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目的:描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒情况。方法:整群抽样调查,使用定式问卷向23513受试者(18~65岁)调查饮酒情况。结果:普通人群的男、女及整体饮酒率分别为84.1%、29.3%和59.5%,男性饮酒率及饮酒频度明显高于女性。90.0%女性饮酒者每周饮酒1次或以下,男性饮酒者每周饮酒在1次或以下占56.4%。16.1%以上男性饮酒者、2.5%的女性饮酒者每天皆饮。男性每次饮酒量明显高于女性,普通人群人均年饮酒量为3.60升纯酒精,男性饮酒量为女性的18.6倍。结论:我国饮酒问题将会是下世纪的公共卫生问题。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒情况,方法:整群抽样调查,使用定式问卷向23513受试者(18~65岁)调查饮酒情况,结果:普通人群的男,女及整体饮酒率分别为84.1%,29.3%和59.5%,男性饮酒率及饮酒频率明显高于女性,90.0%女性饮酒者每周饮酒1次或以下,男性饮酒者每周次酒在1次或以下占56.4%,16.1%以上男性饮酒者2.5%,的女性饮酒者每天皆饮,男性每天饮明显高于女性,普通人群  相似文献   

目的:了解我国社区普通人群饮酒相关问题的患病率和主要社会损害。方法:应用半定式健康状况调查表和酒依赖及相关问题筛查问卷,调查24992例受试饮酒相关的心理社会和躯体疾病,应用DSM-Ⅲ-R诊断标准,对1874例问题饮酒者进行酒精所致精神疾病的诊断。结果:酒精所致精神障碍的男性、女性和总体时点患病率分别为9.0%、0.2%和5.1%;酒依赖时点患病率分别为6.625%、0.200%和3.797%;三月急性醉酒率分别是14.237%、0.745%和8.299%,均是男性高于女性。酒依赖者的社会损害严重于问题饮酒者。躯体损害以胃炎或胃溃疡和腰背痛的发生率最高。结论:饮酒相关问题已严重影响着我国人民的身心健康,需要得到政府、社会团体和医务工作者的极大关注,以采取相应措施进行有效防治。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国社区普通人群饮酒者的健康状况和饮酒相关疾病的患病率,探讨饮酒与健康的关系。方法:应用定式检查问卷,调查我国五地区24992例受试者过去一年中饮酒、总体健康状况(自评)和饮酒相关疾病的患病情况。结果:97%的饮酒者和92.2%的非饮酒者认为自己的健康状况较好,3.0%的饮酒者和7.8%的非饮酒者认为较差。总体健康状况的逐步多因素回归分析结果表明是否饮酒和饮酒年限是影响健康的重要因素。饮酒相关疾病的单因素分析结果显示饮酒者胃炎或胃溃疡、偏头痛、腰背痛和失眠的患病率高于非饮酒者,心脏病、脑梗塞或脑出血、听力或视力障碍和糖尿病的患病率低于非饮酒者。分层控制年饮酒量后,胃炎、胃溃疡和失眠的患病率随年饮酒量增加而增加,二者呈非线性相关,非饮酒者和重度饮酒者心脑血管疾病的患病率高于轻中度饮酒者,患病率与饮酒量呈“V”字型关系,但趋势检验结果未表明二者直接相关。结论:我国社区普通人群中,是否饮酒及饮酒者的饮酒时间长短是饮酒健康的重要因素,饮酒能够增加消化道疾病和失眠的发病率,轻中度饮酒则对心脑血管疾病的发生具有保护作用。调查者的健康状况可能是各因素综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区四种特殊职业人群的饮酒情况及与饮酒相关问题发生率,并与普通人群相比较。方法:抽样调查,使用定式问卷及DSM-II-R诊断标准向9800名受试者(18-65岁)调查饮酒情况、饮酒相关的社会、心理和躯体问题。结果:男女及总饮酒率分别为86.2%、44.1%和74.1%,年平均饮酒量分别为8.25、0.56及6.00升纯酒精。酒依赖的男性、女性和总的时点患病率分别为10.545%、0.141%和7.561%,急性酒中毒的半年患病率分别为7.916%、0.071%和5.668%。与普通人群相比,四种特殊职业人群的饮酒率、年饮酒量和与饮酒相关的损害均较高。结论:职业环境是影响饮酒的重要因素之一,处于特殊环境的人群是出现酒问题的高危人群。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒相关问题的患病率。方法:使用DSM-II-R诊断标准和系统询问,向23513受试者(18~65岁)调查饮酒相关的社会、心理、躯体疾病。结果:男性饮酒问题发生率明显高于女性。酒依赖的男性、女性和总的时点患病率分别为6.632%、0.104%和3.428%;急性酒中毒的半年患病率分别为5.162%、0.017%和2.637%。与饮酒相关的躯体损害以消化道疾病为主。工作、家庭问题是饮酒者的主要社会损害。结论:随着生活水平提高和西方文化影响,我国的饮酒问题将会是下一个世纪的公共卫生问题  相似文献   

