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The present study was carried out at the Municipalities of S?o Paulo and Guarulhos with undergraduate nursing students and aimed at evaluating their knowledge regarding neonatal nursing and, if necessary, to contribute to the program reformulation. Thus, we would be able to improve nurses knowledge on the full-term new born care. In order to develop a structured questionnaire to be used as an instrument to measure the studied variable, aspects of the theoretical content related to the most common care procedures at the neonatal unit were selected. Authors found that students' theoretical knowledge on the theme was regular.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop a software prototype to help hospital nurses plan nursing care, and carry out nursing interventions and all documentation in a computerized way. The methodology is based on the life cycle of system development, particularly the prototype concept, involving two phases: definition and development. The definition phase began with the planning stage, followed by the definition and analysis of requirements for the construction, and culminated with the specification of the software requirements. The development phase translated the group of requirements into a computerized model, structured in 10 modules, regarding the nursing care system process. The performance of this innovative resource in the different stages of the nursing care system process will be analyzed in future studies.  相似文献   

目的护理本科生在呼吸内科临床教学查房中,分析其所存在的问题,并给予对应的改革对策。方法选择在呼吸内科临床教学查房中的护理本科生(例数选择40名,时间2017年1月-2018年1月),对护理本科生在呼吸内科临床教学查房中所存在的问题进行分析,依据不同的时间阶段进行分组:2017年1-6月设定为对照组,不进行改革对策实施;2017年6月-2018年1月设定为研究组,进行改革对策实施。对组间的专科理论成绩、专科操作能力、查房成绩进行评分对比。结果护理本科生在呼吸内科临床教学查房中所存在的问题:教学方法偏重理论教学和知识灌输、欠缺培养学生的评判性思维与应急处理能力、床护理教学师资力量薄弱等;研究组的专科理论成绩、专科操作能力、查房成绩均比对照组更高差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论针对护理本科生在呼吸内科临床教学查房中所存在的问题进行改革,如:强化护生的理论知识掌握能力,完善护理教学内容等,以此达到提高其专科理论成绩、专科操作能力和获得更为丰富的查房能力。  相似文献   

应用SWOT分析法为护理本科学生临床带教建立新模式,即运用SWOT分析法对临床护理路径的内部环境(优势、劣势)和外部条件(机遇、风险)进行系统分析,并提出了推进路径式临床带教模式开展的策略,具体包括更新带教观念,大力促进护理本科教育事业的发展,完善护理临床带教队伍建设,加强各部门协调合作等,旨在为护理本科临床带教模式的改革创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This literature review deals with curricular supervisioned traineeship in the nursing undergraduate program, whose objectives were to understand how the program is currently structured and to identify today's challenges, by tracing back its history and understanding the laws governing the program. Issues of Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem published between 1954 and 2006 were used as a main source. The study revealed that this academic activity has gone through several transformations since it was first structured in 1972, at a time when nursing was carried out from a biologicist and hospital-centered perspective. After 1994, it sought to have a structure based on the integrality and articulation between theory and practice, and teaching and service, with a view to the construction of the Brazilian public health system - SUS; a process that was enhanced in 2001 upon the implementation of the Brazilian Education Guidelines.  相似文献   

陈芳如 《中国卫生产业》2021,(2):110-112,116
目的探讨新生儿临床护理带教的问题及应对建议。方法选取2019级临床护理专业1班、2班各50名护生为研究对象,对照组实施教学,就常规教学中存在的问题进行分析改进,实验组实施改进后带教方法,评价两组护生学习成绩,及其对带教的认同度。结果实验组护生学习成绩显著优于对照组(P<0.05),且实验组护生对带教方法评价显著优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在新生儿临床护理带教中存在的问题主要为理论教学应用不够,实践体系建设不完善,为此应该改善传统教学形式,转变教学思维,从而提高临床护理带教能力。  相似文献   

We have developed a Web-based e-learning tool for teaching nursing skills, using educational material from a hospital-based nursing skills 'fair'. Management software was used to track skill certification and continuing education contact hours. The content could be delivered over the Internet and through firewalls using Windows Media Player version 9. The content was structured in a manner that made it adaptable to an e-learning system that used the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), a set of specifications for delivering educational materials through technology-based methods.  相似文献   

