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Whilst cannabinoid CB2 receptors were thought to exist predominantly in immune cells in the periphery, the recent discovery of CB2 receptors in the brain has led to an increased interest in the role of these central CB2 receptors. Several studies have reported an association with CB2 receptors and schizophrenia. Sensorimotor gating deficits occur in schizophrenia patients and can be induced in animals using psychotomimetic drugs such as N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists.


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CB2 ligands on sensorimotor gating, either alone, or on sensorimotor gating deficits induced by the NMDA receptor antagonist MK-801 in mice.


The effects of CB2 receptor ligands on prepulse inhibition (PPI), an operational measure of sensorimotor gating, alone or when administrated in combination with MK-801, in Balb-C mice were evaluated.


The CB2 receptor agonist JWH015 had no significant effect on PPI alone but reversed disruptions in PPI induced by MK-801. This effect was blocked by co-administration of the CB2 receptor antagonist AM630, but not by co-administration of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251, indicating a CB2-mediated effect. The mixed CB1/CB2 receptor agonist JWH203 was partially able to reverse MK-801-induced PPI disruptions. Neither the CB2 receptor antagonist AM630 nor the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 had any significant effect alone or on MK-801-induced disruptions in PPI.


CB2 receptor agonism reversed MK-801 disruptions in sensorimotor gating deficits in mice, indicating that CB2 agonism may have a protective effect against aspects of drug-induced psychosis.  相似文献   

目的:观察和比较非典型抗精神病药利培酮与氯氮平对谷氨酸功能低下小鼠模型表现出的前脉冲抑制(PPI)损害的影响,探讨二者可能的药理学作用差异。方法:昆明种小鼠以MK-801(0.5 mg.kg-1)诱导其PPI损害,观察利培酮(0.1,0.3,1.0 mg.kg-1)和氯氮平(1.0,3.0,5.0 mg.kg-1)对基线水平PPI以及MK-801损害后PPI的作用。结果:①利培酮剂量为0.1~1.0 mg.kg-1时,可剂量依赖性增强基线的PPI(均P<0.05),只有剂量为1.0 mg.kg-1时抑制了MK-801引起的PPI损害(P<0.05)。②氯氮平剂量为1.0~5.0 mg.kg-1时,对基线PPI无影响(均P<0.05),而剂量为3.0~5.0 mg.kg-1时,可剂量依赖性阻断MK-801引起的PPI损害。结论:利培酮和氯氮平均能抑制MK-801模型组小鼠引起的PPI损害,但作用并不完全一致,氯氮平的作用更特异,这可能与它们不同的药理学机制有关。  相似文献   


Background and Purpose

Despite ample evidence supporting the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) hypofunction hypothesis of schizophrenia, progress in the development of effective therapeutics based on this hypothesis has been limited. Facilitation of NMDA receptor function by co-agonists (d-serine or glycine) only partially alleviates the symptoms in schizophrenia; other means to facilitate NMDA receptors are required. NMDA receptor sub-types differ in their subunit composition, with varied GluN2 subunits (GluN2A-GluN2D) imparting different physiological, biochemical and pharmacological properties. CIQ is a positive allosteric modulator that is selective for GluN2C/GluN2D-containing NMDA receptors (Mullasseril et al.).

Experimental Approach

The effect of systemic administration of CIQ was tested on impairment in prepulse inhibition (PPI), hyperlocomotion and stereotypy induced by i.p. administration of MK-801 and methamphetamine. The effect of CIQ was also tested on MK-801-induced impairment in working memory in Y-maze spontaneous alternation test.

Key Results

We found that systemic administration of CIQ (20 mg·kg−1, i.p.) in mice reversed MK-801 (0.15 mg·kg−1, i.p.)-induced, but not methamphetamine (3 mg·kg−1, i.p.)-induced, deficit in PPI. MK-801 increased the startle amplitude to pulse alone, which was not reversed by CIQ. In contrast, methamphetamine reduced the startle amplitude to pulse alone, which was reversed by CIQ. CIQ also partially attenuated MK-801- and methamphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion and stereotyped behaviours. Additionally, CIQ reversed the MK-801-induced working memory deficit in spontaneous alternation in a Y-maze.

