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目的探讨联合测定血清和腹水中3种肿瘤标志物CEA、CA19-9和CA50水平及其腹水/血清比值(F/S)对良、恶性腹水鉴别诊断的价值。方法明确诊断的腹水患者180例,其中男性76例,女性104例;年龄25~78岁,平均年龄54.99岁。61例良性和119例恶性腹水患者同时采血和抽取腹水,采用电化学发光法测定CEA、CA19-9和CA50。结果腹水肿瘤标志物的水平高于血清正常上限值(CEA>5μg/L、CA19-9>37kU/L、CA50>20mg/L)时,良性腹水的F/S比值都<1.2,而恶性腹水的绝大多数F/S比值>1.2。腹水CEA、CA19-9和CA50的上述上限值结合F/S比值>1.2,诊断灵敏度分别为63.9%、59.6%和74.6%,皆显著高于单纯的腹水浓度和F/S比值的灵敏度(P<0.01)。3项联合诊断灵敏度达93.8%,特异度100%。结论与单纯血清或腹水中浓度测定相比,同时测定肿瘤标志物CEA、CA19-9和CA50的腹水浓度和F/S比值能显著提高诊断的灵敏度和特异度,对良、恶性腹水的鉴别诊断具有较大的价值。  相似文献   

CEA和CA125联合检测在良恶性腹水鉴别诊断中的应用价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨检测患者血清、腹水癌胚抗原(CEA)及糖类抗原(CA125)对良恶性腹水的诊断价值。方法分别采用化学免疫发光法和酶联免疫法(ELISA)检测恶性腹水组38例患者血清和腹水中CEA、CA125的含量,并与良性腹水组作比较。结果恶性腹水组血清、腹水的CEA及CA125含量较之良性腹水组差异非常显著(P〈0.01)。结论联检血清和腹水中CEA及CA125水平可以鉴定胸水的性质。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血清及腹水CEA的含量在临床工作中对恶性肿瘤的应用价值.方法 设立恶性腹水组(50例)和良性腹水组(50例),检测血清及腹水的CEA数值,分析比对其结果.结果 恶性腹水组血清和腹水中CEA水平均高于良性腹水组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 可将CEA的数值10 ng/ml作为良恶性腹水的界限.  相似文献   

胸、腹水AFP、CEA、SF RIA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血清中肿瘤标志物的检测是诊断恶性肿瘤的主要方法之一,为探讨胸、腹水中肿瘤标志物的检测对恶性肿瘤的诊断价值以及对良、恶性胸、腹水的鉴别作用,我们对57例有胸、腹水的患者进行了胸、腹水中AFP、CEA、SF的放射免疫分析(RIA),同时测定血清中的含量以作比较,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:血清中AFP、CEA、CA125和CA199的测定研究良、恶性肝病、卵巢疾病和胰腺疾病诊断的临床意义.方法:发光免疫分析测定了52例正常对照组,68例良性肝病,65例肝癌,56例卵巢疾病和51例胰腺疾病的血清中AFP、CEA、CA125和CA199水平,批内CV<5%,批间CV<10%.结果:良性疾病患者的血清四项肿瘤标记物水平大致与对照组的相似(p>0.05).原发性和继发性肝癌患者的血清CA125和CA199水平较对照组显著升高(p<0.001).卵巢癌与胰腺癌患者也同样如此(0.001<p<0.05).结论:血清AFP、CEA、CA125和 CA199的联合测定是诊断和鉴别肝癌、卵巢癌和胰腺癌的最好方法.  相似文献   

腹水是一种慢性继发性疾病,良、恶性腹水的鉴别较为困难,CEA、CA125和CA19-9都是有明确诊断意义的肿瘤标志物,我们联合检测腹水中CEA、CA19-9和CA125,以提高对肿瘤诊断与病情判断的准确性.  相似文献   