目的 探讨学业自我效能感在本科护生跨专业合作学习态度和职业成熟度之间的中介作用,为本科护生教育提供参考。方法 课题组于2021年11月-12月对某院校741名本科护生进行调查。采用SPSS 25.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 本科护生跨专业合作学习态度与学业自我效能感、职业成熟度均呈正相关(r=0.313、0.401,P均<0.01),学业自我效能感与职业成熟度呈正相关(r=0.391,P<0.01)。控制年级与护理专业认同度两个变量后,跨专业合作学习态度能正向预测学业自我效能感(β=0.327,P<0.01)和职业成熟度(β=0.251,P<0.01),学业自我效能感能正向预测职业成熟度(β=0.312,P<0.01)。学业自我效能感在本科护生跨专业合作学习态度和职业成熟度之间起到中介作用,中介效应占总效应值的28.9%。结论 学业自我效能感在本科护生跨专业合作学习态度与职业成熟度间的中介效应成立。护理教育者应积极培养本科护生跨专业合作学习态度,增强其学业自我效能感,以进一步提高其职业成熟度。  相似文献   

With a diverse language background profile in an Australian medical student population, teaching interventions are necessary for students whose English language proficiency is not adequate for the study of medicine. This paper describes the screening of written and aural English language proficiency in 143 first year undergraduate students using a standardized instrument. Students identified as experiencing language difficulties were subsequently assessed by interview and allocated to faculty-based Language Development Programme. Students with the greatest need for language support participated in a full 2 year programme. Those requiring less assistance were offered more limited support in the form of specific modules within the programme. Students allocated to the full programme were significantly weaker in language proficiency compared to those offered specific modules and those not offered a placement. The information gathered during the structured interview is valuable in establishing for medical educators specific areas in which language-related teaching for students who require it can be directed. Future research is required to evaluate the effectiveness of faculty-based language interventions in terms of improvement in language proficiency over time and the effect of any improvements in language proficiency on academic and clinical performance.  相似文献   

杨娅娟  李惠萍  吴卫琴 《中国校医》2013,27(8):611-612,614
目的比较2种不同评价方法在护理本科生临床教学实习中的应用效果。方法选择125名三年级护理本科生,在内、外科护理学课程2周的教学实习过程中,分别应用书写整体护理病历和撰写护理个案论文2种评价方法。教学实习结束后,采用自行设计的问卷进行调查。结果学生认为书写整体护理病历评价教学实习有利于提高整体护理临床思维的能力,撰写护理个案论文有利于培养学生的科研意识,提高其护理信息能力和掌握科研方法。结论 2种评价方法各有特色,应有机结合,为培养学生综合能力提供平台和机会。  相似文献   

An elective modules programme in the behavioural sciences was designed for the undergraduate medical curriculum at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. The programme provides a mechanism by which a broad range of behavioural science content can be introduced into the curriculum without increased allocation of teaching staff or budget. Student preference data indicate some clear differences with the more popular modules being those which focus on skills or behaviours that students perceive to be useful in the immediate practice of medicine. The elective aspect of the programme was part of its initial appeal, both to students and teaching staff. Two years of course evaluation data from the students indicate that most individual modules and the programmes as a total have been successful in achieving their intentions. The programme has now been included as a permanent component of the curricula.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在护理学基础实验教学中应用案例教学法对护生职业态度的影响。方法:将2010级308名本科护生随机分为实验组(156名)和对照组(152名)。实验组在护理学基础实验教学中采用案例教学法;对照组仍采用传统教学法。分别在实验教学前后采用护士职业态度量表评价护生的职业态度。结果:实验教学后护生的职业态度显著高于实验教学前和对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=32.26,t=31.16;P<0.05)。结论:在护理学基础实验教学中应用案例教学法,可提高学生学习兴趣,满足学生学习需求,提高护生的职业素质,对培养护生健康的职业态度效果较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨自我管理能力和认知需求在本科护生自主学习能力与领导能力间的链式中介作用。方法 课题组于2022年3月-5月采用《护理专业大学生自主学习能力测评量表》《大学生自我管理能力调查问卷》《大学生认知需求量表》《临床护士领导力自评量表》对陕西省5所医学院校854名本科护生进行调查。采用SPSS 26.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果本科护生领导能力与自主学习能力、自我管理能力和认知需求均呈显著正相关(均P<0.05)。本科护生自主学习能力对领导能力的总间接效应为0.039,其中:自我管理能力的中介作用为0.014,占总效应的18.92%;认知需求的中介作用为0.009,占总效应的12.16%;自我管理能力和认知需求的链式中介作用为0.016,占总效应的21.62%。结论自我管理能力与认知需求在本科护生自主学习能力与领导能力间的中介效应成立。护理教育者应关注自主学习能力弱的护生,加强其自我管理能力,增强其认知需求,以进一步提高其领导能力。  相似文献   

