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BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer (CaP) is a common disorder with multiple genetic and environmental factors contributing to the disease. CaP susceptibility loci can be identified through genome-wide scans of high-risk families. METHODS: Allele sharing at 405 markers, distributed across the genome, among 50 families with hereditary prostate cancer, ascertained throughout Sweden, was evaluated through linkage analyses. Genotype data were analyzed utilizing multipoint parametric and non-parametric methods. RESULTS: Two regions provided suggestive evidence for linkage: 19p13.3 (marker D19S209, LOD = 2.91, P = 0.0001) and 5q11.2 (marker D5S407, LOD = 2.24, P = 0.0007). Additional regions with moderate evidence for linkage in the complete set of families, or stratified subsets, were observed on chromosome 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and X. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide strong confirmatory evidence of linkage at 19q13.3 and 5q11.2. The lack of confirmation of linkage at several loci identified in other genome-wide scans emphasizes the need to combine linkage data between research groups.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One of the difficulties confronting genetic studies of prostate cancer is the complex and heterogeneous etiology. Given the high population frequency of lesions meeting the histological definition of prostate cancer, a significant portion of men with a positive family history may be diagnosed due to increased surveillance and associated higher likelihood of biopsy. Over diagnosis decreases power to detect genes that increase susceptibility to a clinically significant prostate cancer. METHODS: We re-evaluated all 623 men with prostate cancer in our 188 hereditary prostate cancer families and identified a subset of 244 men with more aggressive disease based upon meeting at least one of the following clinical and/or pathologic criteria: tumor grade Gleason score > or = 7, tumor stage T2c or higher, pretreatment PSA > or = 20 ng/ml, rising PSA after treatment, evidence of metastasis, or death from prostate cancer. RESULTS: Genome-wide screens were re-performed by defining men as affected only if they met the criteria for clinically significant disease. The new analyses identified stronger evidence for linkage in Xq27-28 and 22q, as well as several novel loci, including 3p and 9p. CONCLUSIONS: Although, these results need to be confirmed in independent studies, our approach represents an important step to overcome the impact of over diagnosis in genetic studies of prostate cancer. Larger studies that incorporate this approach are needed.  相似文献   

Mutations of SQSTM1 are an important cause of PDB, but other genes remain to be discovered. A major susceptibility locus for PDB was identified on chromosome 10p13 by a genome-wide linkage scan in families of British descent, which accounted for the vast majority of cases not caused by SQSTM1 mutations. INTRODUCTION: Paget's disease of bone (PDB) has a strong genetic component, and several susceptibility loci have been identified by genome-wide linkage scans. We previously identified three susceptibility loci for PDB using this approach on chromosomes 5q35, 2q36, and 10p13 in 62 families of mainly British descent, but subsequently, mutations in the SQSTM1 gene were found to be the cause of PDB in 23 families from this cohort. Here we reanalyzed the results of our genome-wide search in families from this cohort who did not have SQSTM1 mutations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population consisted of 210 individuals from 39 families of predominantly British descent with autosomal dominant inheritance of PDB in whom SQSTM1 mutations had been excluded by mutation screening. The average family size was 5.44 +/- 3.98 (SD) individuals (range, 2-24 individuals). Genotyping was performed using standard techniques with 382 microsatellite markers spaced at an average distance of 9.06 cM throughout the autosomes. Multipoint linkage analysis was performed using the GENEHUNTER program under models of homogeneity and heterogeneity. RESULTS: Multipoint parametric linkage analysis under a model of homogeneity and nonparametric linkage analysis under a model of heterogeneity both showed strong evidence of linkage to a single locus on chromosome 10p13 (LOD score, +4.08) close to the marker D10S1653 at 41.43cM. No evidence of linkage was detected at the chromosome 2q36 locus previously identified in this population, and linkage to other candidate loci previously implicated in the pathogenesis of PDB was excluded. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that there is an important susceptibility gene for PDB on chromosome 10p13 in families of British descent and find no evidence to support the existence of a susceptibility locus on chromosome 2q36 or other previously identified candidate loci for PDB in this population. The gene that lies within the 10p13 locus seems to account for the development of PDB in the vast majority of families of British descent who do not carry SQSTM1 mutations.  相似文献   



