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Graves' disease (GD) is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies against the TSH-receptor (TSH-R) which are pathogenic and, upon binding to the receptor, trigger intracellular signal transduction. The autoantibodies are oligoclonal and as they are responsible for disease activity, their characterization would lead to a better understanding of the development of GD. Attempts to isolate anti-TSH-R antibodies from patients have proved to be difficult due to the exceedingly low serum levels due to rarity of these B cells, together with difficulties in obtaining purified TSH-R capable of interacting with patients autoantibodies. We employed phage antibody display technology and performed selection with a previously characterized semisynthetic antibody library on the purified extracellular ectodomain of the TSH-R. We report the isolation of six different anti-TSH-R monoclonal phage antibodies (moPhabs) from this library. All the moPhabs recognized TSH-R and its recombinant fragments by Western blotting, but failed to recognize the native TSH-R by flow cytometry. Consequently, the moPhabs did not lead to TSH-R activation. As these were the first moPhabs to TSH-R, they were analysed in terms of nucleotide and amino acid sequence and epitope specificity on the receptor. The moPhabs used immunoglobulin VH1 and VH3 germ line genes, all associated with Vlambda3 genes. Interestingly, the CDR3 regions of all moPhabs were remarkably similar, though not identical. In light of the common CDR3 usage, the epitopes recognized on TSH-R appeared to be restricted to amino acids residues 405-411 and 357-364. In summary, our results show that semisynthetic libraries may be limited in isolating human monoclonal antibodies that resemble pathogenic antithyrotropin receptor autoantibodies present in patients with GD. It is likely that until preparations of purified TSH-R that can be recognized by patients autoantibodies become available, similar to the recently described glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored TSH-R ectodomain, monoclonal antibodies from phage antibody display to TSH-R will be limited for isolating the rare, pathogenic antibodies of GD.  相似文献   

Experimental models of Graves' hyperthyroid disease accompanied by Graves' orbitopathy (GO) can be induced efficiently in susceptible inbred strains of mice by immunization by electroporation of heterologous human TSH receptor (TSHR) A‐subunit plasmid. In this study, we report on the development of a bona fide murine model of autoimmune Graves' disease induced with homologous mouse TSHR A‐subunit plasmid. Autoimmune thyroid disease in the self‐antigen model was accompanied by GO and characterized by histopathology of hyperplastic glands with large thyroid follicular cells. Examination of orbital tissues showed significant inflammation in extra‐ocular muscle with accumulation of T cells and macrophages together with substantial deposition of adipose tissue. Notably, increased levels of brown adipose tissue were present in the orbital tissue of animals undergoing experimental GO. Further analysis of inflammatory loci by 19F‐magnetic resonance imaging showed inflammation to be confined to orbital muscle and optic nerve, but orbital fat showed no difference in inflammatory signs in comparison to control β‐Gal‐immunized animals. Pathogenic antibodies induced to mouse TSHR were specific for the self‐antigen, with minimal cross‐reactivity to human TSHR. Moreover, compared to other self‐antigen models of murine Graves' disease induced in TSHR knock‐out mice, the repertoire of autoantibodies to mouse TSHR generated following the breakdown of thymic self‐tolerance is different to those that arise when tolerance is not breached immunologically, as in the knock‐out models. Overall, we show that mouse TSHR A‐subunit plasmid immunization by electroporation overcomes tolerance to self‐antigen to provide a faithful model of Graves' disease and GO.  相似文献   

Grave's disease (GD) is characterized by pathogenic autoantibodies to the human thyrotropin receptor (hTSH-R), and is frequently associated with a lymphocytic infiltrate of the thyroid gland. In attempts to establish a murine model of GD, we and others have previously shown that immunization of mice with recombinant preparations of the hTSH-R ectodomain induces high titres of specific antibodies, which, however, are not pathogenic, nor is the response accompanied by the development of thyroiditis. Since earlier reports identified the serological immunodominant determinants within the N- and C-terminal regions of hTSH-R ectodomain, we reasoned that immunization of mice with truncated fragments of ectodomain lacking these dominant regions might result in skewing of the response to other determinants of the molecule, with consequent induction of immunopathological features present in GD. We show here that multiple challenge of BALB/c mice with an amino acid fragment of residues 43–282 generates antibodies directed at hTSH-R peptides 37–56, 157–176, 217–236 and 232–251. This reactivity pattern is distinct from that induced previously with the whole ectodomain of hTSH-R in BALB/c animals. Thyroid function remained unaffected in these mice, suggesting that pathogenic antibodies were not being induced. Interestingly, some animals developed lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid gland, clearly indicating the presence of pathogenic T cell determinants within the 43–282 fragment. Challenge with the related fragment 43–316 produced the same pattern of serological response to the synthetic peptides as fragment 43–282, but was not accompanied by thyroiditis. The results demonstrate: (i) the presence of thyroiditogenic determinants within hTSH-R, and (ii) that these pathogenic determinants are likely to be cryptic, as their effect is exhibited only when the hierarchy of immunodominance within hTSH-R is drastically altered.  相似文献   