目的研究基于Kolb理论的分组教学法在本科内科护理学见习中的应用效果。方法将2016级护理专业325名见习生纳入到该次研究工作中,采用分组研究的方式,判断不同带教方法的实际效果。结果实验组学生的内科护理基本常识(95.62±0.14)分、内科护理操作技能(94.78±0.75)分、综合评分(95.01±0.52)分,沟通能力(91.42±1.25)分、观察能力(93.15±0.26)分、学习能力(91.25±0.84)分、创新能力(97.22±0.62)分、协作能力(97.20±0.18)分,总满意人数为157人,总满意度为98.12%。各项结果均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论基于Kolb理论的分组教学法在本科内科护理学见习应用效果较为显著,接受此种教学管理方法的学生,理论知识、实践技能、综合素质和满意度均达到了较高的水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨在产科护理教学中应用正常分娩综合性实验教学取得的效果研究。方法选取2018年9月—2019年6月在该院实习120名护理本科生作为研究对象,依据奇数偶数分配原则分为两组,其中对照组60名学生进行常规的消毒操作和外阴清洁考核,观察组的60名学生应用正常分娩综合性实验进行考核,对比两组学生护理技能测试成绩以及取得的教学效果。结果观察组优良率(98.33%)高于对照组(88.33%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组团队协作能力、学习兴趣、解决问题能力、沟通能力及操作能力评分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论产科护理教学中应用正常分娩综合性实验教学取得的效果显著,能提升教学成绩,让实习护理本科生更快掌握护理技巧,为医院输送优质护理人才,能缓解产科护理人员缺乏的现象,正常分娩综合性实验教学方案值得应用。  相似文献   

The process of teaching consists in determining the entire procedure of education seeking more efficient methods to provide the society of formation. The objective was to evaluate the perception of students of the nursing undergraduate program on the teaching learning strategies experienced. The research is qualitative research which data were collected by a semi-structured interview applied to 12 nursing students. It was made by the content analysis. The data collected led to two categories with their units of analysis. The results showed that the practice of alternative education enable the student beyond the scientific-technical teaching for the education of the professional as a human being by participation of students, group interaction and technological innovations.  相似文献   

该文通过检索中国知网、维普、万方等中文数据库并总结分析相关研究成果,从导师制的定义、在护理本科临床教学中的应用模式、意义以及目前面临的主要困境4个方面介绍了导师制近年来在护理本科临床教学中的研究进展,并根据相关问题提出针对性建议,为促进导师制在护理本科临床教学中的良性发展,探索其在护理本科临床教学中的应用新模式,以及为开展干预性研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to construct a nursing care concept, based on the understanding of nurses and students from an undergraduate course. This is a qualitative study. A focus group was used to construct a nursing care concept for use in undergraduate teaching. The research was carried out at Faculdade Católica Rainha do Sert?o in Quixadá, CE, Brazil, from August to December 2007. Three categories emerged from the process: the understanding of the care concept, nursing care and the meaning of care. The constructed concept involved attitudes of awareness, ethics, zeal, solidarity and love, which express a "know-how" based on science, art, ethics and esthetics, directed at individual, family and community needs.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在护理学基础实验教学中强化护生职业道德教育的效果。方法:在2010级115名本科护生护理学基础实验教学中强化护生的职业道德教育。分别在实验教学前、后采用护士职业态度量表评估护生职业情感。结果:实验教学后护生的职业态度显著高于实验教学前,差异有统计学意义(x2=39.73,P<0.01)。结论:在护理学基础实验教学中,强化护生的职业道德教育可以培养护生正性职业态度,改变护生专业思想观点和态度倾向。护理教师在教学过程中应将护生的操作技能教育和职业态度教育相结合,注重护生护理职业情感的培养,促进护生形成稳定积极的职业态度。  相似文献   

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