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The anatomical and physiological substrata of eye-hand coordination during reaching were studied through combined anatomical and physiological techniques. The association connections of parietal areas V6A and PEc, and those of dorso-rostral (F7) and dorso-caudal (F2) premotor cortex were studied in monkeys, after physiological characterization of the parietal regions where retrograde tracers were injected. The results show that parieto-occipital area V6A is reciprocally connected with F7, and receives a smaller projection from F2. Local parietal projections to V6A arise from areas MIP and, to a lesser extent, 7m, PEa and PEC: On the contrary, parietal area PEc is strongly and reciprocally connected with the part of F2 located close to the pre-central dimple (pre-CD). Local parietal projections to PEc come from a distributed network, including PEa, MIP, PEci and, to a lesser extent, 7m, V6A, 7a and MST. Premotor area F7 receives parietal projections mainly from 7m and V6A, and local frontal projections mainly from F2. On the contrary, premotor area F2 in the pre-CD zone receives parietal inputs from PEc and, to a lesser extent, PEci, while in the peri-arcuate zone F2 receives parietal projections from PEa and MIP. Local frontal projections to F2 pre-CD mostly stem from F4, and, to a lesser extent, from F7 and F3, and CMAd; those addressed to peri-arcuate zone of F2 arise mainly from F5 and, to a lesser extent, from F7, F4, dorsal (CMAd) and ventral (CMAv) cingulate motor areas, pre-supplementary (F6) and supplementary (F3) motor areas. The distribution of association cells in both frontal and parietal cortex was characterized through a spectral analysis that revealed an arrangement of these cells in the form of bands, composed of cell clusters, or 'columns'. The reciprocal connections linking parietal and frontal cortex might explain the presence of visually related and eye-position signals in premotor cortex, as well as the influence of information about arm position and movement direction in V6A and PEC: The association connections identified in this study might carry sensory as well motor information that presumably provides a basis for a re-entrant signaling. This might be necessary to match retinal-, eye- and hand-related information underlying eye-hand coordination during reaching.  相似文献   

A series of recordings in cat visual cortex suggest that synchronous activity in neuronal cell ensembles serves to bind the different perceptual qualities belonging to one object. We provide evidence that similar mechanisms seem also to be observable in human subjects for the representation of supramodal entities. Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from 19 scalp electrodes (10/20 system) in 19 human subjects and EEG amplitude and coherence were determined during presentation of objects such as house, tree, ball. Objects were presented in three different ways: in a pictorial presentation, as spoken words and as written words. In order to find correlates of modality-independent processing, we searched for patterns of activation common to all three modalities of presentation. The common pattern turned out to be an increase of coherence between temporal and parietal electrodes in the 13-18 Hz beta1 frequency range. This is evidence that population activity of temporal cortex and parietal cortex shows enhanced coherence during presentation of semantic entities. Coherent activity in this low-frequency range might play a role for binding of multimodal ensembles.  相似文献   

We used the (14)C-deoxyglucose method to map the functional activity in the cortex of the lateral and medial parietal convexity, the intraparietal and the parietoccipital sulci of monkeys which either reached and grasped a 3D-object or observed the same reaching-to-grasp movements executed by a human. Execution of reaching-to-grasp induced activations in the superior parietal areas SI-forelimb/convexity, PE, PE caudal (PEc); in the intraparietal areas PE intraparietal (PEip), medial intraparietal (MIP), 5 intraparietal posterior, ventral intraparietal (VIP), anterior intraparietal (AIP), lateral intraparietal dorsal; in the inferior parietal areas PF, PFG, PG; in the parietoccipital areas V6, V6A-dorsal; in the medial cortical areas PGm/7m and retrosplenial cortex. Observation of reaching-to-grasp activated areas SI-forelimb/convexity, PE lateral, PEc, PEip, MIP, VIP, AIP, PF, V6, PGm/7m, 31, and retrosplenial cortex. The common activations were stronger for execution than for observation and the interhemispheric differences were smaller for observation than for execution, contributing to the attribution of action to the correct agent. The extensive overlap of parietal networks activated for action execution and observation supports the "mental simulation theory" which assigns the role of understanding others' actions to the entire distributed neural network responsible for the execution of actions, and not the concept of "mirroring" which reflects the function of a certain class of cells in a couple of cortical areas.  相似文献   

