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Late preterm infants, born between 34 and 36 weeks gestation, have significantly higher morbidity than neonates born at full term, which may be partly related to reduced sensitivity of the arterial baroreflex. The present study assessed baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) and renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) in near-term fetal sheep at 123 ± 1 days gestation. At this age, although fetuses are not fully mature in some respects (term is 147 days), sleep-state cycling is established [between high-voltage, low-frequency (HV) and low-voltage, high-frequency (LV) sleep], and neural myelination is similar to the term human infant. Fetal sheep were instrumented to record blood pressure (BP), HR (n = 15) and RSNA (n = 5). Blood pressure was manipulated using vasoactive drugs, phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside. In both HV and LV sleep, phenylephrine was associated with increased arterial BP and decreased HR. In HV sleep, phenylephrine was associated with a fall in RSNA, from 124 ± 14 to 58 ± 11% (P < 0.05), but no significant change in RSNA in LV sleep. In contrast, the fall in BP after sodium nitroprusside was associated with a significant increase in HR during LV but not HV sleep, and there was no significant effect of hypotension on RSNA. These data demonstrate that in near-term fetal sheep baroreflex activity is only partly active and is highly modulated by sleep state. Critically, there was no RSNA response to marked hypotension; this finding has implications for the ability of the late preterm fetus to adapt to low BP.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that sinusoidal galvanic vestibular stimulation, a means of selectively modulating vestibular afferent activity, can cause partial entrainment of sympathetic outflow to muscle and skin in human subjects. However, it influences the firing of afferents from the entire vestibular apparatus, including the semicircular canals. Here, we tested the hypothesis that selective stimulation of one set of otolithic organs—those located in the utricle, which are sensitive to displacement in the horizontal axis—could entrain sympathetic nerve activity. Skin sympathetic nerve activity (SSNA) was recorded via tungsten microelectrodes inserted into cutaneous fascicles of the common peroneal nerve in 10 awake subjects, seated (head vertical, eyes closed) on a motorised platform. Slow sinusoidal accelerations–decelerations (~4 mG) were applied in the X (antero-posterior) or Y (medio-lateral) direction at 0.08 Hz; composite movements in both directions were also applied. Subjects either reported feeling a vague sense of movement (with no sense of direction) or no movement at all. Nevertheless, cross-correlation analysis revealed a marked entrainment of SSNA for all types of movements: vestibular modulation was 97 ± 3 % for movements in the X axis and 91 ± 5 % for displacements in the Y axis. For each sinusoidal cycle, there were two major peaks of modulation—one associated with acceleration as the platform moved forward or to the side, and one associated with acceleration in the opposite direction. We interpret these observations as reflecting inertial displacement of the stereocilia within the utricle during acceleration, which causes a robust vestibulosympathetic reflex.  相似文献   

We assessed the capacity for the vestibular utricle to modulate muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) during sinusoidal linear acceleration at amplitudes extending from imperceptible to clearly perceptible. Subjects (n = 16) were seated in a sealed room, eliminating visual cues, mounted on a linear motor that could deliver peak sinusoidal accelerations of 30 mG in the antero-posterior direction. Subjects sat on a padded chair with their neck and head supported vertically, thereby minimizing somatosensory cues, facing the direction of motion in the anterior direction. Each block of sinusoidal motion was applied at a time unknown to subjects and in a random order of amplitudes (1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 30 mG), at a constant frequency of 0.2 Hz. MSNA was recorded via tungsten microelectrodes inserted into muscle fascicles of the common peroneal nerve. Subjects used a linear potentiometer aligned to the axis of motion to indicate any perceived movement, which was compared with the accelerometer signal of actual room movement. On average, 67 % correct detection of movement did not occur until 6.5 mG, with correct knowledge of the direction of movement at ~10 mG. Cross-correlation analysis revealed potent sinusoidal modulation of MSNA even at accelerations subjects could not perceive (1.25–5 mG). The modulation index showed a positive linear increase with acceleration amplitude, such that the modulation was significantly higher (25.3 ± 3.7 %) at 30 mG than at 1.25 mG (15.5 ± 1.2 %). We conclude that selective activation of the vestibular utricle causes a pronounced modulation of MSNA, even at levels well below perceptual threshold, and provides further evidence in support of the importance of vestibulosympathetic reflexes in human cardiovascular control.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the discharge patterns of action potentials (APs) within bursts of postganglionic muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) are subject to arterial baroreflex control but in a manner that varies inversely with AP size. MSNA data were collected over 5 min of supine rest in 15 young and healthy individuals (8 males; 24 ± 4 yr of age; means ± SD). The baroreflex threshold and sensitivity diagrams were constructed for both the integrated sympathetic bursts and for the AP clusters. For the integrated bursts, a strong linear relationship between burst probability and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) was observed (P < 0.05). There was little relationship between integrated burst strength (amplitude) and DBP. On average, 12 AP clusters were observed across individuals. Larger APs tended to appear in the larger bursts. Linear regression analysis was used to study the baroreflex threshold (probability of AP cluster occurrence vs. DBP) as well as the baroreflex sensitivity (AP cluster size vs. DBP). A significant reflex threshold relationship was observed in 75-100% of AP clusters across all individuals. In contrast, significant reflex sensitivity relationships were observed in only 9 of 15 individuals and for limited APs. Overall, the slope of the AP baroreflex threshold relationship was greater for the small-medium sized AP clusters than that of the larger APs. Therefore, within each burst, the small-medium sized APs are governed by the baroreflex mechanism. However, the large APs, which tend to appear in the large integrated bursts, are weakly associated with a baroreflex control feature. The variable impact of baroreflex control over AP occurrence provides a plausible explanation for the overall weak baroreflex control over integrated burst strength, a feature that is determined by both the number and size of the AP complement.  相似文献   

