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The electrical activity of mammalian dorsal horn neurons was recorded with pipette microelectrodes in an in vitro spinal cord slice preparation with dorsal roots intact. Addition of relatively low concentrations of aspartate or glutamate to the superfusion solution or through the recording pipette with small iontophoretic currents excited only a subset of neurons. The majority of these excited neurons were located in the superficial dorsal horn (Rexed's laminae I and II) and a preponderance were excited by the C-fiber components of dorsal root volleys. These findings are consistent with the idea that aspartate or glutamate may function as a synaptic mediator for some neurons terminating in the superficial dorsal horn.  相似文献   

This study identified neurons in the sensory trigeminal complex with connections to the medial (MVN), inferior (IVN), lateral (LVN), and superior (SVN) vestibular nuclei or the spinal cord. Trigeminovestibular and trigeminospinal neurons were localized by injection of retrograde tracers. Immunohistochemical processing revealed gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)- and glutamate-containing neurons in these two populations. Trigeminovestibular neurons projecting to the MVN and the IVN were in the caudal principal nucleus (5P), pars oralis (5o), interpolaris (5i), and caudalis (5c) and scattered throughout the rostral 5P. Projections were bilateral to the IVN, with an ipsilateral dominance to the MVN, except from the rostral 5P, which was contralateral. Neurons projecting to the LVN were numerous in the ventral caudal 5P and the 5o and less abundant in the rostral 5P, 5i, and 5c. Our results suggested that only 5P and 5o project to the dorsal LVN. Neurons projecting to the SVN were in the dorsal 5P, 5o, and 5i but not in 5c. Trigeminospinal neurons were mainly in the ventral 5o and 5i and in the lateral 5c, rarely or never in 5P. Among trigeminovestibular neurons, most of the somas were immunoreactive for glutamate, but some reacted for GABA. Among trigeminospinal neurons, the number of somas immunoreactive for each of the two amino acids was similar. Trigeminal terminals were observed in contact with vestibulospinal neurons in the IVN and LVN, giving evidence of a trigeminovestibulospinal pathway. Therefore, inhibitory and excitatory facial inputs may contribute through trigeminospinal or trigeminovestibulospinal pathways to the control of head/neck movements.  相似文献   

Excitatory amino acid transporter 5 (EAAT5) is a protein that is known to be alternately spliced and to be abundantly expressed in the retina by populations of neurons including photoreceptors and bipolar cells. EAAT5 acts as a slow glutamate transporter and also as glutamate-gated chloride channel, the chloride conductance being large enough for EAAT5 to serve functionally as an “inhibitory” glutamate receptor. However, there has been a long-standing view that the classically spliced form of EAAT5 is not abundant or widespread in the brain and so it has not been extensively investigated in the literature. We recently identified a human-specific splicing form of EAAT5 that was not expressed by rodents but was shown to be a functional glutamate transporter. We have examined the expression of this form of EAAT5, hEAAT5v at the mRNA, and protein level in human brain, and show that populations of human cortical pyramidal neurons and cerebellar Purkinje cells show significant expression of hEAAT5v. Accordingly, we infer that EAAT5 may well be a player in modulating neuronal function in the human brain and propose that its localization in both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons could be compatible with a role in influencing intracellular chloride and thereby neuronal parameters such as membrane potential rather than acting as a presynaptic glutamate transporter.  相似文献   

The effects of the dicar☐ylic amino acid,dl-α-aminoadipate (DLAA) on amino acid responses have been investigated using intracellular recordings from mouse spinal cord neurons grown in dissociated cell culture.dl-α-Aminoadipate markedly antagonized postsynaptic responses to iontophoretically applied aspartate; antagonism of glutamate was much less prominent.dl-α-Aminoadipate altered the affinity of aspartate for its receptor while having no observed effects on aspartate-receptor cooperativity. No direct effects of DLAA on membrane potentials or passive membrane properties were seen at the currents used for antagonism. Responses to the inhibitory amino acids GABA and glycine were unaffected by DLAA.  相似文献   