Conclusion and Implications

Together, these results suggest that facilitation of GluN2C/GluN2D-containing receptors may serve as an important therapeutic strategy for treating positive and cognitive symptoms in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Recently, a novel paradigm has been designed to assess social investigative behaviour in pairs of Sprague-Dawley rats, which involves physical separation whilst ensuring they are able to maintain contact through other social cues. We have modified this set-up in order to assess not just social behaviour but also locomotor activity of the rats. Results showed that the MK-801- (0.3 mg/kg) treated rats displayed reduced social investigative behaviour, hyperactivity as well as reduced attention span. Pretreatment with the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (3 mg/kg) not only normalised social investigative behaviour but increased it beyond control levels. Pretreatment with clozapine (1, 3 mg/kg) also normalised social investigative behaviour. Both cannabidiol and clozapine inhibited MK-801-induced hyperactivity. However, there were no effects of pretreatment on impairments to attention span. Our findings reinforce several aspects of the validity of the MK-801-induced model of social withdrawal and hyperactivity and also support the use of this novel set-up for further investigations to assess the antipsychotic potential of novel compounds.  相似文献   



Blockade of N-methyl-d-asparate (NMDA) receptors has been shown to produce some of the abnormal behaviors related to symptoms of schizophrenia in rodents and human. Neonatal treatment of rats with non-competitive NMDA antagonists has been shown to induce behavioral abnormality in a later period.


The aim of this study was to determine whether brief disruption of NMDA receptor function during a critical stage of development is sufficient to produce sensorimotor-gating deficits in the late adolescence or early adulthood in the rat.


Male pups received the NMDA receptor blocker MK-801 (0.13 or 0.20 mg/kg), or an equal volume of saline on postnatal day (PD) 7 through 10. The animals were tested twice for prepulse inhibition (PPI) and locomotor activity in pre- (PD 35-38) and post- (PD 56-59) puberty.


Neonatal exposure to both doses MK-801 disrupted PPI in the adolescence and early adulthood. Low-dose MK-801 elicited long-term effects on startle amplitudes, whereas high-dose MK-801 did not. Neither dose of MK-801 showed a significant effect on spontaneous locomotor activity, whereas the high dose attenuated rearing.


The results of this study suggest neonatal exposure to MK-801 disrupted sensorimotor gating in the adolescence and early adulthood stages. These findings indicate that rats transiently exposed to NMDA blockers in neonatal periods are useful for the study of the pathophysiology and treatment of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Modulation of MK-801-induced behaviour by noradrenergic agents in mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RATIONALE: Inhibition of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors following the administration of NMDA receptor antagonists results in psychotic-like behaviour. Whereas it is known that pharmacological manipulation of dopaminergic and serotonergic pathways affect this drug-induced psychosis, a role for noradrenaline has not yet been clearly defined. OBJECTIVES: Thus, in the present study, we assessed a possible role for noradrenaline in the behavioural response to the non-competitive NMDA receptor anatgonist, MK-801, in male CD-I mice. RESULTS: MK-801 (0.02-1.28 mg/kg; ED50 0.2 mg/kg; s.c.) induced a dose-dependent increase in locomotor, stereotypic and ataxic behaviours. Pre-treatment with the noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitors, desipramine (10 mg/kg; i.p.) and reboxetine (20 mg/kg; i.p.), attenuated the locomotor, stereotypic and ataxic response to MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg; s.c.). The noradrenergic system was lesioned with N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine hydrochloride (DSP-4, 50 mg/kg; i.p., 7 and 4 days prior to challenge) to reduce noradrenaline concentrations in the cortex by 70%-80%. Whereas DSP-4 lesioning had little effect on the response to MK-801, it completely reversed the attenuating effects of reboxetine. Pre-treatment with the alpha2 adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine (0.2 mg/kg; i.p.), and the antagonist, yohimbine (2 mg/kg; i.p.), attenuated and potentiated the response to MK-801, respectively. Pre-treatment with the alpha1 adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin (2 mg/kg; i.p.), reduced the MK-801-induced response. CONCLUSIONS: It therefore appears that presynaptic noradrenergic alpha2 and postsynaptic alpha1 adrenoceptor stimulation exert opposing effects on the behavioural expression of MK-801 in mice.  相似文献   

