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The Functional Status Questionnaire (FSQ) originally was developed to allow the comprehensive and efficient assessment of physical, psychosocial, social, and role functioning in ambulatory patients. It is a self-administered survey that takes approximately 15 min to complete and can be scored to produce a one-page report for clinicians to use in their practices. It has been translated into Swedish, French, and German. Since the FSQ was first published, it has been used in a variety of other settings, including assessment of the impact of variations in hospital practice patterns, the study of relationships between hospital processes of care and outcomes, and other applications, including randomized controlled trials of pharmaceuticals. In this paper we provide selected data on the reliability and validity of the FSQ in different populations. Many of the data are from previously published studies. However, because of the emphasis of this issue of Quality of Life Research, we also present new data from two large studies of persons over the age of 65.  相似文献   

目的 编制《学龄前儿童园外运动行为问卷(P-PAQ)》并验证其信效度,为开展学龄前儿童园外身体活动评估及家庭指导提供有效测量工具。方法 结合我国学龄前儿童的园外运动行为特点,经文献法和专家共识法等编制一套学龄前儿童运动行为问卷。调查儿童过去一周园外(上学日和周末)各强度的运动时间及家长运动观念与行为。采用方便抽样方法于2020年11—12月在北京、沈阳、西安各选取1所幼儿园的学龄前儿童,225名儿童主要养育人间隔2天进行重测。229名儿童连续佩戴一周ActiGraph GT9X加速度计进行效度研究。结果 上学日和周末轻度活动时间、中高强度活动时间及总活动时间的组内重测相关系数(ICC)为0.636~0.844(P<0.01);效度检验发现两种方法在工作日和周末中高强度活动时间上均有显著相关,相关系数分别为0.153,0.151(P<0.05)。Bland-Altman散点图显示:问卷法与加速度计法在测量儿童轻度活动、中高强度身体活动及总活动时间上具有良好的一致性。结论 P-PAQ问卷具有良好的可靠性和有效性,可用于学龄前儿童园外期间的运动行为评估并进行针对性指导。  相似文献   

评价汉化版情商问卷在大学生中使用的信度和效度,为情商研究提供有效的测量工具.方法 采用汉化版情商问卷及Young网络成瘾量表,对选修北京某医科大学《生活技能教育与心理健康促进》课程和河北某理工科大学《健康与发展》课程的大学生共556名进行问卷调查.采用Cronbach'sα系数法、相关分析和因子分析评价量表的信度和结构效度,用Young网络成瘾诊断量表评价区分效度.结果 汉化版情商问卷的Cronbach's α系数为0.887.各条目与总量表得分间相关系数在0.19 ~0.72间(P值均<0.01).探索性因子分析提取了9个因子(累计解释方差为50.78%),仅有个别题目的归属与情商问卷的假设不一致.量表除“快乐”外所有的维度和总分上,有无网瘾者的得分差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05).结论 中文版情商问卷有较好的信度和区分效度,但是仍然需要扩大样本在将来的研究中更深入地验证并改进其结构效度.  相似文献   

职业人群工作疲竭感问卷的信度与效度评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评价工作疲竭感问卷在职业人群中运用的信度与效度.方法 选用Maslach开发Boles修订的19个条目的工作疲竭感问卷,对458名在职职工进行调查.结果 问卷的内部一致性检验结果:全卷与3个子项(情感耗竭、人格解体、个体成就感)的Cronbach's α值介于0.82~0.85之间.因子分析提取得到3个公因子与原理论模型基本一致,分别代表情感耗竭、人格解体与个体成就感.运用协方差与方差分析,其工种对3个子项积分的差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),而不同性别间人格解体积分的差异与不同受教育程度间个体成就感积分的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 简明工作疲竭感问卷是一较可靠、有效的测量工具,可用于职业人群的职业应激研究.  相似文献   