In addition to the biochemical inhibition of thyroid hormone synthesis, antithyroid drugs including methimazole (MMI) may have immunosuppressive effect through inhibition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II expressions on non-professional (thyrocytes) and professional (macrophages and B cells) antigen presenting cells (APCs). Dendritic cells (DCs) are another professional APCs and very likely play the most important role in the primary immune response. Therefore, we focused in this study on evaluating the effect of MMI on DC function in mice. Bone marrow cells cultured with granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin (IL)-4 expressed high levels of CD11c and moderate levels of MHC class II, both of which are widely used markers for DCs. In vitro incubation of this DC-containing cell population with 10? 6–10? 4 M MMI for 2 days did not change basal- and maturation signal (adenoviral infection and lipopolysaccharide)-induced levels of the cell surface marker expressions such as MHC class I and II, CD86, CD40 and DEC205, and of proinflammatory cytokine IL-6 release. Further we found that treatment of the DC-containing cell population with MMI did not influence the incidence of Graves' hyperthyroidism and anti-thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) antibody titers in a mouse Graves' model we have recently established with DCs infected with adenovirus expressing the TSHR A subunit. Although we cannot completely exclude immunosuppressive effect of MMI on other immune cells, our data indicate that DCs do not appear to be the primary target for the immunosuppressive effect of MMI.  相似文献   

Generation of a transgenic animal model of hyperthyroid Graves' disease   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Graves' disease (GD) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by hyperthyroidism. Agonistic anti-thyrotropin receptor antibodies (thyroid-stimulating antibodies, TSAb), which mimic the thyrotropin (TSH) action, are thought to cause GD. The precise immunological mechanism of TSAb production, however, remains elusive. Previous immunization approaches using TSH receptor led to transient hyperthyroidism, but did not seem sufficient for comprehensive understanding of the development of autoimmune responses. To create GD-related autoimmunity in mice, we here generated TSAb-transgenic mice in which a patient-derived TSAb is expressed in B cells. Expression of the human TSAb in mice resulted in various manifestations of hyperthyroidism including increased free thyroxine levels with concomitantly decreased TSH levels, increased thyroid uptake of technetium pertechnetate, hyperthermia and thyroid hyperplasia. We found a correlation between the serum levels of human TSAb immunoglobulin and free thyroxine. In addition, conventional B cells expressing the TSAb were partially deleted in the periphery while B1 cells expressing the TSAb persisted and accumulated in the peritoneal cavity, a finding consistent with previous demonstrations that the maintenance of B1 cells plays an important role in the development of autoimmune diseases. Thus, our transgenic mouse may provide a novel and useful animal model for elucidating the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of GD.  相似文献   

The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) is the major autoantigen of human Graves' disease. In order to define the antigenicity of the TSHR in a defined model, we examined the immune response of BALB/c mice to immunization with a new bioactive, recombinant preparation of the ectodomain of the murine TSHR (mTSHR-ecd). Mice (n = 10) were immunized with 25–50 μg of insect cell expressed, purified and refolded, mTSHR-ecd in alum adjuvant containing pertussis toxin, on days 0, 21, 36, 50 and 70. Control mice received wild-type baculovirus-infected insect cell protein lysate, in a similar way. After 28 days, murine serum contained high titres of antibodies specific to mTSH-ecd and their titres continued to increase over 90 days. Antibody epitope mapping, using 26 peptides spanning the human TSHR-ecd, showed that a variety of regions of the ectodomain were antigenic. The earliest epitope included aa 22–41, but later two regions of reactivity were noted clustered towards the mid portion and carboxyl terminus of the ectodomain. The murine TSHR autoantibodies (TSHR-Abs) inhibited up to 78% of the binding of labelled TSH to native TSHR, demonstrating the presence of antibodies capable of blocking the native TSHR. We showed that these TSHR antibodies acted, in vitro, as TSH blocking antibodies, inhibiting TSH-induced generation of cyclic AMP in chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the hTSHR. Hence, the antibody response to mTSHR-ecd was potentially antagonistic in its influence on the TSHR. Assessment of thyroid function in the immunized mice showed a fall in serum total T3 by 90 days and markedly elevated murine TSH levels (from 64.0 to 239.6 ng/ml), confirming the onset of thyroid failure. However, thyroid histology remained grossly normal. These data demonstrate that mTSHR-ecd is a potent antigen with three major immunogenic regions. The induced mTSHR-Abs blocked TSH action in vivo and reduced murine thyroid function.  相似文献   

