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AIMS: To assess the immunoexpression of cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma in a cohort of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma cases from South Africa to see whether there is a relation between these two proteins. In addition, protein expression was correlated with clinicopathological features. METHODS: Fifty biopsies and 30 oesophagectomy specimens were immunostained with commercially available antibodies to cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma proteins, following microwave antigen retrieval. RESULTS: Twenty three of the 80 cases (29%) showed cyclin D1 protein expression. However, only five cases had > 50% of the tumour cells displaying immunopositivity. Three of the four cases with lymph node spread were cyclin D1 positive in the primary tumour and the metastasis. Fifty three cases were immunoreactive with the antiretinoblastoma antibody; 29 of these cases showing > 50% of cells with immunolabelling. Of the 23 cyclin D1 positive cases, 18 were also retinoblastoma positive. No correlation was observed between cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma protein expression and age, sex, race, or histological grade. CONCLUSIONS: Cyclin D1 is expressed in a minority of cases of oesophageal squamous carcinomas from South Africa. However, three of four cases with lymph node spread were cyclin D1 positive, thus indicating that cyclin D1 positive tumours may have a greater propensity for spread. In addition, 18 of 23 cyclin D1 positive cases also expressed retinoblastoma protein. These findings suggest a possible relation between cyclin D1 and retinoblastoma proteins in a proportion of cases of oesophageal squamous.  相似文献   

Aims—To study the amplification of the Cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) in human breast carcinoma; to relate this to Cyclin D1 protein expression; to relate these parameters to recognised pathological prognostic factors, including oestrogen receptor (ER) status.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is the most widely used technique to detect HER-2/neu gene amplification; however, it is only available in some institutions. In contrast, chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) can be evaluated by routine light microscopy. In endometrial carcinoma there are few data concerning HER-2/neu status and prognosis. Therefore, we determined HER-2/neu gene status by CISH using a digoxigenin-labelled probe on 60 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded endometrial carcinomas. The data were compared with the immunohistochemistry of HER-2/neu (A0485, TAB250), p53, Ki-67, clinicopathological factors, and survival. By conventional light microscopy, HER-2/neu amplification (>/=6 copies >50% cancer cells) was detected in 14% (8/59) tumours, HER-2/neu overexpression (>10% cells moderate/strong complete membrane staining) in 22% (13/60) for A0485, and 18% (11/60) for TAB250, p53 (>10% +cells) in 61% (36/59), and Ki-67 (>50% +cells) in 50% (30/60). Discordant cases for CISH and immunohistochemistry, as well as all (2+) were further analysed by FISH (Vysis). Among 10 cases (2+) and not amplified by CISH, two showed low-level amplification by FISH. Significant correlation was found between amplification and protein overexpression (P相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The p21WAF1/CIP1 gene mediates growth arrest by inhibiting G1 cyclin dependent kinases and has been considered as a downstream effector of the tumour suppressor gene p53. AIM: To analyse the role of p21WAF1/CIP1 in gestational trophoblastic disease. METHODS: The immunohistochemical expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 gene was measured in 33 placentas, 28 partial hydatidiform moles, 54 complete hydatidiform moles, and 13 choriocarcinomas in paraffin wax embedded tissue. The results were correlated with p53 (DO7) and Ki67 (MIB1) immunoreactivity as well as clinical progress. RESULTS: p21WAF1/CIP1 immunoreactivity was found predominantly in the nuclei of the syncytiotrophoblasts. p21WAF1/CIP1 protein expression correlated with gestational age in normal placentas (p = 0.0001) but not in hydatidiform moles (p = 0.89). Complete hydatidiform moles and choriocarcinomas had a significantly higher p21WAF1/CIP1 expression compared with normal placentas and partial hydatidiform moles (p < 0.001); there was no difference between placentas and partial hydatidiform moles. No correlation between p21WAF1/CIP1 expression and either the proliferation (Ki67) index (p = 0.34) or p53 protein accumulation (p = 0.68) was demonstrated. There was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in p21WAF1/CIP1 expression between the 17 patients who developed persistent gestational trophoblastic disease and those who did not. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that p21WAF1/CIP1 expression in trophoblastic disease may be induced by a p53 independent pathway. The proliferative activity of gestational trophoblastic diseases might not be determined solely by the control of the cell cycle operated by p21WAF1/CIP1. p21WAF1/CIP1 expression is not an accurate prognostic indicator of gestational trophoblastic disease.  相似文献   

