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The experiments described in this report were designed to determine the contribution of vestibulospinal neurons (VSNs) in Deiters' nucleus and of reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) in the medullary reticular formation to the modifications of the walking pattern that are associated with locomotion on an inclined plane. Neuronal discharge patterns were recorded from 44 VSNs and 63 RSNs in cats trained to walk on a treadmill whose orientation was varied from +20 degrees (uphill) to -10 degrees (downhill), referred to as pitch tilt, and from 20 degrees roll tilt left to 20 degrees roll tilt right. During uphill locomotion, a majority of VSNs (25/44) and rhythmically active RSNs (24/39) showed an increase in peak discharge frequency, above that observed during locomotion on a level surface. VSNs, unlike some of the RSNs, exhibited no major deviations from the overall pattern of the activity recorded during level walking. The relative increase in discharge frequency of the RSNs (on average, 31.8%) was slightly more than twice that observed in the VSNs (on average, 14.4%), although the average absolute change in discharge frequency was similar (18.2 Hz in VSNs and 21.6 Hz in RSNs). Changes in discharge frequency during roll tilt were generally more modest and were more variable, than those observed during uphill locomotion as were the relative changes in the different limb muscle electromyograms that we recorded. In general, discharge frequency in VSNs was more frequently increased when the treadmill was rolled to the right (ear down contralateral to the recording site) than when it was rolled to the left. Most VSNs that showed significant linear relationships with treadmill orientation in the roll plane increased their activity during right roll and decreased activity during left roll. Discharge activity in phasically modulated RSNs was also modified by roll tilt of the treadmill. Modulation of activity in RSNs that discharged twice in each step cycle was frequently reciprocal in that one burst of activity would increase during left roll and the other during right roll. The overall results indicate that each system contributes to the changes in postural tone that are required to adapt the gait for modification on an inclined surface. The characteristics of the discharge activity of the VSNs suggest a role primarily in the overall control of the level of electromyographic activity, while the characteristics of the RSNs suggest an additional role in determining the relative level of different muscles, particularly when the pattern is asymmetric.  相似文献   

Recordings were made from single units in the medullary reticular formation (MRF) between AP-4.2 and AP-12.9 and from the midline to 3.7 mm lateral in chronically prepared, unrestrained cats walking on a treadmill. Recordings were made with rigid microelectrodes held in a microdrive, and reticulospinal neurons were identified by antidromic stimulation of their axons through microwires chronically implanted into the spinal cord at the L2 level. Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from flexor and extensor muscles of the fore- and hindlimbs as well as from back and neck muscles. In total, 295 cells were recorded from 40 penetrations in 4 cats; 252 of these cells were recorded from the more medial regions of the reticular formation encompassing the gigantocellular, magnocellular, and lateral tegmental fields; 38.5% of these (97/252) were antidromically identified from the spinal cord. The remaining 43 neurons (43/295) were recorded from a more lateral and ventral position. These medial and ventrolateral groups of neurons differed not only in position but also in aspects of their discharge during locomotion. Rank-ordered raster displays, triggered from the onset of each recorded muscle, were used to correlate neuronal and muscular activity. The discharge rate of 31% of the reticulospinal neurons (30/97) was modulated once or twice in each step cycle and was strictly related to one or more of the recorded EMGs (EMG-related neurons) on the basis of the pattern of discharge. The discharge of 33/97 (34%) of the neurons was modulated at the periodicity of the locomotor rhythm but could not be correlated with any of the recorded EMGs (locomotor-related cells), whereas the remaining 34/97 neurons (35%) were either silent, fired tonically, or were not related to the locomotor pattern (unrelated cells). Of the EMG-related neurons 27% were related to flexor muscles and the remaining 63% to extensor muscle activity. The discharge pattern of all except two of the flexor-related neurons was correlated with hindlimb muscle activity, whereas that of the extensor-related neurons was correlated almost equally with fore- and hindlimb muscles. Correlations were found with muscles lying both ipsilaterally and contralaterally to the site of the recordings. Although the locomotor-related neurons showed no preferential relation with any of the recorded EMGs, a comparison of the depth of modulation of their discharge measured from postevent histograms suggested that more of these cells were related to the forelimb than to the hindlimb.