Graves' disease is a B cell-mediated and T cell-dependent autoimmune disease of the thyroid which is characterized by overproduction of thyroid hormones and thyroid enlargement by agonistic anti-thyrotrophin receptor (TSHR) autoantibody. In addition to antibody secretion, B cells have recently been recognized to function as antigen-presenting/immune-modulatory cells. The present study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of B cell depletion by anti-mouse (m) CD20 monoclonal antibody (mAb) on Graves' hyperthyroidism in a mouse model involving repeated injection of adenovirus expressing TSHR A-subunit (Ad-TSHR289). We observe that a single injection of 250 μg/mouse anti-mCD20 mAb eliminated B cells efficiently from the periphery and spleen and to a lesser extent from the peritoneum for more than 3 weeks. B cell depletion before immunization suppressed an increase in serum immunoglobulin (Ig)G levels, TSHR-specific splenocyte secretion of interferon (IFN)-γ, anti-TSHR antibody production and development of hyperthyroidism. B cell depletion 2 weeks after the first immunization, a time-point at which T cells were primed but antibody production was not observed, was still effective at inhibiting antibody production and disease development without inhibiting splenocyte secretion of IFN-γ. By contrast, B cell depletion in hyperthyroid mice was therapeutically ineffective. Together, these data demonstrate that B cells are critical not only as antibody-producing cells but also as antigen-presenting/immune-modulatory cells in the early phase of the induction of experimental Graves' hyperthyroidism and, although therapeutically less effective, B cell depletion is highly efficient for preventing disease development.  相似文献   