Recently, we have shown that specific, transient carotid chemoreceptor (CC) inhibition in exercising dogs causes vasodilatation in limb muscle. The purpose of the present investigation was to determine if CC suppression reduces muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in exercising humans. Healthy subjects ( N = 7) breathed hyperoxic gas ( F IO2∼1.0) for 60 s at rest and during rhythmic handgrip exercise (50% maximal voluntary contraction, 20 r.p.m.). Microneurography was used to record MSNA in the peroneal nerve. End-tidal P CO2 was maintained at resting eupnoeic levels throughout and breathing rate was voluntarily fixed. Exercise increased heart rate (67 versus 77 beats min−1), mean blood pressure (81 versus 97 mmHg), MSNA burst frequency (28 versus 37 bursts min−1) and MSNA total minute activity (5.7 versus 9.3 units), but did not change blood lactate (0.7 versus 0.7 m m ). Transient hyperoxia had no significant effect on MSNA at rest. In contrast, during exercise both MSNA burst frequency and total minute activity were significantly reduced with hyperoxia. MSNA burst frequency was reduced within 9–23 s of end-tidal P O2 exceeding 250 mmHg. The average nadir in MSNA burst frequency and total minute activity was −28 ± 2% and −39 ± 7%, respectively, below steady state normoxic values. Blood pressure was unchanged with hyperoxia at rest or during exercise. CC stimulation with transient hypoxia increased MSNA with a similar time delay to that obtained with CC inhibition via hyperoxia. Consistent with previous animal work, these data indicate that the CC contributes to exercise-induced increases in sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow.  相似文献   

Several different strategies have now been used to demonstrate that the vestibular system can modulate muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in humans and thereby contribute to the regulation of blood pressure during changes in posture. However, it remains to be determined how the brain differentiates between head-only movements that do not require changes in vasomotor tone in the lower limbs from body movements that do require vasomotor changes. We tested the hypothesis that neck movements modulate MSNA in the lower limbs of humans. MSNA was recorded in 10 supine young adult subjects, at rest, during sinusoidal stretching of neck muscles (100 cycles, 35° peak to peak at 0.37 ± 0.02 Hz) and during a ramp-and-hold (17.5° for 54 ± 9 s) static neck muscle stretch, while their heads were held fixed in space. Cross-correlation analysis revealed cyclical modulation of MSNA during sinusoidal neck muscle stretch (modulation index 45.4 ± 5.3 %), which was significantly less than the cardiac modulation of MSNA at rest (78.7 ± 4.2 %). Interestingly, cardiac modulation decreased significantly during sinusoidal neck displacement (63.0 ± 9.3 %). By contrast, there was no significant difference in MSNA activity during static ramp-and-hold displacements of the neck to the right or left compared with that with the head and neck aligned. These data suggest that dynamic, but not static, neck movements can modulate MSNA, presumably via projections of muscle spindle afferents to the vestibular nuclei, and may thus contribute to the regulation of blood pressure during orthostatic challenges.  相似文献   