目的 评价个人健康状况评估问卷的信度与效度。方法应用自行编制的个人健康状况评估问卷对湖北省3 187名18~55岁居民的健康状态进行测量,采用探索性因素分析和信效度检验方法评价该问卷的信度和效度。结果 通过探索性因素分析,确定个人健康状况评估问卷由躯体心理和社会适应、疲劳评定、睡眠质量评定3个分量表组成;其中躯体心理和社会适应量表共包括社会支持、精力、疼痛等7个因子共30个条目,方差贡献率为55.37%;疲劳评定量表包括疲劳症状1个因子共4个条目,方差贡献率为67.94%;睡眠质量评定量表包括睡眠质量1个因子共5个条目,方差贡献率为41.95%;躯体心理和社会适应、疲劳评定、睡眠质量评定各分量表的Cronbach'sα系数分别为0.8750、0.842、0.643,3个分量表得分与简明健康调查问卷(SF-36)得分的同时效度系数分别为0.633、0.363、0.457(均P<0.01),该问卷具有较好的信度和效度。结论 个人健康状况评估问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可作为中国成人亚健康状态的测评工具。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Hospital Care Questionnaire (SHCQ) for measuring patient satisfaction and evaluations of hospital care quality. DESIGN AND PARTICIPANTS: Patients (n = 275) and staff members (n = 83) of four hospital wards completed the 57-item SHCQ addressing 13 aspects of care. Staff members completed the SHCQ from the patient's perspective. The data were analyzed within the framework of generalizability theory. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Generalizability coefficients (GCs) and standard errors of measurement (SEs). RESULTS: GCs indicating differentiation among patients with different overall levels of satisfaction (SHCQ mean scores) were high (> 0.90). GCs indicating differentiation among patients as to satisfaction with aspects of care (SHCQ scale scores) were generally satisfactory (> 0.75) to high. Patients agreed well on overall level of hospital care quality (GCs > 0.90) and differentiated reliably (GCs > 0.80) among aspects of care. No differentiation among wards was found with respect to quality of care. Patients and staff agreed to a considerable extent (0.78) on ranking the SHCQ items on care quality, but staff ratings were lower. Reliability and validity of patients' evaluations of quality of hospital care varied according to aspect of care. CONCLUSIONS: The SHCQ reliably establishes both patient satisfaction and overall quality of hospital care. Whereas patients' ratings may be too lenient, their ranking of the items on care quality appears to be valid, and is therefore suitable for monitoring and improving hospital care. Within scales, however, results should be interpreted more cautiously: for some items, patients cannot really tell the difference in quality of care.  相似文献   

目的检验哥本哈根社会心理问卷(COPSOQ)的中文短版的信度和效度,评价其与亚健康症状评价问卷(SHSQ-25)联合使用的应用价值。方法以参加2012年度北京市宣武医院健康体检的本院在职职工(≥40岁)作为调查对象进行问卷调查,运用Cronbach′sα系数、因子分析、Spearman相关分析评价COPSOQ中工作应激相关的5个模块(工作要求、个人影响和发展、人际关系和领导能力、工作不稳定性以及工作满意度)的同质信度、结构效度和其与亚健康症状评价问卷结果的关联性。结果问卷5个模块的Cronbach′sα系数在0.791~0.891之间,因子分析结果示问卷的结构效度与理论模式基本吻合。此外,Spearman相关分析提示问卷中工作应激相关的5个模块与亚健康症状具有相关性(P〈0.05)。结论 COPSOQ中文版的信度与效度良好,其与SHSQ-25联合可应用于评价工作应激与亚健康的关联。  相似文献   