We have examined the induction of autoimmunity and the maintenance of sustained hyperthyroidism in autoimmunity-prone human leucocyte antigen (HLA) DR3 transgenic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice following chronic stimulation of the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) by monoclonal thyroid-stimulating autoantibodies (TSAbs). Animals received weekly injections over the course of 9 weeks of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with strong thyroid-stimulating properties. Administration of the mAbs KSAb1 (IgG2b) or KSAb2 (IgG2a), which have similar stimulating properties but different TSH-binding blocking activity, resulted in significantly elevated serum thyroxine (T(4)) levels and thyroid hyperplasia. After the first injection, an initial surge then fall in serum T(4) levels was followed by sustained elevated levels with subsequent injections for at least 63 days. Examination of KSAb1 and KSAb2 serum bioactivity showed that the accumulation of the TSAbs in serum was related to their subclass half-lives. The thyroid glands were enlarged and histological examination showed hyperplastic follicles, with minimal accompanying thyroid inflammation. Our results show that chronic in vivo administration of mAbs with strong thyroid-stimulating activity resulted in elevated T(4) levels, suggesting persistent stimulation without receptor desensitization, giving a potential explanation for the sustained hyperthyroid status in patients with Graves' disease. Moreover, despite the presence of HLA disease susceptibility alleles and the autoimmune prone NOD background genes, chronic stimulation of the thyroid gland did not lead to immune cell-mediated follicular destruction, suggesting the persistence of immunoregulatory influences to suppress autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight peptides, representing the entire extracellular domain of the TSH receptor, were synthesised to investigate which parts of this autoantigen may be targets for the T cell response in Graves' disease (GD). T cells from 11 of 21 controls and 26 of 36 newly diagnosed GD patients proliferated in response to one or more peptides with a stimulation index (SI) of greater than 2.0 (chi 2 = 2.31, P greater than 0.1). The response of patients and controls to any of the individual peptides was also not statistically different. However, individual patients gave high SIs with certain peptides to which controls either gave an absent or very weak response. HLA-DR3 was not associated with any particular response to TSHR peptides. Three out of seven GD patients whose T cells were evaluated before and after treatment showed a response of this kind only early in the course of their disease. Intrathyroidal T cells from four GD patients did not give a consistent proliferative response to pools of five peptides, and depleting peripheral blood T cells of their CD8+ population did not affect the proliferative response. These results indicate that the T cell response to the TSH receptor in GD does not seem to be directed against any one particular epitope on the peptides we have tested which cover the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule, a ligand for the leucocyte integrins CD11a/CD18 (LFA-1) and CD11b/CD18 (Mac-1), that plays an important role in a variety of inflammatory and immune-mediated mechanisms, is strongly expressed in retroocular connective tissue from patients with Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO) and involved in lymphocyte attachment to cultured retroocular fibroblasts via the ICAM-1/LFA-1-mediated pathway. Here, we report the detection and functional activity of a soluble form of the ICAM-1 molecule (sICAM-1) in sera from patients with GO and other thyroid diseases. Serum concentrations for sICAM-1 were determined using a highly sensitive ELISA. Compared with normal controls, patients with hyperthyroid or euthyroid GO and patients with Riedel's invasive fibrous thyroiditis revealed markedly elevated sICAM-1 serum concentrations (all P < 0.0001). In patients with Graves' disease (GD) without clinical GO and in patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), sICAM-1 levels were elevated to a lesser degree (both P < 0.001). sICAM-1 serum levels in patients with non-autoimmune hyperthyroidism due to a toxic adenoma were not significantly different from normal controls. In a separate group of 12 patients with severe inflammatory GO, sICAM-1 serum levels markedly declined (P < 0.0001) within 3 months of glucocorticoid therapy in nine patients who responded to this form of treatment with a decrease in periorbital inflammation. In contrast, sICAM-1 serum levels remained unchanged in three patients with poor response to steroids and persistent inflammatory periorbital disease. When tested in a cell adhesion assay, GO sera containing elevated concentrations of sICAM-1 were found to enhance the attachment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-treated retroocular fibroblasts in a dose-dependent manner, up to a maximal stimulation of approximately 5.5-fold (P < 0.001). This effect was abolished by preabsorption of sera with a MoAb against ICAM-1 and inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, by coincubation with increasing concentrations of purified sICAM-1. In conclusion, sICAM-1 concentrations are markedly elevated in sera from patients with GO, and changes in sICAM-1 serum levels during glucocorticoid therapy closely parallel changes in the degree of inflammation. Given the capacity of sICAM-1 to modulate the adhesion of lymphocytes to retroocular fibroblasts in vitro, sICAM-1 may play a role in the ongoing immune process within the connective tissue in GO.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, i.e. natural programmed cell death, is a physiological phenomenon indispensable for normal functioning of the organism. The signal to apoptosis can be started practically in any cell. Disturbances in the apoptosis regulation determine the essential link of the pathogenesis of many diseases, including autoimmune thyroid disorders.

The aim of the study was to assess the expression of Fas/FasL and caspase eight in the tissues of the thyroid gland in patients with Graves' disease (GD), non-toxic nodular goiter (NTNG) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). The analysis of Fas/FasL expression was performed by western blot and immunohistochemical investigation with DAB-visualization and Mayer's hematoxylin staining. Caspase-8 expression in thyroid follicular cells was assayed by western blot method.

Identification of the proapoptotic proteins FasL and Fas exhibited their pronounced expression in the thyroid tissue in GD patients (++; ++) and HT (+++; +++) as compared to the NTNG group (0/+; 0/+). Among the study groups, the expression of caspase-8 was revealed in band 55 kDa from patients with autoimmune thyroid diseases.

In GD patients, the percentage of thyrocytes with FasL expression correlated positively with TRAb (R = 0.58, p < 0.02). However, no such correlations were noted in HT or non-toxic multinodular goiter. There were no significant correlations between thyroid hormones and the percentage of thyrocytes with Fas and FasL expression.

