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Discriminated lever press avoidance and step through passive avoidance conditioning were studied in male and female rats. In lever press avoidance female rats showed superior avoidance performance, less intertrial responding and shorter durations of leverholding than male rats. Castration of males tended to improve their avoidance performance, whereas ovariectomy had no effect. In passive avoidance more males than females showed an avoidance response. From these results it is concluded that aversive stimulation seems to elicit different behavior tendencies in male and female rats rendering males less prepared for active avoidance, but at the same time more prepared for passive avoidance conditioning. The data do not support the hypothesis that sex differences in activity underly the dimorphism in active and passive avoidance conditioning.  相似文献   

Groups of intact male and female Wistar rats were exposed to a standard passive avoidance procedure. The intensity of the light bulb illuminating the platform during adaptation, pre- and post-shock trials was manipulated (5, 25 or 75 W). Entrance latencies during pre-shock trials were longer for males than for females. They decreased for both males and females as light intensity was increased. Entrance latencies increased over trials for males but not for females. On the post-shock trial, more females than males reentered the compartment in which they previously had been shocked, with shorter entrance latencies. Thus, although light intensity functionally affected the behavior of males and females on pre-shock trials, it did not influence the behavioral differences usually observed on the post-shock trial. These data are interpreted as further evidence for the notion that the behavior of male Wistar rats in standard passive avoidance procedures is a function of non-specific effects of shock presentation per se. It is suggested that research aimed at understanding basic (neuronal) differences between males and females is necessary to be able to specify the nature of the variables responsible for the observation of behavioral differences between males and females in this and other experimental paradigms.  相似文献   

Two inbred strains of rats, derived from the Roman High Avoidance and Roman Low Avoidance selection lines, were tested for performance on the two-way active avoidance task which had been used during selection. Both inbred strains rapidly acquired the avoidance response and showed nearly perfect avoidance from trial 40 through trial 50. Probably, genes responsible for the low avoidance performance in the RLA strain disappeared during inbreeding.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis has been made of the influence of hemiextirpation of the gonadal glands on realization of conditioned-reflex activity in rats of both sexes. Learning was assessed in active and passive avoidance paradigms. It was established that hemigonadectomy in male rats or hemiovariectomy in female rats fail to modify acquiring and reproducing active avoidance and passive reactions as compared to the controls. It is suggested that hemiextirpation of the gonadal glands does not significantly influence realization of conditioned-reflex activity in rats of both sexes.  相似文献   

Learning and performance of two-way avoidance were investigated in a total of 68 rats trained with either a visual (change in illumination to darkness or to light) or an auditory (white noise of 70 or 60 dB intensity) conditioned stimulus (CS). Experiment I showed that the darkness CS produce lower avoidance performance and a much higher rate of intertrial responses than either a auditory or a compound (visual plus auditory) CS. A monotonic within-session increase of avoidance performance and a similar, but less regular increase of intertrial responses were found at the beginning of training in each group. In later sessions such trends were observed only in rats trained with a visual CS. Experiments II and III showed also rapid transfer of avoidance response and a corresponding change of intertrial response rate with the change of CS modality. When the compound CS was used, the effects of the visual element were completely overcome by the auditory one. Rats trained with a visual CS in Experiment IV showed a positive correlation between avoidance performance and the number of intertrial responses, which was more pronounced in earlier than in later training sessions. We consider the rise of intertrial behaviour as an adaptive response to the increase of task difficulty. CSi of different modalities differ not only in relative saliency, but also in the discriminability between their onset and offset. The modality of the CS influences not only avoidance performance but also the course of learning.  相似文献   

Differences in monoamine and metabolite levels were previously observed between lean and obese 16 week-old female Zucker rats. In order to test whether these variations exist initially in young animals, catecholamines (CA), serotonin (5-HT) and some of their metabolites were assayed in brain areas of Zucker rats between 5 and 16 weeks of age. The levels of most compounds in all areas studied increased with age in both groups. At 5 weeks of age, there was no difference between lean and obese rats. At 8 weeks, a reduction of dopamine (DA) metabolites appeared in the striatum and cortex of obese rats and persisted up to 16 weeks. A reduction of the 5-HT metabolite, 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid (5-HIAA), occurred at 8 weeks only. At 16 weeks, increases of DA and 5-HT in the hypothalamus and decreases of norepinephrine (NE), 5-HT and 5-HIAA in the hippocampus appeared. These data suggest that the development of obesity occurs before any monoamine alterations.  相似文献   

Mild stress (handling and subcutaneous injection of 0.9% NaCl from postnatal day 8 through day 20) normally improves acquisition of a shuttle-box avoidance task in mature male rats. In the offspring of rats given intragastral injections of 25% ethanol (5 g/kg) from day 1 till day 20 of pregnancy, both handling and injections impair learning. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 123, No. 3, pp. 302–304, March, 1997  相似文献   