Multi-unit sympathetic skin nerve activity (SSA) in the peroneal nerve was recorded together with electrical skin resistance, skin blood flow and (in some subjects) finger blood pressure during sleep in 22 sleep-deprived healthy subjects. The average strength of sympathetic activity in different sleep stages was measured during 5-min periods as the area-under-curve of the integrated neurogram. Stage 2 sleep was reached by 15 subjects, stages 3–4 by nine and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep by six subjects. Non-REM sleep was always associated with an increased skin resistance, which was larger in glabrous than in hairy skin (293±48 vs. 175±4% of awake control level, n= 10, P < 0.05). Skin blood flow also increased during sleep, with a mean maximal increase of 397±79% of the awake control level (n= 11, P < 0.05). In spite of these changes of effector function no significant difference in mean SSA was found between the awake control period and periods of non-REM sleep, but during REM sleep SSA increased with 34% (P < 0.05) compared with the immediately preceding stage 2 period. In stage 2 sleep, K-complexes were associated with bursts of SSA followed by transient changes of skin resistance, blood flow and arterial blood pressure. When both skin resistance and blood flow were recorded within the innervation area of the impaled fascicle, single bursts or short periods of increased SSA could be succeeded by increased skin blood flow without concomitant skin resistance change. This indicates the existence of specific sympathetic vasodilator fibres in the skin. Therefore the unchanged strength of multiunit SSA during non-REM sleep in the face of increases of skin resistance and blood flow may be a consequence of an increased sympathetic vasodilator nerve activity combined with decreases of vasoconstrictor and sudomotor traffic.  相似文献   

目的:观察第三脑室微量注射甲硫-脑啡肽对脾交感神经放电活动的影响。方法:用urethane和α-chloralose麻醉的雄性Spague-Dawley大鼠,于第三脑室分别微量注射Met-Enk1μg和100μg。结果:脾交感神经放电活动的双向调节作用,即微量注射1μgMet-Enk时脾交感神经冲动数会减少,而注射100μgMet-Enk时脾交感神经冲动数会增多。事先静脉注射阿片受体阻断剂纳络酮(  相似文献   

Experiments were performed in chloralose-anesthetized cats to characterize intravascular mechanoreceptro input to renal nerve activity in the intact and vagotomized sinoaortic-denervated states. High-pressure intravascular mechanoreceptors were stimulated by rises in arterial pressure caused by norepinephrine. Low-pressure intravascular mechanoreceptors were stimulated by progressive blood volume expansion (14-23%) at a rate of 4.4 or 17.6 ml/min. In addition, veratrine was used to stimulate directly both high- and low-pressure receptors. In the intact animal the administration of norepinephrine or blood volume expansion was associated with substantial decreases in renal nerve activity. Veratrine also caused a large dose-related decrease in renal nerve activity. However, in the vagotomized sinoaortic-denervated animal there was no change in renal nerve activity with norepinephrine, volume expansion, or veratrine administration. These experiments demonstrate that the major afferent pathways for renal sympathetic circulatory reflexes are confined to the carotid sinus and aortic and vagus nerves. No evidence was found for a significant contribution from sympathetic afferent nerves.  相似文献   