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined the contribution of neurons within the pontomedullary reticular formation (PMRF) to the control of reaching movements in the cat. We recorded the activity of 127 reticular neurons, including 56 reticulospinal neurons, during movements of each forelimb; 67/127 of these neurons discharged prior to the onset of activity in the prime flexor muscles during the reach of the ipsilateral limb and form the focus of this report. Most neurons (63/67) showed similar patterns and levels of discharge activity during reaches of either limb, although activity was slightly greater during reach of the ipsilateral limb. In 26/67 cells, the initial change in discharge activity was time-locked to the go signal during reaches of either limb; we have argued that this early discharge contributes to the anticipatory postural adjustments that precede movement. In 11/26 cells, the initial change in activity was reciprocal for reaches with the left and right limbs, although activity during the movement was nonreciprocal. Spike-triggered averaging produced postspike facilitation or depression (PSD) in 12/50 cells during reaches of the limb ipsilateral to the recording site and in 17/49 cells during reach of the contralateral limb. Some cells produced PSD in ipsilateral extensor muscles before the start of the reach and during reaches made with the contralateral, but not the ipsilateral limb; this suggests the signal must be differentially gated. Overall, the results suggest a strong bilateral, albeit asymmetric, contribution from the PMRF to the control of posture and movement during voluntary movement.  相似文献   

We have examined the contribution of the red nucleus to the control of locomotion in the cat. Neuronal activity was recorded from 157 rubral neurons, including identified rubrospinal neurons, in three cats trained to walk on a treadmill and to step over obstacles attached to the moving belt. Of 72 neurons with a receptive field confined to the contralateral forelimb, 66 were phasically active during unobstructed locomotion. The maximal activity of the majority of neurons (59/66) was centered around the swing phase of locomotion. Slightly more than half of the neurons (36/66) were phasically activity during both swing and stance. In addition, some rubral neurons (14/66) showed multiple periods of phasic activity within the swing phase of the locomotor cycle. Periods of phasic discharge temporally coincident with the swing phase of the ipsilateral limb were observed in 7/66 neurons. During voluntary gait modifications, most forelimb-related neurons (70/72) showed a significant increase in their discharge activity when the contralateral limb was the first to step over the obstacle (lead condition). Maximal activity in nearly all cells (63/70) was observed during the swing phase, and 23/63 rubral neurons exhibited multiple increases of activity during the modified swing phase. A number of cells (18/70) showed multiple periods of increased activity during swing and stance. Many of the neurons (35/63, 56%) showed an increase in activity at the end of the swing phase; this period of activity was temporally coincident with the period of activity in wrist dorsiflexors, such as the extensor digitorum communis. A smaller proportion of neurons with receptive fields restricted to the hindlimbs showed similar characteristics to those observed in the population of forelimb-related neurons. The overall characteristics of these rubral neurons are similar to those that we obtained previously from pyramidal tract neurons recorded from the motor cortex during an identical task. However, in contrast to the results obtained in the rubral neurons, most motor cortical neurons showed only one period of increased activity during the step cycle. We suggest that both structures contribute to the modifications of the pattern of EMG activity that are required to produce the change in limb trajectory needed to step over an obstacle. However, the results suggest an additional role for the red nucleus in regulating intra- and interlimb coordination.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) are involved in the formation of the dynamic postural adjustments that accompany visually triggered, voluntary modifications of limb trajectory during locomotion, we recorded the activity of 400 cells (183 RSNs; 217 unidentified reticular cells) in the pontomedullary reticular formation (PMRF) during a locomotor task in which intact cats were required to step over an obstacle attached to a moving treadmill belt. Approximately one half of the RSNs (97/183, 53%) showed significant changes in cell activity as the cat stepped over the obstacle; most of these cells exhibited either single (26/97, 26.8%) or multiple (63/97, 65.0%) increases of activity. There was a range of discharge patterns that varied in the number, timing, and sequencing of the bursts of modified activity, although individual bursts in different cells tended to occur at similar phases of the gait cycle. Most modified cells, regardless of the number of bursts of increased discharge, or of the discharge activity of the cell during unobstructed, control, locomotion, discharged during the passage of the lead forelimb