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骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA)是一种通过骨传导方式改善听力的助听设备,也是惟一直接经过骨传导方式工作的植入式助听装置。BAHA的发展和应用是从20世纪70年代开始,它的出现为那些不适用气传导助听装置的患者带来了福音。经过30多年的发展和不断改  相似文献   

骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA)能有效地满足慢性化脓性中耳炎、外耳道狭窄闭锁患者佩戴助听器的需要,其功效比传统骨导助听器强,并可对感音神经性聋患者有一定的帮助。本文就骨锚式助听器的适应证、分型、安装步骤、与传统骨气导助听器比较的优缺点、在儿童中的应用及双耳佩戴的情况进行了阐述。  相似文献   

骨锚式助听器(bone anchored hearing aid, BAHA)作为骨导式助听器的一种特殊类型,是唯一直接经过骨导方式工作的植入式助听装置.1977年,Tjellstrom首次将"钛骨整合"的原理应用于骨导式助听器,BAHA应运而生.经过近20年的实践与改进,1996年,BAHA正式通过了美国FDA的认证,开始应用于传导性和混合性听力损失人群.随着BAHA安全性和高效性的日趋显著,2002年,FDA将BAHA的适用范围扩展至单侧感音神经性听力损失人群.  相似文献   

1977年Anders Tjellstr(o)m教授和Per-Ingvar Branemark教授把骨整合的概念引入耳鼻咽喉科领域,并开创性地开展了骨锚式助听器(boneanchored hearing aid,BAHA)手术[1].最初,为了替代传统的骨导助听器,才开发出应用经皮直接骨传导技术的BAHA.它主要应用于先天性耳道闭锁和小耳畸形的患者.BAHA佩戴舒适,很容易隐藏在头发中,能为患者通过直接骨传导带来极佳的声音效果.  相似文献   

骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aids,BAHA)是通过骨传导方式改善听力效果的一种助听设备,在国外已有30多年历史,全球已有超过10万的使用者,在一些国家属医保范畴,因其手术相对简单,风险相对较小,因此成为诸如先天性耳道闭锁患者的首选听力解决方案。但是,在我国,BAHA直到2010年5月才正式上市。本文对BAHA及其临床应用情况总结如下。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA)植入患者临床资料,探讨BAHA植入手术的适应证、手术方式及效果.方法 回顾性分析16例BAHA植入患者的临床资料,其中男9例,女7例;年龄8 ~53岁,平均31岁;外中耳畸形9例,慢性化脓性中耳炎术后2例,耳硬化症2例,单侧重度感音神经性聋3例.术前进行纯音测听、言语识别率测试、颞骨CT等评估,术后3个月左右开机时测试助听后的声场纯音听阈和言语识别率.结果 术后随访4 ~16个月,未见明显术后并发症.16例患者术前平均气导听阈(x±s,下同)为(63.2±19.0)dB HL,术后声场下助听听阈为(35.5±10.9)dB HL.术后噪声下言语识别率测试较术前提高了37.0% ±31.7%,术后单音节言语识别率测试较术前提高了76.0%±19.7%.结论 BAHA是一种临床上安全、有效的人工听觉植入装置,在严格选择适应证的前提下可以在临床推广应用.  相似文献   

听力障碍是我国常见疾病之一,目前临床上有多种可以提高听力的技术。比如气导助听器、听力重建手术、振动声桥技术、人工耳蜗植入技术、骨桥等。每种技术均有其有限适应症及手术风险。骨锚式助听器(Bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA),又称骨导听觉植入装置,是一种骨导助听装置,利用骨融合原理,通过骨传导将声音信号传入内耳。本文主要就BAHA的临床应用进展进行综述。  相似文献   

