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目的调查某三级公立医院的住院患者出入院流程现状、满意度及影响因素。方法2019年7—10月,采用方便抽样法对各150名出入院住院患者通过观察记录出入院流程办理时间,对300名出院患者进行一般资料及满意度调查表进行调查。结果入院流程平均办理时间为(17.39±1.11)分钟;出院流程时平均办理时间为(16.78±0.63)分钟;但住院患者可接受时间集中在515分钟,约占57%。300位出院患者的满意度为(88.12±10.00)分,属于较满意水平,排名最低的3个项目是布局标识、结算效率及出入院时间;住院患者对于便捷支付的使用率和支持度较高。年龄、费用支付类型、手续办理人员、支付习惯、是否支持智能结算是满意度评分情况的影响因素。结论出入院流程尚未达到住院患者预期,建议在布局标识、结算效率及出入院时间方面加以流程优化,改善住院患者就医体验提高满意度。  相似文献   

Objective. To explore the impact of statewide public reporting of hospital patient satisfaction on hospital quality improvement (QI), using Rhode Island (RI) as a case example.
Data Source. Primary data collected through semi-structured interviews between September 2002 and January 2003.
Study Design. The design is a retrospective study of hospital executives at all 11 general and two specialty hospitals in RI. Respondents were asked about hospital QI activities at several points throughout the public reporting process, as well as about hospital structure and processes to accomplish QI. Qualitative analysis of the interview data proceeded through an iterative process to identify themes and categories in the data.
Principal Findings. Data from the standardized statewide patient satisfaction survey process were used by hospitals to identify and target new QI initiatives, evaluate performance, and monitor progress. While all hospitals fully participated in the public reporting process, they varied in the stage of development of their QI activities and adoption of the statewide standardized survey for ongoing monitoring of their QI programs. Most hospitals placed responsibility for QI within each department, with results reported to top management, who were perceived as giving strong support for QI. The external environment facilitated QI efforts.
Conclusion. Public reporting of comparative data on patient views can enhance and reinforce QI efforts in hospitals. The participation of key stakeholders facilitated successful implementation of statewide public reporting. This experience in RI offers lessons for other states or regions as they move to public reporting of hospital quality data.  相似文献   

通过对城市公厕公民满意度的调查,试图从这一侧面来反映当前城市居民对政府公共服务供给的满意程度。提出了政府应加大城市的公厕投入以改善城市公厕服务现状的对策建议,以期能够改善城市政府的公共服务能力,提升城市居民对政府公共服务的满意度。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析公立医院非在编人员工作满意度影响因素,提出改进建议,以更好地为患者提供优质服务.方法 满意度问卷调查表采用李克特量表,使用STATA10.0软件进行统计数据分析.结果 非在编人员工作总体满意度平均得分为(3.66±0.78)分,评价一般.影响满意度的因素有:个人职业期望、科室管理、工作氛围、奖金待遇、学习培训等.结论 医院应关注非在编员工满意度管理工作,关注不同群体的差异和不同影响因素,有效提高满意度,增强医院的可持续发展力.  相似文献   

This study discusses the role of public relations for image creating in health services. Hospitals require public relations activities to distinguish them from competitors, provide bidirectional communication between the society and the hospital, and assist to create of a strong hospital image and culture. A satisfaction survey was conducted on 264 patients who have received health services at Maltepe University Hospital. The research focused on how the Hospital's examination, care, catering and physical services; doctor and nurse politeness towards patients and patient relatives, their attitudes and behaviors; examination, check-in, bedding and discharge operations; public relations activities in and out of the hospital were perceived. Another subject of the study was the degree of recommendation of patients who have been served by the hospital's health services to prospective patients seeking treatment.  相似文献   

患者满意度调查在医院管理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
随着生物医学模式向生物-心理-社会医学模式的转变,医疗服务观念由"以治疗为中心"向"以病人为中心"转变,医疗服务机构越来越重视患者的感受,患者满意度调查受到越来越多医院和上级主管部门的重视,尽管如此,现实中的患者满意度调查并没有发挥应有的作用。本文在分析患者满意度理论的基础上,探讨患者满意度调查在医院管理中的应用价值,对医院的经营管理具有参考作用;希望能够引起医院经营管理者的重视,有效地利用患者满意度调查,促进医院更好的发展。  相似文献   