Despite accumulating data of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) measured by human microneurography, whether neural discharges of muscle SNA correlates and coheres with those of other SNAs controlling visceral organs remains unclear. Further, how the baroreflex control of SNA affects the relations between these SNAs remains unknown. In urethane and alpha-chloralose anesthetized, vagotomized, and aortic-denervated rabbits, we recorded muscle SNA from the tibial nerve using microneurography and simultaneously recorded renal and cardiac SNAs. After isolating the carotid sinuses, we produced a baroreflex closed-loop condition by matching the isolated intracarotid sinus pressure (CSP) with systemic arterial pressure (CLOSE). We also fixed CSP at operating pressure (FIX) or altered CSP widely (WIDE: operating pressure +/- 40 mmHg). Under these conditions, we calculated time-domain and frequency-domain measures of the correlation between muscle SNA and renal or cardiac SNAs. At CLOSE, muscle SNA resampled at 1 Hz correlated with both renal (r(2) = 0.71 +/- 0.04, delay = 0.10 +/- 0.004 s) and cardiac SNAs (r(2) = 0.58 +/- 0.03, delay = 0.13 +/- 0.004 s) at optimal delays. Moreover,muscle SNA at CLOSE strongly cohered with renal and cardiac SNAs(coherence >0.8) at the autospectral peak frequencies, and weakly (0.4-0.5) at the remaining frequencies. Increasing the magnitude of CSP change from FIX to CLOSE and further to WIDE resulted in corresponding increases in correlation and coherence functions at nonpeak frequencies, and the coherence functions at peak frequencies remained high (>0.8). In conclusion, muscle SNA correlates and coheres approximately with renal and cardiac SNAs under closed-loop baroreflex conditions. The arterial baroreflex is capable of potently homogenizing neural discharges of these SNAs by modulating SNA at the nonpeak frequencies of SNA autospectra.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) and sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) is attenuated in obese Zucker rats (OZRs) compared with age-matched lean animals (LZRs). What is not known, however, is the extent to which the baroreflex control of mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) is altered in the OZR. In addition, it is not known whether the interactions of other sensory nerve inputs on autonomic control are altered in the OZR compared with the LZR. The aim of this study was to determine the baroreflex control of MAP, HR and renal SNA (RSNA) in the OZR and LZR using an open-loop baroreflex approach. In addition, the effect of brachial nerve stimulation (BNS) on the baroreflex control was determined in these animals. Age-matched, male LZRs and OZRs were anaesthetized, and the carotid baroreceptors were vascularly isolated, bilaterally. The carotid sinus pressure was increased in 20 mmHg increments from 60 to 180 mmHg using an oscillating pressure stimulus. Baroreflex function curves were constructed using a four-parameter logistic equation, and gain was calculated from the first derivative, which gave a measure of baroreceptor sensitivity, before and during BNS. The range over which the baroreflex could change MAP (28 ± 6 versus 87 ± 5 mmHg; mean ± SEM), HR (17 ± 4 versus 62 ± 11 beats min(-1)) and normalized RSNA (NormNA; 22 ± 4 versus 76 ± 11%) was significantly decreased in the OZR compared with the LZR. Likewise, the maximal gain was lower in the OZR, as follows: MAP -0.88 ± 0.22 versus -2.26 ± 0.17; HR -0.42 ± 0.18 versus -1.44 ± 0.22 beats min(-1); and NormNA -0.54 ± 0.14 versus -1.65 ± 0.30% mmHg(-1). There was no difference in the mid-point of the baroreflex curve for each variable between the OZR and LZR. However, the minimal values obtained when the baroreceptors were maximally loaded were higher in the OZR (MAP 68 ± 5 versus 53 ± 4 mmHg; HR 455 ± 7 versus 390 ± 13 beats min(-1); and NormNA -19 ± 4 versus -48 ± 8%). Brachial nerve stimulation in the LZR resulted in an upward and rightward resetting of the baroreflex control of MAP and RSNA, and abolished baroreflex control of HR. The baroreflex control of RSNA in the OZR during BNS was further attenuated and reset upwards and to the right, while the HR response was abolished. With respect to MAP, the baroreflex curve reset upwards and to the right to a point comparable with the LZR during BNS. These data show that there is an attenuated baroreflex control in the OZR and that the ability to reset to higher arterial pressure during somatic afferent nerve stimulation is similar to that in the LZR.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of 10 daily exposures of intermittent hypoxia (IH; 1 h day−1; oxyhaemoglobin saturation = 80%) on muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA, peroneal nerve) and the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) before, during and after an acute 20 min isocapnic hypoxic exposure. We also assessed the potential parallel modulation of the ventilatory and sympathetic systems following IH. Healthy young men ( n = 11; 25 ± 1 years) served as subjects and pre- and post-IH measures of MSNA were obtained on six subjects. The IH intervention caused HVR to significantly increase  (pre-IH = 0.30 ± 0.03; post-IH = 0.61 ± 0.12 l min−1% S aO2−1)  . During the 20 min hypoxic exposure sympathetic activity was significantly greater than baseline and remained above baseline after withdrawal of the hypoxic stimulus, even though oxyhaemoglobin saturation had normalized and ventilation and blood pressure had returned to baseline levels. When compared to the pre-IH trial, burst frequency increased ( P < 0.01), total MSNA trended towards higher values ( P = 0.06), and there was no effect on burst amplitude ( P = 0.82) during the post-IH trial. Following IH the rise in MSNA burst frequency was strongly related to the change in HVR ( r = 0.79, P < 0.05) suggesting that these sympathetic and ventilatory responses may have common central control.  相似文献   

