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目的:建立隧道工矽肺危险度评价模型,预测矽肺发病规律。方法:调查有关工程局5482名接尘工人的接尘史、隧道粉尘资料和矽肺病人的诊断日期;应用Kaplan-Meier方法初步估计累积患病率善于累积接尘量的曲线;应用样条函数方法拟合曲线。结果:建立了矽肺的危险度评价模型;提出矽尘作业30年不发生矽肺的粉尘最高容许浓度建议值0.21mg/m^3;在平均粉尘浓度20.47mg/m^3下工作30年,矽肺累积患病率预计为11.1%;接尘工龄30年,累积患病率控制为0.5%时,容许浓度为1.14mg/m^3;累积患病率控制为1%时,容许浓度为2.06mg/m^3。结论:建立的模型具有实用价值,得到的结果可以为行政管理部门制定规章制度、保护工人的健康提供决策依据。  相似文献   

矽肺的定量危险度评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矽肺是由于长期吸入矽尘所致的以肺部弥漫性纤维化为主的全身性疾病 ,是一种常见的且危害最为严重的职业病。定量危险度评价 (quantitativeriskassessment)是研究与暴露环境和职业毒物有关的健康危险度而发展起来的一门方法学 ,主要用于预测暴露因子可能产生的健康效应类型 ,估计这些健康危害发生的概率并提出环境中可能接受的暴露因子水平。为了对矽肺的危险度作一定量评价 ,近十几年来 ,国内外学者作了不懈努力 ,现就这些学者研究的评价模型、评价结果及影响评价的因素作一扼要阐述。1 评价模型鉴于矽肺的累积…  相似文献   

砷致矿工肺癌危险度的定量评定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用One-hit模型和Weibull的模型分别建立了矿工肺癌发病率与接砷浓度(水平)关系的数学方程 相似文献   

石棉工人接尘量与肺癌发病关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京市制动密封材料厂的1244名接尘职工(其中13名死于肺癌),用寿命表法和Logistic回归模型进行接尘量与肺癌发病关系的研究表明,肺癌发病概率与累积接尘量之间呈直线相关。若以工作30或40年,死亡概率以12/10万或19/10万计算,则年平均粉尘浓度在0.73 ~1.70mg/m~3(寿命表法,40年)和0.03~2.11mg/m~3(Logistic回归模型,30年)之间,其对应的纤维计数浓度为1.37~1.54f/ml和1.25~1.61f/ml。作者建议作业场所现行石棉最高容许浓度应该进一步降低。  相似文献   

铁路隧道工矽尘接触与矽肺危险度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对铁道隧道工进行矽肺危险度评价。方法:对9个铁路工程局铁道工5482人进行接尘史的回顾性调查,并调集各局卫生防疫站历年施工隧道粉尘监测资料,用SAS软件进行统计分析。结果:用样条函数建立隧道工矽尘危险度评价模型,与各单位的粉尘几何平均浓度有良好的剂量-效应关系,实际现场患病率和模型计算的患病率差异无显著性。结论:用评价模型可对现场的隧道工进行患病率的预测,并可根据隧道内粉尘浓度提出整改方案。同时,评价模型可供其他粉尘行业参考使用。  相似文献   

接触生物标志物及其在危险度评价中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生物标志物(biological marker,biomarker)是指能反映生物体与环境因子(化学的、物理的或生物的)相互作用引起的生理、生化、免疫和遗传等多方面的分子水平改变的物质。生物标志物可分为接触生物标志物(biomarkerofexposure)、效应生物标志物(biomarkerofeffect)和易感性标志物  相似文献   

矿尘中微量元素含量与矿工肺癌的关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究用原子吸收分光光度法测定肺癌高、低发矿山矿尘中12种致、抗癌微量元素的含量,用单个元素相比的致/抗比值和多个致、抗癌元素相比的综合效应比值分析肺癌发生的危险性。结果发现肺癌高发矿矿尘中铁、镉、铅、锑、砷和锌的含量较高;而粉尘中硒和锰的含量较低,综合效应比值也高于对照矿。提示矿工的肺癌高发与矿尘中致癌微量元素含量过高有一定关系。  相似文献   

骨质疏松的流行病学与危险度评价   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
半数以上的妇女和约1/3的男子的可能发生与骨质疏松有关的骨折。骨折的后果往往很严重,且会导致生命质量持久性下降和死亡率上升,不管有无其他危险因素存在,测定骨密度可定量评估骨折的危险度,并且可为将来进行比较提供基红数据。早期发现骨质疏松并且尽早采取干预措施,是预防骨质疏松性骨折的最有效的措施。  相似文献   

