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了解性病门诊病人性行为的情况,采用不记名问卷,选择回答问题的调查方法,对101例就诊者进行性行为调查,结果表明,在就诊者中均有较多的婚前性特行为(70%)和较多的婚外性行为(52.84%),性伴为1人的仅为18例(17.82%),大多为2人及以上,性伴较复杂,曾与各类服务员,暗娼发生性行为的有51例(50.50%),且多数人在发生性行为时不用避套,因此,存在着感染性病,艾滋病的危险性。  相似文献   

性病门诊病人性行为特征与心理社会因素探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对1997年3月至6月因性病方面原因就诊的病人进行性行为特征与心理社会因素方面的问卷调查。结果表明:就诊者以20~29岁年龄组居多,占42.0%,20岁以下,占9.0%;初次性行为多发生于20~25岁,最早14岁,最晚29岁,平均年龄21.3岁;婚前性行为发生率为75.0%,保持多性伴关系者占83.0%,平均性伴数为3.7人,且男性多性伴率显著高于女性(P<0.01);避孕套使用率为52.6%,其中商业性行为最低,仅为18.0%。提示,应加强性知识的宣传教育,减少婚外性行为,推广使用避孕套,从而降低性病和艾滋病的发病率  相似文献   

近年来,性传播疾病的再度流行,已成为全球性的公共卫生问题和社会问题。为了解性病病人的性行为,为控制性病提供有价值的依据,2001年3月至2003年3月,在聊城市第四人民医院、高唐县人民医院性病门诊对确诊的129例性病病人进行调查。  相似文献   

大学生性心理性行为调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生是青春发育后期性成熟的重要阶段,性心理体验与行为反应时有发生,常会出现性困惑,严重者可导致心理障碍。为了解当今大学生性文明现状,为建立性健康教育体系提供科学依据,我们进行了本调查,现将结果报道如下:1对象与方法1.1对象按分层整群抽样方法,以两所大学六种专业的2~4年级学生783人作为调查对象,年龄17~25岁,男女各半。1.2方法男女生分别进行调查,采用亚洲性学会“青年心理调查问卷”,对大学生的性观念、性态度、性知识、性行为、性文明现状等进行调查。调查前详细说“指导语”,不记名,只留本人…  相似文献   

为了了解未婚女青年的性活动情况 ,以便更好地保护她们的身心健康 ,我们自行设计了保密问卷调查表 ,对来我院要求终止妊娠的未婚女青年进行调查 ,现报告如下。对象与方法1 对象 为 1999年 7月 12日~ 9月 13日 2个月内在我院计划生育科就诊要求终止妊娠的未婚女青年。年龄 18~ 30岁。2 方法 问卷调查由专人负责 ,并保证予以保密 ,希望如实填写。共发出 2 0 0份调查表 ,有 5份表格重要项目未填 ,资料完整的调查表 195份 ,占 97 5 %。结  果1 首次性交年龄和性交频率 首次性交年龄最小 17岁 ,平均 2 1岁。多数是自愿的 (94 4% ) ,仅…  相似文献   

目的 了解医学中等专科学校学生艾滋病/性病的认知及性行为,为学校健康教育提供依据.方法 采用自填式问卷调查昆明某医学中等专科学校学生艾滋病/性病认知及婚前性行为现状.结果 该校学生对艾滋病的3种传播途径有所了解,回答正确率女生高于男生.性病知识知晓程度低;性行为情况:4.3%学生自我报告曾经有性行为(男生7.1%,女生2.7%);对婚前性行为持肯定态度的男女生分别为21.4%和2.0%,差异有显著性.结论 医学生艾滋病/性病知识缺乏,婚前性行为发生率高,需要对医学生开展科学的性健康教育.  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省肇庆市农民工非婚性行为及安全套使用情况,性病相关知识认知现况,分析其行为影响因素.方法 用配额抽样法对当地制鞋、电子、机械业一线农民工700人进行现场匿名问卷调查.收回有效问卷635份,用非条件Logistic回归分析非婚性行为的影响因素.结果 635名农民工3种性病认知以艾滋病认知最好,得分比例占46.85%,淋病认知最差,0分人数达到42.2%,而完全认知人数占2.83%;有非婚性行为249人,占39.21%,其中只有113人(45.38%)每次使用安全套;小学文化(OR=4.28)、男性(OR=2.14)、>35岁(OR=5)是影响非婚行为的危险因素;艾滋病认知是影响非婚性行为使用安全套的作用因素(OR=2.19).结论 肇庆市部分农民工对性病相关知识认知不足,有非婚性行为,应加强该人群尤其低学历、男性、>35岁农民工的性病相关知识的健康教育.  相似文献   