桐乡作为浙江省县级公立医院改革先行试点县市,医改推进两年多来,在取得阶段性成效的同时,县域内群众就诊率还是偏低。如何让外流的病人回到县域内就诊,实现大病不出县的医改目标,笔者认为提高县域内医疗服务质量是关键所在。  相似文献   

上海市公立三甲医院与私立医院服务满意度比较分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:通过对上海市公立与私立医院服务质量满意度的比较分析,探索提高全市卫生服务整体满意度的办法与措施.方法:按照卫生服务满意度测量的方法与指标.设计并分别对上海市2家私立和1家公立三级甲等医院的门诊和住院病人进行调查,获得两类医院的满意度,并进行比较分析.结果:三级甲等医院与私立医院的服务质量满意度有较大的差异.讨论与建议:为进一步提高三级甲等医院服务满意度,医院管理者应该把服务品质和医疗质量放到同等的地位来抓;进一步改革工资分配制度,激励员工改善服务品质;采取门诊分流病人的办法,缩短服务的等待时间.  相似文献   

基于管理改进视角的医院患者满意度测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者满意度测评对于提升医疗服务质量、减少医患纠纷、构建和谐医患关系具有重要意义,因此,患者满意度测评在医院管理当中得到了广泛的应用.满意度测评具有宏观与微观两个不同的层面,从医院管理的角度来讲,微观层面的患者满意度测评具有重要意义.文章基于医院管理改进的视角,从测评体系的构建、测评方法的选择、测评结果的应用等方面对患者满意度测评进行了探讨,研究结果有助于医疗机构患者满意度测评的开展与实施.  相似文献   

基于感知服务质量,探索提高医院患者满意度的有效途径.根据感知服务质量的要素,针对目前医院服务中存在的问题,提出改善服务的具体做法.  相似文献   

军队医院医疗质量满意度测评指标构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了军队医院医疗质量满意度测评的理论基础、影响因素、满意度调查指标构建的原则与方法。论证提出了"医疗质量、服务质量、医德医风和医疗环境"为满意度构成的一级指标,并细化为20项分级指标,为合理设计问卷调查提供了依据。  相似文献   

从患者满意度调查探索医院管理的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对S医院的两次调研,分析患者对医院各职能部门的满意度感知,并进行帕累托影响因素分析,对管理过程中应该着重处理的方面探索性地提出建议。  相似文献   

目的分析公立医院员工薪酬满意度影响因素,为薪酬设计方案提供依据。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法选择2017年8月—2019年8月安徽省某公立医院1200名在职员工作为研究对象,采用自行设计的薪酬满意度调查问卷对员工满意度进行调查,对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果本研究调查对象薪酬满意度平均评分(3.62±0.73)分,薪酬总满意率为56.79%。不同年龄、学历、岗位、类别、技术职称的员工薪酬满意率之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),年龄较大、学历高、临床医师、非在编人员以及高级职称员工薪酬满意率较高。结论年龄、学历、岗位、类别、技术职称是影响公立医院员工薪酬满意度的主要因素,医院应根据薪酬满意度影响因素结合医院实际制定科学的薪酬方案。  相似文献   



The main objective of the study is to measure the satisfaction of OPD (Outpatient Department) patients in public health facilities of Madhya Pradesh in India.

Materials and Methods:

Data were collected from OPD patients through pre-structured questionnaires at public health facilities in the sampled eight districts of Madhya Pradesh. The data were analyzed using SPSS.


Outpatient Departments of district hospital, civil hospital, community health centre, and primary health centre of the eight selected districts of Madhya Pradesh.