Prostate cancer is still the most frequent noncutaneous male malignancy and is the second most common cause of cancer death. Genetic factors have been extensively studied in different countries. In addition, numerous genome–wide association studies have been performed in developed countries. Genetic tests will be applied in the near future for diagnosis, therapeutic, and prognostic significance. Therefore, we reviewed the association of several important pathways and genes with critical functions in prostate cancer development or progression.


We performed a PubMed® search using several key words such as prostate cancer, names of important genes with critical function, and polymorphisms. Then, we reviewed retrieved articles as well as relevant articles from 1997 to 2009.


There are conflicting results of studies on some gene polymorphisms in association with prostate cancer. Most of the inconsistent results have been reported in studies investigating the vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in association with prostate cancer. Genes related to angiogenesis and cell adhesion genes are more promising. Following results of future studies, the use of antibodies blocking over‐expressed genes or proteins may be supported in patients with prostate cancer.


The difference between the results of studies on gene polymorphisms in prostate cancer may be explained partly by ethnic differences, limited sample size, and other risk or protective factors modifying these effects. Genome‐wide studies are currently performed in developed countries and extensive use of this type of analysis may merit consideration in other countries. Furthermore, future studies are needed to further investigate environmental and diet factors interactions with genetic factors.  相似文献   

Several genome-wide scans have been performed to detect loci that regulate BMD, but these have yielded inconsistent results, with limited replication of linkage peaks in different studies. In an effort to improve statistical power for detection of these loci, we performed a meta-analysis of genome-wide scans in which spine or hip BMD were studied. Evidence was gained to suggest that several chromosomal loci regulate BMD in a site-specific and sex-specific manner. INTRODUCTION: BMD is a heritable trait and an important predictor of osteoporotic fracture risk. Several genome-wide scans have been performed in an attempt to detect loci that regulate BMD, but there has been limited replication of linkage peaks between studies. In an attempt to resolve these inconsistencies, we conducted a collaborative meta-analysis of genome-wide linkage scans in which femoral neck BMD (FN-BMD) or lumbar spine BMD (LS-BMD) had been studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were accumulated from nine genome-wide scans involving 11,842 subjects. Data were analyzed separately for LS-BMD and FN-BMD and by sex. For each study, genomic bins of 30 cM were defined and ranked according to the maximum LOD score they contained. While various densitometers were used in different studies, the ranking approach that we used means that the results are not confounded by the fact that different measurement devices were used. Significance for high average rank and heterogeneity was obtained through Monte Carlo testing. RESULTS: For LS-BMD, the quantitative trait locus (QTL) with greatest significance was on chromosome 1p13.3-q23.3 (p = 0.004), but this exhibited high heterogeneity and the effect was specific for women. Other significant LS-BMD QTLs were on chromosomes 12q24.31-qter, 3p25.3-p22.1, 11p12-q13.3, and 1q32-q42.3, including one on 18p11-q12.3 that had not been detected by individual studies. For FN-BMD, the strongest QTL was on chromosome 9q31.1-q33.3 (p = 0.002). Other significant QTLs were identified on chromosomes 17p12-q21.33, 14q13.1-q24.1, 9q21.32-q31.1, and 5q14.3-q23.2. There was no correlation in average ranks of bins between men and women and the loci that regulated BMD in men and women and at different sites were largely distinct. CONCLUSIONS: This large-scale meta-analysis provided evidence for replication of several QTLs identified in previous studies and also identified a QTL on chromosome 18p11-q12.3, which had not been detected by individual studies. However, despite the large sample size, none of the individual loci identified reached genome-wide significance.  相似文献   