over the obstacle. Thus, 86.9% of the modified cells increased their discharge when the forelimb ipsilateral to the recording site was the first to pass over the obstacle, and 72.2% when the contralateral limb was the first. Approximately one quarter of the RSNs increased their discharge during the passage of each of the four limbs over the obstacle in both the lead (27.1%) and trail (27.9%) conditions. In general, in any one cell, the number and relative sequencing of the subsequent bursts (with respect to the lead forelimb) was maintained during both lead and trail conditions. Patterns of activity observed in unidentified cells were very similar to the RSN activity despite the diverse population of cells this unidentified group may represent. We suggest that the increased discharge that we observed in these reticular neurons reflects the integration of afferent activity from several sources, including the motor cortex, and that this increased discharge signals the timing and the relative magnitude of the postural patterns that accompany the voluntary gait modification. However, based on the characteristics of the patterns of neuronal activity in these cells, we further suggest that while individual RSNs probably contribute to the selection of different patterns of postural activity, the ultimate expression of the postural response may be determined by the excitability of the locomotor circuits within the spinal cord.  相似文献   

This study investigates the responses to phasic shoulder retractions or protractions given at different times in the fictive locomotor cycle of the forelimbs of decerebrate cats. Generally, the responses in flexor and extensor muscles acting at the shoulder or elbow were bilaterally coordinated according to a negative feedback scheme. Perturbations in the direction of the movements that would have taken place if the animal had not been paralyzed tended to shorten the duration of the burst of activity of the muscles active during that phase and vice versa in the opposite phase. Changes in response patterns took place around critical points corresponding to the critical points B-D described in the companion paper using tonic perturbations of the limb. Past point C, at 58% of the ipsilateral extensor burst, protractions no longer prolonged the burst and no longer delayed onset of the contralateral extensor. At point B, occurring at 41% of the contralateral extensor burst, ipsilateral protractions maximally shortened the ipsilateral flexor phase, advancing ipsilateral extensor onset (point D) to point C of the contralateral extensor burst. During a critical period from the end of the ipsilateral flexor (point D) until the contralateral flexor onset, retractions elicited two alternative responses. Either the contralateral extensor activity was abolished and the contralateral flexor turned on, or it persisted for another cycle. We argue that the critical points found here correspond to critical biomechanical events in real locomotion and may underlie a phase-dependent motor coordination.  相似文献   

1. This article presents the results from stimulation in 21 loci within the medullary reticular formation (MRF; between 0.5 and 2.5 mm from the midline) and in 5 loci in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) of four intact, unanesthetized cats during locomotion. Stimulus trains (11 pulses, 0.2-ms duration, 330 Hz, stimulus strength 35 microA) were applied at those loci in each track at which the most widespread effects in each of the four limbs were obtained with the cat at rest. Electromyograms were recorded from flexor and extensor muscles of each limb. 2. As previously reported, stimulation with the cat at rest generally evoked brief, short-latency, twitch responses in both flexor and extensor muscles of more than one limb. In contrast, stimulation during locomotion evoked a more complex pattern of activity in which responses were normally evoked in one or other of the muscle pairs and incorporated into the locomotor pattern. 3. In the majority of sites, the stimulation evoked excitatory responses in the flexor muscles of each of the four limbs during that period of the step cycle in which each respective muscle was naturally active; stimulation in the stance phase of locomotion, although less effective, was also capable of producing responses in these muscles. All three ipsilateral extensor muscles studied [long and lateral heads of triceps and vastus lateralis (Tri, TriL, and VL, respectively)] were normally inhibited during their phase of muscle activity, although excitatory responses were occasionally seen. Responses in the contralateral (co) Tri were invariably excitatory and were largest during the period of muscle activity, whereas responses during the period of activity of the coVL were mixed, with both excitatory and inhibitory responses being seen from any one locus. 