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不同程度的髓腔扩大对长骨血供影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解不同程度的髓腔扩大对长骨血供的影响,采用放射性核素显像的方法观察了兔股骨不同程度的髓腔扩大后血供的变化情况。结果显示:轻度扩大后第1天血供稍有下降,第4天超过健侧,此后进一步升高;重度扩大后第 1天血供明显下降,第 4天后逐渐恢复,但直到第 12天仍未达到健侧水平。结果表明:髓放扩大越重,血供下降趋多;扩大的轻,血供下降少。  相似文献   

为了解不同范围的骨膜剥离对长骨血供的影响,我们采用放射性核素显像的方法观察了兔股骨不同范围的骨膜剥离后血供的变化情况。结果显示:骨膜完全剥离后当天血供下降(0.78,t=6.90,P〈0.01),第4、8天高于健侧;骨膜1/3剥离后当天血供无明显变化(0.95,t=0.91,P〉0.05),第4、8天均高于健侧。结果表明骨膜剥离的范围增大对血供的损伤加重,但小范围的骨膜剥离并不造成骨血供的明显下降。  相似文献   

不同范围的骨膜剥离对兔股骨血供的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了解不同范围的骨膜剥离对长骨血供的影响,我们采用放射性核素显像的方法了兔股骨不同范围的骨膜剥离后血供的变化情况。结果显示:骨膜完全剥离后当天血供下降,第4、8天高于健侧;骨膜1/3剥离后当天血供无明显变化,第4、8天均高于健侧。结果表明骨膜剥离的范围增大对血供的损伤加重,但小范围的骨膜剥离并不造成骨血供的明显下降。  相似文献   

放射性核素骨显像在临床骨科的新进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,随着显像设备的进步和骨显像检查技术的提高,放射性核素骨显像的适应证进一步的扩展。除在诊断和鉴别诊断骨的良、恶性病变能力上进一步增强外,在骨科疾病的早期诊断上具有更重要价值,能在影像学诊断之前检测出成骨细胞活力的改变,为骨肿瘤、骨愈合、骨髓炎、应力性骨折、关节炎等疾病的早期诊断提供了有价值的临床依据,也使骨显像在核医学和综合影像学领域的地位进一步的巩固和提高。  相似文献   

石晓兵  梁克玉 《中国骨伤》2002,15(5):278-279
目的 研究理想的、能较快修复大段骨缺损的人工骨材料。方法 将骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)和多孔复合陶瓷(PCC)结合研制成BMP/PCC人工骨,并将BMP/PCC和PCC人工骨进行兔桡骨大段骨缺损修复的对比研究。术后2、4、8和12周时取材,分别作大体、组织形态学、新骨形成定量分析及生物力学测试。结果 BMP/PCC人工骨内新骨形成量明显多于PCC人工骨。术后12周时,BMP/PCC侧植入部位的抗折强度明显高于PCC侧。结论 BMP/PCC人工骨能更快促进长骨大段骨缺损的修复,是一种较理想的人工骨材料。  相似文献   

大颗粒聚乙烯对人工关节假体周围组织影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的 制作松动人工关节的动物模型 ,了解大颗粒聚乙烯对实验动物人工关节假体周围骨组织的影响 ,并初步探讨其作用机制。 方法 选用健康新西兰白兔 2 0只 ,雌雄各半 ,体重 2 .3~ 2 .7kg。从两侧膝关节向股骨置入钴 -铬 -钼棒 ,分别于术后 2、4、6、8及 10周向一侧膝关节腔内注射聚乙烯微粒 (直径 10 0 μm)悬液 1.5 ml(实验侧 ) ,向另一侧膝关节腔内注射生理盐水 1.5 ml(对照侧 )。术后第 10周摄双下肢 X线片 ,了解假体周围是否有骨溶解和假体松动。术后第 12周处死动物。取 13只兔检查聚乙烯颗粒在关节囊分布情况 ,假体有否松动 ,周围有无新骨及界膜形成 ;取5只兔双侧股骨、膝关节囊作组织学检查 (实验过程中有 2只动物死亡 )。 结果  1肉眼观察 :实验侧有 4侧金属假体被新生骨组织覆盖 ,9侧被纤维膜覆盖 ;对照侧有 11侧金属假体被新生骨组织覆盖 ,2侧被纤维膜覆盖 ,差异有统计学意义(P<0 .0 5 )。2 X线片观察 :假体位于股骨髓腔远端 ,其周围未见明显新生骨组织和骨溶解征像。3组织学观察 :实验侧关节囊见大量异物颗粒被成纤维细胞和多核巨细胞包绕 ,假体近端髓腔周围见成纤维细胞和纤维组织或新生骨组织形成 ,未见异物颗粒和多核巨细胞 ,靠近关节面部分见异物颗粒被成纤维细胞和多核巨细胞包绕  相似文献   