In conclusion, our findings suggest that the changes in the expression of apoptotic molecules on the surface of T lymphocytes and thyroid follicular cells in patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders reflect their substantial involvement in the pathogenesis of GD and HT. In addition, analysis of Fas/FasL and caspase-8 expression in thyroid tissue may indicate the disease activity and immunological phenotype.  相似文献   

Intramuscular injection with plasmid DNA encoding the human thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) has been known to elicit symptoms of Graves' disease (GD) in outbred but not inbred mice. In this study, we have examined, firstly, whether intradermal (i.d.) injection of TSHR DNA can induce hyperthyroidism in BALB/c mice and, secondly, whether coinjection of TSHR- and cytokine-producing plasmids can influence the outcome of disease. Animals were i.d. challenged at 0, 3 and 6 weeks with TSHR DNA and the immune response was assessed at the end of the 8th or 10th week. In two experiments, a total of 10 (67%) of 15 mice developed TSHR-specific antibodies as assessed by flow cytometry. Of these, 4 (27%) mice had elevated thyroxine (TT4) levels and goitrous thyroids with activated follicular epithelial cells but no evidence of lymphocytic infiltration. At 10 weeks, thyroid-stimulating antibodies (TSAb) were detected in two out of the four hyperthyroid animals. Interestingly, in mice that received a coinjection of TSHR- and IL-2- or IL-4-producing plasmids, there was no production of TSAbs and no evidence of hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, coinjection of DNA plasmids encoding TSHR and IL-12 did not significantly enhance GD development since two out of seven animals became thyrotoxic, but had no goitre. These results demonstrate that i.d. delivery of human TSHR DNA can break tolerance and elicit GD in inbred mice. The data do not support the notion that TSAb production is Th2-dependent in murine GD but they also suggest that codelivery of TSHR and Th1-promoting IL-12 genes may not be sufficient to enhance disease incidence and/or severity in this model.  相似文献   

Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is the major thyroid autoantigen recognized by serum autoantibodies from patients with Graves' disease (GD) or Hashimoto's thyroiditis directed to two immunodominant conformational regions termed A and B. The epitopes of human TPO have been defined using a panel of mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).

The aim of this study was to estimate the expression of chosen surface antigen regions of TPO (1, 18, 30, 64 epitopes) on thyroid cells in 15 patients with non-toxic multinodular goiter (NTMG) and 15 patients with GD. The thyrocytes were identified by indirect method: in the first stage we added mouse monoclonal autoantibodies specific for TPO regions and in the second stage we conjugated this complex with rabbit anti-mouse antibodies IgG (Fab')2 with FITC. All investigations were performed by flow cytometry using Coulter EPICS XL apparatus. The percentages of thyrocytes with expression of epitopes 1, 18, 30, 64 TPO were measured in relation to the respective anti-TPO concentrations: 50–1600 μg/ml.

The analysis of epitopes located in immunodominant regions (IDR) of TPO revealed higher percentages of thyrocytes in cases with GD in comparison to NTNG. The most predominant difference was observed for mAb 64 epitope (48 vs 7%, p < 0.019; 39 vs 5%, p < 0.017) at the concentration of 100–200 μg/ml mAbs. The expression of 18 epitope on thyrocytes was also statistically higher in Graves' patients than in the NTMG (14 vs 6%, p < 0.025) at concentration of 400 μg/ml mAbs. However, this expression was much less pronounced.

In all the cases, the percentages of thyrocytes with epitopes 1 and 30 were in low detection (8–15% of positive cells).

In conclusion, our findings suggest that the elevated expression of TPO epitopes 18 and 64 in young patients with thyroid autoimmune diseases increase stimulation and activation of thyroid cells during inflammatory reaction within the thyroid gland. In addition, predominant expression of 64 TPO epitope that recognizes B domain in GD patients could be a useful marker of the immune process in the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

In order to study the possible role of antigen-independent adhesion systems in thyroid autoimmunity, we evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence the expression of lymphocyte functional antigen-1 (LFA-1) and its ligand ICAM-1 on mononuclear cell infiltrates (when present) and thyroid follicular cells of four patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, 30 with Graves' disease, five with papillary cancer, two with follicular adenoma, and two normal thyroid specimens. The expression of MHC class I and class II antigens was also evaluated. Most mononuclear infiltrates were LFA-1 positive, as expected. A positivity for ICAM-1 on follicular cells was observed in three out of four Hashimoto's thyroiditis specimens; such a phenomenon was totally absent in Graves' disease or any other pathological condition, or in normal tissue. MHC class II expression on thyrocytes was observed in all the patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis, in 27 out of 30 with Graves' disease and in three out of five papillary cancer specimens.  相似文献   