目的 对脑卒中后身体活动障碍量表(the Barriers to Physical Activity after Stroke scale, BAPAS)进行汉化,并进行信效度评价,为脑卒中后身体活动障碍评估提供一种新的简便的测量工具。方法 采用便利抽样方法,抽取辽宁省锦州医科大学两所附属医院脑卒中333例患者为研究对象,应用SPSS20.0和AMOS22.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 量表的内容效度指数为 0.914,验证性因子分析显示:〖XC小五号.EPS;P〗/df=2.336, CFI=0.940,GFI=0.927, AGFI=0.899, NFI=0.900, TLI=0.928, IFI= 0.940, RMSEA=0.063,标准化模型回归系数为0.54~0.88。条目与总分Pearson相关系数为0.542~0.680,内部一致性 Cronbach’α系数为0.870,分半信度为0.872,重测信度为0.828。结论 中文版BAPAS信效度良好,可用于评价我国脑卒中后患者身体活动障碍。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Physical activity is an important lifestyle which is often poorly assessed in epidemiological studies. The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer Study-Norfolk cohort (EPIC-Norfolk), a large population-based cohort study, has developed a comprehensive questionnaire to assess activity in different domains of life aimed at assessing total energy expenditure. We report the repeatability of this instrument and its validity against repeated objective measures of fitness and energy expenditure undertaken throughout the time frame of reference of the questionnaire. METHODS: The validity of the instrument was measured in 173 individuals randomly selected from a continuing population-based cohort study. Energy expenditure was assessed by four separate episodes of 4-day heart-rate monitoring, a method previously validated against whole body calorimetry and doubly-labelled water. Cardio-respiratory fitness was assessed by four repeated measures of sub-maximum oxygen uptake. At the end of the 12-month period, participants completed the physical activity questionnaire that assesses past-year activity at home, work and in recreation. Repeatability was assessed in a separate group of 399 randomly selected participants in EPIC who completed the physical activity questionnaire twice with a 3-month interval. RESULTS: The age- and sex-adjusted correlation between the objective measure of daytime energy expenditure and the sum of recreational and occupational reported physical activity (in MET h per week) was 0.28 (P < 0.001). The reported time spent in vigorous activity was correlated with cardio-respiratory fitness (0.16, P < 0.05) and with the proportion of time when energy expenditure was more than five times basal (0.17, P < 0.05). The repeatability of the sum of recreational and occupational reported activity was high, r = 0.73. CONCLUSIONS: The indices of physical activity derived from this questionnaire have levels of validity and repeatability comparable to other physical activity instruments that are used in large epidemiological studies and which have undergone such intense development and testing.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Readiness to Change Questionnaire (RCQ-D). The subjects were 246 excessive drinkers admitted to an addiction treatment centre and 54 offenders convicted of an alcohol-related crime in The Netherlands. The factor structure of the RCQ-D for the two samples combined was found to be consistent with the three-factor structure established for the original RCQ. The reliability of the items for each scale was found to be satisfactory. Allocated stage of change showed significant differences between the different subsamples. As expected, the scale scores for adjacent stages of change showed significantly higher inter-correlations than the scale scores for non-adjacent stages. Additionally, the negatively formulated items from the pre-contemplation scale were reformulated positively and their internal consistency tested among the offender sample. The positively formulated pre-contemplation items showed a higher alpha value than the negatively formulated items. We therefore suggest that the positively formulated items should replace the negatively formulated ones.  相似文献   