4. Excitatory responses were normally largest when stimulation was applied during the time that the muscle was active during the locomotor cycle. Responses evoked at times when the muscle was inactive were sometimes larger than those evoked with the animal at rest; such responses were most commonly seen in the hindlimb flexors and in the coVL. 5. In both flexors and extensors of each of the four limbs, the latency of the responses was greatest when the cat was at rest and least for stimuli given during the period of activity of the respective muscle. Average latencies during the period of muscle activity ranged from a minimum of 9.0 +/- 2.6 (SD) ms for inhibitory responses in the ipsilateral Tri and TriL to a maximum of 17.1 +/- 3.0 ms for the responses evoked in the ipsilateral semitendinosus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. Presynaptic activity of identified primary afferents from flexor, extensor, and bifunctional hindlimb muscles was studied with intra-axonal recordings during fictive locomotion. Fictive locomotion appeared spontaneously in decorticate cats (n = 9), with stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (n = 4), and in spinal cats injected with clonidine or nialamide and L-DOPA (n = 4). Representative flexor and extensor muscle nerves, recorded to monitor the locomotor pattern and dorsal rootlets of the sixth and seventh lumbar segments, were recorded simultaneously to monitor dorsal root potentials (DRPs). 2. From responses to muscle stretches and, in some instances, twitch contractions of the parent muscle, 75% of the single units examined were putatively identified as spindle afferents (40/53). On the basis of conduction velocity and stimulation threshold, 73% of these were further classified as group I fibers (29/40), the rest as group II fibers. 3. All units (n = 53 with resting potential more negative than -45 mV) showed fluctuations of their membrane potential (up to 1.5 mV) at the rhythm of the fictive locomotion. Subsequent averaging of these fluctuations over several cycles revealed that 89% of all units displayed a predominant wave of depolarization during the flexor phase, followed by a trough of repolarization. In 79% of the units, there was also a second, usually smaller, depolarization during the extensor phase. The relative size of each wave of depolarization could vary with different episodes of fictive locomotion in the same unit and among various afferents from the same muscle in the same experiment. 4. The firing frequency of some afferents from the ankle flexor tibialis anterior (5/16) and the bifunctional muscle posterior biceps-semitendinosus (4/15) was phasically modulated along the fictive step cycle. The maximum frequency always occurred during the flexor phase, i.e., during the largest depolarization of the unit. Because of the absence of phasic sensory input in the curarized animal, we assume that the phasic discharges were generated within the spinal cord and antidromically propagated. Phasic firing was never encountered in afferents from extensor muscles such as triceps surae (0/15) and vastus lateralis (0/4). 5. The results demonstrate that the pattern of rhythmic depolarization accompanying fictive locomotion is similar for the majority of flexor, extensor, and bifunctional group I (and possibly group II) muscle spindle primary afferents. They further indicate that there is a specific phasic modulation of antidromic firing for some flexor and bifunctional muscle spindle afferents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have previously suggested that the discharge characteristics of some neurons in the pontomedullary reticular formation (PMRF) are contingent on the simultaneous requirement for activity in both ipsilateral flexor muscles and contralateral extensors. To test this hypothesis we trained cats to stand on four force platforms and to perform a task in which they were required to reach forward with one forelimb or the other and depress a lever. As such the task required the cat to make a flexion movement followed by an extension in the reaching limb while maintaining postural support by increasing extensor muscle tonus in the supporting limbs. We recorded the activity of 131 neurons from the PMRF of three cats during left, ipsilateral reach. Of these, 86/131 (66%) showed a change in discharge frequency prior to the onset of activity in one of the prime flexor muscles and 43/86 (50%) showed a bimodal pattern of discharge in which activity decreased during the lever press. Among the remaining cells, 28/86 (33%) showed maintained activity throughout the reach and the lever press. Most cells showed a broadly similar pattern of discharge during reaches with the right, contralateral limb. We suggest these results support the view that a population of neurons within the PMRF contributes to the control of movement in one forelimb and the control of posture in the other forelimb as a coordinated unit. Another population of neurons contributes to the control of postural support independently of the nature of the activity in the reaching limb.  相似文献   