The possibility that a sex difference in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) activity might be an underlying cause of the previously reported sex differences in picrotoxin-induced seizures was investigated. Male and female rats were injected (IP) with the GABA antagonist, L-allylglycine (100, 150, 200, or 250 mg/kg), and observed for behavioral signs of five categories of seizures induced by picrotoxin: myoclonic, focal, generalized tonic extension, generalized clonic, and generalized seizures with tonic and clonic components. The latency to the first occurrence of each seizure category was scored. Of the five categories of seizures investigated, only focal and generalized tonic extension seizures were observed after allylglycine in the doses tested. Female rats were significantly more susceptible than male rats to allylglycine-induced focal (p less than 0.007) and generalized tonic extension (p less than 0.05) seizures. The results suggest that male-female differences in presynaptic GABA activity may have relevance for sex differences in the occurrence of focal and tonic extension seizures. Differences in the seizure profiles associated with allylglycine and picrotoxin suggests that pre- and postsynaptic antagonism of GABA activity may have different consequences for specific seizure categories and the sex differences associated with those categories.  相似文献   

Modeling fear in animals is a critical approach for identifying the neural mechanisms involved in human disorders such as generalized anxiety and panic. Amygdala kindling has proven useful in this regard because it produces dramatic increases in fearful behavior. The purpose of this experiment was to compare the behavioral effects of kindling in male and female rats. Compared with the sham-stimulated rats, the kindled male and female rats showed similar increases in fearful behavior, with some sex differences in fear-related open-field activity. They also showed decreased immobility in the forced-swim test and increased sucrose consumption. These results suggest that kindling-induced fear is generally similar in male and female rats and that kindling does not appear to induce depression-like behavior.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to examine the effects on the acquisition of two-way active avoidance of implantation into the hippocampus of rats of two substances (aluminum hydroxide, penicillin) known to produce epileptogenic electrical discharges. In Experiment 1 bilateral deposits of aluminum hydroxide (ALOH) were placed in the hippocampus and the effects of this manipulation were compared to the effects of bilateral hippocampal aspiration. Sufficient postoperative time (130 days) was allowed such that epileptogenic discharges developed in the ALOH-implanted rats. Both bilateral hippocampal-ALOH deposits and bilateral hippocampal aspiration resulted in facilitated acquisition of the two-way avoidance. The results of Experiment 2 replicated this observation, but also indicated that bilateral hippocampal deposits of penicillin did not cause detectable effects on acquisition of the avoidance. Epileptiform activity produced by the penicillin was observed to disappear by postoperative Day 4. In Experiment 3 unilateral hippocampal aspiration was combined with contralateral implants of either ALOH or penicillin and avoidance training was begun 13 days postoperatively. Epileptiform activity was not observed in the ALOH-implanted rats and disappeared by postoperative Day 4 in the penicillin implanted rats. No significant changes were observed in the rate of acquisition of two-way active avoidance as a result of the manipulations done in Experiment 3. It is concluded that epileptiform discharge initiated focally within the hippocampus produces effects on the acquisition of two-way active avoidance which are similar to the effects produced by bilateral ablation.  相似文献   

Infanticide in rats: male strategy and female counter-strategy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The present series of experiments addresses the question of whether mating governs infanticide in the male rat and, in addition, asks whether the female rat has available an effective counter-strategy to male infanticide. With regard to the first question, we found that mating provides a safeguard against the killing of own young. That is, mating induces a general inhibition of infanticide coincident with the birth of the male's young and a recrudescence of infanticide synchronized with their weaning. The particular gain realized in killing alien young depends on the age of young and consequently on whether the mother had reached postpartum estrus. We also found that the pregnant female has an effective strategy to counter male infanticide which she employs before the young are born. The data show that this counter-strategy involves the synthesis of a chemosignal of low volatility emitted during pregnancy. The possible role of the male's vomeronasal system in the reception of this chemosignal is discussed.  相似文献   

The inbred RLA (Roman Low-Avoidance) and RHA (Roman High-avoidance) rat strains have been psychogenetically selected for rapid (RHA) vs. extremely poor acquisition (RLA) of two-way active avoidance. As a consequence of this selective breeding, RLA animals exhibit a higher level of emotionality that can be observed in many anxiety models. The present study was conducted in order to analyze the performance of female RLA, RHA and Wistar rats in a behavioral test of anxiety that involves the reduction of the magnitude of an expected reward: the negative contrast effect that is obtained in one-way avoidance learning by reducing the time spent in the safe compartment. To this aim, three groups of animals (30-1/RLA, 30-1/RHA and 30-1/W) were trained to avoid an electric foot-shock administered in a "danger" compartment, by running from this compartment to a "safe" compartment. We observed an impairment of the avoidance response when time spent in the safe compartment was reduced from 30 to 1 s, when 30-1/RLA and 30-1/W groups were compared with control groups that were trained with a constant safe time (1-1/RLA and 1-1/W, respectively). We also obtained significant differences between 30-1/RLA and 30-1/RHA groups in the postshift phase. These results indicate that RLA rats respond more negatively to the frustration triggered by the reduction in time spent in the safe compartment, suggesting that animal models based on negative contrast effects can be useful tools for studying the genetic basis of anxiety.  相似文献   