先天性外耳道闭锁在新生儿中的发病率约为1/8 000~1/10 000,其中1/4是双侧发病[1],临床表现为外耳道发育不全,常伴有耳廓和中耳畸形,导致传导性聋,部分病例合并存在内耳畸形和感音神经性聋[2]。多数先天性双侧外耳道闭锁患儿因存在60 dB左右的听力损失[3]而导致言语发育障碍,因此应尽早对此类患儿进行听力干预。因先天性外耳道闭锁患儿无法配戴气导助听器,通常选择手术行听力重建和配戴传统骨导助听器以改善听力,而听  相似文献   

目的 分析骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA)植入术后的皮肤并发症,为预防和处理BAHA并发症提供参考经验.方法 总结北京协和医院2010年12月至2013年3月行BAHA植入手术的16例患者术后皮肤并发症的发生情况和处理方法.结果 16例患者中共发生皮肤并发症4例(占1/4).根据Holgers分级标准,皮肤反应1~2级2例(占1/8),3级皮肤反应2例(占1/8).对1~2级皮肤反应者给予局部抗生素处理;3级反应者行二次手术切除增生皮肤及肉芽组织,其中1例患者更换9 mm桥基.结论 桥基周围皮肤感染、皮肤过度增生是BAHA植入术常见的皮肤并发症.手术应严格按标准规程操作,术后定期清洁桥基周围皮肤可预防皮肤并发症发生.出现严重并发症时应及时行二次手术处理.  相似文献   

目的 评估双侧先天性外中耳畸形患者应用骨锚式助听器(bone-anchored hearing aid,BAHA)后的听力效果及满意度.方法 双侧先天性耳廓畸形合并外耳道闭锁患者7例,单侧耳廓畸形伴双侧中耳畸形3例,佩戴软带BAHA后单侧植入BAHA钛植入体.分别测试患者在声场中裸耳与应用软带BAHA、植入式BAHA后的平均听阈、言语识别率及言语识别阈.以BAHA应用情况调查问卷和儿童格拉斯格受益列表(Glasgow children's benefit inventory,GCBI)分析患者应用BAHA后的生活质量提高程度和满意度.结果 患者裸耳平均听阈为(64.8 ±5.9)dBHL,佩戴软带BAHA后平均听阈降至(30.2±3.7) dBHL,佩戴植入式BAHA后平均听阈为(20.3±3.9) dBHL,三者两两比较,差异均具有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).佩戴软带BAHA后患者听阈较裸耳平均下降(36.1±8.0)dB;植入式BAHA听阈较软带BAHA平均下降(12.2 ±3.4)dB.在45dBHL和65dBHL给声强度下,裸耳言语识别率分别为(3.00±1.07)%和(57.55 ±10.30)%,植入BAHA后言语识别率提高至(89.39±5.83)%和(91.19 ±4.16)%,二者差异具有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).裸耳平均言语识别阈为(63.1±5.9) dBHL,佩戴植入式BAHA后为(24.7±3.5) dBHL,二者差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).BAHA应用情况调查问卷显示患者应用软带BAHA和植入式BAHA均获得满意效果,GCBI平均受益分数为(35.59 ±14.35)分.结论 对于双侧先天性外中耳畸形患者,应用BAHA可显著改善其听力及生活质量,患者满意度较高.  相似文献   

To report results with the bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) in children. Retrospective medical record review. Tertiary care children's hospital. Fourteen children with microtia/aural atresia underwent BAHA surgery. Mean age was 5.8 years. Data were collected concerning age, diagnoses, surgery, success of implantation, hearing, complications use of BAHA, speech reception thresholds (SRT), complications BAHA surgeries and revisions. Fifteen implants were placed by the author in 13 children. Eleven of 13 (84.6%) children are successfully using BAHAs (one bilateral) with a mean post operative SRT of 18.5dB (range 14-25dB). Mean interval between first and second stages was 7.3 months (n=12). Three unilateral implants were placed by a different surgeon in a child with severe hemifacial microsomia who developed complications treated by the author. Complications included poor healing requiring removal of three implants in one child, recurrent cellulitis of flap requiring revision (n=4), loss of implant (n=2), tearing of flap with dermatome due to tenting by healing screw (n=1), thin skull necessitating multiple drilling sites (n=1). BAHA surgery has a high success rate in children. The following recommendations may decrease complications: (1) 6-month period between stages in children with thin skulls, (2) thin flap with scalpel when it is tented by healing screw or infiltrate flap with local anesthetic to balloon it prior to using the dermatome for second stage cases, and (3) create extremely thin flap to prevent cellulitis.  相似文献   