The neuronal responses to stimulation of motor cortical sites and of forelimb single muscles were studied in the lateral vestibular nucleus of anaesthetized rats. Of the 228 neurons tested for response to stimulation of contralateral motor cortex, 63% responded to cortical sites controlling extensor muscles and 30% to those controlling flexors. The corresponding figures for responders to ipsilateral stimulation were 34 and 21%. Vestibulospinal units responded to cortical sites controlling extensor and flexor muscles whereas the remaining lateral vestibular nucleus neurons, very reactive to cortical sites controlling extensor muscles, responded little to contralateral and not at all to ipsilateral cortical sites controlling flexor muscles. The effects evoked by contralateral cortical sites controlling extensors varied, those induced by cortical sites controlling flexors were inhibitory in 77% of cases. The responses to ipsilateral motor cortex stimulation differed not so much by cortical sites controlling extensor or flexor muscles as by whether the neuron was in the dorsal or ventral zone of the lateral vestibular nucleus: mixed in the former, all inhibitory in the latter. Of the lateral vestibular nucleus units tested for response to stimulation of ipsilateral or contralateral forelimb distal muscles, only 11% responded. All the vestibulospinal units responsive to muscle stimulation lay in the dorsal zone of the nucleus. The remainder, dorsal or ventral, were not responsive to contralateral muscles. Single lateral vestibular nucleus cells influenced both by ipsilateral muscle and by contralateral motor cortex made up 24% of the pool, vestibulospinal and non-vestibulospinal. They fell into three groups: responsive to one or both structures but responding more strongly to combined stimulation; responsive to each of the two structures but showing a response to combined stimulation not significantly different from that evoked by the cortex alone; responsive only to combined stimulation. The lateral vestibular nucleus units included in these three groups accounted for 29% of those tested for response to extensor muscles and cortical sites controlling extensors and 15% of those tested for response to flexor muscles and cortical sites controlling flexors. Twenty-five per cent of the vestibulospinal neurons responded both to contralateral muscles and to ipsilateral motor cortex stimulation but none of the non-vestibulospinal neurons responded to both. All the responders to both were in the dorsal zone of the lateral vestibular nucleus and responded to extensor stimuli, always in the same way. These results indicate that motor cortex output exerts a major influence on lateral vestibular nucleus discharges, while the muscle afferents have a modulatory influence on the lateral vestibular nucleus responses to cortex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have analyzed the behavior of neurons of the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) during fictive respiration and locomotion and found that some LRN neurons have both central respiratory and locomotor rhythms. Experiments were conducted on decrebrate, decerebellate, immobilized, and artificially ventilated cats, with the spinal cord transected at the lower thoracic cord. Fictive respiration and fictive forelimb locomotion were ascertained by monitoring activities from the phrenic nerve and forelimb extensor and flexor nerves, respectively. Fictive locomotion was evoked by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MRL) or sometimes occurred spontaneously. During fictive locomotion many LRN neurons fired in certain phases of the locomotion cycle; i.e., with respect to the nerve discharge of the ipsilateral forelimb they fired in either the extensor, flexor, extensor-flexor, or flexor-extensor phase. Firing of some LRN neurons was modulated synchronously with central respiratory rhythm. Neurons with inspiratory activity and those with expiratory activity were both found. More than half of these respiration-related LRN neurons had locomotor rhythm as well. The majority of the three types of LRN neurons, i.e., neurons with only locomotor rhythm, those with only respiratory rhythm, and those with both respiratory and locomotor rhythm, were antidromically activated by electrical stimulation of the ipsilateral inferior cerebellar peduncle. Electrical stimulation of the upper cervical cord showed that these LRN neurons, not only locomotion-related but also respiration-related neurons, received short latency inputs from the spinal cord. The LRN neurons studied were distributed widely in the LRN, relatively densely in the caudal two-thirds of the nucleus. No particular differences were detected between the three types of LRN neurons with respect to their location in the nucleus. These results indicate that the information about central respiratory and locomotor rhythms that is necessary for cerebellar control of the coordination between respiration and locomotion converges, at least partly, at the level of the LRN.  相似文献   