危险及有害饮酒、酒依赖与适量饮酒引起各种损害的比较   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的:比较危险及有害饮酒组,酒依赖组在酒精所致损害方面与正常饮酒和酒依赖组的区别。方法:使用AUDIT量表和ICD-10诊断标准对420例被测查者进行了筛查和评定。将其分为“危险及有害饮酒”组,酒依赖组和正常饮酒组。比较了三组之间酒精所致损害的差别。结果:三组之间饮酒量,饮酒频率及发生中种损害的情况均有显著性差异。危险及有害饮酒者发生各种损害的机率明显高于正常饮酒组,损害的发生直接与饮酒量和饮酒频度相关。结论:危险及有害饮酒者降低饮酒量,减少饮酒频度已势在必行。不但有望减少一系列躯体损害的相关。结论:危险及有害饮酒者降低饮酒量,减少饮酒频度已势在必行。不但有望减少一系列躯体损害的发生。减少国家的医疗开支;而且可能减少多种社会问题的发生。减少犯罪。这也是使社会安定的因素之一。  相似文献   

目的:描述我国六地区四种特殊职业人群的饮酒情况及与饮酒相关问题发生率,并与普通人群相比较。方法:抽样调查,使用定式问卷及DSM-Ⅲ-R诊断标准向9800名受试者(18-65岁)调查饮酒情况、饮酒相关的神经、心理和躯体问题。结果:男女及总饮酒经分别为86.2%、44.1%和74.1%,年平均饮酒量分别为8.25、0.56及6.00升纯酒精。酒依赖的男性、女性的总的时点患病率分别为10.545%、0.  相似文献   

国内六地区饮酒情况及相关问题调查:Ⅱ普通人群…   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
描述我国六地区普通人群饮酒相关问题的患病率。方法:使用DMS-Ⅲ-R诊断标准和系统询间,向23513受试者调查饮酒相关的社会,心理,躯体疾病。结果:男性饮酒问题发生率明显高于女性。  相似文献   

用整群抽样的方法调查了湖南省城乡两地区1000户15岁以上居民饮酒、吸烟情况,其中男1179(49.6%)人,女1199(50.4%)人。平均年龄男女分别41.2岁(SD=17.5)和43.4(89=18.6)。结果表明,饮酒率男性为57.5%,女性为17.3%。吸烟率男女分别为68.2%和11.7%,男性饮酒、吸烟量高于女性。男性饮酒、吸烟者的年龄及受教育的年限与男性总体差异不显著,而女性饮酒、吸烟者的年龄较女性总体高、受教育年限低,差异有显著性。外界环境的影响是制约女性不饮酒、不吸烟的主要因素,担心健康是制约男性不饮酒不吸烟的主要因素。男性更倾向于把饮酒、吸烟作为社交手段,及改变情绪的一种方式。受试者对男性饮酒、吸烟较为宽容,而对女性饮酒、吸烟特别是吸烟持普遍不赞许的态度,作者从社会文化、社会心理的角度讨论了影响男女饮酒、吸烟率的因素。  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(6):534-537
Background: Data on the correspondence between information on alcohol consumption obtained from household members directly interviewed and those evaluated through surrogate respondents are scarce in developing countries.

Aim: To estimate alcohol consumption in Mozambique and to compare the information self-reported by subjects directly interviewed with data provided by surrogate respondents referring to household members that were absent during interview.

Subjects and methods: A representative sample of 20 033 Mozambicans aged 25–64 years was evaluated in 2003 as part of a national household survey. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire assessing socio-demographic and behavioural factors (12 902 participants were directly interviewed and for 7238 data were provided by surrogate respondents).

Results: Nearly a quarter of women and half the men were current drinkers, of which about 60% drank 1–2 days/week and more than 75% reported traditional beverages as the most frequently consumed. No meaningful differences were observed between the estimates obtained using only data reported directly by the participants and when surrogate reports were also considered.

