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Background There is a need for instruments with acceptable psychometric properties for measuring time management/time processing ability. KaTid‐Child (Swedish: Kit for assessing Time processing ability) was developed for children aged 5–10 years. To meet needs of assessing older children, KaTid‐Youth was created. The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of KaTid‐Youth. Methods This study investigates the validity of KaTid‐Youth using Rasch models: partial credit and common item equating. Results Results indicate that KaTid‐Youth has acceptable psychometric properties and seems to measure the same construct as KaTid‐Child. Conclusions Indications of gender differences in the sample call for further research. The results indicate that time processing ability can be seen as one construct in which time perception, orientation and management can be operationalized as different levels of complexity in time processing ability. Expressions of time processing ability differ at different ages. Thus, early intervention in time perception and time orientation may be needed to promote time management in later childhood. Professionals need to take time processing ability into consideration when meeting children who risk delayed development of daily time management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Congenital visual impairment has serious consequences for early development, particularly in those with the most profound impairment. Although there is individual variation, developmental delays and risks, including 'developmental setback', are widespread. There is no scientifically robust developmental framework grounded in contemporary theory and scientific knowledge to guide early intervention which may prevent or minimize the risk factors and developmental difficulties. The UK governmental initiative, Early Support, gave the impetus for developing a new developmental framework for babies and young children with visual impairment. METHODS: This paper reports on the scientific literature that underpins the new framework and the limitations of existing intervention materials. The case for focusing on particular vulnerable areas and developing a new developmental framework, the Early Support Developmental Journal for babies and children with severe visual impairment, is presented. CONCLUSIONS: The future direction for service delivery and evaluation is briefly described.  相似文献   

生长发育监测是儿童早期发展的重要工作组成。运动发育评估作为儿童生长发育监测的基本内容值得重视。儿童运动发育监测是依据小儿运动发育的里程碑,结合反射、肌张力、姿势及运动模式,采用询问、观察和检查等手段结合评估量表,综合判断儿童运动发育水平,识别是否存在落后与异常,给予早期干预和康复。本文从综合性发育量表、婴儿期识别性神经运动发育量表、儿童期专项运动发育量表及脑瘫儿童适用的运动量表等方面介绍了目前儿童运动评估状况。  相似文献   

Children with multiple disabilities present complex management problems, both for their families and for the professionals involved in their care. For any one child, the list of functional and medical problems that need to be addressed is frequently reflected in an even longer list of involved professionals, leading to conflicting advice and problems in co-ordination of care. A hierarchical model for assessment and management is proposed, which highlights the interdependency of apparently different areas of functioning. The model aims to assist both parents and professionals in determining priorities, to improve interdisciplinary working, and to underpin staff training. Illustrative case studies indicate the importance of resolving issues in areas such as visual functioning, positioning and nutrition before integrated functions such as communication skills can be addressed successfully.  相似文献   

BackgroundImprovement is needed in methods for planning and evaluating interventions designed to facilitate daily time management for children with intellectual disability, Asperger syndrome, or other developmental disorders.ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to empirically investigate the hypothesized relation between children's time processing ability (TPA), daily time management, and self-rated autonomy. Such a relationship between daily time management and TPA may support the idea that TPA is important for daily time management and that children with difficulties in TPA might benefit from intervention aimed at improving daily time management.MethodsParticipants were children aged 6 to 11 years with dysfunctions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, or physical or intellectual disabilities (N = 118). TPA was measured with the instrument KaTid. All data were transformed to interval measures using applications of Rasch models and then further analysed with correlation and regression analysis.ResultsThe results demonstrate a moderate significant relation between the parents’ ratings of daily time management and TPA of the children, and between the self-rating of autonomy and TPA. There was also a significant relation between self-ratings of autonomy and the parents’ rating of the children's daily time management. Parents’ ratings of their children's daily time management explain 25% of the variation in TPA, age of the children explains 22%, while the child's self-rating of autonomy can explain 9% of the variation in TPA. The three variables together explain 38% of the variation in TPA. The results indicate the viability of the instrument for assessing TPA also in children with disabilities and that the ability measured by KaTid is relevant for daily time management.ConclusionsTPA seems to be a factor for children's daily time management that needs to be taken into consideration when planning and evaluating interventions designed to facilitate everyday functioning for children with cognitive impairments. The findings add to the increasing knowledge base about children with time processing difficulties and contribute to better methods aimed at improving these children's daily time management. Further research is needed to examine if there are differences in TPA related to specific diagnosis or other child characteristics.  相似文献   

The objective of this longitudinal study was to examine the relationship between screen time (ST) and children’s motor proficiency. The amount of time 113 children spent watching television, using a computer, and playing video games as reported by parents at ages 4, 5, and 7 was measured and children’s motor skills were evaluated at age 7 with the short version of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency Second Edition. The results revealed that children who spent more time in front of a screen at age 4 also do so at ages 5 and 7. A negative relationship was observed between ST at ages 4, 5, and 7 and motor proficiency at age 7. Mediation analysis suggested that the negative effect of ST at age 4 on motor competence was mediated by ST at age 7. This result emphasizes the adverse influence of ST stability on motor proficiency.  相似文献   


Little is known about how young children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) experience violence in their homes, and how different types of household violence may affect child development. This study reports on levels of exposure to household violence and associations with child behavioural outcomes in preschool-aged children in western Kenya. A sample of 465 caregivers, whose children (n?=?497) attended early learning centres supported by an international NGO, were enrolled in the study. Caregivers reported on exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), household discipline practices, attitudes about gender roles, and child behavioural outcomes. Multivariable analysis showed significant predictive effects of IPV (regression coefficient?=?1.35, SE?=?0.54, p?=?0.01) and harsh psychological child discipline (regression coefficient?=?0.74, SE?=?0.22, p?=?0.001), but not physical discipline (regression coefficient?=?0.42, SE?=?0.24, p?=?0.08), on worse child behavioural problems. These findings indicate that child exposure to violence in different forms is highly prevalent, and associated with poorer outcomes in young children. Community-based programmes focused on parenting and early child development are well-positioned to address household violence in LMIC settings, but must be supported to provide a broader understanding of violence and its immediate and long-term consequences.  相似文献   

