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Annual vaccination against influenza is the primary means for minimizing serious adverse outcomes from influenza virus infections. These infections result in approximately 20,000 deaths and 110,000 hospitalizations per year in the United States (1). The amount of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine produced for distribution in the United States has increased substantially; in 1999, four manufacturers produced a combined total of 80 to 85 million doses.  相似文献   

Positive attitudes toward and adherence to prescribed medical regimens among patients recovering from initial episodes of myocardial infarction (MI) intuitively have been viewed as beneficial. A cohort of 157 post-MI patients who participated in a cardiac rehabilitation program was tested for compliance with the Health Adherence Scale and Miller Attitude Scale during hospitalization and again six months later. This study reports on follow-up conducted two to five years after initial MI to determine whether patients' attitudes and adherence behaviors had a significant effect on subsequent cardiovascular morbidity and overall mortality after controlling for known risk factors. The data were analyzed using the Cox proportional hazard regression model. Neither positive patient attitudes nor adherence behaviors were associated with a reduced risk of a morbid or fatal event. However, this study found, as have many others, that the known risk factors of alcoholism, widowhood, cigarette smoking, and diabetes were significantly associated with repeat episodes of MI, while the only risk factor associated with mortality was repeat MI. The study suggests that the benefits of positive attitudes and adherence behaviors are outweighed by the influence of existing cardiovascular risk factors. Thus, the prevention of these risk factors remains the primary determinant in the reduction of MI.  相似文献   

Influenza A (H3N2) viruses were the predominant viruses isolated in the United States and worldwide during 1999-2000. This was the third consecutive year that influenza A/Sydney/05/97-like (H3N2) viruses were the most prevalent viruses isolated in the United States. Influenza activity in the United States was similar to the previous two seasons, although mortality measurements attributed to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) were unusually high. Overall, the 1999-2000 influenza vaccine was well matched to circulating influenza viruses. The 2000-01 influenza season will be the first for which influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged > or =50 years. This report summarizes surveillance for influenza in the United States and worldwide during the 1999-2000 influenza season, describes the composition of the 2000-01 influenza vaccine, and highlights changes in the recommendations for prevention and control of influenza.  相似文献   

An educational intervention to promote breast self-examinations (BSEs) among young women was tested. In a group (intervention versus control) x time (Session 1 versus Session 2) mixed design, 172 college females were randomly assigned to either an intervention or control condition. Both groups attended two sessions; the second session was 48 hours after the first. The intervention consisted of an essay, lecture, video portraying young survivors of breast cancer, group discussions, self-test and instructions on performing BSEs. The control group had the same format; however, the information was focused on nutrition and exercise. Participants in the intervention group scored higher on rational problem solving and behavioral intentions, suggesting that the intervention increased adaptive responses to breast cancer threat. Conversely, control participants scored significantly higher on maladaptive reactions (e.g. hopelessness, avoidance and fatalistic religiosity) to breast cancer threat. For intervention participants, the initial decline in maladaptive reactions remained stable at 3-month follow-up, but adaptive reactions decreased. Intervention participants had greater confidence in performing BSEs compared with controls but performed them on an irregular basis. Results were interpreted in terms of protection motivation theory, a model that applies the social psychology of persuasion to preventive health.  相似文献   

Safety and immunogenicity of the influenza vaccine adjuvanted with MF59 (FLUAD) were compared to those of a non adjuvanted subunit vaccine in elderly subjects during three consecutive influenza seasons. Geometric mean titres and proportions of subjects with either a > or = four-fold increase in antibody titres or with an HI titre > or = 128 after immunisation were higher in FLUAD recipients. The adjuvant effect on the magnitude of the responses was most pronounced in subjects with pre-vaccination titres < or = 40. Although associated with more frequent mild local reactions, the adjuvanted vaccine was well tolerated. Thus, the addition of MF59 increased the immunogenicity of the subunit influenza vaccine in elderly persons with low pre-vaccination titres, who are at greatest risk of developing severe influenza disease and vaccine failure, without a clinically important increase in reactogenicity.  相似文献   

Targonski PV  Jacobson RM  Poland GA 《Vaccine》2007,25(16):3066-3069
Immunosenescence refers to the inability of an aging immune system to produce an appropriate and effective response to challenge. This immune dysfunction may manifest as increased susceptibility to infection, cancer, autoimmune disease, and vaccine failure. Mounting biological evidence supports the potential clinical relevance and impact of immunosenenscence. We briefly review immunosenescence with a focus on replicative senescence in cytotoxic T cells and recent clinical studies examining its association with influenza and infectious disease outcomes.  相似文献   

This objective study to raise the knowledge, practical and attitudes of the aged ones of an area of the Program of Health of Familia (PSF) on the vaccine it counts influenza and to identify the reasons that had taken some not to be vaccinated. It consists of a domiciliary inquiry, an area of the PSF of Teresina, with 74 aged ones from 60 years. The result had evidenced that even so 85.3% have inadequate knowledge on the vaccine, 89.1% is favorable. The reasons most frequent for the vaccination had not been illness and fear of the adverse events. It is concluded that the favorable attitude regarding the vaccination can modify the practical front it, restoring behavior of self-protection and greater adhesion.  相似文献   