Expression of the mutant protein-suppressor of tumor growth p53 and the receptor of epidermal growth factor of type II--HER-2/neu may serve as prognostic factors for patients with chondrosarcoma of malignancy grade II. Combined expression of these proteins in the tumor tissue correlates with shorter 5-year survival of recurrence-free patients. The data obtained may be used for prognosis of chondrosarcoma course and choice of adequate therapy.  相似文献   

Mdm2, localized on chromosome 12, is considered a negative regulator of p53 function and seems to play a role in the pathogenesis of a variety of tumors. The mdm2 amplification in advanced-stage gastric carcinoma has not yet been investigated. Mdm2 amplification was determined in 43 gastric carcinomas, and the genetic results were correlated with mdm2 protein expression, p53 alterations, and clinicopathologic data. The tumors were classified according to Lauren: 20 intestinal-type tumors, 19 tumors of diffuse growth inclusive of a primary small cell carcinoma, and 4 carcinomas with mixed differentiation. Staging was based on the pTNM classification system. Mdm2 and p53 were demonstrated by immunohistology on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tumor tissue. The mdm2 oncogene was amplified by nonradioactive hybridization of tumor DNA with an mdm2 cDNA probe. The Southern blots were evaluated densitometrically. For p53 mutation screening, we analyzed the highly conservative regions of the p53 gene (exons 4 to 8) with the use of the polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism technique. Polymerase chain reaction products with band shifting were directly sequenced. Mdm2 amplification was demonstrated in 18 tumors (41.8%). The mdm2 gene was amplified more frequently in carcinomas with a diffuse growth pattern. Gastric carcinomas of the intestinal type, however, showed a higher frequency of p53 alterations. There was no statistical significance of the molecular genetic and immunohistologic results of the mdm2/p53 status to staging as well as to age and sex of the patients. The mdm2/p53 pathway is a part of the carcinogenesis of gastric carcinoma. Only approximately 20% of gastric carcinomas failed to show mdm2 and/or p53 alterations. The upregulation of the mdm2 oncogene and the accompanying inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene 53 seem to play a role above all in carcinomas of the diffuse type.  相似文献   

Aims—To investigate the pattern of expression of p53 protein and two wild type p53 induced proteins (mdm2 and p21/waf1) as an indirect way of assessing p53 gene status in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.  相似文献   

Malignant uveal melanoma is the commonest primary intraocular tumour in adults. It metastasizes frequently and 50% of patients die within 10 years of diagnosis. The expression of cyclin D1, p53, and MDM2 in uveal melanoma and their relationship to metastasis-free 5-year survival was determined, in order to investigate whether these proteins help to distinguish those patients with a favourable prognosis from those with a poorer one. Ninety-six eyes enucleated for uveal melanomas were immunohistochemically analysed for the protein expression of cyclin D1 and related cell-cycle markers, p53 and MDM2. The evaluation of the specimens was undertaken by two independent pathologists without knowledge of the outcome. Statistical analysis of clinical, morphological, and immunohistological features was performed. A 'favourable outcome' was defined as survival of at least 5 years after diagnosis, without metastases (n=57). An 'unfavourable outcome' was defined as death from metastases within the first 5 years after diagnosis of uveal melanoma (n=39). Cyclin D1 positivity (>15% positive tumour cells) as well as p53 positivity (>15% positive tumour cells) was associated with an unfavourable outcome (for cyclin D1: odds ratio=4. 2, 95% confidence interval 1.5-11.8, p=0.006; for p53: odds ratio=3. 2, 95% confidence interval 1.1-9.3, p=0.03). In addition, cyclin D1 positivity was associated with the presence of extraocular extension of the tumour (p=0.01), with the mixed or epithelioid cell type (p=0. 02), and with the tumour cell MIB-1 positivity (p=0.0001). MDM2 immunoreactivity of the tumour cells showed a potential correlation with clinical outcome (odds ratio=2.1, 95% confidence interval 0.8-5. 8, p=0.13). Multiple logistic regression models showed that cyclin D1 positivity is an independent prognostic factor after control for other prognostic markers. The expression of cyclin D1 in uveal melanoma is associated with a more aggressive course and histologically unfavourable disease. This could serve as a further independent prognostic factor in uveal melanoma.  相似文献   

