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目的 了解甘肃省平凉市主要病媒生物密度、种类构成和季节消长趋势,为科学有效地开展病媒生物监测与控制工作提供参考依据。方法 2018—2020年按照《全国病媒生物监测方案》和《甘肃省病媒生物监测方案(试行)》,在各县(区)开展鼠类、蚊类、蜱类、蝇类和蟑螂监测;采用描述流行病学方法统计分析不同生境的病媒生物密度、种类构成和季节消长趋势。结果 2018—2020年平均鼠密度0.23%,褐家鼠为优势种,农村自然村鼠密度最高,高峰在3—7月;平均蚊密度14.87只/(灯·夜),淡色库蚊为优势种,牲畜棚的蚊密度最高,高峰在6—9月;平均蝇密度1.80只/笼,农贸市场的蝇密度最高,高峰在6—9月;平均蟑螂密度1.16只/张,蟑螂侵害率为12.22%,捕获蟑螂均为德国小蠊,农贸市场的蟑螂密度最高,高峰多在1月、7月和11月。结论 平凉市不同生境病媒生物密度及季节消长趋势不同,病媒生物防控形势依然严峻;应以全国文明城市创建为契机,加强各县(区)病媒防制工作,开展以环境治理为主的爱国卫生运动,从而高效开展病媒生物监测及防制工作。  相似文献   

目的通过对甘肃省武威市凉州区病媒生物的监测,了解病媒生物的种群构成和季节消长,为本地区有效预防控制病媒生物性传染病的发生与流行提供行之有效的防治措施。方法鼠密度监测采用粉迹法,蚊密度监测采用人工小时法,蝇类监测采用诱蝇笼,蟑螂监测用粘捕法,各监测点每月监测2次。结果鼠密度阳性率为5.5%,蚊虫年平均密度为2.98只/灯.h-1,蝇类平均密度为8.56只/笼;蟑螂密度年平均密度为1.03只/张。结论甘肃省武威市凉州区鼠、蚊、蝇密度均超过甘肃省卫生城市考核标准,若不采取积极、有效的防治措施,可能会引起病媒生物性传染病的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析乌鲁木齐市病媒生物防制现状及存在的问题,提出对策与建议。方法调查乌鲁木齐市病媒生物防制工作机制、组织机构和人员,按照《病媒生物预防控制管理规定》以及《疾病预防控制绩效评估标准(2012)》,对乌鲁木齐市病媒生物防制的组织机构、人员学历、专业状况以及开展工作的情况进行综合分析。结果乌鲁木齐市病媒生物防制工作已初步建立了领导组织和基层工作组织,完善了三级工作网络,有一定的工作经费,开展了环境卫生整治,消除病媒生物孳生地,集中统一的病媒生物消杀活动、病媒生物防制知识的宣传教育及亚欧博览会等重大活动的病媒生物防制活动等工作;存在专业队伍和人才缺乏,法制管理不健全,科学化、制度化管理机制不到位,三级工作队伍人员不稳定,有害生物防制服务机构数量少、规模小、服务能力和水平较低等问题。结论应加强政府对病媒生物防制工作的领导,制定地方性病媒生物防制法规,加强全民性病媒生物防制知识的宣传教育,完善各项病媒生物综合防制措施,培育有害生物防制服务机构的发展,加强病媒生物应急控制体系建设,逐步提高乌鲁木齐市病媒生物防制的工作水平。  相似文献   

