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The complement pathway has potential contributions to both white (WM) and grey matter (GM) pathology in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). A quantitative assessment of complement involvement is lacking. Here we describe the use of Tissue MicroArray (TMA) methodology in conjunction with immunohistochemistry to investigate the localization of complement pathway proteins in progressive MS cortical GM and subcortical WM. Antibodies targeting complement proteins C1q, C3b, regulatory proteins C1 inhibitor (C1INH, complement receptor 1 (CR1), clusterin, factor H (FH) and the C5a anaphylatoxin receptor (C5aR) were utilised alongside standard markers of tissue pathology. All stained slides were digitised for quantitative analysis. We found that numbers of cells immunolabelled for HLA‐DR, GFAP, C5aR, C1q and C3b were increased in WM lesions (WML) and GM lesions (GML) compared to normal appearing WM (NAWM) and GM (NAGM), respectively. The complement regulators C1INH, CR1, FH and clusterin were more abundant in WM lesions, while the number of C1q+ neurons were increased and the number of C1INH+, clusterin+, FH+ and CR1+ neurons decreased in GM lesions. The number of complement component positive cells (C1q, C3b) correlated with complement regulator expression in WM, but there was no statistical association between complement activation and regulator expression in the GM. We conclude that TMA methodology and quantitative analysis provides evidence of complement dysregulation in MS GML, including an association of the numerical density of C1q+ cells with tissue lesions. Our work confirms that complement activation and dysregulation occur in all cases of progressive MS and suggest that complement may provide potential biomarkers of the disease.  相似文献   

Complement activation with formation of biologically potent mediators like C5a and the terminal C5b-9 complex (TCC) contributes essentially to development of inflammation and tissue damage in a number of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. A particular role for complement in the ischaemia/reperfusion injury of the heart, skeletal muscle, central nervous system, intestine and kidney has been suggested from animal studies. Previous experiments in C3 and C4 knockout mice suggested an important role of the classical or lectin pathway in initiation of complement activation during intestinal ischaemia/reperfusion injury while later use of factor D knockout mice showed the alternative pathway to be critically involved. We hypothesized that alternative pathway amplification might play a more critical role in classical pathway-induced C5 activation than previously recognized and used pathway-selective inhibitory mAbs to further elucidate the role of the alternative pathway. Here we demonstrate that selective blockade of the alternative pathway by neutralizing factor D in human serum diluted 1 : 2 with mAb 166-32 inhibited more than 80% of C5a and TCC formation induced by solid phase IgM and solid- and fluid-phase human aggregated IgG via the classical pathway. The findings emphasize the influence of alternative pathway amplification on the effect of initial classical pathway activation and the therapeutic potential of inhibiting the alternative pathway in clinical conditions with excessive and uncontrolled complement activation.  相似文献   

Complement activation at a low temperature in vitro and cryoglobulinaemia are associated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. The frequency of HCV antibody positivity determined in serum specimens that showed the cold-dependent activation of complement was 100%, whereas it was 48% among sera with cryoglobulin. On the other hand, the frequency of cold activation among HCV-infected sera was 41%, and that of cryoglobulin 48%. Cold activation was not found in any HCV- sera studied, whereas cryoglobulin was found at a frequency of 14% in HCV- sera. Cold activation was also absent among hepatitis B virus (HBV) S antigen or antibody-positive sera, except a few that were both HBV+ and HCV+. Rheumatoid factor was also frequently detected in sera with cold activation or cryoglobulin. Cold activation and cryoglobulin may be generated by common mechanisms in which a low avidity, low temperature-preferring antibody may function. In sera with cold activation, fine particles of immune complexes, which do not form precipitates, may activate the complement system. HCV is a unique virus that coexists with antibody in the serum, therefore the avidity of the antibody for the virus antigen may be low, and occasionally react only at a low temperature. This may be why the in vitro phenomenon related to immune complexes occurs specifically in HCV-infected sera.  相似文献   

Functionally active complement was sought and detected in human follicular fluids obtained during the pre-ovulatory period. All the functional complement activities tested, including total haemolytic complement, classical pathway activity and alternative pathway activity were present in nine fluids from four different donors with values within the normal serum range. The immunochemical analysis demonstrated the presence of complement factors from C1 to C9, of B and of C1 INH, H, I. Complement anaphylatoxins were found employing RIA techniques in amounts significantly higher than in human plasma, thus demonstrating that follicular fluid complement, at least during the pre-ovulatory period, is partially activated. A possible role for urokinase-like substances in such an activation was indicated by further in vitro experiments. The presence of active complement in follicular fluid can be relevant for the function of the enzymatic multi-factorial mechanism of ovulation.  相似文献   