环境化学品的危险度评价、危险度管理和可持续发展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
联合国环境和发展大会通过了"21世纪议程",该议程第19章阐述了有毒化学品的管理.在承认"化学品的大量使用对保证人类社会和经济需求具有关键意义"的同时,必须看到还有大量工作要作"才能对有毒化学品进行健全的环境管理,从而保证可持续发展和改善人类的生活质量".为此,有两个关键问题有待解决;(1)目前还缺乏足够的资料对现有大量的化学品进行危险度评价;(2)即使有了资料还没有足够的财力开展危险度评价工作.这两种情况在发展中国家尤为突出.为此,联合国环发大会建议,首先必须加强和加速化学品危险度的国际评价工作,同时应该加强各国对化学品危险度管理的能力和力度.  相似文献   

镉接触健康效应危险度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镉的人体健康效应研究已经经历了半个多世纪了。从最早发现镉接触工人的肺损伤开始;20世纪40年代发现食用了镉污染的水和食品引起的急性肠胃炎;50年代Friberg报道了镉接触工人的蛋白尿和肺气肿,以及二次大战期间发生的众所周知的“痛痛病”,都提供了镉接触健康效应的资料。近10年来特别是在比利时科学家发现低剂量镉接触时的肾脏损害,引起众多科学家对镉的健康效应的关注。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Wood dust was designated as a human carcinogen based on increased sinus and nasal cancer rates among exposed workers. However, data on an association with lung cancer have been inconclusive. METHODS: Self-reported wood dust exposure was compared between 1,368 lung cancer patients and 1,192 cancer-free adults, in a lung cancer case-control study. Epidemiological information was collected through a detailed personal interview. RESULTS: Using several definitions of wood dust exposure we consistently observed statistically significant elevated adjusted risk estimates; for example, the adjusted odds ratio (OR) for combined wood dust related occupations and industries was 3.15 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.45-6.86) and for an overall summary exposure measure it was 1.60 (95% CI 1.19-2.14). The association was maintained when stratified by histopathological type. Among those exposed to cigarette smoke and wood dust, 21% of the cases were attributable to biologic interaction. CONCLUSIONS: Wood dust exposure is a potential risk factor for lung cancer.  相似文献   

铁矿工肺癌病因病例对照研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究系在历史前瞻性队列研究基础上,采用同厂矿队列内病例:对照=1:4配比,对接尘、矽肺、吸烟与肺癌之间关系进行了对比分析。结果未发现肺癌发病与接尘、矽肺有直接关系;但结果说明吸烟与肺癌关系密切。  相似文献   



To investigate the association of lung cancer with occupational exposure to textile dust and specifically to cotton dust in the population‐based case‐control study ICARE.


Lifelong occupational history of 2926 cases and 3555 controls was collected using standardized questionnaires, with specific questions for textile dust exposure. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated using unconditional logistic regression models controlling for confounding factors including smoking and asbestos exposure.


An inverse association between textile dust exposure and lung cancer was found among workers exposed ≥5% of their work time (OR = 0.80, 95%CI = 0.58‐1.09), more pronounced for distant exposures (40+ years; up to a 56% reduced risk, statistically significant). The OR of lung cancer was significantly decreased among workers exposed to cotton fibers (OR = 0.70, 95%CI = 0.48‐0.97).


Our results provide some evidence of a decreased risk of lung cancer associated with exposure to textile dust, particularly cotton.