The activity of the crayfish abdominal postural motoneurons and their associated neurons (the accessory neuron(s) and the MRO(1)) were examined with the aid of techniques for the analysis of simultaneously recorded spike trains. A means of reliably identifying the spikes of the individual motoneurons based on their relative axon conduction velocities is presented. The analyses show that: 1) the large, phasically active synergist motoneurons innervating muscles producing the same movement show a marked similarity in their average responses, which is independent of the input source; 2) the small, tonically active and the middle-sized, tonicphasic synergist motoneurons innervating the same muscle and similar synergist motoneurons innervating antagonistic muscles are coordinated entirely by premotoneuron connections; 3) the accessory neuron is coordinated in its activity with the phasically active flexor excitor motoneurons and the extensor inhibitor motoneuron and thereby functions as a flexor synergist; and 4) the simultaneous presentation of flexion-producing and extension-producing inputs to the postural system results in a reciprocal oscillation in flexor-extensor motoneuron output. The functional significance of these results with respect to the operation of the postural system are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the nature (i.e. static or dynamic) of fusimotor drive to the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and flexor digitorum longus (FDL) muscles during locomotion we recorded Ia and group II muscle spindle afferent responses to sinusoidal stretch (0.25 and 1 mm amplitude, respectively, 4–5 Hz) in a decerebrate cat preparation. FHL Ia and group II afferents generally had increased discharge rates and decreased modulation to stretch throughout the step cycle, compared to rest, suggesting raised static γ drive at all locomotor phases. Although the modulation of Ia afferents was reduced during locomotion, most (13 of 18) showed a clear increasing trend during homonymous muscle activity (extension). This was consistent with phasic dynamic γ drive to FHL spindles linked with α drive. In agreement with previous reports, FHL gave a single burst of EMG activity during the step cycle while FDL α drive had two components. One was related to extension while the other comprised a brief burst around the end of this phase. Typically FDL Ia and group II afferents also had elevated firing rates and reduced modulation at all locomotor phases, again implicating static γ drive. Half the afferents (seven Ia, three group II) showed increased discharge during extension, suggesting phasic static γ drive. There was no γ drive associated with the late FDL α burst. In conclusion, the γ drives to FHL and FDL differed during locomotion. FHL, which has the α drive of a classic extensor, received γ drive that closely resembled other extensors. The γ drive of FDL, which exhibits both extensor and flexor α synergies, did not match either muscle type. These observations are compatible with the view that fusimotor drive varies in different muscles during locomotion according to the prevailing sensorimotor requirements.  相似文献   

The relationship between limb loading and lower-leg electromyographic (EMG) activity was examined during orthotic locomotion in a complete paraplegic patient. The level of limb loading was modified by a hanging system. Surface EMG in the lower-leg extensor and flexor muscles was unilaterally recorded together with the load signal on the ipsilateral sole. The motion of the knee and the ankle joints was minimized, which means that the change in length of the examined muscles was minimum. The muscles were activated synchronously with the locomotor movement and the magnitude of the extensor activity was changed relative to the peak load on the sole. It is conceivable that the spinal cord interpreted the load information and modified the EMG output in the anti-gravity muscles even in the absence of stretch reflexes.  相似文献   

Summary In lightly barbiturized cats, the discharges of neurons in the cerebellar fastigial nucleus (CBM) were recorded while single muscles in ipsilateral forelimb were activated by direct stimulation. The aim was a) to verify whether CBM cells could selectively detect the activity of afferent fibers from a muscle or a joint and b) to compare the various response characteristics of the rostral and the caudal division of the nucleus, which are known to control a different muscular periphery. Six muscles were routinely tested, two axial, two proximal and two distal ones. A good percentage of neurons in both partitions of the nucleus responded to the muscles tested (53% and 48% in the rostral and caudal part, respectively). In the rostral part of CBM a large proportion of cells (78% of those responsive) were influenced by one or more muscles having either the same function (the extensors or flexors) or acting on the same joint. Many such neurons showed a marked capability to respond to activation of distal muscles and a prevalence of inhibitory responses mainly on contraction of extensor and axial muscles. In the caudal division of the nucleus, 47% of the responsive cells displayed a stereotyped discharge pattern (excitatory or inhibitory) in response to activation of any tested muscle. In contrast to the rostral CBM the incidence of responses to proximal and distal muscles was about equal in the caudal CBM and a majority of neurons had excitatory responses to flexor muscle contraction. The latencies of the excitatory effects ranged from 8 to 53 ms in rostral and 9 up to 69 ms in caudal CBM. Inhibitory responses were seen at latencies between 9–78 ms in rostral and 9–80 ms in the caudal parts of the nucleus, the distribution in the latter being bimodal. The high specificity of the responses observed in rostral CBM to the activation of ipsilateral forelimb muscles is consistent with the suggestion that the nuclear output influences the same peripheral area. The conspicuous number of neurons with inhibitory responses detected on contractions of axial and extensor muscles could possibly be due to an inhibitory feedback from the peripheral muscles to the rostral CBM division. With regards to the caudal part of the nucleus, which is known to facilitate contralateral extensor muscles, the excitatory effects seen on ipsilateral flexor muscle activation could support a mechanism of postural balance.