武汉地区女大学生性行为调查   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的了解武汉地区女大学生性行为现况。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对调查对象进行无记名自填式问卷调查。结果在调查2365名女大学生中,其性行为发生率为17.89%;不同专业和不同年级的女大学生性行为发生率差异有统计学意义,以艺术类和高年级发生率为高。女大学生初次性行为的原因以一时感情冲动、好奇、为增强与男友的关系为主;而近一年内性行为的原因以为增强与男友的关系和生理需要为主。无论是初次性行为还是近一年内性行为。其性伴侣均以自已的男朋友为主,但也有多性伴现象存在。结论女大学生中的性行为发生率较高,存在性滥等问题。  相似文献   

性病患者性心理和性行为特征分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
从社会学和心理学角度对473例STD患者的性行为及患STD后的心理变化进行了初步调查与分析.结果发现STD易在处于性活跃期、文化程度低、收入较高的人群中传播、流行;夫妻感情好坏直接影响能否及时就医;调查对象的初次性交年龄平均在22~23岁,平均性伴数2~4.5个;50%以上的患者感染来源于婚外性行为30%的患者初次性交对象不是现在配偶;2/3的患者未曾使用过避孕套;STD患者最想了解的健康教育内容是STD的传播途径;最受欢迎的健康教育途径是看书、看电视和听专业人员讲课.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来 ,性传播疾病在我国不断蔓延 ,已成为严重的公共卫生问题 ,每年新感染病例数都以30 %左右的速度递增[1]。为了更有效地开展性病/艾滋病的预防和干预工作 ,2000年“广西卫九项目”实施过程中 ,我们对南宁市长卡司机进行性行为方式及艾滋病相关知识水平的调查 ,现将结果报告如下。1对象和方法1.1调查对象对停靠本市3所较大的货车停车场内共254名男性长卡司机进行调查 ,被调查对象属本市户籍者112名 ,占44.09% ;来自广西区内其它地市者为123人 ,占48.42% ;外省户籍19人 ,占7.48 %…  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2015,25(5):450-457
BackgroundAlthough alcohol use has been linked with a variety of sexual behaviors, we lack an understanding of what precise events occur when women drink that may lead to emotional or physical harms.MethodsTo fill this gap, we qualitatively explored the unintended sexual events occurring while drinking among a particularly at-risk clinic population: urban women attending a public sexually transmitted infections (STI) clinic. This was a secondary data analysis of 20 semistructured, in-depth interviews conducted between December 2009 and August 2010 with 20 sexually active adult women attending the Baltimore City Health Department STI Clinic. We purposively sampled women presenting for care in the STI clinic who reported either binge drinking in the past 6 months or engaging in vaginal or anal intercourse while under the influence of alcohol. Interviews were analyzed using a grounded theory approach.ResultsFive major unintended sexual events emerged: sex with new partners; alternative sexual activities, including anal sex and “rough” sex; unprotected sex; blacked out sex or sex occurring during alcohol-related amnesia; and rape. Themes often overlapped, and sexual victimization was a common thread throughout multiple themes. An additional theme, alcohol and prey, largely occurring in bars and nightclubs, emerged as an important precursor to many of the unintended events described.ConclusionsAlcohol use was associated with a variety of—often dangerous—unintended sexual events. Our results highlight the link between alcohol use and sexual victimization and the need for intervention development to reduce the emotional and physical harms resulting from the unintended consequences of alcohol use.  相似文献   

Effective interventions to reduce sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk behaviors are most potent in the short term and are not uniformly effective for all people. The present study examined patterns of sexual behavior change among 238 men and 104 women who received risk reduction counseling in a public STI clinic and were followed for 9 months with a 1-year retrospective clinic chart abstraction for newly diagnosed STI. A two-stage, multivariate cluster analysis was performed on four risk behavior difference scores (follow-up - baseline) for 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 9-month follow-up frequencies of unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse. Cluster analysis identified three profile subgroups: Subgroup 1 had lower levels of risk behavior at all time points; Subgroup 2 had significant reductions in risk over time; and Subgroup 3 demonstrated significant increases in risk over time. Analyses on variables external to the cluster analysis found that the three profile subgroups differed on numbers of sex partners, substance use, sensation seeking, indicators of risk reduction motivation and behavioral skills, and contracting new STI. STI clinic patients with varying profiles of sexual behavior change were, therefore, differentiated by factors relevant to STI interventions.This revised article was published online in June 2005 with the book reviews as separate articles  相似文献   