常用内固定物对长骨血供的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
骨血供改变直接影响骨折愈合的进程,手术内固定为治疗长骨骨折的主要手段之一,但内固定术的操作及内固定物的置入对骨血供均有一定的影响。这种现象已引起了AO/ASIF的高度重视,他们正试图研究出新的内固定物。1 常用的内固定物内固定物种类很多,名称各异〔1〕。大致可分为:(1)螺钉,可分为普通螺钉,加压螺钉;(2)接骨板,可分为普通接骨板和加压接骨板;(3)髓内钉,可分为扩髓髓内钉和不扩髓髓内钉;(4)钢丝;(5)骨圆针,如克氏针和斯氏钉等。不同内固定物都有各自的应用范围和原则,在长骨骨折内固定术中最…  相似文献   

目的:研究蛇床子素(Osthole,OS)对体外培养股骨组织(骨干和骨骺端)吸收活性的影响.方法:取(80±5)g雄性SD大鼠6只,体外分离培养大鼠股骨组织的骨干和骨骺端,随机分为对照组、雌二醇组(estradiol,E)和蛇床子素处理组.同时在股骨组织分离培养48 h后采用终浓度为1×10-5 mol/L的蛇床子素和1×10-8 mol/L雌二醇对体外培养骨干和骨骺端进行处理;分别在药物处理后的第3、6、9、12 天后测定抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase,StrACP)活性、培养基中葡萄糖(Glucose,Glu)、乳酸(Lactic acid,La)的含量、Real-Time RT-PCR StrACP、集落刺激因子(Macrophage colony stimulating factor,MCSF)、组织激酶K(Cathepsin K,CTSK)mRNA的表达水平.结果:1×10-5 mol/L蛇床子素组碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性为2226,1×10-8 mol/L雌二醇组ALP活性为2498;与对照组比较1×10-5 mol/L蛇床子素和1×10-8 mol/L雌二醇组在加药处理后的第6、9和12天显着抑制StrACP酶活性(P<0.05);1×10-5 mol/L蛇床子素处理体外培养大鼠骨骺端和骨干组织的第3、6、9天后显着增加培养基中乳酸含量(P<0.05),并显着减少培养基中葡萄糖的含量(P<0.05).与对照组比较,1×10-5 mol/L的蛇床子素处理体外培养大鼠股骨组织后的第6和9天蛇床子素能显着抑制StrACP,MCSF,CTSK mRNA的表达水平(P<0.05).结论:蛇床子素抑制体外培养大鼠股骨组织的骨骺端和骨干吸收活性同时可提高营养代谢水平.  相似文献   

目的 了解滋养动脉损伤对股骨血供的影响。方法 选取新西兰白兔12只,随机分成实验组6只,对照组6只。采用放射性核素显像方法,观察滋养动脉结扎后当天,第4、9、12、16、20天,兔股骨血供的变化。结果 洋养动脉结扎后当天,股骨干及上、下干骺端血供明显下降(P<0.05);第4天血供恢复接近正常(P>0.05);第9、12天血供超过健侧;第16天重新恢复正常。结论 滋养动脉结扎对全股骨血供均有影响,以股骨干最重,上干骺端次之,下干骺端最轻。但血供恢复的速度较快,不造成长期影响。  相似文献   

L. Str  mberg  N. Dal  n 《Acta orthopaedica》1976,47(3):254-256
The strength of bone has often been measured in previously frozen samples and the freezing and thawing effect on the strength properties has been considered negligible. By means of a specially constructed torsion machine and a new method for fixing the test bone into the machine, previously frozen bones have been compared to fresh controls. The previously frozen samples were significantly weaker, with an average difference of -4.6 per cent.  相似文献   

P < 0.001), no such finding was observed in the MF group. In conclusion, an antireflux procedure following an esophagomyotomy is recommended. A modified fundoplication was thus found to be as effective as the other techniques in preventing GER, and was even a safer method when obstructive findings following a total or partial fundoplication were considered. (Received for publication on Feb. 10, 1997; accepted on Sept. 2, 1997)  相似文献   