The usefulness of several different methods for detecting immune complex formation and complement activation in the circulation were applied to samples from patients receiving intravenous Streptokinase therapy for myocardial infarction. Streptokinase is a foreign antigen and can cause immune reactions. We collected samples from 13 patients, before Streptokinase administration (baseline), at the end of infusion (1 h), 12 h later and on day 7. We measured IgG containing immune complexes (IgG-IC), free C3d and antibodies to Streptokinase by ELISA, and CR1, C3d and C4d on erythrocytes by flow cytometric assay. Antibodies to Streptokinase are common, as all but two of the patients had measurable antibody levels. During Streptokinase treatment there was a drop in antibody levels, most prominent in those patients who had high baseline levels. At the same time increased levels of free C3d and erythrocyte-bound C3d were observed. After 12 h free C3d was usually back to baseline level, but C3d on erythrocytes was still raised. These data indicate the formation of Streptokinase immune complexes in patients with high Streptokinase antibody levels, and show that these complexes are cleared rapidly from the circulation, leaving more persistent signs of complement activation. We conclude that free C3d is a good indicator of ongoing complement activation, whereas C3d on erythrocytes indicates that complement activation has recently taken place.  相似文献   

We have previously reported a correlation between the extent of ragweed allergen (RWA)-induced in vitro serum complement activation and the symptom scores registered daily during the ragweed (RW)-blooming season in RW-allergic patients. The present study was performed in 22 15–17-year-old RW-allergic adolescents. Serum samples were incubated with 100μ/ml RWA, and the generation of different complement activation products was measured by ELISA or RIA. Symptom scores were registered for 4 weeks during the RW-blooming season. The patients were divided according to the extent (low or high) of the generation of complement activation products, and symptom scores registered in the two groups were compared by two-way ANOVA. Significantly higher symptom scores were obtained in the high than in the low complement activation group ( P values: 0.049 for C1rC1sC1inh, 0.022 for CSbBbP, 0.015 for C5b-9, 0.0001 for C3a, and 0.0008 for C5a). Similar results were obtained at the measurement performed in the sera obtained from the same patients half a year before the season ( P values: 0.022 for C3bBbP, and 0.005 for C5b-9). These findings indicate that complement activation induced by the allergen may enhance the clinical symptoms of RW allergy.  相似文献   

Humoral fluid phase pattern recognition molecules (PRMs) are a key component of the activation and regulation of innate immunity. Humoral PRMs are diverse. We focused on the long pentraxin PTX3 as a paradigmatic example of fluid phase PRMs. PTX3 acts as a functional ancestor of antibodies and plays a non-redundant role in resistance against selected microbes in mouse and man and in the regulation of inflammation. This molecule interacts with complement components, thus modulating complement activation. In particular, PTX3 regulates complement-driven macrophage-mediated tumor progression, acting as an extrinsic oncosuppressor in preclinical models and selected human tumors. Evidence collected over the years suggests that PTX3 is a biomarker and potential therapeutic agent in humans, and pave the way to translation of this molecule into the clinic.  相似文献   

The blood plasma contains four biologically important proteolytic cascades, which probably evolved from the same ancestral gene. This in part may explain why each cascade has very similar “initiating trigger” followed by sequential and cascade-like downstream enzymatic activation pattern. The four cascades are: the complement system, the blood clotting cascade, the fibrinolytic system, and the kallikrein-kinin system. Although much has been written about the interplay between all these enzymatic cascades, the cross-talk between the complement and the kinin generating systems has become particularly relevant as this interaction results in the generation of nascent molecules that have significant impact in various inflammatory diseases including angioedema and cancer. In this review, we will focus on the consequences of the interplay between the two systems by highlighting the role of a novel molecular link called gC1qR. Although this protein was first identified as a receptor for C1q, it is now recognized as a multiligand binding cellular protein, which serves not only as C1q receptor, but also as high affinity (KD ≤ 0.8 nM) binding site for both high molecular weight kininogen (HK) and factor XII (FXII). At inflammatory sites, where atherogenic factors such as immune complexes and/or pathogens can activate the endothelial cell into a procoagulant and proinflammatory surface, the two pathways are activated to generate vasoactive peptides that contribute in various ways to the inflammatory processes associated with numerous diseases. More importantly, since recent observations strongly suggest an important role for both pathways in cancer, we will focus on how a growing tumor cluster can employ the byproducts derived from the two activation systems to ensure not only its survival and growth, but also its escape into distal sites of colonization.  相似文献   