Conclusion: Alcohol consumption was frequent in Mozambique, especially consumption of traditional beverages. Proxy respondents provided valid information on alcohol intake, which may be used to improve the efficiency of household surveys in this setting.  相似文献   

We evaluated alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Korean adults by evaluating alcohol consumption and responses to the CAGE questionnaire obtained from the second Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The age-adjusted prevalence of males who consumed 0, 0.1-20, 20.1-40, or >40 g/day of alcohol were 28.0, 51.5, 12.5, and 8.0%, respectively; 26.9% of male drinkers were CAGE-positive (> or =2 affirmative responses to the CAGE). The age-adjusted prevalence of females who consumed 0, 0.1-10, 10.1-20, or >20 g/day of alcohol were 67.7, 26.6, 3.9, and 1.8%; 11.9% of female drinkers were CAGE-positive. The risk factors for high alcohol consumption were old age, low education level, smoking, and drinking onset at young ages in male drinkers, whereas low education level and smoking in female drinkers. The risk factors for a positive CAGE were young age, marriage, low education level, smoking, high amount of alcohol consumed on a single occasion, and high drinking frequency in male drinkers, whereas high household income, ex-smoking, high amount of alcohol consumed on a single occasion, and high drinking frequency in female drinkers. Our results suggest that high alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Korean adults are not negligible and require intervention.  相似文献   

Backgroud: Both alcohol consumption and the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) gene polymorphism modulate serum lipid levels, but their interactions on serum lipid profiles are still unknown. The present study was undertaken to detect the interactions of PCSK9 E670G polymorphism and alcohol consumption on serum lipid levels.Methods: Genotypes of the PCSK9 E670G in 1352 unrelated subjects (785 non-drinkers and 567 drinkers) were determined by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism combined with gel electrophoresis, and then confirmed by direct sequencing. The interactions between PCSK9 E670G genotypes and alcohol consumption on serum lipid parameters were detected by using a factorial design covariance analysis after controlling for potential confounders.Results: The levels of serum triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein (Apo) A1, and the ratio of ApoA1 to ApoB were higher in drinkers than in non-drinkers (P < 0.01 for all), whereas the levels of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and ApoB were lower in drinkers than in non-drinkers (P < 0.001 for all). The genotypic and allelic frequencies of PCSK9 E670G were not different between non-drinkers and drinkers (P > 0.05 for each). The subjects with AA genotype in non-drinkers had higher serum LDL-C levels than the subjects with AG genotype, whereas the subjects with AG genotype in drinkers had higher serum TC levels than the subjects with AA genotypes (P < 0.05 for each). The effects of alcohol consumption on TC and LDL-C levels depended upon genotypes, the subjects with AA genotype had lower serum TC and LDL-C levels in drinkers than in non-drinkers.Conclusions: Alcohol consumption can modify the effects of the PCSK9 E670G polymorphism on serum TC and LDL-C levels. The subjects with AA genotype of the PCSK9 E670G benefit more from alcohol consumption than the subjects with AG genotype in decreasing serum TC and LDL-C levels.  相似文献   

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to examine a J-shaped relationship between alcohol consumption and depression among the elderly in South Korea.ResultsAUDIT total score were found to exert linear and quadratic effects that were significantly associated with higher depression scores among sample respondents. The results lend support to a J-shaped relationship between alcohol use and depression, wherein abstainers and problem drinkers were at a higher risk of depression.ConclusionThis study confirms a J-shaped (i.e., curvilinear) relationship between alcohol consumption and depression among elderly South Koreans, similar to that frequently found in studies of Western-based samples. The findings of this study, therefore, imply the applicability of the J-shaped relationship hypothesis for non-Western society samples and within different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

Five hundred nine high school pupils from Holon (a city in the center of Israel) were surveyed about their consumption, knowledge and attitudes towards alcohol use and alcohol dependence. Two hundred fifty-nine pupils attended a vocational high school and 253 attended an academic high school. Forty percent of the pupils attending the academic school reported that they had drank beer between one to nine times during the last 2 months. In comparison with 72% of the vocational pupils, 42% of the academic pupils and 47% of the vocational pupils drank other alcoholic beverages (such as hard liquor, cognac, whisky or vodka) between one to nine times during the last 2 months. Boys drank alcohol more frequently than girls did. An earlier mean age of beer consumption was found among pupils in the vocational schools-12.8 years; as opposed to pupils in the academic school-13.4 years. Knowledge of most pupils concerning alcoholic beverages and its potential harmful effects was lacking and pupils in the academic school showed a higher level of knowledge in comparison with the vocational pupils. Pupils in the vocational school had more liberal attitudes concerning recurrent consumption of alcoholic beverages than pupils in the academic school. Among the three leading reasons for drinking in the two schools were helping foster a sense of belonging, wish to feel like an adult and desire to forget daily anxieties and conflicts. Pupils in vocational schools are a target population with a higher risk for consuming alcoholic beverages. Discussion groups should be held in school and include personal stories of recovering alcoholics.  相似文献   