The ability of elderly patients to mount an adequate immune response to influenza vaccine has been debated. We studied the serum haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody response in elderly persons to determine whether different degrees of chronic illness were a critical factor in immune response. In autumn 1986, trivalent split virus vaccine was used to immunize 87 healthy ambulatory elderly adults and 53 institutionalized elderly adults. The pre-vaccination health status of the healthy elderly group was significantly better as measured by the incidence of chronic disorders and drug use (p less than 0.02) and by the Chronic Health Evaluation component of the APACHE severity of disease classification (p less than 0.001). No group differences were observed in serum HI antibody after immunization with the trivalent influenza vaccine. However, in 28 patients from each group who received the monovalent A/Taiwan/86(H1N1) vaccine 1 month after the trivalent vaccine, the percentage with a postvaccination HI titre greater than or equal to 40 was 57% (16 of 28) for the healthy elderly vs 7% (2 of 28) for the institutionalized elderly (p = less than 0.001). Geometric mean postvaccination HI titres were 31 and 13, respectively (p = 0.004). We concluded that the institutionalized elderly in our study mounted an inferior immune response against the new heterotypic influenza A/Taiwan strain when compared to healthy elderly adults. The Chronic Health Evaluation score may be an effective predictor of a poor immune response to new influenza vaccine strains in the elderly. Increasing age per se and lack of a history of prior influenza immunization did not adversely affect the development of protective levels of serum antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The influence of social support on attitudes, health behaviors and attaining prenatal care was assessed in 300 postpartum patients. Demographic, medical, sociocultural, attitudinal and behavioral factors were assessed by interview and review of the medical chart. Three discrete social support factors (intimacy, comfort, security) were identified by factor analysis. The presence of social support was correlated with positive prenatal attitudes, not using drugs, and adequate health resources. Stepwise multiple-regression analysis demonstrated that one social support factor (intimacy), two health behaviors (not drinking and not smoking while pregnant), and parity accounted for 22% of the variance in amount of prenatal care.Paul T. Giblin, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics; Marilyn L. Poland, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Joel W. Ager, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Psychology Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan.This project was supported by a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Health Care Delivery and Assistance No. MCJ-263811.  相似文献   

During the 2000/2001 influenza season in Japan, children ranging in age from 6 months to 13 years with fever exceeding 37.5 degrees C were recruited. Vaccine efficacy was evaluated by comparing the rates of pre-seasonal vaccination between groups stratified by fever severity. Seven hundred and sixty one patients (33.1%), culture positive for influenza were enrolled for analysis. The numbers of patients for A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 were insufficient for statistical analysis. For influenza B the odds ratio for vaccinated children to have a maximum fever exceeding 39.5 degrees C was 0.52 (95% CI, 0.30-0.92) Our findings suggest modest impact of influenza vaccination on limiting severity of disease symptoms.  相似文献   

Objective Although many studies have shown the usefulness of influenza vaccine in elderly in-patients, the efficacy of vaccination with regard to the daily physical activities of patients has not been fully evaluated. To address this issue, we correlated the use of medical resources with vaccination status in patients categorized according to their daily activity levels. Methods The subjects comprised 237 in-patients at or above 51 years of age, who were hospitalized in the long-term care unit of a Japanese hospital between January and March, 1999. The vaccination status and medical resources use (i.e., oral antibiotics, injected antibiotics, blood cell count, chest X-ray) of each patient were recorded, and the patients were assigned to three subgroups, based on daily life activity scores. Results Vaccinated in-patients in the ‘bed-bound’ category required fewer medical resources, i.e., oral antibiotics (−2.29 days,P<0.05), injected antibiotics (−5.02 days,P<0.001), blood cell counts (−4.66 times,P<0.001), and chest X-rays (−4.31 times,P<0.001), compared with unvaccinated in-patients. There were no significant differences in treatment parameters between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients in the ‘partly limited’ or ‘no limitation’ categories. Conclusions It is suggested that influenza vaccination significantly reduces the need for medical treatment only among those in-patients who are the least physically active. Further studies are required to replicate these findings, and to elucidate the underlying reasons for this reduction.  相似文献   