Hypoglutamatergic theory of schizophrenia is substantiated by observation that high affinity uncompetitive antagonists of NMDA receptors such as PCP can induce psychotic symptoms in humans. Recently, metabotropic glutamate receptors of the mGluR5 type have also been discussed as possible players in this disease. However, less is known about the potential contribution of mGluR1 in schizophrenia. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to compare the effect of selective mGluR1 antagonist EMQMCM, (3-ethyl-2-methyl-quinolin-6-yl)-(4-methoxy-cyclohexyl)-methanone methanesulfonate) and mGluR5 antagonist (MTEP ([(2-methyl-1, 3-thiazol-4-yl) ethynyl] pyridine) either alone or in combination with (+)MK-801 in a prepulse inhibition (PPI) model and locomotor activity tests. Additionally, the effect of both mGluR1 and mGluR5 antagonists on (+)MK-801-evoked ataxia was tested. In contrast to (+)MK-801, which induced disruption of PPI, neither MTEP (1.25-5 mg/kg) nor EMQMCM (0.5-4 mg/kg) altered the PPI. However, MTEP, but not EMQMCM, enhanced disruption of PPI induced by (+)MK-801. Although neither mGluR1 nor mGluR5 antagonists given alone changed locomotor activity of rats, MTEP at 5 mg/kg potentiated the effect of (+)MK-801 while EMQMCM (up to 4 mg/kg) turned out to be ineffective. On the other hand, EMQMCM, but not MTEP, enhanced ataxia evoked by MK-801. The present results demonstrate that blockade of mGluR1 and mGluR5 evokes different effects on behavior induced by NMDA receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the acoustic startle reflex refers to the reduction of the startle response to an intense acoustic pulse stimulus when it is shortly preceded by a weak non-startling prepulse stimulus and provides a cross-species measure of sensory-motor gating. PPI is typically impaired in schizophrenia patients, and a similar impairment can be induced in rats by systemic scopolamine, a muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonist that can evoke a range of cognitive and psychotic symptoms in healthy humans that are commonly referred to as the “anti-muscarinic syndrome” resembling some clinical features of schizophrenia. Scopolamine-induced PPI disruption has therefore been proposed as an anti-muscarinic animal model of schizophrenia, but parallel investigations in the mouse remain scant and the outcomes are mixed and often confounded by an elevation of startle reactivity. Here, we distinguished the PPI-disruptive and the confounding startle-enhancing effects of scopolamine (1 and 10 mg/kg, i.p.) in C57BL/6 wild-type mice by showing that the latter partly stemmed from a shift in spontaneous baseline reactivity. With appropriate correction for between-group differences in startle reactivity, we went on to confirm that the PPI-disruptive effect of scopolamine could be nullified by clozapine pre-treatment (1.5 mg/kg, i.p.) in a dose-dependent manner. This is the first demonstration that scopolamine-induced PPI disruption is sensitive to atypical antipsychotic drugs. In concert with previous data showing its sensitivity to haloperidol the present finding supports the predictive validity of the anti-muscarinic PPI disruption model for both typical and atypical antipsychotic drug action.  相似文献   



Atypical antipsychotic drugs have some efficacy in alleviating the negative and some cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia but those effects are small and mechanisms of this action are still unknown A few clinical reports have suggested that antidepressants (ADs), are able to augment the activity of atypical antipsychotic drugs. Thus, in the present study, we aimed to evaluate the effect of ADs, escitalopram (ESC) or mirtazapine (MIR) and aripiprazole (an atypical antipsychotic drug) given separately or jointly, on the MK-801-induced positive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia in mice.


The experiments were conducted on male Albino Swiss mice. ADs and aripiprazole were given 30 min before MK-801 injection. Locomotor hyperactivity induced by MK-801 (0.3 mg/kg) was measured for 30 min, starting 30 min after MK-801 administration. In the novel object recognition test, MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg) was given 30 min before the first introductory session. Memory retention was evaluated for 5 min, starting 90 min after the introductory session.


Aripiprazole (0.3 mg/kg) reduced the locomotor hyperactivity induced by MK-801(0.3 mg/kg). Co-treatment with an inactive dose of aripiprazole and ESC or MIR inhibited the effect of MK-801. Moreover, MK-801 (0.2 mg/kg) decreased the memory retention. Aripiprazole (0.3 mg/kg) reversed that effect. Co-treatment with an inactive dose of aripiprazole and ESC or MIR abolished the deficit of object recognition memory induced by MK-801.