BackgroundPrevious studies have associated certain risk factors with hazardous drinking in students. However, big cultural and geographical differences exist regarding alcohol use.ObjectivesTo determine whether or not there was a difference in hazardous drinking between Belgian and South African university students and to establish the risk factors that contribute to hazardous drinking in university students (calculated using the AUDIT-C) from a developing country (South Africa) and a developed country (Belgium).MethodsAn online survey assessing hazardous drinking among university students in South Africa (University of KwaZulu-Natal, UKZN) and Belgium (University of Antwerp, UoA) was conducted, using the shortened version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT-C). Risk factors in males and females for hazardous drinking were explored using multivariate logistic regression analysis.ResultsIn total, 499 students were included in the study (250 UoA and 249 UKZN students). A significant higher amount of male (94.8%) as well as female (92.4%) UoA students drank alcohol in the last year compared to the male (66.2%) and female (67.8%) UKZN students (p<0.001). Additionally, a significant higher amount of UoA students were hazardous drinkers, compared to the UKZN students (p<0.001). Multivaiate analysis showed that male UoA students were almost 6 times more likely to be hazardous drinkers than male UKZN students (OR=5.611, p=0.005). Female UoA students were more than twice as likely to be hazardous drinkers than female UKZN students (OR=2.371, p=0.016).ConclusionThis study found a significant difference in hazardous drinking between Belgian and South African university students.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the association betweenalcohol drinking before and during pregnancy and the risk ofspontaneous abortion using data from a case-control study conductedin Milan, Italy. A total of 462 women (median age 30 years)were admitted for spontaneous abortion (within the 12th weekof gestation) to a network of obstetrics departments in thegreater Milan area. Of these, 148 (32%) were between the fourthand the eighth week of gestation and 314 (68%) between the ninthand the 12th week. A control group was made up of 814 women(median age 29 years) who gave birth at term (>37 weeks gestation)to healthy infants (Apgar 5th minute 8, weight 3000 g) on randomlyselected days at the same hospitals where cases had been identified.A total of 212 cases (46%) and 355 controls (47%) reported alcoholdrinking before conception. Considering non-drinkers as thereference category, the relative risks (RR) of spontaneous abortionwere 1.2 (95% confidence interval (CI), 0.9–1.6] and 0.8(95% CI, 0.6–1.1), respectively, in drinkers of one toseven and more than seven drinks per week before conception.No association emerged between the duration of alcohol drinkingand the risk of spontaneous abortion. A total of 166 cases (35.9%)and 263 (32.3%) controls reported any alcohol drinking duringthe first trimester of pregnancy. The corresponding relativerisk was 1.1 (95% CI, 0.9–1.4) and no relationship emergedbetween the number of drinks per week and the risk of abortion.Likewise, maternal wine and beer drinking in the first trimesterof pregnancy was not associated with the risk of spontaneousabortion. Evidence available from this and previous studies,although partially controversial, indicates that moderate (oneor two drinks per day) alcohol consumption does not increasemarkedly the risk of miscarriage.  相似文献   

In spite of the many studies examining alcohol consumption, recent reviews have indicated that binge drinking has not been extensively studied. Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly clear that sleep is associated with many physiological functions and to drug addictions. The present study aimed to evaluate the relationship between alcohol binge drinking and insomnia in college students of health sciences. All first-year health sciences students (n=286) were evaluated in a cross-sectional study. Envelopes containing the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), the Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST), and questions capturing sociodemographic data were distributed and collected in classes. It was found that most non-drinkers were female (70.6%), although there were no sex-related differences in the number of binge drinkers (more than 5 drinks on each occasion at least once a week), allowing statistical comparison. The Mann-Whitney U test indicated that the ISI scores were significantly greater in female than male binge drinkers (P=0.014). Moderate or severe insomnia was reported by 23% of the sample, with alcohol being the most frequently associated substance. A specialized intervention was suggested by ASSIST: brief for marijuana (19.2%) and tobacco (23.3%) use, and moderate (31.5%) or intensive (1.4%) for alcohol consumers. The data highlighted the need to pay attention to the habits of college students beyond obtaining scientific information. New data suggesting the influence of genetics on insomnia may be of importance when performing additional studies on the sex differences in alcohol binge drinking.  相似文献   

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