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Two hundred twenty-five patients with active severe rheumatoid arthritis were admitted to a multiclinic, controlled, double-blind trial comparing the use of 500 mg D-penicillamine per day, 125 mg D-penicillamine per day, and placebo. One hundred seventy-one patients completed at least 30 weeks of therapy. The 500 mg D-penicillamine group demonstrated statistically significant improvement over the placebo group in grip strength, average circumference of swollen proximal interphalangeal joints, and patient assessment. While the trend was for greater improvement with the larger dose of D-penicillamine, there was no statistically significant difference among the 3 groups in duration of morning stiffness, walking time, physician's assessment, number of swollen joints, or scores for tender and swollen joints. The slight increase in efficacy of higher dose D-penicillamine was associated with increased toxicity.  相似文献   

D-penicillamine withdrawal in rheumatoid arthritis.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Thirty-eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis in remission on penicillamine were entered into a prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study to determine the effects of gradual penicillamine withdrawal, to find a serological marker capable of predicting relapse, and to assess the effects of reintroduction of penicillamine. 80% of patients attempting gradual penicillamine withdrawal flared. There was no single serological marker capable of predicting outcome consistently. Decreasing SH levels were highly specific for recurrence of active synovitis but were insensitive. Reintroduction of penicillamine was successful. The implications of these findings, particularly concerning duration of therapy with disease modifying drugs, are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-four patients with definite or classic rheumatoid arthritis and failure to tolerate or respond to gold therapy were treated with D-penicillamine on a so-called go-slow, go-low regime. Seventeen patients tolerated the drug and had a 3−13 month follow-up assessment; 8 were markedly improved, 6 moderately or slightly improved, and 3 unimproved. Penicillamine had to be discontinued in 9 patients because of toxic side effects.  相似文献   

Summary This open study examined the safety of adding a second slow-acting antirheumatic drug (SARD) — D-penicillamine or sodium aurothiomalate — to the therapy of 38 rheumatoid patients already established on sulphasalazine. Combined anti-rheumatic therapy given in this way was generally well-tolerated and the incidence of adverse reactions was not increased. During the first year none of the reactions were serious although 9 of the 29 patients (31%) given D-penicillamine and 3 of the 9 patients receiving aurothiomalate developed side-effects requiring withdrawal of the second SARD. Reactions attributed to D-penicillamine were: gastro-intestinal-6, rashes-2, and blurring of vision-1. All 3 reactions occurring with gold were rashes, 2 associated with proteinuria and one with increased liver enzymes. During the second year D-penicillamine was withdrawn in 4 patients due to thrombocytopenia-2, and rashes-2. In addition an overall favourable clinical response was achieved in 70% of patients. This approach for combination therapy whereby a second SARD is given to patients already established on a single SARD, appears to minimise the toxicity which is a problem when 2 SARDs are started simultaneously.  相似文献   

The induction of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) by D-penicillamine (DP) was studied in 148 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) who had completed at least 30 weeks in a double blind trial which compared DP at doses 500 mg and 125 mg daily to placebo. There was no difference among the 3 groups in the frequency of a positive ANA at any titer or at a titer greater than 1:16 either pretreatment or at the end of the study. The conversion from a negative to a positive ANA occurred as frequently in the placebo treated controls with RA as in the DP treated RA patients. Antibodies to native DNA appeared in 3 DP treated patients, none of whom had symptoms of drug induced lupus or of DP toxicity.  相似文献   

One hundred fourteen patients with definite or classic rheumatoid arthritis were followed prospectively between January 1976 and April 1981 to monitor their toxicity pattern to D-penicillamine. The influence of previous sodium aurothiomalate therapy on the toxicity pattern of D-penicillamine is described. There was no significant difference in overall outcome of the patients treated with D-penicillamine with respect to adverse effects, whether they had previous gold toxicity, previous gold therapy but no toxicity, or no previous gold therapy. The time from gold toxicity to the start of D-penicillamine therapy was greater in those who did not develop D-penicillamine toxicity compared with those who did. This difference just reached statistical significance. Total gold salt received had no effect on eventual outcome of D-penicillamine treatment, and the toxicity pattern of D-penicillamine in those patients who had previous gold therapy was similar to those patients who had never received gold therapy.  相似文献   

Ninety patients were entered into a randomized, controlled, double-blind trial lasting 12 months to compare auranofin (6 mg/d), and D-penicillamine (250 mg/d for 4 weeks, 500 mg/d for 4 weeks, then 750 mg/d thereafter) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Most patients in both groups completed the trial with significant improvement in all quantitative measures of efficacy. Patients treated with D-penicillamine were more likely to have "important improvement" in physician global assessment, swollen joint count, and score and grip strength. The overall frequency of side effects was similar between the two groups; however, more patients were withdrawn for adverse effects from the D-penicillamine group, and proteinuria (greater than or equal to 2+) and thrombocytopenia (less than 100 000 mm3) occurred significantly more frequently with D-penicillamine than auranofin (p = 0.028). These results suggest that in the dosage regimen used, auranofin is safer than D-penicillamine but that D-penicillamine tends to show greater clinical effectiveness in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

Forty-four patients with definite or classical rheumatoid arthritis were entered in a 48-week open study, comparing the long-term effects of Timegadine and D-penicillamine. Twenty-three and 21 patients were respectively allocated to the Timegadine and D-penicillamine groups. Two patients of the former group were lost for follow-up, soon after the first baseline. Thus data were available only for 42 patients, 21 in each group of whom eleven completed the 48-week period in each group. Seven patients in the Timegadine group stopped because of ineffectiveness, 2 because of skin eruption and 1 because of acute interstitial pneumonitis. In the D-penicillamine group, 9 patients dropped out: 3 because of proteinuria, 2 because of stomatitis, 1 because of dizziness and 1 because of headache. Pain (visual analogue scale), number of swollen and painful joints improved significantly in both groups (p less than 0.05). The acute phase reactants alpha1-acid-glycoprotein and ESR and the thrombocyte count significantly decreased in the penicillamine group (p less than 0.05). The other clinical, hematological and immunological tests did not change; neither did the liver and kidney function tests. The clinical results suggest that Timegadine is as effective as D-penicillamine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. D-penicillamine takes advantage over Timegadine by decreasing significantly the acute phase reactants. However, Timegadine has a low profile of side-effects.  相似文献   

We reviewed the urinalyses from 2 multicenter controlled randomized trials, one comparing moderate and low dose D-penicillamine to placebo and another comparing gold sodium thiomalate (GSTM), auranofin (AF) and placebo. In the D-penicillamine trial 30% of the 40 patients taking placebo, 34% of the 70 patients receiving 125 mg/day of D-penicillamine and 31% of the 61 patients receiving 500 mg of D-penicillamine had recurrent hematuria. In the GSTM/AF trial, 35% of the 43 placebo treated patients, 35% of the 54 GSTM treated patients and 30% of the 64 AF treated patients had hematuria. No significant difference in the frequency of hematuria between the groups in either trial was apparent. These findings suggest that the traditionally held belief that gold and D-penicillamine cause hematuria should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Forty-six patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 22 receiving D-penicillamine and 2j alclofenac, took part in a 6-month single-bind external observer trial to compare the efficacy and toxicity of these drugs in the treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis. Both drugs were active and similar in their efficacy at 6 months as judged by clinical and laboratory measurements. Penicillamine was active therapeutically by 3 months, one month before alclofenac. 9 patients, 8 on alclofenac and one on D-penicillamine, had to stop treatment because of lack of effect or toxic effects. Skin rashes within the first week of treatment were a major problem with alclofenac and led to 6 withdrawals.  相似文献   

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