The coordinated action of the eye and the hand is necessary for the successful performance of a large variety of motor tasks based on visual information. Although at the output level the neural control systems for the eye and the hand are largely segregated, in the parietal cortex of the macaque monkey there exist populations of neurons able to combine ocular and manual signals on the basis of their spatial congruence. An expression of this congruence is the clustering of eye- and hand-related preferred directions of these neurons into a restricted region of the workspace, defined as field of global tuning. This domain may represent a neural substrate for the early composition of commands for coordinated oculo-manual actions. Here we study two different prototypical network models integrating inputs about retinal target location, eye position and hand position. In the first one, we model the interaction of these different signals, as it occurs at the afferent level, in a feed-forward fashion. In the second model, we assume that recurrent interactions are responsible for their combination. Both models account surprisingly well for the experimentally observed global tuning fields of parietal neurons. When we compare them with the experimental findings, no significant difference emerges between the two. Experiments potentially able to discriminate between these models could be performed.  相似文献   

Emergence of connectivity in the embryonic rat parietal cortex.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In order to understand how cortical circuitry is put together, we examined the emergence of corticofugal projection cells and the arrival of subcortical afferents in the presumptive parietal cortex of the embryonic rat cerebrum. Afferent and efferent projections were selectively labeled by applications of the lipophilic tracers DiI and DiA in aldehyde-fixed brains of 12-18-d-old rat embryos (E12-E18; gestation: 21 d). On E12 and E13, the neocortical anlage consists of a ventricular zone and a preplate, with no extracortical connections. By E14, just prior to the appearance of the cortical plate, polymorphic cells located in the ventrolateral preplate of the telencephalic vesicle send out the first group of corticofugal axons toward the ganglionic eminence. Shortly thereafter, the cortical plate emerges as a dense band of radially oriented cells that also contribute to the corticofugal projection. By E15, axons of the early cortical projection cells cascade through the striatal primordium, the future site of the internal capsule. At the time of cortical plate formation and initial corticofugal axon outgrowth, ascending corticopetal axon systems have not yet arrived in the neocortex. Double-labeling experiments in which one dye is placed in the neocortex and the other in the ipsilateral dorsal thalamus reveal that cortical efferents encounter the first ascending wave of thalamofugal axons at the level of the striatum. Collectively, these two axonal systems bridge the necortex and the diencephalon. Upon their arrival in the neocortex on E16, thalamic axons follow a ventrolateral to dorsomedial course within the intermediate zone. Thalamic axons are the first subcortical afferent system to arrive in the neocortex. Other ascending afferent systems arising from the midbrain tegmentum enter the neocortex after E17. Comparison of thalamocortical and tegmentocortical projections in two halves of the same brain and across various embryonic ages clearly reveals that the two projection systems differ in their trajectories as well as in their time of arrival. Present observations challenge the view that the precocious arrival of subcortical axons provides the impetus for cortical maturation, and suggest that cortical plate differentiation and the initial organization of corticofugal projection patterns occur independent of ascending pathways.  相似文献   

Rats with lesions in the parietal cortex or hippocampus as well as cortical lesion and sham-operated controls were tested for acquisition or retention of a cheese board spatial task (dry land version of a water maze task). Results indicated that, relative to controls, rats with hippocampal or parietal cortex lesions were impaired in both acquisition and retention of the spatial task as measured by increased distances traveled to find the correct food location. It is suggested that both the hippocampus and parietal cortex subserve spatial representations required for optimal learning and performance of the cheese board spatial task.  相似文献   