新中国自成立以来便不断完善重点传染病的监测工作,2003年SARS疫情之后建立了横向到边、纵向到底的传染病与突发公共卫生事件网络直报系统。随着病原体传播影响因素不断变化,对监测预警关口、预警信息、预警技术要求的不断提高,以及分子生物学、生物信息学、人工智能等鉴定分析技术的不断发展,增强早期监测预警能力逐渐成为健全公共卫生体系的当务之急。本共识组织中国医学科学院、广东省疾病预防控制中心、深圳市疾病预防控制中心、《新发传染病电子杂志》编辑部、深圳市动物疫病防控中心、成都市疾病预防控制中心等16家机构共计31位相关领域知名专家,通过对当前重点传染病(39种法定传染病和新发传染病)形势总结分析,基于“同一健康”理念,针对重点传染病,形成第四代综合监测方案。旨在通过对人、动物、病媒生物等主要疫源宿主和相关环境的病原体,结合流行传播影响因素、风险评估要素,展开流行病学和病原学系统性监测,以早期发现、预测预警重点传染病的发生、发展、变异和流行传播特征。同时,基于第四代综合监测方案,我们尝试构建传染病综合监测组织管理体系、数据融通共享的数智化监测预警平台和集约化病原检测技术体系。这一系列的思考,以多部...  相似文献   

病媒生物治理的三个重要问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国36种法定报告传染病中,和病媒生物直接或间接相关者约占三分之一。其中,可由病媒生物进行生物性传播的包括:鼠疫、肾综合征出血热、钩端螺旋体病、流行性乙型脑炎、黑热病、疟疾、登革热、斑疹伤寒  相似文献   

土源性线虫病在我国农村地区广泛流行。2005年原国家卫生部公布的全国人体重要寄生虫病现状调查结果表明,土源性线虫感染率为19.56%,感染人数达1.29亿。2006年中国疾病预防控制中心将其纳入了全国重点传染病和病媒生物监测体系,在全国建立了22个监测点。2006-2013年监测期间,土源性线虫病国家级监测点人群感染率从20.88%下降至3.12%,呈逐年下降趋势;蛔虫、鞭虫、钩虫、蛲虫感染率分别从2006年的10.10%、5.88%、8.88%、10.00%下降到2013年的0.76%、0.42%、2.04%、6.78%。本文通过对我国土源性线虫病8年监测工作的总结,概述了该病的流行现状,监测工作取得的经验及面临的挑战,同时强调了今后监测工作的重点。  相似文献   

传染病监测系统评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传染病监测系统是传染病监测的基础之一,通过收集和分析疫情信息,为制定传染病防治对策和及时采取有效的控制措施提供科学依据.本文通过对国内外传染病监测系统评价体系的比较,对我国传染病监测系统进行评估,以期为我国传染病监测系统发展提供建设性意见.  相似文献   

<正>病媒生物预防控制是爱国卫生和卫生防病工作的主要内容,是创建卫生城镇的重要考核指标之一。应新疆富蕴县和阿拉山口市卫生计生委的邀请,新疆维吾尔自治区疾病预防控制中心派出消毒与有害生物控制科工作人员前往上述两县(市),分别对两县(市)的病媒生物预防控制、城镇环境卫生、卫生防病等相关工作情况进行了实地考察,查阅了病媒生物防治资料与工作方案,对存在的问题提出了有针对性的工作建议,并开展了病媒生物预  相似文献   

恙虫病是由于恙虫病东方体感染引起的急性人兽共患传染病,据世界卫生组织估计,目前世界上超过55%的人口生活在恙虫病流行地区,这对处于恙虫病疫区的人畜健康构成重大威胁。为有效防控恙虫病,降低疾病负担,应加强恙虫病防控体系建设及病媒生物监测,以维护公共卫生安全,推动“构建人类命运共同体”。本文回顾了恙虫病的流行现状及危害,整理了新时代背景下恙虫病的防控现状,并对防控工作进行了展望,以期为恙虫病可持续防控提供参考。  相似文献   