Many studies have reported on the distribution of delta opioid receptors (delta OR) in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) by using a variety of techniques. However, no general consensus has emerged with regards to the localization of this receptor due to inconsistencies in the immunohistochemical literature. In the present study, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular distribution of immunoreactive delta OR in the rat CNS using two different antibodies (directed against a sequence in the C-terminus or N-terminus of the rat delta OR). By using Western blotting, these two antibodies recognized similar forms of the delta OR in COS-7 cells transfected with this receptor, but distinct forms in membranes from the rat spinal cord. By using light microscopic immunohistochemistry, both antibodies recognized identical populations of nerve cell bodies throughout the CNS; the distribution of these cell bodies conformed to that of delta OR mRNA-expressing cells detected by in situ hybridization. However, whereas the C-terminus-directed antibody recognized predominantly perikarya and proximal dendrites, the N-terminus-directed antibody also labeled extensively dendritic and terminal arbors. Furthermore, by using electron microscopy, the two antibodies were found not only to label differentially somatodendritic versus axonal compartments, but also plasma membrane versus cytoplasmic ones, suggesting that distinct immunological forms of the receptor are being targeted preferentially to different cellular and subcellular domains.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthetase (NOS) can be selectively stained in neurons by either NADPH-diaphorase (i.e., NOS)-histochemistry or immunohistochemistry with antibodies raised against NOS, which apparently label identical reactive sites (Hope, B.T., G.J. Michael, K.M. Knigge, and S.R. Vincent, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:2811-2814, '91). We provide histochemical evidence for the existence of a neuron-specific NOS-activity in autonomic neurons of the thoracic spinal cord. Among the four main preganglionic cell clusters investigated at mid-thoracic levels, Th7-10, the intermediolateral (IML)-cell column was the most prominently stained cell group. The histochemical staining was absent in other spinal cord neurons and non-neuronal cells, e.g., GFAP-positive glial cells. Staining was completely blocked by N omega-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA), a potent NOS-inhibitor for brain and peripheral autonomic neurons, but was still observed in the presence of another NOS-inhibitor, N omega-monomethyl-L-arginine (MeArg). The NOS-activity co-localized with nearly half of the ChAT-immunostained neurons located in the mid-thoracic IML-cell column as quantified by cell counts in single and double-stained tissue sections. We conclude that NOS-activity-containing neurons represent a distinct group among cholinergic IML-neurons, which suggests a more general function of this newly defined subpopulation of the spinal cord autonomic system. In vivo Fast blue retrograde labeling combined with histochemical staining and immunostaining revealed that sympathoadrenal projection neurons belong to the distinct NOS and ChAT-positive IML-cell group.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), fluorogold, fast blue, rhodamine labelled microspheres, and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was employed to study the distribution, laminar location within the optic tectum, and morphology of tectal cells projecting upon the isthmo-optic nucleus (ION) and the nucleus isthmi, pars parvocellularis (Ipc), in the pigeon and chick. Following injections into the ION, all retrograde markers labelled tecto-ION neurons and their dendrites in the ipsilateral tectum. The cells were located within a relatively narrow band at the border between layers 9 and 10 of the stratum griseum et fibrosum superficiale (SGFS). Retrogradely labelled neuronal somata were different in both dendritic branching and shape; however, tecto-ION neurons generally possessed non-spiny radially oriented and multi-branched dendrites. The apical processes extended into the retino-recipient layers (2-7) of the SGFS and basal dendrites extended into layers 12-14 of the SGFS. Positive neuronal somata were observed throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the optic tectum. The average distance between adjacent tecto-ION neurons varied from one region to another. Specifically, retrogradely labelled cells were more numerous in the caudal, lateral, and ventral tectum, and less numerous at rostro-dorsal levels. Approximately 12,000 tecto-ION neurons were labelled within the ipsilateral optic tectum following either PHA-L or fluorescent dye injections. While the regional distribution of tecto-Ipc neurons was not examined, the morphology indicated that the cells had a single radially oriented dendritic process. Therefore, the apical dendrites are more restricted than those of tecto-ION cells. Moreover, the dendrites were spiny and arborized within layers 3, 5, and 9 of the ipsilateral optic tectum. The axon of tecto-Ipc cells arise from the apical process as a shepherd's crook and descend into the deep layers of the optic tectum. These results indicate that 1) tecto-ION and tecto-Ipc neurons are possibly monosynaptically activated by retinal input, 2) tecto-ION neurons are heterogeneous in morphology, and 3) there is a differential distribution of the tecto-ION neurons throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the optic tectum, suggesting a greater representation of the caudo-ventral portion of the optic tectum within the ION. The discussion primarily concerns the organization of the retino-tecto-ION-retinal circuit in light of the distribution and morphology of tecto-ION neurons within the optic tectum.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from 52 lateral horn neurones in thin slices of neonatal rat thoracolumbar spinal cord. Of these neurones 12 were spontaneously active and the remainder silent. A number of these cells could be activated antidromically by stimulation of ventral roots. The conduction velocity of the antidromic potential was estimated to be 0.9–2 m/s which is within the range reported for axons of sympathetic preganglionic neurones (SPNs). The membrane properties of antidromically identified SPNs were similar to other lateral horn neurones included in this study and comparable to those reported for SPNs by others. Spontaneous burst firing was recorded in 3 neurones and activity in a further 5 neurones was characterized by the discharge of an action potential followed by an afterhyperpolarization potential (AHP) of peak amplitude 3–13 mV and duration 0.5–4 s. The AHP had an initial fast component (fAHP) which was sensitive to the potassium channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA), and a second slower component (sAHP) which was both sensitive to extracellular calcium and TEA. The effects of the selective excitatory amino acid receptor agonists N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), kainate and quisqualate were investigated by superfusion of the agonists, at known concentrations (100 nM to 100 μM). These agonists induced concentration-dependent depolarizations which were primarily associated with a reduction in neuronal input resistance. NMDA-induced depolarizations were potentiated in the absence of magnesium. In a number of neurones NMDA, kainate and quisqualate (1–50 μM) induced, in addition to a depolarizing response, the discharge of small (1.5–6.5 mV), brief (7–20 ms) IPSPs which were reversed just below resting membrane potential at −64 mV. These results suggest that both NMDA and non-NMDA receptors may have an important role in the excitation of SPNs and of inhibitory interneurones presynaptic to SPNs.  相似文献   

