) of the time, true negative 82.6 per cent (28/34) of the time, false negative 5.3 per cent (4/75) of the time and false positive 5.7 per cent (2/34) of the time. Unsatisfactory or inadequate aspirated tissue made A.B.C. diagnosis difficult in 5.5 per cent (6/109) of the cases. Three out of 7 with malignant tumors, who were wrongly diagnosed as benign by A.B.C., had tumors with a diameter of 1.0 cm or less. Two benign cases which were falsely diagnosed as malignant also had small tumors about 1.0 cm in diameter. Although A.B.C. is more reliable than other conventional supplementary diagnostic techniques (mammography, ultrasonography, etc.), it is important to carefully follow clinically questionable cases which appear negative, using A.B.C.  相似文献   

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