By regulating invariant (Ii) chain processing and MHC class II peptide loading, the endosomal protease cathepsin S (Cat S) has a potential role in autoimmune susceptibility. Indeed, Cat S null mice are resistant to I-Ab-restricted experimental myasthenia gravis due to inadequate peptide presentation. To explore the role of Cat S in a Graves' disease model, I-Ad-restricted wild-type (WT) and Cat S(-/-) mice were immunized with adenovirus encoding the A subunit of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR). TSHR adenovirus immunized mice develop Th1 T cells, TSHR antibodies, and a proportion become overtly hyperthyroid. Although TSHR presentation in vitro was initially impaired in Cat S(-/-) mice, subsequent TSHR presentation in vitro and disease development were similar in both groups but with higher antibody responses in Cat S null mice. WT and Cat S(-/-) mice recognized similar T cell epitopes from a panel of overlapping TSHR peptides. TSHR responses were found to be I-Ad-restricted and Cat S(-/-) I-Ad B cells had marked defects in Ii processing. These data imply that loading of TSHR peptides critical to TSHR antibody responses becomes Ii-independent. Contrasting findings among organ-specific murine autoimmune models imply that potential uses of Cat S inhibitors to ameliorate autoimmunity must be determined empirically.  相似文献   

Immunization with thyrotropin receptor (TSHR)-adenovirus is an effective approach for inducing thyroid stimulating antibodies and Graves' hyperthyroidism in BALB/c mice. In contrast, mice of the same strain vaccinated with TSHR-DNA have low or absent TSHR antibodies and their T cells recognize restricted epitopes on the TSHR. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that immunization with TSHR-adenovirus induces a wider, or different, spectrum of TSHR T cell epitopes in BALB/c mice. Because TSHR antibody levels rose progressively from one to three TSHR-adenovirus injections, we compared T cell responses from mice immunized once or three times. Mice in the latter group were subdivided into animals that developed hyperthyroidism and those that remained euthyroid. Unexpectedly, splenocytes from mice immunized once, as well as splenocytes from hyperthyroid and euthyroid mice (three injections), all produced interferon-gamma in response to the same three synthetic peptides (amino acid residues 52-71, 67-86 and 157-176). These peptides were also the major epitopes recognized by TSHR-DNA plasmid vaccinated mice. We observed lesser responses to a wide range of additional peptides in mice injected three times with TSHR-adenovirus, but the pattern was more consistent with increased background 'noise' than with spreading from primary epitopes to dominant secondary epitopes. In conclusion, these data suggest that factors other than particular TSHR T cell epitopes (such as adenovirus-induced expression of conformationally intact TSHR protein), contribute to the generation of thyroid stimulating antibodies with consequent hyperthyroidism in TSHR-adenovirus immunized mice.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to elucidate the role of adhesion molecules in the pathogenesis of Graves' disease. Peripheral blood and intrathyroidal mononuclear cells were obtained from 14 patients with Graves' disease. The expression of adhesion molecules and HLA-DR antigen on CD4+ cells and CD4+ cell subpopulations was analysed by the two- or three-colour immunofluorescence method. The expression of adhesion molecules including LFA-1 alpha, LFA-1 beta, CD2, VLA-4 alpha and VLA-5 alpha on CD4+ cells in the thyroid gland was markedly higher than that in peripheral blood. In peripheral blood CD4+ cell subsets, the CD4+ CD45RO+ cell population had an enhanced expression of the adhesion molecules compared with the CD4+ CD45RA+ cell population. However, there was no significant difference in the expression of adhesion molecules by CD4+ cell populations and subsets between Graves' disease and healthy subjects. The thyroid gland from Graves' disease contained a higher percentage of CD4+ CD45RO+ cells and a lower percentage of CD4+ CD45RA+ cells. In intrathyroidal CD4+ cell subsets, the CD4+ CD45RO+ cell population had an increased expression of LFA-1 and CD2 compared with the CD4+ CD45RA+ cell population, but there was no significant difference in VLA-4 and VLA-5 expression between the two cell subsets. Furthermore, the expression of LFA-1 and CD2 on the CD4+ CD45RO+ cell population in the thyroid was significantly higher than that in matched peripheral blood. A similar finding was also observed for the CD4+ CD45RA+ cell population. The thyroid gland had an increased percentage of CD4+ HLA-DR+ cells compared with matched or healthy peripheral blood. However, there was no significant difference in the percentage of HLA-DR+ cells in the thyroid gland between CD4+ CD45RO+ cell and CD4+ CD45RA+ cell populations. These results suggest that increased expression of adhesion molecules on CD4+ cells may be responsible for the migration of these cells into thyroid glands and cellular interactions between these cells and thyroid epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Terry J. Smith 《Autoimmunity》2013,46(6-7):409-415
Graves' disease when fully expressed affects the thyroid gland and connective tissues of the orbit and pretibium. While the glandular disease is relatively well-characterized, the pathogenesis of the orbital and dermal components remains enigmatic. In the following article, we review some of the evidence suggesting that fibroblast activation in Graves' disease might play an integral role in the tissue remodeling associated with ophthalmopathy. The thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) is expressed at low levels in several connective tissue depots and by their derivative fibroblasts, including those from the orbit. Little direct evidence currently links extra-thyroidal TSHR expression with Graves' disease. Very recent observations now implicate the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) as a fibroblast activating antigen. When immunoglobulins from patients with the disease, with or without clinical ophthalmopathy, bind IGF-1R on the surface of fibroblasts, the receptor becomes activated and upregulates the expression of two T lymphocyte chemoattractants, IL-16 and RANTES. Thus, IGF-1R may represent a second self-antigen with a pathogenic role in extra-thyroidal Graves' disease.  相似文献   