Sephadex beads, which resemble cellulose in their basic chemical structure, were used to study the molecular mechanisms by which cellulosic dialysis membranes activate the alternative complement pathway in normal human serum. Sera from different individuals were found to vary in the extent of activation which occurred following incubation with a fixed amount (surface area) of polymer. Preadsorption of serum with an excess of Sephadex at 2°C resulted in loss of activation when the adsorbed serum was interacted with fresh Sephadex beads. Acid eluted proteins from adsorbed Sephadex restored the capacity of preadsorbed serum to activate complement in the presence of fresh Sephadex. Adsorption of the immunoglobulin G (IgG) fraction and of F(ab′)2 fragments from IgG prepared from the plasma of a normal individual with Sephadex, resulted in the specific binding of some IgG and F(ab′2) molecules to the particles. IgG and F(ab′)2 coated beads activated complement in Sephadex-adsorbed serum. Thus, specific anti-dextran IgG antibodies trigger activation of the alternative complement pathway by Sephadex in human serum. The effect is independent of the Fc region of IgG. These results suggest that specific antibodies could be important in determining complement activation in vivo in patients undergoing haemodialysis with cellulosic membranes.  相似文献   

构建包含人重组双功能域人补体受体Ⅰ与绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的重组质粒,观察融合蛋白在非洲绿猴肾细胞(Vero)内表达并检测其抑制补体活化的能力。PCR方法扩增出重组双功能域CR1分子,限制性内切酶XhoⅠ和SalⅠ将重组分子连入真核表达载体pEGFP-N2中,构建出重组质粒pEGFP-N2/CR1-2D,脂质体转染Vero细胞中。新霉素G418筛选出稳定表达细胞克隆,荧光显微镜下观察绿色荧光融合蛋白在细胞内的表达。用Vero细胞和免疫小鼠获得的抗Vero细胞多克隆抗体激活补体后,通过检测乳酸脱氢酶的释放来分析重组蛋白抑制补体活化的功能。结果显示pEGFP-N2/CR1-2D质粒经酶切及测序分析证实载体构建正确。转染细胞后,荧光显微镜下观察到重组质粒pEGFP-N2/CR1-2D在Vero细胞中能够大量表达,G418筛选出了稳定表达细胞克隆,乳酸脱氢酶活性检测显示,与对照组相比CR1-2D能够显著的抑制补体的活化(P0.05),初步证实了其能够抑制补体的活化。  相似文献   

Ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage is a significant problem occurring in multiple clinical conditions. Antibodies and complement activation contribute significantly to this pathology. Mice deficient in complement receptors 1 and 2 fail to produce a component of the natural antibody repertoire that binds to ischemia-conditioned tissues and activate complement. In contrast, mice prone to autoimmunity display accelerated tissue injury that results from the binding of autoantibodies to injured tissues. The specificity and production of natural antibodies, their role in autoimmunity and the mode of complement activation are reviewed from the perspective of the processes involved in ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed extensive neocortical pathology in multiple sclerosis (MS). The hippocampus is a unique archaeocortical structure understudied in MS. It plays a central role in episodic and anterograde memory—the most frequently impaired cognitive modalities in MS. This histopathological study aimed to investigate inflammatory demyelination and neurodegenerative changes in the MS archaeocortex. A detailed quantitative analysis was performed on hippocampal autopsy tissue from 45 progressive MS cases and seven controls. Forty-one lesions were identified in 28 of the 45 hippocampal MS-blocks examined, with percentage area of demyelination averaging 30.4%. The majority of lesions were chronic and subpially or subependymally located. Compared to controls, neuronal numbers were decreased by 27% in CA1 and 29.7% in CA3-2. Furthermore, the size of neurones was decreased by 17.4% in CA1. There was evidence of gross hippocampal atrophy with a 22.3% reduction in the average cross-sectional area, which correlated with neuronal loss. Our study provides evidence of substantial archaeocortical pathology largely resembling patterns seen in the neocortex and suggests that hippocampal involvement could contribute to memory impairments often seen in MS.  相似文献   

The complement system is a major component of innate immunity and a potent driver of inflammation. It has key roles in host defense against pathogens but can also contribute to pathology by driving inflammation and cell damage in diverse diseases. Complement has emerged as an important factor in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases of the CNS and PNS, including infectious, autoimmune and degenerative disorders, and is increasingly implicated in neuropsychiatric disease. Establishing the roles and relevance of complement in disease pathogenesis has become ever more important in recent years as new drugs targeting the complement system have reached the clinic, and the potential for using complement analytes as disease biomarkers has been recognized. In this brief review, the author summarizes the evidence implicating complement in these diseases and outlines ways in which this new understanding can be used to aid diagnosis and improve outcome.  相似文献   