A total of 764 autopsy cases with a pathological diagnosis of nonasbestos pneumoconiosis were investigated in a search for lung cancer: 146 patients bore 148 lung cancers (19.1%). The incidence of a lung cancer was associated positively with aging, longer occupational exposures, and smoking habits. A reverse correlation was found between carcinogenesis and the severity of pneumoconiosis. A statistically significant increase in the incidence of certain types of lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma + small cell carcinoma) was found in silicotic lungs with massive fibrosis as compared to lungs with mixed dust pneumoconiosis of comparable severity. Although there appears to be no dose-response relationship in general between silicosis and lung cancer, it is advisable to consider the possibility that a presumptive silica-induced carcinogenesis might be masked by the severe fibrosis of a silicotic type, which obliterates the lung tissue in a different way from asbestosis, which is associated with epithelial proliferation. Am. J. Ind. Med. 32:595–599, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The association between lung cancer and occupations with probable exposure to diesel exhaust (DE) was studied among 2,584 cases and 5,099 hospital controls. The crude odds ratio (OR) for probable exposure was 1.31 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.09-1.57), but adjustment for smoking and other confounders reduced the estimate to 0.95 (95% CI = 0.78-1.16). Similar results were observed for truck drivers, the only occupational category large enough for separate analysis. Data on self-reported exposure for 477 cases and 946 controls revealed a crude OR of 1.45 (95% CI = 0.93-2.27), which was reduced to 1.21 (95% CI = 0.78-2.02) after controlling for smoking and other confounders. The present results and a review of the literature do not definitively support an etiologic association between DE exposure and elevated lung cancer risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Excess lung cancer mortality among the exposed Vermont granite workers has been reported. These studies were based on job and tenure surrogates, with the potential for misclassification and inability to evaluate quantitative exposure-response. METHODS: Industrial hygiene data collected from 1924 to 1977 was analyzed in conjunction with mortality data to examine quantitative exposure-response for silica, lung cancer, and other lung diseases. A person-years analysis was undertaken by cumulative exposure group, including lagged and unlagged tabulations. Poisson models were fitted to untransformed and log transformed exposure. RESULTS: The results indicated a clear relationship of lung cancer, tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis, non-malignant lung disease, and kidney cancer with cumulative exposure. An exposure to 0.05 mg/m(3) from age 20 to 64 was associated with a lifetime excess risk of lung cancer for white males of 27/1,000. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study of workers exposed almost exclusively to silica and no other major occupational confounding exposures indicate a clear exposure-response for lung cancer.  相似文献   


To investigate the contamination levels of respirable dust released in the work environment and the induced workers’ health risk at a coal-fired power plant, we collected 405 dust samples from different dusty workstations by personal sampling during the coal-fired power generation process. Then, an inhalation risk assessment model from the USEPA was combined with the Monte Carlo simulation method to quantitatively evaluate the health risk caused by dust inhalation. Of 10 workstations researched, the dust concentration in the most workstations exceeded the prescribed occupational exposure limit. Workers engaged in ash removal suffered the highest health risk at 4.08?×?10?6 ± 2.85?×?10?6 (95% CI), closely followed by those involved in other job categories. The results can contribute to the formulation of targeted dust prevention measures and implementation of risk management for the coal-fired power sector.  相似文献   

Several quantitative risk assessment models have been published for occupational and environmental exposures to diesel exhaust particles (DEP). These risk assessment models are reviewed and applied to predict lung cancer risks for miners exposed to DEP. The toxicologically based unit risk estimates varied widely (from 2 to 220 × 10−6 per μg/m3). The epidemiologically based unit risk estimates were less variable and suggest higher risks (from 100 to 920 × 10−6 per μg/m3). The wide range of risk estimates derived from these analyses reflects the strong assumptions and large uncertainties underlying these models. All of the models suggest relatively high risks (i.e., >1/1,000) for miners with long-term exposures greater than 1,000 μg/m3. This is not surprising, given the fact that miners may be exposed to DEP concentrations similar to those that induced lung cancer in rats and mice, and substantially higher than the exposure concentrations in the positive epidemiologic studies. Am. J. Ind. Med. 34:207–219, 1998. Published 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



To investigate the association between head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) risk and occupational exposure to flour dust in women and men, using data from ICARE, a French population‐based case‐control study.


The analysis included 2053 cases of HNSCC and 3507 controls. Lifelong occupational history was collected. A job‐exposure matrix was used to assess exposure to flour dust. Odds‐ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), adjusted for smoking, alcohol drinking, and asbestos exposure, were estimated with logistic regression models.


Ever exposure to flour dust was associated with elevated ORs in women (OR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.01 4.55) and in men (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 1.11 2.17). In women, the risk increased with the probability, the duration, and the cumulative level of exposure. No dose‐response relationships were observed in men.


Although the results were less conclusive in men than in women, overall, these findings provide some support to the hypothesis of a role of flour dust in the occurrence of HNSCC.

为进一步探讨木尘与肺癌的关系,我们进行了回顾性队列研究,暴露组为成都某木综厂工龄1年以上的接触木尘职工2362(男1707,女655)人,观察期15年(1978年1月1日~1992年12月31日),观察了33679人年。非暴露组为当地某煤矿工龄1年以上的男性职工2587人,观察期21年(1972年1月1日~1992年12月31日),观察了54040人年。结果显示:接触木尘职工肺癌的标化死亡率(SMR)为74.62/105(RR=4.08,P<0.01),与当地居民死亡率比较,接尘职工的SMR为218.6(95%CI:1.41~3.23,P<0.01)。肺癌标准化死亡比例比(SPMR)为349.0,差异有非常显著意义(P<0.01)。提示:木尘可能与肺癌有关。  相似文献   

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