Summary  This study was conducted to investigate if there exist bone-loss-specific quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for females. Genome-wide linkage scans were conducted in total, premenopausal, and postmenopausal women, respectively. No QTLs exclusively were found in postmenopausal women, suggesting that no bone-loss-specific QTL was implicated independent of BMD in our sample. Introduction  Bone mineral density (BMD) in elderly women is determined jointly by peak bone mass achieved before menopause and by subsequent bone loss upon and after menopause. Peak bone mass is under strong genetic control, but whether bone loss has genetic determination independent of peak BMD is unknown. Materials and methods  To investigate if there exist bone-loss-specific quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for females, we conducted genome-wide linkage scans in 2,582 Caucasian females from 451 pedigrees including 1,486 premenopausal and 1,096 postmenopausal women. Linkage analyses were performed in the total sample and premenopausal and postmenopausal women subgroups, respectively, and the results were compared. Results  No linkage evidence was found exclusively in postmenopausal women. Linkage signals identified are largely consistent in the total, premenopausal, and postmenopausal samples. For example, for spine BMD, for the total sample, a significant linkage was obtained on 15q13 (LOD = 3.67), and LOD scores of 1.52 and 2.49 were achieved on 15q13 in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, respectively. Conclusions  We did not find any QTLs exclusively in postmenopausal women; hence, no specific QTL for bone loss was implicated independent of BMD in our female sample.  相似文献   

Bone mineral density (BMD) achieved during young adulthood (peak BMD) is one of the major determinants of osteoporotic fracture in later life. Genetic variants associated with BMD have been identified by three recent genome‐wide association studies. The most significant single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from these studies were genotyped to test whether they were associated with peak BMD in premenopausal American women. Femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD were determined by dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry in two groups of premenopausal women: 1524 white women and 512 black women. In premenopausal white women, two SNPs in the C6orf97/ESR1 region were significantly associated with BMD (p < 4.8 × 10?4), with suggestive evidence for CTNNBL1 and LRP5 (p < .01). Evidence of association with one of the two SNPs in the C6orf97/ESR1 region also was observed in premenopausal black women. Furthermore, SNPs in SP7 and a chromosome 4 intergenic region showed suggestive association with BMD in black women. Detailed analyses of additional SNPs in the C6orf97/ESR1 region revealed multiple genomic blocks independently associated with femoral neck and lumbar spine BMD. Findings in the three published genome‐wide association studies were replicated in independent samples of premenopausal American women, suggesting that genetic variants in these genes or regions contribute to peak BMD in healthy women in various populations. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research  相似文献   

Summary We conducted a whole genome linkage scan for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying peak bone mineral density (PBMD). Our efforts identified several potential genomic regions for PBMD and highlighted the importance of epistatic interaction and sex-specific analyses in identifying genetic regions underlying PBMD variation. Introduction Peak bone mineral density (PBMD) is an important clinical risk predictor of osteoporosis and explains a large part of bone mineral density (BMD) variation. Methods To detect susceptive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for PBMD variation including consideration of epistatic and sex-specific effects, we conducted a whole genome linkage scan (WGLS) for PBMD using 2,200 Caucasians from 207 pedigrees, aged 20–50 years. All the individuals were genotyped with 410 microsatellite markers. In addition to WGLS in the total combined sample of males and females, we conducted epistatic interaction analyses, and sex-specific subgroup linkage analyses. Results We identified several potential genomic regions that met the criteria for suggestive linkage. The most impressing region is 12p12 for hip PBMD (LOD = 2.79) in the total sample. Epistatic interaction analyses found a significant epistatic interaction between 12p12 and 22q13 (p = 0.0021) for hip PBMD. Additionally, we detected suggestive linkage evidence at 15q26 (LOD = 2.93), 2p13 (LOD = 2.64), and Xq27 (LOD = 2.64). Sex-specific analyses suggested the presence of sex-specific QTLs for PBMD variation. Conclusions Our efforts identified several potential regions for PBMD and highlighted the importance of epistatic interaction and sex-specific analyses in identifying genetic regions underlying PBMD variation. Feng Zhang and Peng Xiao contributed equally to this article  相似文献   