The role of area 7a in eye-hand movement was studied by recording from individual neurons while monkeys performed 7 different tasks, aimed at assessing the relative influence of retinal, eye, and hand information on neural activity. Parietal cell activity was modulated by visuospatial signals about target location, as well as by information concerning eye and/or hand movement, and position. The highest activity was elicited when the hand moved to the fixation point. The population activities across different memory tasks showed common temporal peaks when aligned to the visual instruction (visuospatial peak) or Go signal (motor peak) for eye, hand, and coordinated eye-hand movement. The motor peak was higher for coordinated eye-hand movement, and it was absent in a No-Go task. Two activation maxima were also observed during visual reaching. They had the same latency of the visuospatial and motor peaks seen in the memory tasks. Therefore, area 7a seems to operate through a common neural mechanism underlying eye, hand, or combined eye-hand movement. This mechanism is revealed by invariant temporal activity profiles and is independent from the effector selected and from the presence or absence of a visible target during movement. For comparative purposes, we have studied the temporal evolution of the population activity in the superior parietal lobule (SPL) during the same reaching tasks and during a saccade task. In SPL, the population activity was characterized by a single peak, time locked to the Go signal for eye, hand, or combined eye-hand movement. As in IPL, the time of occurrence of this peak was effector independent. The population activity remained unchanged when the position of the eye changed, suggesting that SPL is mostly devoted to the hand motor behavior.  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of callosal axons originating in the parietal cortex was studied by anterograde labeling with Phaseolus lectin or biocytin injected in postnatal (P) hamsters aged 7-25 days. Some labeled fibers were serially reconstructed. At P7, some callosal fibers extended as far as the contralateral rhinal fissure, with simple arbors located in the homotopic region of the opposite cortical gray matter, and two or three unbranched sprouts along their trajectory. From P7 to P13, the homotopic arbors became more complex, with branches focused predominantly, but not exclusively, in the supra- and infragranular layers of the homotopic region. Simultaneously, the lateral extension of the trunk axon in the white matter became shorter, finally disappearing by P25. Arbors in the gray matter were either bilaminar (layers 2/3 and 5) or supragranular. A heterotopic projection to the lateral cortex was consistently seen at all ages; the heterotopic arbors follow a similar sequence of events to that seen in homotopic regions. These observations document that callosal axons undergo regressive tangential remodeling during the first postnatal month, as the lateral extension of the trunk fiber gets eliminated. Radially, however, significant arborization occurs in layer-specific locations. The protracted period of morphogenesis suggests a correspondingly long plastic period for this system of cortical fibers.  相似文献   

Monkeys and humans have similar capacities to discriminate between the frequencies of mechanical sinusoids delivered to the glabrous skin of their hands. Combined psychophysical-electrophysiological experiments in monkeys discriminating in the range of flutter provided evidence that this capacity depends upon differences in the cycle lengths in the sets of periodically entrained activity, evoked by the stimuli discriminated, in neurons of areas 3b and 1 of the (sensory) hemisphere opposite the stimulated hand. Identical experiments have now been made, in similarly trained and discriminating monkeys, in the motor cortex (area 4) of the hemisphere opposite the arm projecting selectively to one of two targets, to indicate discrimination (five hemispheres, 1137 neurons studied). We observed a selective signal of the upcoming correct discrimination in about 25% of the neurons of area 4 active in the task. The neuronal discharge occurs selectively for stimuli either lower or higher in frequency than that of the base stimulus, and commonly begins within 200-300 msec after onset of the comparison stimulus. These neuronal discharges are aperiodic, with no sign of the stimulus frequencies. EMG recording during performance of the discrimination showed that the muscles of the arm opposite the side of recording were silent during the period of stimulus presentations. Recordings during trials in which the animal made errors showed most commonly that the output of the discrimination operation was itself in error, followed by an appropriate arm projection to the wrong target. We interpret the selective response during the comparison stimulus to be a postdiscrimination signal projected transcallosally from the sensory hemisphere to the motor area of the hemisphere controlling the responding arm. We obtained no evidence that the discrimination operation is localized to any particular area, and we surmise it to occur in the dynamic activity within the distributed system linking the sensory cortex of one hemisphere and the motor cortex of the other. One-third of the neurons of the motor cortex responded to indentation of the skin of the ipsilateral hand, at trial onset. These responses varied from those closely linked to that sensory stimulus to those linked to the upcoming movement of the contralateral hand. These onset responses did not occur when similar sequences of mechanical stimuli were delivered to alert but idling monkeys.  相似文献   