The antibody response (determined using the single radial haemolysis in gel technique) to inactivated whole-virion trivalent influenza vaccine [A/Leningrad/360/86(H3N2), A/Taiwan/5/87 and B/Ann Arbor/1/86], recommended for the 1987-88 winter season in Italy, in 49 elderly (age greater than or equal to 60 years) subjects was compared with the response in 23 young adult (age less than 60 years) volunteers. The subjects were prevalently healthy and a high percentage of young and old people had been repeatedly immunized against influenza in previous years. No significant differences were detected among age groups; moreover, the immune response measured by seroconversion or by a significant rise in antibody titre was constantly low.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine influenza vaccination rates, vaccine effectiveness, and factors influencing vaccination decisions among house staff. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All residents registered at the University of Toronto were surveyed after the 1999-2000 influenza season. Of the 1,159 questionnaires mailed, 670 (58%) could be evaluated. RESULTS: Influenza-like illnesses were reported by 36% of house staff. The vaccination rate was 51% among respondents, being highest for community and occupational medicine and pediatric staff (77% and 75%) and lowest for psychiatry, surgery, and radiology staff (32%, 36%, and 36%). Vaccinees reported significantly fewer episodes of illness (42 vs 54 per 100 subjects; P = .03) and fewer days of illness (272 vs 374 per 100 subjects; P = .02); absenteeism was not different (63 vs 69 per 100 subjects; P = .69). Self-protection was the most common reason for vaccination. Vaccinees believed the vaccine was more effective than did non-vaccinees (P < .01). Non-vaccinees considered influenza-like symptoms the most important side effect of the vaccine. Busy schedules and inconvenience were the most common reasons for not getting vaccinated. Overall, 44% of house staff believed the influenza vaccine should be mandatory. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza-like illness was common among house staff. They tended to work through their illnesses, potentially putting patients at risk. They were motivated mostly by self-protection and did report a benefit. Despite busy schedules and an unfounded fear of getting influenza symptoms from the vaccine, many thought the vaccine should be mandatory.  相似文献   

目的评估台州市2018/2019年度社区老年人接种三价灭活流感疫苗(TIV)的保护效果(VE)。方法运用前瞻性队列研究设计,招募接种和未接种TIV的≥60岁社区老年人随访6个月,观察流感样疾病(ILI)、因ILI就诊、因ILI或肺炎住院、因呼吸或循环系统疾病住院4种临床结局,计算TIV的VE。结果 TIV接种组、未接种组分别纳入研究对象1 048名、1 025名。接种TIV后1-3月预防4种临床结局的VE(95%CI)分别为-25.1(-80.4-13.2)%、-33.1(-99.2-11.1)%、35.8(-124.9-81.7)%和-12.6(-229.2-61.5)%;接种TIV后4-6月分别为25.5(-7.5-48.4)%、35.1(3.0-56.5)%、1.4(-249.1-72.1)%和-11.5(-240.9-63.5)%;接种TIV后1-6月分别为5.9(-24.2-28.7)%、11.6(-18.9-34.3)%、21.7(-99.2-69.2)%和-13.9(-155.5-49.2)%。结论台州市2018/2019年度社区老年人接种TIV对预防ILI病例发病、就诊和相关住院具有一定的保护效果。  相似文献   

Smoking behaviors and attitudes in the workplace   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of work-site environment on smokers' attitudes toward,satisfaction with, intentions to changes, and actual changein smoking behavior was investigated. Data were collected initiallyon 836 subjects who represented a 10% random sample of individualsparticipating in an ongoing health promotion project for stateemployees. This group was resurveued a year later. Age, race,sex, income and peer pressure were among the significant variablesin predicting outcomes of number of cigarettes smoked, satisfactionwith smoking, intent to change smoking behavior, and changein smoking behavior.  相似文献   

To improve immune responses to influenza vaccine, a trivalent inactivated vaccine containing 60 microg of the HA of each component (A/H3N2, A/H1N1, B) was compared to a licensed vaccine containing 15 microg of the HA of each. More local and systemic reactions were reported by subjects given the high dosage but only local pain and myalgias were significantly increased. The high dosage vaccine induced a higher frequency of serum antibody increases (> or =4-fold) in both hemagglutination-inhibiting (HAI) and neutralization tests for all three vaccine viruses in the total group as well as subjects vaccinated and those not vaccinated the previous year. Mean titers of antibody attained, the magnitude of antibody increases and the frequencies of persons with final HAI antibody titers > or =1:32, > or =1:64, and > or =1:128 were all greater for the high dosage group in both serologic tests, for all groups, and for all vaccine viruses. These increased immune responses should provide increased protection against influenza in the elderly.  相似文献   

Three-hundred and eight outpatient elderly subjects ( 65 years) were randomly assigned to receive the MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (FLUAD; n = 204) or a conventional subunit influenza vaccine (AGRIPPAL S1; n = 104) in order to compare the safety and immunogenicity of the two vaccines. Although mild pain at the injection site was reported more frequently by subjects immunised with the adjuvanted vaccine, both vaccines were shown to be safe and well tolerated. The adjuvanted vaccine was more immunogenic as indicated by higher post-immunisation geometric mean titres (GMTs) and by higher proportions of subjects with post-immunisation four fold increases of antibody titres or subjects with 1/160 post-immunisation HI titres. These differences, statistically significant for all three strains after immunisation, indicated that, by addition of the MF59 adjuvant emulsion, conventional subunit influenza antigens acquire an enhanced immunogenicity without any clinically significant increase of their reactogenicity.  相似文献   

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