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Alcohol abuse is associated with many health problems, especially skin changes. As a small, water- and lipid-soluble molecule, alcohol reaches all tissues of the body and affects most vital functions. Cutaneous diseases are now emerging as useful markers of alcoholism detectable at an early and possibly reversible stage of the disease, thus being of substantial importance to dermatologists and general practitioners. The most common skin manifestations of alcoholism presented in this review article are urticarial reactions, porphyria cutanea tarda, flushing, cutaneous stigmata of cirrhosis, psoriasis, pruritus, seborrheic dermatitis, and rosacea.  相似文献   

Instrumental musicians are a risk group for skin diseases. A systematic review was performed on Pubmed database and in the musical literature. Most publications on dermatoses in musicians are case reports. The exact prevalence of skin diseases in musicians is unknown but high rates have been reported. The most at-risk musicians are percussionists, string and wind instrumentalists. Repeated physical trauma is a frequent cause of skin conditions in musicians (callosities, fiddler’s neck syndrome...). The allergens most often reported in musicians’ allergic contact dermatitis are metals (nickel, dichromate), exoticwoods and cane reed components, colophony and propolis. The key preventive measures are early management of the skin disease, specific tests and avoidance of the causative allergens, together with better adjustment of playing techniques to reduce trauma.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the incidence of skin diseases in Zambians. A diagnostic analysis of 12,610 patients seen over the past year in the Dermatology Clinic at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia, is presented. The common diseases as well as the peculiarities are discussed. The need to develop research centres in various regions of Africa is emphasized in order to provide better insight into the special dermatological problems seen in the black Africans.  相似文献   

Bowen's disease and internal malignant diseases. A study of 581 patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a retrospective study of 581 patients with a diagnosis of Bowen's disease (BD) treated over a 40-year period, we traced patient records to identify later diagnoses of nonskin cancer. Fifty patients had nonskin cancer, as against an expected number of 40, but this difference was not significant. The lack of association was equally true for BD on sun-exposed and non-sun-exposed skin. Our findings support the view that BD is not a skin marker for internal malignant disease.  相似文献   

Today there is no Third World country in Africa that offers sufficient basic services for skin diseases. This paper describes the distribution and clinical aspects of skin diseases in school children, soldiers, the city population and villagers of Sierra Leone. Poverty-linked types of dermatosis play a major role throughout the country. The high prevalence rates and clinical degree make skin diseases a severe public health problem in Sierra Leone.  相似文献   

内脏恶性肿瘤的皮肤表现按病理生理学特点可分为两类:肿瘤的直接效应和间接效应.肿瘤的直接效应是指恶性肿瘤转移灶生长影响周围器官或组织;间接效应即副肿瘤性皮肤病.文中复习了皮肤转移瘤的临床特点及常见的副肿瘤性皮肤病.皮肤表现可能是患者潜在肿瘤的首发临床表现.因此,认识肿瘤的皮肤表现,将有助于潜在肿瘤的早期发现.  相似文献   

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