本文观察296例消化道良恶性疾病的患者血清CEA、AFP、CA19-9、CA72-4水平,初步探讨四项联检与消化道良恶性疾病的相关性。现将结果报道如下。1对象和方法1.1对象1.1.1消化道恶性肿瘤组:在我院住院就医的恶性消化道肿瘤患者,分别符合胃癌、食管癌、肝癌、结/直肠癌、胰腺癌的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 研究肿瘤标志物在良恶性胸腹水的临床鉴别价值.方法 169例恶性胸腹水患者设为恶性腹水组,146例良性胸腹水设为良性组,比较两组胸腹水癌胚抗原(CEA)、甲胎蛋白(AFP)、糖类抗原(CA) 125、CA19-9水平,并对各肿瘤标志物对良恶性胸腹水的诊断进行方法学评价.结果 恶性组的CEA为(139.7-±56.4) ng/mL、AFP为(189.2±45.2) ng/mL、CA125为(314.7±86.2) U/mL、CA19-9为(158.5±24.2) U/mL,浓度均高于良性组,差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05);ROC曲线分析CEA、AFP、CA125以及CA19-9曲线下面积分别为0.811、0.547、0.715和0.769,其对应的诊断切点分别为5.6 ng/mL、63.7 ng/mL、38.9 U/mL和30.4 U/mL;AFP因ROC曲线下面积过低不适于恶性胸腹水的诊断.三种肿瘤标志物单独检测方法学评价的各项指标均以CEA最好,灵敏度为75.7%,特异度为88.6%,联合检测以CEA、CA125以及CA19-9的联合检测效果较好,灵敏度为80.5%,特异度为94.0%.结论 肿瘤标志物联合检测对胸腹水的性质鉴别方面有重要的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

形成胸腹水的原因有多种,为了区别胸腹水的良恶性,本文收集了1 4 1例不同病因的胸水或腹水,并用免疫放射分析(IRMA)测定了癌胚抗原(CEA)、糖类抗原CA - 5 0 (CA -5 0 )、糖类抗原CA - 2 4 2 (CA - 2 4 2 )的含量。旨在探讨其对良恶性疾病胸腹水的鉴别诊断价值,现将结果报告如下  相似文献   

本文测定了腹水病人的血清及腹水的肿瘤相关抗原CA19-9,旨在探讨其对良恶性腹水鉴别诊断中的价值。 对象和方法 一,对象: (一)良性腹水38例(男25,女13),平均年龄46.3±16岁。其中肝硬化28例,结核性腹膜炎5例;肾病综合征4例,SLE 1例。全部病人均经临床实验室证实。 (二)恶性腹水21例(男15,女6),平均年龄57.4±10岁。其中肝癌10例;胃癌4例;胆囊癌1例,胰腺癌2例。以上病人除部分肝癌经CT、B超、AFP确诊外均经病理学确诊。另外,不明原发部位,而腹水找到肿瘤细胞的3例(其中腺癌2例,粘液腺癌1例),所有腹水病人同时取血清及腹水标本。  相似文献   



Declines in cognition and mobility are frequently observed in the elderly, and it has been suggested that the appearance of gait disorders in older individuals may constitute a marker of cognitive decline that precedes significant findings in functional performance screening tests. This study sought to evaluate the relationship between functional capacities and gait and balance in an elderly community monitored by the Preventive and Integrated Care Unit of the Hospital Adventista Silvestre in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


Elderly individuals (193 females and 90 males) were submitted to a broad geriatric evaluation, which included the following tests: 1) a performance-oriented mobility assessment (POMA) to evaluate gait; 2) a mini-mental state examination (MMSE); 3) the use of Katz and Lawton scales to assess functional capacity; 4) the application of the geriatric depression scale (GDS); and 5) a mini-nutritional assessment (MNA) scale.


Reductions in MMSE, Katz and Lawton scores were associated with reductions in POMA scores, and we also observed that significant reductions in POMA scores were present in persons for whom the MMSE and Katz scores did not clearly indicate cognitive dysfunction. We also demonstrated that a decline in the scores obtained with the GDS and MNA scales was associated with a decline in the POMA scores.


Considering that significant alterations in the POMA scores were observed prior to the identification of significant alterations in cognitive capacity using either the MMSE or the Katz systems, a prospective study seems warranted to assess the predictive capacity of POMA scores regarding the associated decline in functional capacity.  相似文献   

Circulating monocytes comprise functionally distinct regular (CD14bright+) and mature (CD141low+) cells. Cell surface receptors were determined by three colour flow cytometry in 8 healthy control subjects. Compared to regular monocytes, mature monocytes had lower levels of the high affinity Fcy receptor 1 (CD64), complement receptor 3 (CDllb), CD45RO and higher levels for HLA-DR, LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18), interleukin-2 receptor (CD25), CD45RA and the Fc receptor 3 (CD16). Both regular and mature monocytes were measured before and up to three hours after four different types of exercise (Ex) in endurance trained athletes (n=9-16). Immediately after anaerobic exercise of I min with a maximal lactate concentration (lamax) of I2.3 (SD I.4) mmol · l–1 and exhaustive exercise of 24 (SD 8) min with a maximal lactate concentration (lamax) of 7.4 (SD 2.6) mmol· l–1 mature monocytes increased more than regular monocytes. Exhaustive endurance exercise of 87 (SD 21) min [lamax 3.7 (SD I.0)] led to a similar increase of regular and mature monocytes. 15–33 min after a 100km run regular monocytes increased significantly, whereas mature monocytes decreased. Up to three hours after the end of all exercises mature monocytes fell below pre-exercise values. In conclusion, duration and intensity of exercise alter distinct maturation stages of monocytes differently. It is probable that the avidity of adhesion molecules like LFA-1 to their endothelial ligands is increased to enable the firm attachment to the endothelium.  相似文献   