目的:分析云南省曲靖市男性性病门诊就诊者艾滋病性病流行趋势和相关行为变化情况。方法对2009-2013年到哨点医院就诊的男性患者开展行为学问卷调查,并进行 HIV、丙型肝炎和梅毒抗体检测。结果2009-2013年共监测1892人,艾滋病知晓率(71.3%~99.5%)和梅毒阳性率(11.2%~33.4%)均逐年上升(χ2=1019.293,χ2=665.066,P <0.01);HIV 阳性率为0.7%~1.7%,HCV 阳性率为0.2%~1.9%;最近3个月商业性行为发生率(78.0%~98.5%)、最近3个月与临时性伴性行为发生率(2.5%~30.3%)和干预服务接受率(30.8%~89.3%)各年度比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=187.719,χ2=196.727,χ2=327.347,P <0.01)。结论曲靖市男性性病门诊就诊者梅毒阳性率逐年上升,HIV、HCV 感染率及高危行为发生率较高,需要进一步加强健康教育及干预服务。  相似文献   

The terms MSM (men who have sex with men) and WSW (women who have sex with women) have been used with increasing frequency in the public health literature to examine sexual orientation disparities in sexual health. These categories, however, do not allow researchers to examine potential differences in sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk by sexual orientation identity. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health, this study investigated the relationship between self-reported STIs and both sexual orientation identity and sexual behaviors. Additionally, this study examined the mediating role of victimization and STI risk behaviors on the relationship between sexual orientation and self-reported STIs. STI risk was found to be elevated among heterosexual-WSW and bisexual women, whether they reported same-sex partners or not, whereas gay-identified WSW were less likely to report an STI compared to heterosexual women with opposite sex relationships only. Among males, heterosexual-identified MSM did not have a greater likelihood of reporting an STI diagnosis; rather, STI risk was concentrated among gay and bisexual identified men who reported both male and female sexual partners. STI risk behaviors mediated the STI disparities among both males and females, and victimization partially mediated STI disparities among female participants. These results suggest that relying solely on behavior-based categories, such as MSM and WSW, may mischaracterize STI disparities by sexual orientation.  相似文献   

《Women's health issues》2010,20(5):329-334
BackgroundThe high rate of unintended pregnancy is an immediate barrier to providing preconception care (PCC). Failure to deliver additional PCC messages at sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics might represent a major missed opportunity to target women at increased risk for unintended pregnancy for behaviors that also put them at risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes.MethodsUsing a survey questionnaire, we assessed perceptions of PCC and factors influencing the willingness of STD counselors to integrate PCC as an intervention service provided by the STD clinics of 140 STD counselors. We used a cross-sectional design and selected survey participants with a minimum of 2 years' experience in providing HIV pretest and posttest counseling and syphilis interviewing using a nonprobability, purposive sample.ResultsThe level of occupational responsibility and the amount of time available seemed to affect counselor perceptions of the importance of PCC and whether it should be integrated as an intervention service provided by STD clinics. Findings suggested that, although most STD counselors reported that PCC was an important issue, there was significant variation in the perception of whether PCC should be delivered at STD clinics.ConclusionSTD counselors perceived PCC to be an important intervention service that can be delivered at STD clinics. Additional study is needed to identify factors that might affect full integration into the STD clinic setting.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the risk factors related to adolescent initiation of sexual activity, use of contraception, pregnancy, and STDs is examined. From recent research on adolescent fertility, findings that have particular relevance to school health or reflect new understandings of adolescent sexuality are summarized. In selected cases, prevention programs that build directly on an understanding of these risk factors are cited.  相似文献   

幼女性传播疾病31例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周云清 《中国医师杂志》2000,2(4):207-208,211
为探讨幼女性传播疾病(SexuallyTransmitted DiseasaSTD)的防治及监测,对31例STD感染幼女进行监床分析。结果发现幼女感染呈上升趋势,其传染源主要来自家庭,其中幼女与父母或监护人的间接传染占首位,高达51.6%,衣原体占32.3%,病毒占9.7%,梅毒6.5%。临床医生与检验人员的密切配合使得以确诊,从而获得正规疗程的治疗。呼吁0社会普及性病知识,减少幼儿性病感染率。还  相似文献   

This report presents results of Project LINK, a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)-funded, 5-year collaboration (2007–2012) between New York City (NYC) health and NY State substance abuse disorder (SUD) agencies, an LGBT organization contractor, and multiple SUD, social service, and mental health referral agencies. LINK allowed the first ever SUD screening, brief intervention, and referrals to treatment (SBIRT) intervention services onsite in NYC Bureau of Sexually Transmitted Disease Control (BSTDC) clinics. Factors favoring collaboration were (a) joint recognition of substance abuse as an STD risk factor; (b) prior collaborations; (c) agreement on priority of BSTDC’s mission and policies; (d) extensive SBIRT training, cross training on STDs; (e) a memorandum of agreement; and (f) mutual transparency of collaborative efforts, among others. LINK screened over 151,000 STD clinic patients and delivered brief interventions to 60% of positively screened patients and met a mandated follow-up target. Factors found to facilitate collaboration here may help screen prospective new health collaborations.  相似文献   

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