We demonstrate in vitro expression of complement components, i.e. C3, factor H (FH), factor B (FB), C4, C1-inhibitor (C1-inh), C1q, C5, C6, C7 and C9, by four human neuroblastoma cell lines IMR32, SKNSH, SH-SY5Y and KELLY. Activating proteins C4, C9 and C1q, and regulatory proteins FH and C1-inh were produced constitutively by the four cell lines. C3, C6 and FB were mainly produced by SKNSH and SH-SY5Y. Western blot experiments showed that secreted proteins were structurally similar to their serum counterparts. An additional polypeptide of 43 kDa with FH immunoreactivity was detected, which could correspond to the N-terminal truncated form found in plasma. Regulation of complement expression by inflammatory cytokines, lipopolysaccharide and dexamethasone was tested in vitro. These factors had no significant effects on activating synthesis of components C3, FB and C4, but expression of regulating components C1-inh and FH was strongly increased particularly by IFN-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. The rate of synthesis of complement components was dependent on the differentiation of neuroblastoma cells. This effect of differentiation was also observed on normal rat neurons. Rat cerebellar granule cells constitutively expressed mRNA for C4 and C1q, but expression of C3 mRNA was induced by differentiation. This study shows that neurons could be another local source of complement in the brain, besides astrocytes and microglia. Human neuroblastoma cell lines can constitute an interesting model to analyze complement biosynthesis by human neurons. Local complement expression by neurons in vivo may be implicated in some physio-pathological processes.  相似文献   

We have studied complement activation both in plasma samples and in lesional skin from patients with leukocytoclastic cutaneous vasculitis (LCV). Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) quantification of the complement activation markers, C3d,g and the terminal complement complex (TCC) in plasma, showed that their levels were significantly increased in 66% and 55% of the patients, respectively (n = 29) compared with healthy controls, whereas the standard measurements of C3, factor B, C1q, C4 and C2 were generally within normal range. Elevations of C3d,g and TCC levels in plasma were significantly correlated. Importantly, a significant correlation was found between the severity of the vasculitis and both C3d,g and TCC plasma levels. Immunofluorescence studies of skin biopsy specimens demonstrated simultaneous presence of perivascular dermal deposits of C3d,g and TCC in lesional skin from 96% and 80% respectively of the patients (n = 25). There was a significant correlation between the intensity of the deposits of both markers. Clusterin, a TCC inhibitory protein, was always found at the same sites of perivascular TCC deposits. Immunofluorescence studies at the epidermal basement membrane zone (BMZ) revealed in each case deposits of C3d,g which were accompanied by TCC deposits in 52% of the biopsy specimens. These data demonstrate that there is a local and systemic activation of the whole complement cascade in human LCV. The presence of both C3d,g and clusterin-associated TCC perivascular deposits suggests an intervention of a regulatory mechanism of local complement activation in LCV. Finally, measurement of plasma C3d,g and TCC appears to be a sensitive indicator of systemic complement activation and disease severity in LCV.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common inflammatory disease of the central nervous system with a poorly defined and complex immunopathogenesis. Although initiated by reactive T cells, persistent inflammation is evident throughout the disease course. A contribution from complement has long been suspected, based on the results of pathological and functional studies which have demonstrated complement activation products in MS brain and biological fluids. However, the extent and nature of complement activation and its contribution to disease phenotype and long‐term outcome remain unclear. Furthermore, functional polymorphisms in components and regulators of the complement system which cause dysregulation, and are known to contribute to other autoimmune inflammatory disorders, have not been investigated to date in MS in any detail. In this paper we review evidence from pathological, animal model and human functional and genetic studies, implicating activation of complement in MS. We also evaluate the potential of complement components and regulators and their polymorphic variants as biomarkers of disease, and suggest appropriate directions for future research.  相似文献   