Combination of visual and kinesthetic information is essential to perceive bodily movements. We conducted behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging experiments to investigate the neuronal correlates of visuokinesthetic combination in perception of hand movement. Participants experienced illusory flexion movement of their hand elicited by tendon vibration while they viewed video-recorded flexion (congruent: CONG) or extension (incongruent: INCONG) motions of their hand. The amount of illusory experience was graded by the visual velocities only when visual information regarding hand motion was concordant with kinesthetic information (CONG). The left posterolateral cerebellum was specifically recruited under the CONG, and this left cerebellar activation was consistent for both left and right hands. The left cerebellar activity reflected the participants' intensity of illusory hand movement under the CONG, and we further showed that coupling of activity between the left cerebellum and the "right" parietal cortex emerges during this visuokinesthetic combination/perception. The "left" cerebellum, working with the anatomically connected high-order bodily region of the "right" parietal cortex, participates in online combination of exteroceptive (vision) and interoceptive (kinesthesia) information to perceive hand movement. The cerebro-cerebellar interaction may underlie updating of one's "body image," when perceiving bodily movement from visual and kinesthetic information.  相似文献   

梗阻性黄疸并发急性肾功能损害相关因素分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的: 探讨梗阻性黄疸发生急性肾功能损害时的相关高危因素. 方法: 对150例梗阻性黄疸患者中9例发生急性肾功能损害的临床情况进行分析. 结果: 年龄、术前胆红素水平、肝功能异常与梗阻性黄疸(OJ)引发的急性肾功能损害无明显相关性(P>0.05);而围手术期较长时间的低血压状态、发病时胆道感染状况以及既往手术史与梗阻性黄疸(OJ)引发的急性肾功能损害(ARI)有显著相关性(P<0.01). 结论: OJ时的胆道感染、围手术期较长时间的低血压状态及既往手术史,与ARI的发生有较为密切的关系;而单纯的高胆红素血症在OJ引发的ARI中的作用有限.  相似文献   

Abstract  Cold preservation of donor organs induces hypothermia-related tissue edema as a result of a reduced activity of the ATP-depen-dent sodium pump at low temperatures. Hypothermia-induced tissue edema occurs in kidney preservation and is a significant risk factor for delayed graft function (DGF) after transplantation. DGF remains a major problem in kidney transplantation and is significantly associated with preservation injury. The state of hydration of cold-stored organs can be assessed from a biopsy for determination of the wet/dry weight ratio. As a non-invasive method to determine tissue hydration MRIT1 and T2 relaxometry can be used. In this study we have compared changes in tissue hydration in UW-preserved porcine kidneys with increasing cold ischemia times (CIT) using wet/dry weight ratio and MR ralaxometry. The results of the two techniques were correlated to evaluate the use of MR relaxometry. Wet/dry weight ratios of the renal cortex decreased with prolonged CIT ( P < 0.01) whereas those of the medulla did not change significantly. T1 values of the cortex decreased with prolonged CIT ( P < 0.01). T2 values of the cortex showed a non-significant decline with increased CIT. No significant changes in T1 and T2 were found in the medulla. The correlation between T, and the wet/dry weight ratio of the cortex was significant ( P = 0.05, linear correlation coefficient 0.8698). We conclude that MR relaxometry can be a valuable non-invasive technique to assess tissue hydration in cadaveric donor kidneys before transplantation.  相似文献   

The perception of changes in the direction of objects that translate in space is an important function of our visual system. Here we investigate the brain electrical phenomena underlying such a function by using a combination of magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetic resonance imaging. We recorded MEG-evoked responses in 9 healthy human subjects while they discriminated the direction of a transient change in a translationally moving random dot pattern presented either to the right or to the left of a central fixation point. We found that responses reached their maximum in 2 main regions corresponding to motion processing area middle temporal (MT)/V5 contralateral to the stimulated visual field, and to the right inferior parietal lobe (rIPL). The activation latencies were very similar in both regions ( approximately 135 ms) following the direction change onset. Our findings suggest that area MT/V5 provides the strongest sensory signal in response to changes in the direction of translational motion, whereas area rIPL may be involved either in the sensory processing of transient motion signals or in the processing of signals related to orienting of attention.  相似文献   