Aims—To investigate the immunohistochemical expression of MDM-2 protein in comparison with that of p53 protein in nasopharyngeal carcinomas.  相似文献   



The molecular mechanisms that are responsible for the initiation and progression of breast cancers are largely unknown. This study was to analyze the cyclin B1, cdc2, p53 and p16 tumor suppressor genes in human breast cancer.

Materials and Methods

To investigate the role of cyclin B1, cdc2, p53 and p16 in the pathogenesis and progression of breast carcinomas, 98 cases of breast cancers were examined by immunohistochemical method. The correlations of cyclin B1, cdc2, p53 and p16 expression with various clinico-pathologic findings were analysed.


In the normal breast tissues, cyclin B1, cdc2 and p16 were weakly expressed, while p53 was not expressed. On the other hand, cyclin B1, cdc2, p53 and p16 were overexpressed in breast cancer, showing correlation between the expression of cyclin B1 and cdc2 and breast cancers (p=0.00). The overexpressions of cdc2 and p16 were correlated with an infiltrative tumor border pattern and this was statistically significant (p<0.05). In addition, the overexpression of cdc2 was correlated with histologic high grade carcinomas (p=0.00).


Cyclin B1 and cdc2 appeared to be involved in the genesis or progression of breast cancers. In addition, the overexpressions of p16 and p53 may play important roles in more aggressive tumor and the overexpression of cdc2 is associated with progression of tumor to a higher grade of breast carcinomas. The deranged overexpressions of cyclin B1, cdc2, p16 and p53 may play an important role in human breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Cyclin D1 overexpression, detected by standard immunohistochemistry, was correlated with other prognostic variables and its prognostic value was evaluated in a group of 148 invasive breast cancers with long-term follow-up. Overexpression of cyclin D1 (59% of cases) was negatively correlated (chi 2 test) with histological grade (P = 0.0001), mean nuclear area (P = 0.004), mean nuclear volume (P = 0.02), and mitotic activity (P = 0.03) and positively correlated with estrogen receptor (P = 0.0001). There was a strong correlation between cyclin D1 overexpression and histological type (P = 0.0001). Positive cyclin D1 staining was seen in 11 of 13 tubular carcinomas, 3 of 3 mucinous carcinomas, 4 of 4 invasive cribriform carcinomas, and 17 of 20 lobular carcinomas. Of 102 ductal cancers, 52 were positive, and all 6 medullary carcinomas were negative. There were no significant correlations with lymph node status, tumor size, or DNA ploidy. In survival analysis, cyclin D1 overexpression did not provide significant univariate or multivariate prognostic value. In conclusion, cyclin D1 is mainly overexpressed in the well differentiated and lobular types of invasive breast cancer and is strongly associated with estrogen receptor positivity. It is negatively correlated with the proliferation marker mitoses count and with the differentiation markers nuclear area and nuclear volume. However, cyclin D1 overexpression does not seem to have prognostic value in invasive breast cancer when no adjuvant treatment is given.  相似文献   

