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Sophisticated regional anesthesia techniques have experienced substantial growth throughout the past 5 years for acute and chronic pain management. The recognition that regional anesthesia leads to superior postoperative outcomes in acute pain management and to an increased understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic pain has led to increased use of continuous peripheral nerve catheters. Furthermore, the availability of new equipment and techniques specifically designed to facilitate effective catheter placement has increased interest and adoption of peripheral nerve catheters to manage painful conditions. This has become particularly relevant as the scope of ambulatory surgery continues to grow. To maximize success rates with continuous peripheral nerve catheters, clinicians must be intimately aware of the pertinent regional anatomy and technical issues surrounding placement and maintenance of continuous nerve blockade. The recent development of outpatient infusion systems and novel anesthetics has been exciting and is likely to lead to an increase in the use of continuous peripheral catheter techniques. The consistent recognition that these techniques dramatically increase patient satisfaction should dictate an increasing presence in the field of pain management throughout the next several years.  相似文献   

Continuous peripheral nerve block techniques offer many benefits for the surgical patient in terms of target-specific pain control and avoidance of opioid-related side effects. There are many acceptable techniques for perineural catheter placement and infusion management, and practitioners are encouraged to obtain specialized training to develop a consistent practice and ensure patient safety. Emerging technology in ultrasound guidance may offer advantages in perineural catheter insertion accuracy and procedural efficiency. Various infusion devices are available that permit delivery of a basal rate and patient-controlled bolus for use in the event of breakthrough pain. A successful outpatient continuous peripheral nerve block program should include thorough patient education, detailed written instructions, daily telephone follow-up, and contact information for a healthcare provider familiar with these techniques who can answer questions and intervene when necessary.  相似文献   



After medication failure, patients with refractory trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) often present urgently and seek more potent or invasive therapies such as opioids or surgical options. Peripheral nerve blocks, safe and simple, may offer extended pain relief prior to opioid use or more invasive ganglion level procedures.


We report a retrospective case-series (urgent care, at a large urban medical center, over a 2?year period) of nine patients with intractable primary TGN who underwent peripheral trigeminal nerve blocks after failing conservative medical therapy. After antiseptic skin preparation, a 30?g needle was inserted localizing to the supraorbital, infraorbital, and mental foramens. 0.5?mL of 0.25% bupivicaine:1% lidocaine was injected locally at all three foramens. Then, 1?mL of the above was injected in the region of the auriculotemporal nerve (see Video 1). All injections were done on the side with TGN pain.


All nine patients experienced immediate pain relief of >50% with 7 of 9 being completely pain free or just mild paresthesia. Six of nine patients had lasting pain relief (1–8?months); three patients reporting pain now tolerable with adjunct medication and two patients were completely pain free.


The treatment paradigm for TGN remains unclear when a patient fails conservative medical therapy. In this case series, many patients achieved rapid and sustained TGN pain relief with peripheral trigeminal nerve blocks. This modality should be considered as a potential therapeutic option in the ED or urgent care setting.  相似文献   

The emergency physician has a variety of options for providing effective pain relief. A solid understanding of the local anesthetic agents and regional anesthetic techniques is an essential component of every emergency physician's analgesia armamentarium.  相似文献   

IntroductionMotor nerve blocks with anesthetic drug for local anesthesia are commonly used in physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM), especially in the field of spasticity. Guidelines in this context are currently lacking.MethodEighteen experts selected on the basis of their recognized experience by the scientific committees of the French PRM (SOFMER) and Anesthesia and Intensive care (SFAR) societies were invited to work and propose guidelines for the use of loco-regional anesthetic drug for motor nerve blocks in PRM setting. Eight issues were addressed: which neural blocks for which indications; drugs and contraindications; medical survey and attitude in case of adverse event; injection and guidance material; patient preparation and pain relief; efficacy assessment; patient information; education of PRM physiatrists. The Medline, Cochrane and Embase databases for the period 1999 to 2018 were consulted and 355 papers analyzed. The drafts were commented then approved by the whole group using electronic vote, before final approval by scientific committee of each society.ResultsNo scientific evidence emerged from the literature. Thus, these guidelines are mainly based on the opinion of the expert panel. Guidelines for each issue are reported with the main points of arguments. The main question deals with the recommendation about doses for each drug: for lidocaine – up to 2 mg/kg – “check contraindications, emergency truck available, no need of previous anesthetic consultation nor presence of anesthetic physician”; for ropivacaine – up to 1.5 mg/kg, with a maximum of 100 mg – the same but after intravenous line. Beyond these doses, SFAR guidelines have to be applied with the need of anesthetic physician.ConclusionThese are the first organizational guidelines devoted to increase the security of motor nerve block use in PRM settings.  相似文献   

