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Summary Six cases of primary orbital meningioma, a rare condition, are presented. These tumours provoke bone changes, chiefly increased bone density, in the same way as intracranial meningiomas. Orbitography and orbital venography provide complementary diagnostic information. Arteriography, the most widely used and rewarding investigation, may confirm the presence of an intraorbital lesion by revealing pathological vessels and tumour staining. The most reliable criterion in the preoperative diagnosis of primary intraorbital meningioma is agreement between the appearances of the plain radiographs and those of the angiogram.
Primäre intraorbitale Meningeome: Eine röntgenologische Untersuchung
Zusammenfassung Es werden 6 Fälle von primären orbitalen Meningeomen beschrieben. Diese Tumoren rufen Knochenveränderungen hervor, so daß sie bereits bei der Nativ-Diagnostik festgestellt werden können. Die Orbitographie und die orbitale Venographie vervollständigen die Diagnostik. Die Angiographie zeigt, ob es sich um ein primäres intraorbitales Meningeom handelt.

Meningiomes intra-orbitaires primitifs=une étude radiologique
Résumé Les auteurs rapportent six cas rares de méningiome orbitaire primitif. De même que les méningiomes intracrâniens, ces tumeurs provoquent des modifications ossesuses, essentiellement une augmentation de la densité osseuse. L'orbitographie et la phlébographie orbitaire fournissent des informations diagnostiques complémentaires. L'artériographie, investigation la plus couramment utilisée et la plus informative, peut confirmer la présence d'une lésion intra-orbitaire en révélant des vaisseauy pathologiques et un blush tumoral. Le critère le plus sûr dans le diagnostic pré-opératoire de méningiome intra-orbitaire primitif est la concordance des altérations osseuses et des modifications angiographiques.

Meema  HE; Oreopoulos  DG; Meema  S 《Radiology》1978,126(1):67-74
Periosteal, intracortical, and endosteal resorptive changes were evaluated in both hands and the proximal radius in 161 chronic renal-failure patients by microradioscopy, radiographic morphometry, and photodensitometry. These changes were compared to abnormalities found in skeletal surveys. A combination of microradioscopy and morphometry of hand bones was sufficiently sensitive for early detection of bone loss in renal osteodystrophy in 61% of the patients. Intracortical resorption in metacarpals appeared to be a sign of more advanced renal osteodystrophy than subperiosteal resorption in phalanges. Photodensitometric findings in the radius generally agreed with microradioscopic and morphometric findings in hand bones.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium haemophilum has recently been recognized as a newly emerging cause of osteomyelitis in immunocompromised patients. While still uncommon, its incidence has increased significantly with the growing AIDS epidemic. Like its relatives M. tuberculosis and M. intracellulare, this organism is acid-fast positive; yet unlike its more well-known counterparts, M. haemophilum requires iron-supplemented culture media and low incubation temperatures (30–32° C) for growth. We describe a case of M. haemophilum osteomyelities in the distal femur of a 36-year old HIV-positive male, who also presented with multiple skin ulcerations. In an AIDS patients with a lytic bone lesion and concomitant skin eruptions, the diagnosis of M. haemophilum should be entertained so that special culture media can be used and appropriate treatment administered.  相似文献   

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