The obtained results suggest that ADs may enhance the antipsychotic-like effect of aripiprazole in the animal tests used for evaluation of some positive and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of serotonin depletion on the intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) administered MK-801-induced plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels, we pretreated mice with parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA, 300 mg/kg, i.p.) 3 d before an i.c.v. injection of MK-801 (1 microg). The i.c.v. MK-801-induced rise of plasma IL-6 level was markedly enhanced in the PCPA-pretreated mice. However, serotonin depletion by PCPA pretreatment did not affect the i.c.v. MK-801-induced increase in plasma corticosterone level. These results suggest that serotonergic system is involved in the suppressive regulation of MK-801-induced plasma IL-6 level.  相似文献   

Rationale The psychotomimetic drug, phencyclidine, induces schizophrenia-like behavioural changes in both humans and animals. Phencyclidine-induced disruption of sensory motor gating mechanisms, as assessed by prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle, is widely used in research animals as a screening model for antipsychotic properties in general and may predict effects on negative and cognitive deficits in particular. Dopamine (DA) stabilizers comprise a new generation of antipsychotics characterized by a partial DA receptor agonist or antagonist action and have been suggested to have a more favourable clinical profile. Objective The aim of the present study was to investigate the ability of first, second and third generation antipsychotics to interfere with the disruptive effect of phencyclidine on prepulse inhibition in mice. Results Aripiprazole blocked the phencyclidine-induced disruption of prepulse inhibition. The atypical antipsychotic clozapine was less effective, whereas olanzapine, and the typical antipsychotic haloperidol, failed to alter the effects of phencyclidine on prepulse inhibition. Conclusions The somewhat superior efficacy of clozapine compared to haloperidol may be explained by its lower affinity and faster dissociation rate for DA D2 receptors possibly combined with an interaction with other receptor systems. Aripiprazole was found to be more effective than clozapine or olanzapine, which may be explained by a partial agonist activity of aripiprazole at DA D2 receptors. In conclusion, the present findings suggest that partial DA agonism leading to DA stabilizing properties may have favourable effects on sensorimotor gating and thus tentatively on cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) refers to the reduction in startle reaction to a startle-eliciting stimulus when it is shortly preceded by a subthreshold prepulse stimulus. PPI has been extensively employed as an assay for sensorimotor gating, and its disruption has been characterized in specific disease conditions, including schizophrenia. In animals, dopamine agonists disrupt PPI, and this disruption can be antagonized by antipsychotic drug treatment. The present study extended these fundamental findings to C57BL6 mice, and further evaluated the subjects' reaction to the prepulse stimulus alone in relation to the expression of PPI. Not only did apomorphine (2.0 mg/kg, intraperitoneal (i.p.)) attenuate PPI but it also enhanced reactivity to the prepulse stimulus. The dual effects of apomorphine appear paradoxical in view of the positive correlation, detectable in both the control and apomorphine groups, between prepulse reactivity and PPI magnitude. The present findings contradict the hypothesis that apomorphine disrupts PPI via reduced detectability or perception of the prepulse, and we further propose that enhanced distractibility may provide a parsimonious account for the dual effects of apomorphine. Moreover, haloperidol pretreatment (0.4 mg/kg, i.p.) fully antagonized the effects of apomorphine upon prepulse reactivity as well as on PPI. The present results add to our understanding of the relevance and applicability of the PPI paradigm in modeling schizophrenia-like symptoms in animals.  相似文献   