Wounds and injuries to hands are common presentations to emergency departments. Traditionally wounds would be treated by infiltration of the wound with a local anaesthetic. This has the disadvantage of distorting the wound edges and making it difficult to oppose the wound edges.If a wound or an injury involves many different parts of the hand multiple infiltration points may be required to ensure adequate pain relief to enable treatment to occur.By using a regional block of the wrist the whole  相似文献   

Murauski JD  Gonzalez KR 《AORN journal》2002,75(1):134-47; quiz 148-54
Peripheral nerve blocks are used as part of a preemptive and multimodal analgesic technique to provide safe and effective postoperative pain management with minimal side effects. They are used for a variety of surgical procedures in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Peripheral nerve blocks have resulted in shorter recovery times, decreased anesthesia-related complications, and better postoperative pain management. Peripheral nerve blocks, as part of a multimodal analgesic regimen, have decreased recovery times by lessening side effects (eg, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness). Nerve blocks have allowed procedures previously performed only in hospitals to be performed on an outpatient basis by providing extended surgical area analgesia. The use of peripheral nerve blocks, however, requires skilled and knowledgeable clinicians. This article discusses the mechanism of action and the role of peripheral nerve blocks in multimodal analgesia, as well as perioperative nursing implications and management for upper and lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks. AORN J 75 (Jan 2002) 136-147.  相似文献   

Nerve blocks are an effective treatment in patients with many types of acute pain. However, they are much less effective in patients with chronic pain. Candidates for therapeutic nerve blocks should be carefully screened by: assessment of organic disease; evaluation of psychologic and behavioral disorders, and differential nerve blocks. The best candidates for therapeutic nerve blocks have known or inferred organic disease, minimal psychologic or behavioral disorders, and evidence of sympathetic or somatic pain mechanisms.  相似文献   

背景:神经导管技术理论上采用生物或非生物材料预制成合适的管状支架,桥接神经断端两侧,在提供神经再生微环境的同时通过神经诱导、营养作用促进神经再生.目的:观察组织工程化神经导管修复外周神经损伤的临床效果.方法:选择24例陈旧性上肢神经损伤患者,以患者自愿原则分2组治疗:试验组采用组织工程化神经导管修复,对照组采用自体周围体表感觉神经移植修复.治疗后随访6个月观察患者肢体神经损伤功能修复效果.结果与结论:随访6个月后,两组肢体远端感觉运动功能与目测类比疼痛评分均较治疗前改善(P 〈0.05),且试验组效果更好(P 〈0.05);两组损伤侧感觉与运动神经传导速度均较治疗前改善(P 〈0.05),且两组间差异无显著性意义.说明组织工程化神经导管材料符合神经修复导管支架的要求,临床应用疗效肯定.  相似文献   

目的神经移植可以通过不同桥接物来完成,各种周围神经再生桥接物在周围神经缺损修复中有着重要的作用.方法应用计算机检索Medline数据库和万方数据库1996/2002期间有关周围神经再生桥接物研究的相关文献,包括神经纤维组织桥接物、非神经纤维组织桥接物、人工合成材料等内容.结果对周围神经再生桥接物的研究目前仍以3大类为主①神经纤维组织桥接物主要有自体神经、异体神经和异种神经.自体神经移植仍是目前治疗周围神经缺损的首选方法,然而对于粗大的、长段的外周神经移植物很难找到,且有供区神经瘤形成和运动、感觉障碍等并发症,造成新的神经损伤.异体和异种神经移植体,来源较自体广泛,不给患者带来新损伤,各种类型的神经段均可得到等优点,但存在宿主对移植体的免疫排斥反应问题.②非神经纤维组织桥接物自体非神经纤维组织桥接物来源广泛,其中静脉和肌肉研究较多.静脉桥接体桥接周围神经效果不及自体神经移植而优于肌肉、肌腱及硅橡胶,但由于缺乏促神经再生的活性因子,桥接较长的缺损时易于塌陷.③人工合成材料桥接物人工合成材料具有生理性好,无抗原性,无致癌性,植入体内异物反应小,桥接神经纤维的管腔不易塌陷,使神经近端再生的轴索可顺利的通过,减少瘢痕干扰,跨越缺损长入远端实现自然修复等优点成为近年来的研究热点.结论各种研究仍停留于动物实验阶段,目前临床治疗周围神经缺损仍以自体神经移植为主,临床新的治疗方法还有待学者再进行深入研究.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve blockade (PNB) for orthopedic surgery is usually performed without visual guidance, relying mainly on surface anatomic landmarks and electrical stimulation to localize nerves. Moreover, multiple trial and error attempts to place a needle can frustrate the operator, cause unwarranted pain to the patient, and waste valuable time in the operating room. Inaccurate needle placement and spread of local anesthetic account for most PNB failures, whereas “trial and error” needle manipulations for nerve localization can cause complications. The recent application of ultrasound (US) to PNB affords real-time imaging of the target nerve, needle, and surrounding vasculature, such that needle proximity to the nerve is ensured and vascular puncture avoided. This article reviews the advantages, principles, and techniques of US for the most common types of PNB.  相似文献   