The expression of p53-Inducible cylln-dependent kinase Inhibitor, p21WAF1/CIP1 in non-neopiastic mucosa, adenoma and adenocarclnoma of the colorectum was examined by immunohistochemistry and western bootting and Its relation with the expression of p53 protein was analyzed. Non-neoplastic epithelial cells at the surface area showing no proitferative activity expressed p21WAF1/CIP1.The expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 was lmmunohistochemlcally detected in 55% (206/377 of the adenomas and 66% (190/289) of the adenocarcinomas, respectively. The lncldence of strongly positive cases was significantly higher In the adenocarcinomas (27%) than In the adenomas (18%) ( P< .05). The incidence of cases wtth strong p21WAF1/CIP1 expression was higher In stages 0,1 and 2 carcinomas than in stages 3 and 4 carcinomas ( P <0.05). A decrease in the incidence of cases with strong expression was detected in carclnomas Invading deeper than muscularis propria. The influence of strongly positive cases was signiflcantly lower in carcinomas with lymph node metastasis than those without metastasls ( P <0.05). The expression of p21 as well as p53 detected by western blotting was compatlble with the results of lmmunohistochemlstry in most cases examined. However, there was no significant correlatlon between the expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 and the abnormal accumulation of p53. These findlngs overall suggest that: (i) the physiological expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 may be associated with cellular senescence of colorectal mucosa; (ii) reduced expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 participate in the progression of colorectal carcinoma; and (iii) p53-Independent paulway may be considerably Involved In the inductions of p21WAF1/CIP1.  相似文献   

Male breast cancer is rare, and experience of it in any single institution is limited. Our current understanding regarding its biology, natural history, and treatment strategies has been extrapolated from its female counterpart. The aim of this study is to evaluate the expression patterns of estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), MiB1 (Ki67), Her-2/neu (c-erbB2), and p53 and to correlate them with the prognosis, presentation, staging, management, and survival/outcome in male breast carcinoma identified through the Veterans Administration nationwide cancer registry. Sixty-five cases of male breast cancer were reviewed for classification. Tumor blocks were requested from each institution for immunohistochemical staining and evaluation of ER, PR, p53, Her2-neu, and MiB1. Seventeen age- and disease-matched male veteran patients with breast gynecomastia were used as controls. Traditional prognostic data were collected for comparison with female breast cancers (i.e., age, lymph node status, clinical staging, tumor size, histological grade, and disease-free and overall survival). Male breast carcinoma had worse disease-free survival than controls (P =.03). The clinical stage regardless of tumor size or lymph node metastasis was the single most significant prognostic factor (P <.0001). ER-positive patients appeared to have a better survival than did ER-negative patients (P =.03, univariate; P not significant in multivariate) and did not benefit from treatment with tamoxifen (P =.0027, univariate; P =.42, multivariate). MiB1 and PR expressions did not correlate with treatment or survival, and p53 was associated with shorter disease free survival (P =.07, univariate; P =.047, multivariate). Stage for stage, Her2-neu was associated with shorter disease-free survival (P <.0001) and correlated with positive lymph nodes (P =.08). Surgery alone versus surgery with adjuvant treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, tamoxifen, or combination) did not show any survival difference. Adjuvant therapy seemed to be associated with worse outcome. In the Veterans Administration hospital setting, the clinical stage and the expressions of p53 and Her2-neu in male breast carcinoma may be prognostically useful markers in guiding future treatment in prospective studies, whereas ER, PR, and MiB1 expressions are of limited value.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the immunocytochemical staining pattern of mdm2 and p21WAF1 proteins in invasive cervical cancer and to determine its relation with the expression of p53 and with the high risk HPV infection. METHODS: Immunocytochemistry for p53, mdm2, and p21WAF1 was performed in 31 paraffin embedded sections of invasive cervical cancer. The results were assessed by image analysis, evaluating for each protein the optical density of the immunostained area, scored as percentage of the total nuclear area. The presence of high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection was detected by using the polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Immunostaining for both mdm2 and p21WAF1 was correlated with p53 expression; however, the correlation between p53 and mdm2 (R = 0.49; p < 0.01) was more significant than between p53 and p21WAF1 (R = 0.31; p < 0.05); the less stringent correlation between p53 and p21WAF1 might reflect the p53 independent mechanisms of p21WAF1 induction. Similar average levels of p53, mdm2, and p21WAF1 immunostaining were found in the presence or absence of high risk HPV-DNA, without significant differences between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that mdm2 and p21WAF1 proteins are expressed in invasive cervical cancer and that their immunocytochemical staining pattern is not abrogated by the presence of high risk HPV genomic sequences.  相似文献   