To date, despite widespread availability of time series data on multiple syndromes, multivariate analysis of syndromic data remains under-explored. We present a non-parametric multivariate framework for early detection of temporal anomalies based on principal components analysis of historical data on multiple syndromes. We introduce simulated outbreaks of different shapes and magnitudes into the historical data, and compare the detection sensitivity and timeliness of the multi-syndrome detection method with those of uni-syndrome. We find that the multi-syndrome detection framework provides a powerful tool for identifying such designated abnormalities in the data and significantly improves upon the detection sensitivity and timeliness of uni-syndrome analysis. The proposed multivariate framework requires minimal preprocessing of the data and can be easily adopted in settings where temporal information on multiple syndromes are routinely collected and processed, and thus can be an integral component of real-time surveillance systems.  相似文献   

以人为本科学发展推动医院工作全面进步   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:15  
推进医院工作全面进步,必须以“三个代表”重要思想统揽医院工作的全局;必须用科学发展观指导医院的建设和发展;必须注意把握医院改革的方向和重点;必须探索和推行以服务第一为理念的经营战略。  相似文献   



This paper sets out to estimate the cost of illicit financial flows (IFF) in terms of the amount of time it could take to reach the fourth Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in 34 African countries.


We have calculated the percentage increase in gross domestic product (GDP) if IFFs were curtailed using IFF/GDP ratios. We applied the income (GDP) elasticity of child mortality to the increase in GDP to estimate the reduction in time to reach the fourth MDG in 34 African countries.


children aged under five years.


34 countries in SSA.

Main outcome measures

Reduction in time to reach the first indicator of the fourth MDG, under-five mortality rate in the absence of IFF.


We found that in the 34 SSA countries, six countries will achieve their fourth MDG target at the current rates of decline. In the absence of IFF, 16 countries would reach their fourth MDG target by 2015 and there would be large reductions for all other countries.


This drain on development is facilitated by financial secrecy in other jurisdictions. Rich and poor countries alike must stem the haemorrhage of IFF by taking decisive steps towards improving financial transparency.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the performance of Australian children on the Miller assessment for preschoolers (MAP), to that of USA norms. The MAP (with Australian language changes) was administered to a sample of 218 Australian children across the six age groups of the test. Chi-squared analysis, comparing scores of the Australian sample with the USA norms, detected significant differences between the two groups on all variables except the Verbal Index. Australian children obtained higher scores for Foundations, Non-verbal and Complex Tasks indices and higher Total Scores, and lower scores on the Coordination Index, in comparison to USA children. The findings indicate that, except for the Verbal Index, MAP scores may not accurately reflect developmental performance of Australian children. An Australian standardization or modification of the test is therefore needed. Until changes are made, caution should be adopted when interpreting MAP scores. Clinicians may also find the Australian language changes helpful in making the test more relevant to Australian children.  相似文献   

A new assessment instrument called the Componential Assessment of Visual Perception (CAVP)© has been developed recently by the authors. It was designed for use in occupational therapy practice, and in other practice areas such as neuropsychology, as a process-based approach to the evaluation of visual perceptual functioning in children and adults with neurological disorders. In this paper, the CAVP is discussed in terms of its conceptual basis and relevance as an assessment of occupational functioning. In addition, the results of a preliminary study of the clinical usefulness of the CAVP are reported. In this study, a questionnaire designed to measure perceived clinical usefulness of the CAVP was completed by a group of experienced clinicians who routinely assess visual perceptual functioning in clients with neurological disorders. Clinicians were given a standardised demonstration of the CAVP program and a copy of the CAVP's documentation manual. The CAVP software program was installed on to each clinician's computer for a period of two weeks to allow them time to review and analyse it before completing the questionnaire. Overall, promising results regarding the CAVP's potential clinical usefulness were found. Results related to the CAVP's utility, ease of use, format, and appeal are presented, as well as a discussion of the study's limitations. In the final section of this paper, an example of selected CAVP client results is presented to demonstrate how to use it to isolate key processes that are significant in a client's perceptual performance. Copyright © 1997 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Measuring changes in mobility and balance offers a means of responding to the clinically important challenge of tracking progression and recovery in frail elderly patients who become ill. This article uses Rasch analysis to construct an interval scale from ordinal observations of such changes, using the Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility (HABAM) on 204 frail elderly inpatients. Principal components analysis confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale. The Rasch analysis confirmed the hierarchy of the HABAM, and pointed to gaps and redundant items. On this basis, an improved version of the HABAM was developed, suitable in its graphical form for everyday clinical use and for research, using the interval numbers that were generated.  相似文献   

随着我国新生儿救治水平的提升,高危儿存活率明显提高。早期识别高危儿并进行早期干预,可以明显改善其预后,所以选择信度和效度良好的评估方法非常重要。目前国内常用的高危儿早期神经学检查方法主要有全身运动质量评估(GMs)、婴儿运动能力测试(TIMP)、Hammersmith婴儿神经检查(HINE)、新生儿行为神经测定(NBNA)、0~1岁20项神经运动检查、Vojta姿势反射检查、Peabody运动发育量表(PDMS),在国外婴儿运动发育量表(IMP)、Harris婴儿神经运动测试(HINT)应用亦较多。本文将对这几种神经学评估方法加以综述。  相似文献   

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