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether the transmission of cutaneous afferent information from the limbs to the medullary reticular formation is phasically modulated during locomotion. Experiments were carried out in three chronically prepared, intact cats in which nerve cuff electrodes were placed, bilaterally, on the superficial radial and the superficial peroneal nerves. Thirty-seven reticulospinal neurones (RSNs) were identified by stimulation of their axons in the lumbar spinal cord (L2); 29 of 37 of these were recorded with the cat at rest, 28 of 37 during locomotion and 20 of 37 both at rest and during locomotion. Low-threshold stimulation of the cutaneous nerves evoked excitatory responses in the majority of RSNs both at rest and during locomotion. In the 28 of 37 RSNs recorded during locomotion, it was possible to record the evoked response to stimulation of all four limb nerves, giving a total of 184 tested cases [RSNs testedxnumber of nerves stimulatedxphase of stimulation (swing or stance)]. The responses of most RSNs to cutaneous stimulation were modulated in a phase-dependent manner during locomotion. The maximal responses in most, but not all, cases were obtained during the swing phase of the limb that was stimulated and were largely independent of the discharge pattern of the cell. We interpret this result as indicating that the efficacy of transmission of the afferent information is determined more by the excitability of the spinal relay neurones than by the level of excitability of the RSNs in the brainstem. It is suggested that the base discharge pattern of RSNs might be largely determined by their central afferent input, while peripheral afferent inputs would primarily serve to modify the RSN discharge pattern in response to perturbations.  相似文献   

To investigate the specificity of fusimotor (gamma) drive during locomotion, gamma-efferents were recorded from the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and flexor hallucis longus (FHL) nerves in a decerebrate cat preparation. These nerves innervate hindlimb muscles that differ in some aspects of their mechanical action. For both FHL and FDL two stereotyped patterns of gamma activity were distinguished. Tonic units fired throughout the step cycle and had less modulation, but higher minimum rates, than phasic units, which were mainly recruited with ankle extensor [soleus (SOL)] electromyogram (EMG) activity. Differences in the relative timing of these patterns were apparent. In FHL the activity of phasic and most tonic neurons peaked after EMG onset. With FDL, tonic units generally reached maximum rate before, while phasic units peaked after, the beginning of EMG activity. During locomotion FHL and FDL alpha activity were rhythmically recruited with SOL. However, consistent with previous reports, FHL and FDL differed in their patterns of alpha activity. FHL was stereotyped while FDL was variable. Both FHL and FDL had activity related to ankle extensor EMG, but only FDL exhibited a peak around the end of this phase. No corresponding gamma activity was observed in FDL. In conclusion, 1) FHL and FDL received tonic and phasic fusimotor drive; 2) there was no alpha/gamma linkage for the late FDL alpha burst; 3) phasic gamma-efferents in both muscles received similar inputs, linked to plantar flexor alpha activity; and 4) tonic gamma-efferents differed, to the extent that they were modulated at all. The FHL units peaked with the plantar flexor alphas. The FDL neurons generally peaked before alpha activity even began.  相似文献   

An obstacle contacting the dorsal surface of a cat's hind foot during the swing phase of locomotion evokes a reflex (the stumbling corrective reaction) that lifts the foot and extends the ankle to avoid falling. We show that the same sequence of ipsilateral hindlimb motoneuron activity can be evoked in decerebrate cats during fictive locomotion. As recorded in the peripheral nerves, twice threshold intensity stimulation of the cutaneous superficial peroneal (SP) nerve during the flexion phase produced a very brief excitation of ankle flexors (e.g., tibialis anterior and peroneus longus) that was followed by an inhibition for the duration of the stimulus train (10-25 shocks, 200 Hz). Extensor digitorum longus was always, and hip flexor (sartorius) activity was sometimes, inhibited during SP stimulation. At the same time, knee flexor and the normally quiescent ankle extensor motoneurons were recruited (mean latencies 4 and 16 ms) with SP stimulation during fictive stumbling correction. After the stimulus train, ankle extensor activity fell silent, and there was an excitation of hip, knee, and ankle flexors. The ongoing flexion phase was often prolonged. Hip extensors were also recruited in some fictive stumbling trials. Only the SP nerve was effective in evoking stumbling correction. Delivered during extension, SP stimulus trains increased ongoing extensor motoneuron activity as well as increasing ipsilateral hip, knee, and ankle hindlimb flexor activity in the subsequent step cycle. The fictive stumbling corrective reflex seems functionally similar to that evoked in intact, awake animals and involves a fixed pattern of short-latency reflexes as well as actions evoked through the lumbar circuitry responsible for the generation of rhythmic alternating locomotion.  相似文献   