HER-2/neu protein overexpression in breast cancer is mostly caused by HER-2/neu gene amplification. However, it is unclear whether aneusomy 17 may also play a role. Using immunohistochemistry assay (IHC) with DAKO antibody and manual quantitation, 189 specimens were selected from archival invasive breast cancer specimens, including most IHC-positive and some IHC-negative cases (n = 158 and 31, respectively). They were then analyzed by PathVysion fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay (Vysis, Inc., Downers Grove, IL) and by an image analyzer (ACIS; ChromaVision Medical Systems, Inc., San Juan Capistrano, CA)-assisted IHC quantitation. Ninety-two cases contained disomy 17 (chromosome 17 centromere, 1.76-2.25 signals per cell) whereas 97 cases had aneusomy 17, including 82 with low polysomy (2.26-3.75 signals per cell), 10 with high polysomy (> or =3.76 signals per cell), and 5 with hypodisomy (> or =1.75 signals per cell). HER-2/neu protein expression had the highest correlation with HER-2/neu gene dosage (copy number; r =.826), followed by the HER-2/neu gene to chromosome 17 ratio (r =.733). The lowest correlation was with the chromosome 17 copy number (r =.307), on which the 10 cases with high polysomy 17 had a disproportionately high impact. The FISH assay using the PathVysion criterion for HER-2/neu gene amplification (HER-2/neu gene to chromosome 17 ratio, > or = 2.00) achieved higher concordance with ACIS IHC than did an alternative FISH criterion (absolute HER-2/neu gene copy number, > or = 4.00 signals per cell). Most ACIS IHC-PathVysion FISH-discordant cases contained disomy or low polysomy 17, whereas all 10 cases with high polysomy 17 had no such discordance. However, two cases with monosomy 17 had ACIS IHC-PathVysion FISH discordance, i.e., with gene amplification, but no protein overexpression. Both cases would have had no gene amplification if the alternative FISH criterion had been used. In conclusion, aneusomy 17 is common in breast cancer. Except in a certain subset of cases, aneusomy 17 probably is not a significant factor for HER-2/neu protein expression or for clinical assessment of HER-2/neu status.  相似文献   

HER-2/neu oncogene expression and proliferation in breast cancers.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Amplification of the HER-2/neu proto-oncogene in breast cancer has been reported to correlate with poor patient prognosis. The proliferation, or growth fraction, of cells has also been shown to be of prognostic importance in breast cancer. A study was conducted to evaluate the correlation between HER-2/neu gene expression and proliferation in breast cancer. Quantitative immunohistochemical methods for the detection of the HER-2/neu protein expression and for assessing the proliferation fraction on frozen sections of tumor cells were used. The detection of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) along with quantitative DNA ploidy analysis, also was performed on the same breast cancers. The results indicated two subgroups of invasive ductal carcinoma; 1) HER-2/neu overexpressing cases that were negative for EGFR expression and had low proliferation fraction, and a tetraploid DNA pattern (22 cases), and 2) other combinations of HER-2/neu expression and EGFR expression, with a high proliferation fraction and an aneuploid DNA pattern (38 cases). Eight cases of carcinoma in situ were positive for HER-2/neu overexpression and negative for EGFR expression, and had a high proliferation fraction and a tetraploid DNA pattern. Twenty-six cases of low-grade carcinoma exhibited low proliferation and a diploid DNA pattern.  相似文献   

Serum level of soluble HER2/neu in patients with tumors characterized by high expression of this protein (2+/3+ according to immunohistochemical analysis) was significantly higher than in patients with low expression of HER2/neu and in women with benign diseases of the mammary glands. The level of HER2/neu in the serum decreased after removal of the primary tumor in the majority of patients. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 143, No. 4, pp. 427–430, April, 2007  相似文献   

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