表面脱钙骨基质明胶修复长骨骨缺损9例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用表面脱钙骨基质明胶(SDBMG)移植治疗长骨大块骨缺损9例,结果,除1例因适应证选择不当而失败外,其它8例均得到治愈,患健肢等长。说明SDBMG具有良好的成骨作用和可靠的生物力学性能,是修复长骨大块骨缺损的理想移植材料,可作为自体骨合适的替代材料推广使用,但对急性感染性骨缺损应慎用  相似文献   

L. Str  mberg  N. Dal  n 《Acta orthopaedica》1976,47(3):257-263
By means of a new method with high precision (error 3.1 per cent), the maximum torque capacity of an entire long bone from an experimental animal was measured under standardized conditions within 10 minutes after sacrifice of the animal.  相似文献   

目的及方法 本实验分脱位组、未脱位组及正常组 ,对犬股骨头内骨缺损修复过程进行计量组织学及生物力学的研究。结果 脱位组股骨头均塌陷 ,未脱位组囊腔硬化带形成 ,两组囊腔均未完全闭合。脱位组的骨小梁体积及软骨下骨厚度较正常组及未脱位组低。脱位组松质骨的抗压强度及弹性模量较未脱位组低 ,未脱位组在三组中最高。脱位组的软骨下骨的生物力学特性较正常组及未脱位组低。结论 股骨头脱位可致股骨头坏死塌陷 ,股骨头塌陷与软骨下骨的生物力学特性及厚度有关 ,后两者间亦存在相关关系。囊腔硬化带形成是种代偿反应 ,但可产生应力遮挡 ,不利于囊腔的闭合。此模型 ,可用于研究移植等对股骨头坏死修复的效果。  相似文献   

Purpose. To investigate the acute ultrastructural changes that may occur in the contralateral nonischemic lung tissue after unilateral ischemia of a lung in a rabbit model. Methods. The animals were divided into three main groups of eight; namely, a 2-h procedure group, a 4-h procedure group, and an 8-h procedure group. Each of these groups was further divided into two subgroups of four rabbits each; namely, a control group, given a sham operation without any ischemic insult, and an ischemia group, in which the main pulmonary arteries, the pulmonary veins, and the main bronchi of the left lungs were ligated after thoracotomy. Tissue samples were taken from the left and right lungs to examine the ultrastructural changes after 2, 4, and 8h of ischemia. Each sample was given a semiquantitative histological injury score. Statistical analysis was done by the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. Contralateral ultrastructural damage, evident by heterochromatin in the nuclei, mitochondrial degeneration, cisternal widening of the endoplasmic reticulum, increased lipid droplets, and lysosomes, was determined by electron microscopy after unilateral lung ischemia. The contralateral lung injury was significantly correlated with the duration of ischemia. Conclusions. Unilateral lung ischemia affected the bilateral lungs in a rabbit model. Therefore, in operations such as single-lung transplantation, pulmonectomy, or lobectomy, if the procedure is unnecessarily prolonged, the contralateral lung may be damaged, which could seriously affect the prognosis of the patient.  相似文献   

This work consists of a series of experiments which were made in order: a) to examine the possible alterations of blood flow to the reduced femoral heads of rabbits, after inducing a closed dislocation of their hips and b) to determine the influence of the early or late reduction of the dislocated femoral heads on their blood flow. the estimations of blood flow to the normal and reduced femoral heads were made using radioactive microspheres.

The findings are as follows: a) the blood flow of the femoral heads of the reduced hips was never interrupted completely, b) the initially decreased femoral head blood flow progressively increased, in association to the time elapsed from the reduction, c) No statistically significant difference was found in the femoral head blood flow between hips reduced in early and those reduced late, d) Pure traumatic dislocation of the hip can only rarely be the cause of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head.  相似文献   

新方法治疗长骨骨化性纤维瘤刮除术后骨缺损   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:介绍一种长骨骨化性纤维瘤刮除术后骨缺损修复的新方法,并总结其治疗效果。方法:对3例长青骨化性纤维瘤,在经手术彻底刮除病灶后所形成的包容性骨缺损的血肿内,植入自体骨膜碎片,通过术前,术手影像学对比和临床功能进行评价,结果:经3-6年随访,X线处显示成骨良好,骨缺损修复,病变未复发,肢体功能正常。结论:长骨骨化性纤维瘤属良性肿瘤,发病率较低,术前易误诊,术后易复发。病灶彻底刮除,在骨缺损区血肿内植入自体骨膜碎片,是治疗骨化性纤维瘤的有效新方法。  相似文献   

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