 The fine control of locomotion results from a complex interaction between descending signals from supraspinal structures and sensory feedback from the limbs. In this report, we studied the interaction between vestibulospinal volleys descending from Deiters’ nucleus and group I afferent input from extensor muscles. It has been shown that both pathways can exert powerful control over the amplitude and the timing of muscle bursting activity in the different phases of the step cycle. The effects of stimulating these pathways on the fictive locomotor rhythm were compared in decerebrate, partially spinal cats (ipsilateral ventral quadrant intact) injected with nialamide and l-dopa. As reported before, stimulation of both Deiters’ nucleus and group I fibres from ankle extensor muscles, when given during the flexor phase, stopped the flexor activity and initiated activity in extensors. When applied during the extensor phase, the same stimulation prolonged the extensor activity and therefore delayed the onset of flexor activity. This similarity suggests that the two pathways might converge on common spinal interneurones. This possibility was tested with the spatial facilitation technique in lumbosacral motoneurones. Deiters’ nucleus and group I fibres from extensor muscles were stimulated with different intensities and with several different coupling intervals. Motoneurones showing clear di- and/or polysynaptic excitation from both pathways were retained for analysis. Surprisingly, in all cases, there were no signs of spatial facilitation, but a simple algebraic sum of the two excitatory postsynaptic potentials. This result indicates that each input acts on the rhythm generator through separate interneuronal pathways. Received: 20 August 1996 / Accepted: 14 November 1996  相似文献   

The activity of selected single alpha-motoneurons, Renshaw cells (RCs), and Ia inhibitory interneurons (IaINs) during fictive locomotion was recorded via microelectrodes in decerebrate (precollicular-postmammillary) cats in which fictive locomotion was induced by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. The interrelationships in the timing and frequency of discharge among these three interconnected cell types were determined by comparing their averaged step cycle firing histograms, which were normalized in reference to motoneuron activity recorded in ventral root filaments. Previous findings that RCs are rhythmically active during locomotion and discharge in phase with the motoneurons from which they are excited were confirmed, and further details of the phase relationships between RC and alpha-motoneuron activity during fictive locomotion were obtained. Flexor and extensor RCs became active after the onset of flexor and extensor motoneuron activity, respectively. Maximal activity in extensor RCs occurred at the end of the extension phase coincidental with the onset of hyperpolarization and a decrease in activity in extensor motoneurons. Maximal flexor RC activity occurred during middle to late flexion and was temporally related to the onset of reduced flexor motoneuron activity. The IaINs recorded in the present experiments were rhythmically active during fictive locomotion, as previously reported. The quadriceps IaINs were mainly active during the extension phase of the step cycle, along with extensor RCs. Thus the known inhibition of quadriceps IaINs by RCs coupled to quadriceps and other extensor motoneurons is obviously not sufficient to interfere with the appropriate phasing of IaIN activity and reciprocal inhibition during fictive locomotion, as had been speculated. Most of the quadriceps IaINs analyzed exhibited a decrease in discharge frequency at the end of the extension phase of the step cycle, which was coincidental with increased rates of firing in extensor RCs. These data are consistent with the possibility that extensor RCs contribute to the reduction in quadriceps IaIN discharge at the end of the extension phase of the step cycle. The possibility that IaIN rhythmicity during fictive locomotion arises from periodic inhibition, possibly from Renshaw cells, was tested by stimulating the reciprocal inhibitory pathway throughout the fictive step cycle. The amplitude of Ia inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) varied significantly throughout the fictive step cycle in 14 of the 17 motoneurons tested, and, in 11 of these 14 motoneurons, the Ia IPSPs were maximal during the phase of the step cycle in which the motoneuron was most  相似文献   

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