A total of 561 OPD patients were included in the study to know their perceptions towards the public health facilities, choosing health facility, registration process, basic amenities, perception towards doctors and other staff, perception towards pharmacy and dressing room services. It was found that most of the respondents were youth and having low level of education. The major reason of choosing the public health facility was inexpensiveness, infrastructure, and proximity of health facility. Measuring patient satisfaction were more satisfied with the basic amenities at higher health facilities compared to lower level facilities. It was also observed that the patients were more satisfied with the behavior of doctors and staff at lower health facilities compared to higher level facilities.  相似文献   

公立医院的竞争策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
公立医院正逐步走向市场。优化资源配置,提高资源利用率,通过医院管理者的创新管理,有目的地构建医院的竞争优势,是医院竞争中的重要策略。获得竞争的优势必须集中有限的资源提高效率,或采取差异化策略取胜。医院占有最大的市场份额无疑有助于增加医院的核心竞争力。医院管理者应考虑如何吸引并留住高级医生,同时更要提高他们的劳动生产率,并转换成医院的能力。未来公立医院之间的竞争并不仅仅是规模大小的竞争,而更是医疗产品即服务的竞争。  相似文献   

随着国家一系列健康政策的出台,公立医院纷纷探索新的绩效管理模式。本文以Z医院为例,从员工满意度的视角探索公立医院绩效管理的策略,并提出完善绩效管理的思考建议,从而提高员工积极性。  相似文献   

目的:以山东省3所三甲医院为例,分析信息不对称环境下医疗服务满意度现状,为完善医院管理与提高服务质量提供决策依据。方法:按照单纯随机抽样方法对门诊患者和住院患者进行现场问卷调查。结果:门诊患者医疗服务满意度从高到低依次为医疗环境与设施、服务态度、服务过程、服务结果、医疗费用和等待时间,住院患者医疗服务满意度从高到低依次为服务态度、服务过程、医疗环境与设施、服务结果、等待时间和医疗费用。结论:在整体水平上,患者满意度相对较高;门诊患者最不满意的项目是等待时间长,住院患者最不满意的项目是医疗费用高。提示医院应有针对性地提高信息不对称环境下患者的医疗服务满意度。  相似文献   

目的调查黑龙江省三级公立医院医护人员绩效工资满意度水平,探索绩效工资存在的问题与对策。方法在黑龙江省内选取5家三级公立医院849名医护人员作为调查对象,进行现场问卷调查。结果调查对象的绩效工资总体满意度为2.92±0.89;福利感受维度满意度水平最低,得分为2.78±0.02。不同学历、人员类别、工作时间(周)、绩效工资占比、科室类别的医护人员绩效工资满意度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论绩效工资改革应当遵循"社会效益"与"经济效益"相结合的原则,通过弱化编制概念、提高绩效工资水平、完善绩效考核体系,充分激发医护人员工作热情,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

利用互联网+医疗技术和微信人群高覆盖的有利条件,建设医院微信公众号,与医院信息系统共享数据,在微信公众号平台上提供预约挂号、实现移动支付、微信钱包自费代扣、自助检查申请、检验检查报告自动推送及门诊病历查询等快速便捷的医疗服务,绍兴市人民医院开拓了线上就医就模式,优化患者就诊流程,促进互联网医院医疗技术,提升医疗服务水平。该文介绍该院微信公众平台在提升医疗服务水平上的具体实践效果。  相似文献   



Consumer satisfaction is an important parameter for assessing the quality of patient care services. There is a need to assess the health care systems regarding the consumer satisfaction as often as possible.


To assess the consumer satisfaction regarding the services provided in our outpatient department in terms of clinical care, availability of services, waiting time, and cost.

Materials and Methods:

A 27-item pre-tested questionnaire was given to 100 patients (caretakers in pediatric patients) at the end of their O.P.D visit from 3 to 4 pm for 5 days from November 7, 2005 to November 11, 2005. The items in the questionnaire referred to particulars of the patients such as age, sex, occupation, department requested, lab, and medical stores. While analyzing, they were grouped into categories like availability, clinical care, waiting time, and cost. The responses were expressed in proportions.


The availability of services and clinical care was found to be satisfactory. 81% of the respondents found the communication by the doctor good, 97% of the respondents were satisfied about the explanation of the disease by the doctor The average time required for consulting the doctor was 46.5 ± 20.9 min. But when time spent in pharmacy was considered, it was not significantly satisfactory. The cost of investigation was significantly moderate or high in 97% of the respondents.


Recommendations are required for reduction of time spent in the pharmacy and the cost of investigations to improve consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

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