目的掌握甘肃省武威保税物流中心主要病媒生物的本底情况,为制定有效的防控措施提供依据。方法2014年12月—2015年11月,对保税物流中心鼠类、蝇类、蚊类、蟑螂等主要病媒生物进行调查。结果累计捕获鼠类181只,隶属3属3种,优势种为灰仓鼠;捕获蚊类219只,均为淡色库蚊;捕获蝇类296只,隶属2科4属4种,以家蝇为优势种;未捕获到蜚蠊。结论本次调查初步掌握了武威保税物流中心及待建进出口加工基地和保税园区区域主要病媒生物种类分布及侵害情况,为区域内主要病媒生物防控工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Wang L  Wang Y  Jin S  Wu Z  Chin DP  Koplan JP  Wilson ME 《Lancet》2008,372(9649):1598-1605
Infectious diseases remain the major causes of morbidity and mortality in China despite substantial progress in their control. China is a major contributor to the worldwide infectious disease burden because of its population size. The association of China with the rest of the world through travel and trade means that events in the country can affect distant populations. The ecological interaction of people with animals in China favours the emergence of new microbial threats. The public-health system has to be prepared to deal with the challenges of newly emerging infectious diseases and at the same time try to control existing diseases. To address the microbial threats, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, the government has committed substantial resources to the implementation of new strategies, including the development of a real-time monitoring system as part of the infectious-disease surveillance. This strategy can serve as a model for worldwide surveillance and response to threats from infectious diseases.  相似文献   

In some nation states, sustained integrated global epidemiological surveillance has been weakened as a result of political unrest, disinterest, and a poorly developed infrastructure due to rapidly increasing global inequality. The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome has shown vividly the importance of sensitive worldwide surveillance. The Agency for Cooperation in International Health, a Japanese non-governmental organisation, has developed on a voluntary basis a sentinel surveillance system for selected target infectious diseases, covering South America, Africa, and Asia. The system has uncovered unreported infectious diseases of international importance including cholera, plague, and influenza; current trends of acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in polio eradication; and prevalence of HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C in individual areas covered by the sentinels. Despite a limited geographical coverage, the system seems to supplement disease information being obtained by global surveillance. Further development of this sentinel surveillance system would be desirable to contribute to current global surveillance efforts, for which, needless to say, national surveillance and alert system takes principal responsibility.  相似文献   

As the first step to examine the incidences of streptococcal infectious diseases for the nationwide and the regional surveillance information of infectious diseases in Japan, the number of patients with streptococcal infectious diseases per year or week and the hospitals in the surveillance systems in 47 prefectures from 1982 to 1987 were compared. It was found to have the tendency that the numbers of the patients were comparatively more in Hokkaido, Tohoku, partial areas of Kyushu and Shikoku than in other regions, and more in rural areas than in urban areas. Because of the deviation from the tendency, however, it was also suggested that the information of the disease in some prefectures might be poor. Although ratios of no. of the patients against no. of patients with exanthema subitum in 16 prefectures, respectively, were calculated and compared, it was be not enough to analyze the difference among the incidences of streptococcal infectious diseases in these prefectures.  相似文献   

Immediately after the devastating earthquake in Turkey in August 1999, an infectious disease surveillance system was established in Kocaeli Province (the biggest area affected). This surveillance study was mainly focused on diarrheal diseases. During a 33-day period, 1,468 stool cultures were processed. Diarrheal diseases increased step-by-step and later decreased to the initial level by the end of this period. Cases were scattered throughout the entire region, and the identified causes were various, indicating a multifocal increase. Of the identified causes, Shigella species were the most common. Nevertheless, Shigella isolates also belonged to distinct serotypes and clones. This study indicated a multifocal, multiclonal increase in diarrheal diseases after this massive disaster, thus indicating the necessity to set up infectious disease surveillance systems after such events.  相似文献   

正1. COVID-19 pandemic The emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases in recent years demand national health care systems to develop effective surveillance mechanisms, diagnostic, treatment, and preventive strategies. The last two decades witnessed the outbreak of several viral infections with epidemic and pandemic potentials,  相似文献   