In our experience B.A.H.A. (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) with its direct bone conduction brings a better hearing rehabilitation for patients with draining ear and further more with major aplasia. 23 patients were tested, 12 have got a bilateral hearing aid, 5 unilateral. They reported a better comfort, a more natural sound and a better discrimination in noise. A bilateral application brought them a stereoacousy with a special directivity, we also note improvement of hearing by different hearing tests.  相似文献   



To assess the benefits in terms of sound localization, to evaluate speech discrimination in noise, to appraise the prosthesis benefit and to identify outcome in right and left handed patients when BAHA are implanted on the right or on the left deaf side.


Two years prospective study in a tertiary referral center. Tests consist on Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) and sound localization after 6 months of BAHA use. Quality of life was assessed by the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) questionnaire. The paired T-test and the analysis of variance were used for the statistical measures.


Twenty-one subjects participated in this study. HINT: patients score better when speech and noise are spatially separated and noise is not presented to the healthy ear. In the right-handed group (left dominant brain), unaided left-implanted patients performed better than right-implanted patient when speech is in front and noise to the good ear; when speech is presented to the good ear and noise to the front, aided right-implanted patients performed better than aided left-implanted patients. Sound localization: correct answers attain 35% at best. No statistical difference between the frequencies was found, neither between the left and right implanted patients. APHAB: the score improvement is statistically significant for the global score, the background noise subscale at 5 weeks and for the reverberation subscale at 6 months.


It seems that left dominant hemisphere is able to filter crossed noise better than the right hemisphere. Results of uncrossed speech to the dominant left brain are better than the uncrossed speech to the non-dominant right brain.  相似文献   

Performance of two cases of direct utilization of osseous leadership was aim of work through anchorage in temple' s bone of apparatus of aural type BAHA. In first case this method was applied from bilateral at seven aged boy lack of external ear and under development of central. Ear and co-existent cholesteatoma. Authors introduce technique of introducing of titanic implant to temple's bone, they talk over rule of working of at anchor apparatus--leaning's onto phenomenon osseointegration. In both cases positive functional results were got. At one child prolapsus of implant followed in result of injury. On basis of own observation advantage aural of method were introduced. Difficulties in her and survival were shown also.  相似文献   

Federspil PA  Plinkert PK 《HNO》2002,50(5):405-409
Kinder mit beidseitigen Schallleitungsschwerh?rigkeiten, die so früh wie m?glich nach der Geburt beidseits mit Knochenleitungsh?rern versorgt werden, m?chten immer beide Ger?te tragen, auch wenn sie ?lter sind! Die Betroffenen entscheiden sich also aus ihrer Erfahrung für ein H?rger?t für jedes Ohr. Wie Mi?feldt et al. in ihrer Arbeit “Beidseitige BAHA-H?rversorgung bei Kindern mit Ohrmuscheldysplasie und/oder Geh?rgangsatresie” in diesem Heft auf den Seiten 495–500 befürworten das auch die Autoren des vorliegenden Kommentars. Und auch Untersuchungen stützen diese Entscheidung, denn sowohl der Signal-Rausch-Abstand als auch das Richtungsgeh?r werden bei beidseitiger Versorgung mit knochenverankerten H?rger?ten (BAHA ? ) signifikant verbessert. Nach den ersten 1–3 (bis 5) Lebensjahren entsprechen die herk?mmlichen Knochenleitungsh?rger?te nicht mehr dem Stand der Medizin, weil die Ankopplung über die mit dem Alter dicker werdende Haut zunehmend schlechter wird und Druckstellen mit Schmerzen verursacht. H?rger?t der Wahl ist dann das knochenverankerte H?rger?t.  相似文献   

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