Here we have investigated the effects of maternal caffeine intake (1 g/l) on MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion in rat pups. Animals submitted to caffeine treatment during the gestational and lactational period were separated in two groups: caffeine-treated group (up to 21 days old) and washout group (caffeine treatment up to 7 days old). MK-801 (0.25 mg/kg, i.p.) promoted hyperlocomotion in control rats, but this stimulatory effect was significantly decreased in caffeine-treated and washout groups. The permanent effect after caffeine withdrawal suggests durable or adaptive changes during neurodevelopment, mainly on adenosine receptors or neurotransmitter systems modulated by adenosine, such as the glutamatergic system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of prenatal lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment, which is an animal developmental model of schizophrenia, on MK-801-induced psychotomimetic behavioral changes and brain aminergic system activity in adult offspring. Repeated LPS (1 mg/kg) injection in rats, that had started from 7th day of pregnancy and was continued every second day till delivery, resulted in a long-lasting disruption of prepulse inhibition (PPI) and elevation of locomotor activity in their offspring. The prenatally LPS-treated rats showed hypersensitivity to MK-801 (0.1 and 0.4 mg/kg) as evidenced by the enhancement of acoustic startle amplitude, reduced PPI, and enhanced locomotor activity.These behavioral changes were accompanied by a decrease in the dopamine and its metabolite, DOPAC concentration in the frontal cortex, enhanced dopaminergic system activity in the striatum and no changes in noradrenaline (NA) level. Furthermore, the significant augmentation of 5-HT and 5-HIAA content in the frontal cortex of females only was detected. No changes in the cortical NA tissue level were found. Summing up, the present study demonstrated that the activation of the immune system in prenatal period led to persistent behavioral hypersensitivity to psychotomimetic action of a non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist, and attention/information processing deficits. The foregoing data indicate that prenatal administration of LPS model some of the clinical aspects of schizophrenia and these behavioral effects are connected with neurochemical changes.  相似文献   

Psychomotor effects elicited by systemic administration of the noncompetitive NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor antagonist MK-801 (dizocilpine maleate) represent perturbation of glutamatergic pathways, providing an animal model for psychotic symptoms of schizophrenia. Hyperlocomotion and stereotypy are the two main psychomotor behaviors induced by MK-801. This study compared MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion and stereotypy in young (1-month old) and aged mice (12-month old), in order to determine how the aging process may influence these behaviors. The tested MK-801 doses ranged from 0.015 to 1 mg/kg. The data indicated that MK-801 impacted the aged mice more pronouncedly than the young mice, as both hyperlocomotion and stereotypy were increased significantly more in the aged mice relative to the young mice. These results suggest an age-related increase in MK-801 sensitivity in mice.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists cause hyperlocomotion and cognitive deficits in rodents, and caffeine-tolerant mice show diminished locomotor response to NMDA receptor antagonists. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of subchronic caffeine treatment on MK-801-induced hyperlocomotion, ataxia and cognitive deficits, as well as amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in mice. Mice were treated subchronically with caffeine (0, 0.1, 0.3 and 1 mg/ml and 1, 3 and 7 days) and evaluated for locomotor activity, working memory (delayed alternation test), long-term memory (inhibitory avoidance task) and ataxia. Hyperlocomotion induced by MK-801 (0.25 mg/kg i.p.) was diminished after 3 days and almost abolished after 7 days of caffeine treatment at the 1 mg/ml dose, and this effect was also dose-dependent. Ataxia induced by 0.5 mg/kg MK-801 was not affected by caffeine treatment, but a short-lived hyperlocomotor effect was observed. Performance deficit in the inhibitory avoidance task induced by MK-801 (0.01 mg/kg) was prevented in mice treated with caffeine for 7 days at 1 mg/ml, and perseverative errors in the T-maze by MK-801 (0.4 mg/kg) were attenuated. The locomotor effect of amphetamine (5 mg/kg) was unaffected by subchronic caffeine treatment. The findings that hyperlocomotion and cognitive effects induced by MK-801 can be specifically influenced by reduced adenosinergic activity agree with a model of adenosine hypofunction in schizophrenia, since NMDA receptor antagonists are pharmacological models for this disorder.  相似文献   

To characterize MK-801's effect on social behavior in mice, we examined adult male ICR mice for interaction with companion mice (juvenile male). Test mice were injected with either saline or MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg), and were tested 30 min later for their social behavior during a 5-min session. A second encounter took place 30 min later, with either a familiar companion mouse (the same as in the initial encounter) or a novel mouse. In saline controls, second encounter with a familiar companion mouse showed reduced social investigative behaviors (anogenital sniffing and staying together), indicating habituation toward a familiar mouse. Second encounter with a novel companion mouse did not show habituation in social investigative behaviors. Pretreatment with MK-801 reduced anogenital sniffing during the first encounter. At the second encounter, these mice displayed non-discriminative habituation of social investigative behaviors, with reduced anogenital sniffing and staying together, regardless of whether the companion mouse was a familiar or a novel one. These results indicate that MK-801 affected exploratory activities of mice, resulting in both reduced social investigative behaviors during first encounter with a companion mouse, and diminished discriminative capacities for a familiar vs. a novel companion mouse during subsequent encounter.  相似文献   

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