A genome‐wide bivariate analysis was conducted for TBLM and BMD at the spine and hip in a large white sample. We found some QTLs shared by TBLM and BMD in the entire sample and the sex‐specific subgroups, and QTLs with potential pleiotropy were disclosed. Introduction: Previous studies suggested that total body lean mass (TBLM) and BMD are highly genetically correlated. However, the specific shared genetic factors between TBLM and BMD are unknown. Materials and Methods: To identify the specific quantitative trait loci (QTLs) shared by TBLM and BMD at the spine (L1–L4) and total hip, we performed bivariate whole genome linkage analysis (WGLA) in a large sample involving 4498 white subjects of European origin. Results: Multipoint bivariate linkage analyses for 22 autosomes showed evidence of significant linkage with an LOD score of 4.86 at chromosome region 15q13 for TBLM and spine BMD in women, and suggestive linkage findings (LOD > 2.2) at 7p22 for TBLM and spine BMD for the entire sample, at 7q32 for TBLM and BMD at both spine and hip in women, and at 7q21 and 13p11 for TBLM and BMD at both spine and hip in men. Two‐point linkage analyses for chromosome X also showed significant linkage signals at several regions such as Xq25. Complete pleiotropy (a single locus influencing both traits) was suggested at 7q32 and 13q11 for TBLM and BMD. Additionally, complete co‐incident linkage (separate tightly clustered loci each influencing a single trait) was detected at 7p22 for TBLM and spine BMD. Conclusions: We identified several genomic regions shared by TBLM and BMD in whites. Further studies may focus on fine mapping and identification of the specific QTLs in these candidate genomic regions.  相似文献   


BACKGROUND: In an attempt to map the genes predisposing to the common, complex aetiologies of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), we performed a genome-wide scan in 1023 individuals with chronic kidney disease (946 dialysis dependent and 77 with advanced chronic renal failure) from 483 African American families. METHODS: The study sample comprised 563 ESRD-affected sibling pairs, with nephropathy attributed to diabetes mellitus, chronic glomerular disease or hypertension. Multipoint non-parametric linkage (NPL) analysis methods were employed. RESULTS: NPL regression provided modest evidence of linkage to 13q33.3 near D13S796 [log of the odds (LOD) = 1.72], 9q34.3 near D9S1826 (LOD = 1.22), 4p15.32 near D4S2639 (LOD = 1.11) and 1q25.1 near D1S1589 (LOD = 1.01). Adjusting for the evidence of linkage at the other loci using NPL regression analysis provided evidence for linkage to 4p15.32, 9q34.3 and 13q33.3. NPL regression interaction and ordered subset analysis (OSA) suggested that the evidence for linkage to ESRD significantly increased with higher body mass index (BMI) at 13q33.3 (LOD = 4.94 in 61% of families with the highest BMI). Additionally, OSA suggested that linkage significantly improved in the 13% of families with earliest age at ESRD onset (LOD = 3.05 at 2q32.1) and in the 16% of families with latest age at ESRD onset (LOD = 2.47 at 10q26.3). CONCLUSIONS: Multipoint single-locus linkage analysis provided modest evidence of linkage to all-cause ESRD in African Americans on 13q33.3, and NPL regression and OSA suggested that evidence for linkage in this region markedly increased in obese families. This region, as well as 9q34.3, 4p15.32 and 1q25.1, should receive priority in the search for loci contributing to ESRD susceptibility in African Americans.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Zhang Z  Yu H  Zheng SL  Isaacs WB  Xu J  Sun J 《The Prostate》2011,71(9):955-963