分子成像能以非侵入性的方式重现活体细胞的生理功能和生物学过程,提高疾病的早期和特异性诊断水平。纳米颗粒/材料具有物理性质可控性高、易于表面修饰、血液循环时间长和可功能化等优点,在疾病诊断与治疗中显示出巨大潜力。但如何阐明纳米材料多功能间的内在联系、解决其代谢及安全性等关键机制难题、实现纳米颗粒/材料多功能性到临床多功能...  相似文献   

对113例男性乳腺发育症进行临床病理分析。同时检测其中30例乳腺组织中雌激素受体和孕激素受体分布情况,结果发现两者阳性率分别为80.0%和83.33%。结合文献讨论了男性乳腺发育症的发生与高血清激素浓度及乳腺组织高受体水平的关系。  相似文献   

国际韧带和肌腱研讨会(The International Symposium on Ligaments and Tendons,ISI&T)于2000年在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市首次召开。研讨会的宗旨是引起对韧带和肌腱研究的重视,并为生物工程师、生物学家、临床医师提供一个可以分享、评论、讨论韧带和肌腱最新研究成果的论坛。从2000年起,国际韧带和肌腱研讨会已经开展了15届;每届研讨会上涌现了大量令人振奋的关于当前韧带和肌腱研究热点和未来挑战的讨论。多年来,韧带和肌腱领域内的研究数量大幅增加,研究质量不断提升。为纪念《医用生物力学》杂志创刊30周年,本文总结过去30年里韧带和肌腱研究的主要进展,包括组织力学、力学生物学、损伤与治愈机制、组织修复和再生。  相似文献   

Cytochemical reactions of blood leucocytes and thrombocytes from six species of fish, rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss), coho salmon (Onchorhynchus kisutch), white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), goldfish (Carassius auratus), striped bass (Morone saxatulis), and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) were determined. Because the staining reactions were generally similar to the reactions found in mammalian leucocytes with similar morphological features, it is reasonable to classify fish leucocytes using the same terminology as is used for mammalian leucocytes. However, in some species leucocytes with features similar to mammalian eosinophils or basophils were not found. In goldfish leucocytes were found that had segmented nuclei and unstained, moderately refractile cytoplasmic granules. These cells were classified as segmented, granular leucocytes. Although these cells do not appear similar to any mammalian or avian leucocyte, the pattern of positive cytoplasmic alkaline phosphatase staining and negative granular staining is similar to that of equine eosinophils.  相似文献   

Phaeochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PHEO/PGL) are rare tumours with an estimated annual incidence of 3 per million. Advances in molecular understanding have led to the recognition that at least 30–40% arise in the setting of hereditary disease. Germline mutations in the succinate dehydrogenase genes SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD and SDHAF2 are the most prevalent of the more than 19 hereditary genetic abnormalities which have been reported. It is therefore recommended that, depending on local resources and availability, at least some degree of genetic testing should be offered to all PHEO/PGL patients, including those with clinically sporadic disease. It is now accepted that that all PHEO/PGL have some metastatic potential; therefore, concepts of benign and malignant PHEO/PGL have no meaning and have been replaced by a risk stratification approach. Although there is broad acceptance that certain features, including high proliferative activity, invasive growth, increased cellularity, large tumour nests and comedonecrosis, are associated with an increased risk of metastasis, it remains difficult to predict the clinical behaviour of individual tumours and no single risk stratification scheme is endorsed or in widespread use. In this review, we provide an update on advances in the pathology and genetics of PHEO/PGL with an emphasis on the changes introduced in the WHO 2017 classification of endocrine neoplasia relevant to practising surgical pathologists.  相似文献   

目的:合成壬基酚与卵清蛋白的偶联物。方法:在磷酸盐(PBS,pH=8.0)缓冲液中利用甲醛通过曼尼希反应连接壬基酚与卵清蛋白(OVA);通过抗体芯片技术与紫外扫描鉴定偶联物。结果:壬基酚与OVA偶联成功,壬基酚单克隆抗体对偶联物的识别浓度小于2.68μg/ml。结论:本方法可用于壬基酚与卵清蛋白的偶联,且方法简单易实现。  相似文献   

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