Several studies have investigated the interactions between C-reactive protein (CRP) and various complement proteins but none of them took into consideration the different structural forms of CRP. The aim of our study was to investigate whether the different antigenic forms of CRP are able to bind C1q, to trigger activation of the C1 complex and to study the ability of the various CRP forms to bind complement factor H (FH) and C4b-binding protein (C4BP). Interactions between various CRP forms and complement proteins were analysed in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and surface plasmon resonance tests and activation of the C1 complex was followed in a reconstituted system using purified C1q, C1r and C1s in the presence of C1-INH. Native, ligand-unbound CRP activated the classical pathway weakly. After binding to phosphocholine, native CRP bound C1q and significantly activated C1. Native CRP complexed to phosphocholine did not bind the complement regulatory proteins FH and C4BP. After disruption of the pentameric structure of CRP, as achieved by urea-treatment or by site-directed mutagenesis, C1q binding and C1 activation further increased and the ability of CRP to bind complement regulatory proteins was revealed. C1q binds to CRP through its globular head domain. The binding sites on CRP for FH and C4BP seemed to be different from that of C1q. In conclusion, in parallel with the increase in the C1-activating ability of different CRP structural variants, the affinity for complement regulatory proteins also increased, providing the biological basis for limitation of excess complement activation.  相似文献   

The endothelial layer represents a continuous physical barrier that controls coagulation and allows selective passage of soluble molecules and circulating cells across the vessel wall into the tissue. The functional activity of the endothelial cells may be influenced by their interaction with components of the complement system. In this review we shall discuss the complex interplay that can be established between the endothelium and complement proteins or activation products. Endothelial cells may also secrete several complement components which contribute to the circulating pool. This process can be regulated by cytokines and other pro-inflammatory stimuli. In addition, complement activation products stimulate endothelial cells to acquire a pro-inflammatory and pro-coagulant status. Expression of regulatory molecules on the cell surface provides protection against an undesired attack by complement activation products. Unrestricted complement activation under pathological conditions may lead to structural and functional changes of the endothelium resulting in vascular disease.  相似文献   

Recurrent miscarriage, fetal growth restriction and intrauterine fetal death are frequently occurring complications of pregnancy in patients with systemic lupus erythaematosus (SLE) and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Murine models show that complement activation plays a pivotal role in antiphospholipid antibody-mediated pregnancy morbidity, but the exact pathways of complement activation and their potential role in human pregnancy are insufficiently understood. We hypothesized that the classical pathway would play a major role in inducing fetal loss. Pregnant C57BL/6 mice and mice deficient in C1q and factor D were injected with antiphospholipid antibodies or normal human IgG. Mouse placentas were subsequently stained with an anti-C4 antibody and anti-normal human IgG to determine the presence of classical complement activation and IgG binding. Findings in mice were validated in 88 human placentae from 83 women (SLE and APS cases versus controls), which were immunohistochemically stained for C4d, C1q, properdin and MBL. Staining patterns were compared to pregnancy outcome. In murine placentae of mice pretreated with antiphospholipid antibodies, increased C4 deposition was observed, which was associated with adverse fetal outcome but not with IgG binding. In humans, diffuse C4d staining at the feto-maternal interface was present almost exclusively in patients with SLE and/or APS (p < 0.001) and was related to intrauterine fetal death (p = 0.03). Our data show that presence of C4d in murine and human placentae is strongly related to adverse fetal outcome in the setting of SLE and APS. The excessive deposition of C4d supports the concept of severe autoantibody-mediated injury at the fetal-maternal interface. We suggest C4d as a potential biomarker of autoantibody-mediated fetal loss in SLE and APS.  相似文献   

Complement, a critical defence against pathogens, has been implicated as a driver of pathology in COVID-19. Complement activation products are detected in plasma and tissues and complement blockade is considered for therapy. To delineate roles of complement in immunopathogenesis, we undertook the largest comprehensive study of complement in COVID-19 to date, comprehensive profiling of 16 complement biomarkers, including key components, regulators and activation products, in 966 plasma samples from 682 hospitalized COVID-19 patients collected across the hospitalization period as part of the UK ISARIC4C (International Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium) study. Unsupervised clustering of complement biomarkers mapped to disease severity and supervised machine learning identified marker sets in early samples that predicted peak severity. Compared to healthy controls, complement proteins and activation products (Ba, iC3b, terminal complement complex) were significantly altered in COVID-19 admission samples in all severity groups. Elevated alternative pathway activation markers (Ba and iC3b) and decreased alternative pathway regulator (properdin) in admission samples were associated with more severe disease and risk of death. Levels of most complement biomarkers were reduced in severe disease, consistent with consumption and tissue deposition. Latent class mixed modelling and cumulative incidence analysis identified the trajectory of increase of Ba to be a strong predictor of peak COVID-19 disease severity and death. The data demonstrate that early-onset, uncontrolled activation of complement, driven by sustained and progressive amplification through the alternative pathway amplification loop is a ubiquitous feature of COVID-19, further exacerbated in severe disease. These findings provide novel insights into COVID-19 immunopathogenesis and inform strategies for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

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