BACKGROUND: Several prostate cancer (PCa) susceptibility loci have been reported, but attempts to confirm them in independent data sets have produced inconsistent results. It is not yet clear, how much of this variation is due to differences between different populations. HPCX was originally identified in a combined data set of PCa families from the USA and Scandinavia. Considerable differences in the frequency of linked families were observed in this heterogeneous family sample as well as in following studies. METHODS: In order to estimate the significance of HPCX in the German population, DNA samples from 104 PCa families were genotyped at six polymorphic markers spanning a region of approximately 14 cM on Xq27-28, which includes the proposed HPCX candidate locus. RESULTS: In the entire data set, a maximum NPL Z score of 1.20 (P = 0.11) at marker DXS984 was observed. Statistically significant evidence for linkage was obtained in the subset of 63 families with early-onset disease (i.e., < or = 65 years) with a maximum NPL Z score of 2.32 (P = 0.009) at the same location. CONCLUSION: Our results confirm the existence of a prostate cancer susceptibility gene on Xq27-28 also in the German population.  相似文献   


Bone mineral density (BMD) measured at the femoral neck (FN) is the most important risk phenotype for osteoporosis and has been used as a reference standard for describing osteoporosis. The specific genes influencing FN BMD remain largely unknown. To identify such genes, we first performed a genome‐wide association (GWA) analysis for FN BMD in a discovery sample consisting of 983 unrelated white subjects. We then tested the top significant single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; 175 SNPs with p < 5 × 10?4) for replication in a family‐based sample of 2557 white subjects. Combing results from these two samples, we found that two genes, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and interleukin 21 receptor (IL21R), achieved consistent association results in both the discovery and replication samples. The PTH gene SNPs, rs9630182, rs2036417, and rs7125774, achieved p values of 1.10 × 10?4, 3.24 × 10?4, and 3.06 × 10?4, respectively, in the discovery sample; p values of 6.50 × 10?4, 5.08 × 10?3, and 5.68 × 10?3, respectively, in the replication sample; and combined p values of 3.98 × 10?7, 9.52 × 10?6, and 1.05 × 10?5, respectively, in the total sample. The IL21R gene SNPs, rs8057551, rs8061992, and rs7199138, achieved p values of 1.51 × 10?4, 1.53 × 10?4, and 3.88 × 10?4, respectively, in the discovery sample; p values of 2.36 × 10?3, 6.74 × 10?3, and 6.41 × 10?3, respectively, in the replication sample; and combined p values of 2.31 × 10?6, 8.62 × 10?6, and 1.41 × 10?5, respectively, in the total sample. The effect size of each SNP was approximately 0.11 SD estimated in the discovery sample. PTH and IL21R both have potential biologic functions important to bone metabolism. Overall, our findings provide some new clues to the understanding of the genetic architecture of osteoporosis. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research  相似文献   

Numerous health consequences of tobacco smoke exposure have been characterized, and the effects of smoking on traditional measures of male fertility are well described. However, a growing body of data indicates that pre‐conception paternal smoking also confers increased risk for a number of morbidities on offspring. The mechanism for this increased risk has not been elucidated, but it is likely mediated, at least in part, through epigenetic modifications transmitted through spermatozoa. In this study, we investigated the impact of cigarette smoke exposure on sperm DNA methylation patterns in 78 men who smoke and 78 never‐smokers using the Infinium Human Methylation 450 beadchip. We investigated two models of DNA methylation alterations: (i) consistently altered methylation at specific CpGs or within specific genomic regions and (ii) stochastic DNA methylation alterations manifest as increased variability in genome‐wide methylation patterns in men who smoke. We identified 141 significantly differentially methylated CpGs associated with smoking. In addition, we identified a trend toward increased variance in methylation patterns genome‐wide in sperm DNA from men who smoke compared with never‐smokers. These findings of widespread DNA methylation alterations are consistent with the broad range of offspring heath disparities associated with pre‐conception paternal smoke exposure and warrant further investigation to identify the specific mechanism by which sperm DNA methylation perturbation confers risk to offspring health and whether these changes can be transmitted to offspring and transgenerationally.  相似文献   

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