It is suggested that mechanoreceptors in muscle play an important role in the exercise pressor reflex. However, it has not been verified whether isolated stimulation of the mechanoreceptors can induce responses in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in young healthy individuals. We tested the hypothesis that passive stretch of muscle can evoke an increase in MSNA in healthy individuals. In 12 young subjects, leg calf muscles were passively stretched, or actively contracted for 5 s followed by a 15–25 s (random length) relaxation period. Stretch and contraction were each repeated 25 times. MSNA, heart rate and blood pressure were analysed, and averaged according to the onset of the force on a beat-by-beat basis. At the 1st to the 3rd heart beat from the onset of stretch, MSNA (199 ± 30%, P < 0.05) as well as heart rate (102.5 ± 0.7%, P < 0.05) increased transiently but significantly from the prior stretch baseline (100%), followed (from 3rd to 7th beat from the onset of stretch) by a transient increase in mean blood pressure (101.9 ± 0.3%, P < 0.05) from the baseline. Similar response patterns were observed during active muscle contractions. The present data show that MSNA responses to isolated stimulation of mechanoreceptors are measurable. Because of baroreflex engagement, the magnitude of the response is small and transient, and the haemodynamic consequences using this protocol may be limited.  相似文献   

To investigate the possible involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in pressor response during water drinking, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), blood pressure (BP), and heart rate (HR) were continuously measured in healthy young volunteers throughout the experiments of a 5-min control, 2 min of drinking 500 ml water, and a 28-min recovery. To avoid the effects of water passing through the oropharyngeal and esophageal regions and/or effects of swallowing, an equal amount of water was directly infused to the stomach through a stomach tube for 2 min. Water drinking caused a transient increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and HR immediately after drinking (DeltaMAP, 12.6 +/- 2.1 mmHg; DeltaHR, +19.9 +/- 1.7 beats/min at the peak). An abrupt decrease of MSNA was observed directly during water drinking (Deltaburst rate, -6.9 +/- 1.3 bursts/min; Deltatotal activity, -2,606 +/- 491 U/min), and it increased to the baseline level thereafter. Gastric infusion had little or no effect on MAP, HR, and MSNA. The present study demonstrated that a pressor response during water drinking was associated with the attenuation of MSNA and not generated by gastric infusion of water at the same rate as in this drinking manner. In conclusion, the rapid rise in BP might be caused through stimulations from the oropharyngeal region, swallowing-induced factors, and/or a feedforward mechanism by a central descending signal from the higher brain centers.  相似文献   

Summary To clarify whether sympathetic nerve activity increases in relation to the tension of a sustained muscle contraction, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSA) was recorded directly from the peroneal nerve fascicle at the popliteal fossa by means of tungsten microelectrodes in five healthy male subjects. A sustained muscle contraction was performed by handgrip for two minutes in a supine position at tensions of 10, 30 and 45% of maximal grip strength (MGS). MSA, electrocardiogram (ECG) using bipolar electrodes from the chest and surface electromyogram (EMG) from the extensor pollicis longus were recorded simultaneously before and during the sustained handgrip. Arterial blood pressure was measured at the resting upper arm by auscultation. During handgrip with tensions of 10, 30 and 45% MGS, average MSA burst rate (bursts · min−1) increased to 122, 152 and 230% of the resting value, respectively. During the same experimental procedures with tensions of 10, 30 and 45% MGS, average heart rate increased to 105, 110 and 111% of the resting value. These results confirm that sympathetic outflow to a resting muscle is increased with elevation of tension in an active muscle. This process would promote perfusion pressure in the active muscle.  相似文献   

At the auditory periphery, the medial olivocochlear system is assumed to be involved in complex sound processing and may be influenced by feedback from higher auditory nuclei. Indeed, the descending auditory pathway includes fibers coming from the auditory cortex that are anatomically well positioned to influence the superior olivary complex, and thus the medial efferent system. The aim of the present study was to verify the hypothesis of an implied influence of the auditory cortex on the peripheral auditory system. In three rare cases of patients presenting with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy, Heschl's gyrus (i.e. the temporal superior gyrus) was surgically removed in the right hemisphere in two patients and in the left hemisphere in a third patient, in order to minimize epilepsy attacks, as preoperative stereoencephalography had shown the epileptic focus or tumor to be situated in those locations. In all three cases, several weeks after the operation the medial olivocochlear system was clearly less functional on both sides, but especially on the side contralateral to the resection. In healthy controls, no such pattern was obtained. In four other epileptic patients, who were operated unilaterally at the anterior temporal pole, amygdala and hippocampus with the temporal gyrus partially spared, efferent suppression grew stronger in the ear ipsilateral to surgery.These results revealed that, in humans, the primary and secondary auditory cortex play a role in modulating auditory periphery activity through direct or indirect efferent fibers. In accordance with previous findings, this descending influence may improve the auditory afferent message by adapting the hearing function according to cortical analysis of the ascending input.  相似文献   

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