背景:近年来,随着生物工程技术以及组织工程化神经的发展给周围神经缺损的治疗带来了新的希望,已逐渐成为研究的焦点。目的:从种子细胞、生物材料以及构建周围神经组织技术3个方面综述组织工程方法修复周围神经损伤的新进展。方法:由第一作者在2013年7月应用计算机检索PubMed 数据库及CNKI 数据库,英文关键词为“tissue engineering,peripheral nerves,nerve injuries,stem cel s,schwann cel s,scaffold,growth factor”,中文关键词为“组织工程,周围神经,神经损伤,干细胞,许旺细胞,支架,生长因子”。选择内容与神经组织工程、周围神经损伤修复相关的文章,同一领域文献则选择近期发表或发表在权威杂志文章,共纳入63篇文献。结果与结论:现阶段组织工程方法修复周围神经损伤的研究虽已取得很大进展,但大多停留于实验探索阶段。将组织工程神经应用于临床尚存下列问题亟待解决:①种子细胞来源及伦理。②细胞扩增后移植的免疫排斥。③移植细胞稳定性问题及致瘤性。④神经支架材料的降解速度、最佳孔隙率、导管厚度、形状等。⑤体外神经构建后移植修复时机。⑥各种神经生物因子的局部释放与调控等等。随着科技的发展,期待上述问题的解决,从而使得众多临床神经损伤患者受益。  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve blocks involve injecting local anesthesia near or around a nerve or nerve plexus. This form of anesthesia allows surgeons to perform more complex surgeries and provides extended postoperative analgesia for patients. Patients experience reduced postoperative pain and length of hospital stay and increased satisfaction with the outcome of surgery because they are less likely to experience adverse effects. Use of peripheral nerve blocks in an outpatient setting is becoming more common and has increased the perioperative nurse's patient care responsibilities. The nurse must perform a preblock assessment and assist the anesthesia professional with administration of the block. Major responsibilities of the nurse include identifying and managing potential adverse effects (eg, pneumothorax, toxicity) associated with block administration and patient discharge education.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) has been used in the treatment of pain since 1965, only a few follow-up studies have been published. The aim of the present retrospective study was to carefully assess the long-term efficacy and safety of PNS in the treatment of painful nerve injuries. METHODS: Patients suffering from intractable pain due to peripheral nerve injuries underwent PNS after careful selection. Long-term results were evaluated based upon patients' reports of pain intensity on a visual analog scale (VAS) and their consumption of analgesics. Two categories of results were chosen: good, referring to 50% or more relief of pain with abstinence from analgesic medications; and poor, with less than 50% improvement. RESULTS: Of 154 referred patients, 46 (26 women and 20 men) were found suitable for PNS. Four etiologic factors were identified, the most common being nerve lesion following an operation in the region of the hip or knee. Other etiologies included entrapment neuropathy, pain following nerve graft, and painful neuropathy following a traumatic injection. The follow-up period was 3-16 years. Of the 46 patients who underwent surgery, the results were classified as good in 36 (78%) patients and as poor in 10 (22%) patients. Overall, pain intensity dropped from a VAS of 69 +/- 12 before surgery to 24 +/- 28 postoperatively (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: PNS can produce good pain relief in the majority of carefully selected patients suffering from isolated painful neuropathies.  相似文献   

Traumatic injuries to peripheral nerves pose complex challenges to both military and civilian physicians. Treatment of nerve injuries must consider all aspects of the inherent disability. Pain control is of paramount importance. Little will be accomplished until pain is brought down to tolerable levels. Rehabilitation needs to be instituted as first-line treatment. Focus must be first placed on protection of the affected area from complications stemming from disuse and immobility and then on enhancement of strength, flexibility, sensory discrimination, and dexterity. Early intervention sets the stage for optimal physiologic and functional recovery.  相似文献   

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