我国血吸虫病的监测与预警   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
建立有效、快速反应的监测与预警机制,是一个地区做好传染病预防控制的前提。本文结合传染病监测与预警机制以及监测、预警与响应等基本概念,就近年来我国在血吸虫病监测与预警等方面的研究动态与相关进展作一系统分析与探讨,以提升我国血吸虫病的监测与预警水平。  相似文献   

Objectives Resource‐limited countries often lack robust routine surveillance systems to accurately assess the burden of human attributes and diseases. In these settings capture‐recapture analysis can be an alternative tool to obtain prevalence and incidence rates. Performance of capture‐recapture analyses in resource‐limited countries has not been systematically reviewed. Methods Systematic review of the performance of capture–recapture analyses in the categories of human attributes, non‐infectious and infectious diseases in resource‐limited countries, assessing individual study quality criteria and a minimum quality criterion per category, using PRISMA methodology. Results A total of 1671 potentially relevant PubMed citations were screened, resulting in 52 eligible publications: 36% in human attributes, i.e. hidden populations, injuries and mortality; 48% in non‐infectious and 15% in infectious disease categories. Twenty‐one per cent of selected studies were from low income countries, 40% from lower‐middle‐income countries and 38% from upper‐middle‐income countries. Thirteen per cent achieved good individual study quality criteria, 25% were intermediate and 19% were poor. Of the good studies, six were performed on human attributes and one on a non‐infectious disease. The proportions of publications meeting the minimum quality criterion per category were 42%, 20% and 37%, respectively. Conclusions Few capture–recapture studies in resource‐limited countries achieved good individual quality criteria and a minority met the minimum quality criterion per category. Capture–recapture techniques in these settings should be carefully considered and implemented rigorously and are not a panacea for strengthening of routine surveillance systems.  相似文献   

新生儿脐带血TSH正常值范围的探讨   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的 为解决新生儿脐带血TSH水平与其它指标的分离现象。建立新生儿脐带血TSH正常值范围。方法 选择1999年全国碘缺乏病监测部分省份的监测结果,将盐碘合格率〉90%,儿童尿碘中位数〉100μg/L,并且未投服过碘油的地区认定为碘营养正常地区,采用百分位数法确定新生儿脐带血TSH正常值范围。结果 全国碘营养正常地区新生儿脐带血TSH正常值(第97%分位值)为11.69mU/L,六大行政区间结果有差  相似文献   

Surveillance of imported infectious diseases is important because of the need for early detection of outbreaks of international concern as well as information of risk to the travelers. This paper attempts to review how the Japanese surveillance system deals with imported infectious diseases and reviews the trend of these diseases. The cases of acquired infection overseas were extracted from the surveillance data in 1999-2008. The incidence and rate of imported cases of a series of infectious diseases with more than one imported case were observed by the year of diagnosis and place of acquired infection. During the period 10,030 cases that could be considered to be imported infectious diseases were identified. Shigellosis ranked as the most common imported disease, followed by amebiasis, malaria, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, typhoid fever, dengue fever, hepatitis A, giardiasis, cholera, and paratyphoid fever. The annual trends of these diseases always fluctuated but not every change was investigated. The study reveals that the situation of imported infectious diseases can be identified in the current Japanese surveillance system with epidemiologic features of both temporal and geographic distribution of cases of imported infectious diseases. However, further timely investigation for unusual increase in infectious diseases is needed.  相似文献   

隐孢子虫病、贾第虫病和环孢子虫病等肠道原虫病可介水传播,是重要的水源性寄生虫病。绝大多数肠道寄生原虫具有人兽共患性和动物宿主多的特点,防控工作难度较大该类寄生虫病有些属于新发传染病,目前尚无人体感染基线数据.本文对我国介水传播肠道原虫病的流行现状和检测技术等进行综述,并探讨防控面临的挑战,为建立高效的疾病监测网络和预测预警体系、开展风险评估、提出有效防控措施提供参考。  相似文献   

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