【目的】 修订广泛性发育障碍筛查问卷(Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Questionnaire,PDDSQ),并进行信度、效度及敏感度、特异度分析,为我国大样本人群开展孤独症早期筛查提供简便、有效的工具。 【方法】 选择孤独症、脑瘫和精神发育迟滞、正常对照儿童12~47月共639名、4~18岁727名作为研究对象,检验PDDSQ中文版的信度和效度。 【结果】 采用探索性因素分析,两个年龄段问卷各提取2个因子,用AMOS 17.0进行结构方程模型的验证性因素分析,结果显示具有较好的效度。2个年龄段的筛查问卷内部一致性信度Cronbach α 系数分别为0.903和0.925,分半信度分别为0.818和0.861,一个月后重测信度分别为0.707和0.641。 【结论】 修订后的PDDSQ中文版具有较好的信度和效度,适用于中国开展孤独症人群筛查。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the reliability and validity of two acne-specific measures, the Cardiff Acne Disability Index (CADI), the Acne Disability Index (ADI) and a general health status instrument, the United Kingdom Sickness Impact Profile (UKSIP). The test-retest reliability was carried out for the UKSIP, ADI and CADI with an interval of 10 days in 70 patients with acne. The correlation coefficient for the overall UKSIP score was high (r=0.99, p<0.001) for the CADI was 0.96 (p<0.001) and for the ADI was 0.98 (p<0.001). Individual category score correlations in the UKSIP and ADI were greater than 0.83. Tests of internal consistency of the instruments scored highly. A further 100 patients with acne and 50 controls completed all three instruments. The overall UKSIP mean score of patients was 5.6 (sd=4.7) and of controls was 0.45. The ADI mean patient score was 40.3%, controls 17.6%. The CADI mean patient score was 42.1%, controls 13.2%. The CADI was the only instrument that correlated with the clinical acne severity score (p<0.05); the UKSIP score correlated with the CADI score (p<0.05) but not with the ADI score. This study has established aspects of the reliability and validity of the UKSIP, the ADI and the CADI.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to validate the Norwegian version of a self-administered 30-item quality of life questionnaire designed to assess disorders of excessive sleepiness, the Functional Outcomes of Sleep Questionnaire (FOSQ). In total 226 patients previously evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea were included in the study. The patients received a postal questionnaire with the FOSQ, the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire, and a scale for assessment of excessive daytime sleepiness, the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS). Among the 178 respondents, all five subscales of the FOSQ showed good internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.84-0.93). Test-retest on average 18 days apart was satisfactory with intraclass correlation coefficients ranging from 0.61 to 0.86. The pattern of Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between FOSQ scales and related and unrelated scales SF-36 scales gave support to the construct validity of the FOSQ. In conclusion, the Norwegian translation of the FOSQ showed satisfactory internal consistency reliability, test-retest reliability and construct validity, in line with the original version.  相似文献   

目的评价以态度-社会影响-自我效能模型(ASE模型)为基础自行设计的《住院分娩影响因素问卷》的信度与效度。方法选择山西省灵丘县2007年1月1日以后分娩的产妇作为调查对象,采用自行设计的《住院分娩影响因素问卷》对其进行调查,评价问卷的内部一致性和结构效度。结果共调查产妇403人,平均年龄为28.4±5.8岁,汉族占99.0% 初中及以下文化程度者占93.3% 本次分娩为第一次的占43.2% 顺产率为84.2% 住院分娩者占68.7%。除自我效能模块的Cronbach系数为0.543外,其余模块的Cronbach系数在0.683-0.944之间。因子分析筛选出的7个公因子与理论构想基本一致,可以解释问卷该部分内容的71.625%。结论《住院分娩影响因素问卷》内部一致性与结构效度均较好,可以作为同类地区产妇住院分娩影响因素调查的工具。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Culturally acceptable and validated instruments for assessing physical activity among Indigenous Peoples are lacking. Given the current trends in obesity, health behaviour surveillance tools are needed to evaluate trends and to determine the effectiveness of health promotion efforts aimed at curbing the obesity epidemic. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) scores correlate with anthropometric indices in an liyiyiu Aschii community (Cree Territory of northern Quebec, Canada). METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a Cree community as part of a larger research effort entitled, "Nituuchischaayihitaau Aschii: A Multi-Community Environment-and-Health Longitudinal Study in liyiyiu Aschii". Randomly selected adult participants (n = 161) underwent an anthropometric assessment and answered the IPAQ which was administered by bilingual research assistants. Concurrent validity of the IPAQ was evaluated by the extent to which the physical activity scores were related to anthropometric measures. RESULTS: Significant inverse correlations were observed between the IPAQ Total MET score and % body fat (r = -.19, p < or = 0.01) and the IPAQ Vigorous MET score and % body fat (r = -.26, p < or = 0.001), but not for waist circumference or BMI. Walkers (6-7 days/wk for > or = 60 minutes/day), however, had a waist circumference that was, on average, 5 cm smaller than non-walkers in age- and sex-adjusted linear regression analyses (beta = -4.97; SE = 2.5; p < or = 0.05). DISCUSSION: The results indicate that the IPAQ holds promise as a culturally adaptable questionnaire for the liyiyiuch. However, modifications will help improve its acceptability for community members.  相似文献   

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