A microanalysis of wheel running in male and female rats   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The pattern of ad lib wheel running was studied in adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Wheel turns per 20 seconds were recorded for 5 days. Females ran more than males but both ran chiefly at night, with a peak at the beginning and a decline to low levels by daytime. Log-survivor plots showed running occurred in distinct episodes separated by long periods of nonrunning. Both the nightly decrease and the sex difference in running were due to changes in duration of episodes and the running speed. Initiation of running, as reflected in the length of nonrunning periods was similar in both sexes and remained constant over the night. Running was discussed in terms of independent initiation and termination factors and its parallels to eating patterns.  相似文献   

The prefrontal cortex continues to develop throughout adolescence in several species, and our laboratory has demonstrated that during adolescence there is a decrease in neurons in the rat medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). A PFC-dependent task, the delayed alternation task, was used in the present study to examine the function of the mPFC while it is still maturing in rats of both sexes. A deficit was found in adolescents when compared to adults during 15- and 60-s delays but not at other delays (5, 10, 30, and 90 s). Furthermore, adolescents committed more perseverative errors. No significant sex differences occurred at any delay for either age group; however, in the no delay training sessions, adolescent males reached criterion faster than females. These results indicate that performance on a mPFC-dependent task improves between adolescence and adulthood.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of repeated intraperitoneal treatment with dehydroepiandrosterone in doses of 0.1 and 0.7 mg/kg on conditioned-response activity and behavior of adult male rats. The effect of dehydroepiandrosterone on learning was estimated in conditioned active and passive avoidance response paradigms. Chronic administration of dehydroepiandrosterone in low and high doses had no effect on retention of conditioned passive avoidance response in adult male rats 24 h after learning. However, chronic administration of dehydroepiandrosterone in low dose impaired acquisition of the conditioned active avoidance response. It should be emphasized that chronic administration of dehydroepiandrosterone in high dose did not modulate acquisition and retention of this reaction. Translated fromByulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 138, No. 7, pp. 63–67, July, 2004 This work was supported by the Regional Social Foundation for Russian Medicine.  相似文献   

Gonadectomized male and female rats were given septal lesions (SL) or sham surgery at approximately 60 days of age. After 3 weeks lordosis behavior tests were initiated. Females were tested after daily injections of 2 μg estradiol benzoate (EB) for 3 days, while males were tested after EB only (2 μg×3 days), and after EB plus progesterone (Prog). The mean lordosis quotients (LQ) of septal lesioned female rats were significantly higher than those of sham operated controls. No increase in lordosis responding was seen in male rats with either EB alone or EB+Prog. Following an additional 3 week interval without steroid treatment masculine behavior tests began. All animals received a pretest and were tested again on Day 4, 7, 11 and 15 daily tesosterone propionate (150 μg/day) treatment. No alterations in masculine sexual behavior (relative to that of controls) were found in either male or female septal lesioned rats. It is concluded that the increased hormone sensitivity is specific for lordosis behavior, at least when the SL are given in adulthood.  相似文献   

Rats were trained and tested in a two-way active avoidance task (30 trials, 0.4-mA footshock, 24-h training-test interval). Exposure to an open field with flashing light (60-W lamp, 30 Hz, for 7 min, OFL) 2 h after training caused a retrieval impairment for the avoidance task, a phenomenon called retroactive interference. Animals familiarized with the OFL 24 h before training showed no retrieval impairment when exposed to the OFL 2 h after training. Both adrenal medullectomy (performed 7 to 14 days before training) and dexamethasone treatment (2 mg/kg, injected IP 24 h and 12 h before training) prevented the OFL interfering effect. Time-course experiments revealed that OFL presented either 1 or 4 h after training caused no retrieval deficit, and that animals exposed to the OFL 2 h after training and receiving another OFL presentation 1 or 2 h, but not 4 h, prior to testing had normal retrieval performance. These results suggest: 1) that the retroactive interference caused by presentation of OFL 2 h after training is due to failure of retrieval of the avoidance task since it is counteracted by the pretest presentation to the OFL, 2) that the OFL-induced retrieval interfering effect partly depends on the novelty of the OFL situation, and on the functional integrity of pituitary ACTH and adrenomedullar-dependent mechanisms and 3) that there are different mechanisms involved in posttraining and pretest OFL effects since they present distinct time-courses.  相似文献   

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