Autoantibodies against complement C1q (anti-C1q) have been well described in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, where they correlate with the occurrence of severe lupus nephritis. However, data on anti-C1q in organ-specific autoimmune diseases are scarce. In order to determine the prevalence of anti-C1q in patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders (AITD) and a possible association with thyroid function, we measured prospectively anti-C1q in 23 patients with Graves' disease (GD) and 52 patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). Anti-C1q levels were correlated with parameters of thyroid function and autoantibodies against thyroperoxidase, thyroglobulin and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor. Twenty-one patients with multi-nodular goitre and 72 normal blood donors served as controls. We found elevated concentrations of anti-C1q more frequently in patients with AITD than in controls: seven of 23 (30%) patients with GD and 11 of 52 (21%) patients with HT, compared with one of 21 (5%) patients with multi-nodular goitre and six of 72 (8%) normal controls. Anti-C1q levels did not correlate with thyroid autoantibodies. However, in GD absolute levels of anti-C1q correlated negatively with TSH and positively with free thyroxine (FT4) and triiodothyronine (FT3). In contrast, in HT, anti-C1q correlated positively with TSH levels. No correlation between TSH and thyroid autoantibodies was found. In conclusion, we found an increased prevalence of anti-C1q in patients with AITD and their levels correlated with the thyroid function in both GD and HT. This correlation seems to be independent of thyroid autoantibodies. Therefore, anti-C1q might point to a pathogenic mechanism involved in the development of AITD that is independent of classical thyroid autoantibodies.  相似文献   

PurposeRNA demethylase AlkB homolog 5 (ALKBH5) gene is pivotal in N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the potential relationship between polymorphisms of ALKBH5 gene and the development of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD).Material and methodsA case-control study of 979 AITD patients, including 620 Graves' disease (GD) and 359 Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT), and 732 normal controls of the Chinese Han population was performed using high-throughput sequencing (HiSeq) genotyping method for detecting 5 variants in ALKBH5 gene (rs12936694, rs2124370, rs4925144, rs8068517, and rs9913266). In addition, the associations between ALKBH5 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and clinical phenotypes of AITD were investigated.ResultsCompared to normal controls, rs9913266 displayed significant differences in allele and genotype distributions in AITD and GD. rs12936694 also showed significantly different frequencies of alleles in AITD and GD. The link of these 2 loci polymorprhisms to AITD and GD also existed after adjusting for age and gender. When stratified by sex, the minor allele of rs9913266 was associated with the risk of female AITD and HT development before and after adjusting for age and gender. There was a significant association between rs8068517 locus and GD in females after adjusting for the confounders. Finally, we observed significant correlations of haplotypes CGACA and CAGCG to the susceptibility of AITD and GD.ConclusionsOur results provided evidence of association of polymorphisms in ALKBH5 gene with AITD, GD, and HT patients, and hence ALKBH5 might be the candidate gene for susceptibility to AITD.  相似文献   

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