Hypertonic glycerol injection is one of the most frequently used models of experimental acute renal failure. Late structural changes such as interstitial fibrosis in the renal cortex and tubular atrophy have been detected after severe acute tubular necrosis (ATN). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of angiotensin II (AII) and endothelin during the evolution of the ATN induced by glycerol and their relationships with the late structural changes observed in the kidneys. Forty-nine male Wistar rats were injected with a 50% glycerol solution, 8 mL/kg, divided into equal amounts, each administered into one hind leg, and 18 with 0.15 M NaCl solution. Blood and urine samples were collected 1, 5, 30, and 60 days after the injections to quantify sodium and creatinine; the animals were killed and the kidneys removed for histologic and immunohistochemical studies. The results of the immunohistochemical studies were scored according to the extent of staining in the cortical tubulointerstitium. Glycerol-injected rats presented a transitory increase in plasma creatinine levels and in fractional sodium excretion. The immunohistochemical studies showed increased AII and endothelin staining in the renal cortex from rats killed 5 days after glycerol injection (p<0.001) compared with control that persisted until day 60. The animals killed on days 30 and 60 also presented chronic lesions (fibrosis, tubular dilatation, and atrophy) in the renal cortex, despite the recovery of renal function. AII and endothelin may have contributed to the development of renal fibrosis in these rats.  相似文献   

Strong evidence suggests that the macaque monkey perirhinal cortex is involved in both the initial formation as well as the long-term storage of associative memory. To examine the neurophysiological basis of associative memory formation in this area, we recorded neural activity in this region as monkeys learned new conditional-motor associations. We report that a population of perirhinal neurons signal newly learned associations by changing their firing rate correlated with the animal's behavioral learning curve. Individual perirhinal neurons signal learning of one or more associations concurrently and these neural changes could occur before, at the same time, or after behavioral learning was expressed. We also compared the associative learning signals in the perirhinal cortex to our previous findings in the hippocampus. We report global similarities in both the learning-related and task-related activity seen across these areas as well as clear differences in the within and across trial timing and relative proportion of different subtypes of learning-related signals. Taken together, these findings emphasize the important role of the perirhinal cortex in new associative learning and suggest that the perirhinal cortex together with the hippocampus contribute importantly to conditional-motor associative memory formation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to characterize the forces resulting from Harrington distraction of the spine in an experimental model of scoliosis in the rat, in order to establish both the similarity of this model to human scoliosis and identify potential force parameters that may be useful for clinical decision-making. Harrington distraction was performed in 36 rats that had been made scoliotic 9-12 weeks earlier by the method described in the previous paper. Distractions were carried out in discrete and timed steps until separation of the vertebral laminae (mechanical failure) occurred at the upper hook site. Distractive forces were monitored continuously by a strain gauge mounted on the tension side of the upper arm of the outrigger. The resulting data were compared among the various curvature groups. The relationship between the length of distraction and the maximum force produced was similar for all animals regardless of curvature. This relationship was quadratic and was characterized by an inflection point where forces increased rapidly with each distraction. The amount of distraction necessary to reach both the inflection and failure points differed only for curves above 100 degrees. The amount of force required to reach failure was lower for curves above 75 degrees. Curves above 50 degrees had a lower percent correction at the inflection point. Bending and tensile forces were calculated by vector analysis. Axial load efficiencies were greater for curves above 50 degrees, as evidenced by increased bending forces in these animals. The viscoelasticity of the spine decreased after inflection in all animals.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Muscle activity and coordination in ten shoulders were studied in five healthy subjects using electromyography (EMG) recorded during standardized loaded movements, i.e., flexion, extension, abduction, external rotation, and internal rotation at 0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees of abduction. Bipolar surface and intramuscular fine-wire electrodes were used, and the EMG signal was low-pass filtered, full-wave rectified, and time-averaged. Activity from the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, pectoralis major (sternoclavicular part), the anterior, middle, and posterior parts of the deltoid, and the latissimus dorsi was recorded in parallel. In order to allow a comparison of the activity in a subject's different muscles and the activity in specific muscles between different individuals, the EMG was normalized. Muscle activity occurred simultaneously in muscles producing the movement and in antagonistic muscles. Coordination due to muscle contractions plays a significant role in stabilizing the shoulder joint. The infraspinatus, subscapularis, and latissimus dorsi acted as stabilizers during flexion; the subscapularis acted as a stabilizer during external rotation and with the supraspinatus during extension.  相似文献   

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