Brainstem nuclei projecting to the lumbar spinal cord in the monkey were identified by using horseradish peroxidase and the fluorescent dye granular blue. These retrogradely transported tracers were used in fluid and/or gel forms to determine the funicular trajectories of the brainstem-spinal projections. The major descending components of the dorsal funiculus arose from the n. gracilis, n. cuneatus, and the n. of the solitary tract. Major components of the dorsolateral funiculus (DLF) came from the raphe complex, medullary and pontine reticular formation, locus coeruleus, Edinger-Westphal n., and red n. Other nuclei giving rise to minor contributions to the DLF included n. gracilis, n. cuneatus, n. of the solitary tract, medial and spinal vestibular n., subcoeruleus, periaqueductal gray, interstitial n. of Cajal, n. of Darkschewitsch, and the anteromedian n. The major components of ventral cord paths (ventrolateral and ventral funiculi) arose from the raphe complex, the medullary and pontine reticular formation, lateral and spinal vestibular n., and the coerulean complex. Minor contributions to the ventral paths descended from the dorsal motor n. of X, n. of the solitary tract, medial vestibular n., paralemniscal reticular formation, dorsal parabrachial n., n. cuneiformis, periaqueductal gray, K?lliker-Fuse n., and red n. The possible functional implications of the funicular distribution of these descending pathways are discussed from the perspective of descending inhibition and pain modulation.  相似文献   

The amino acid L‐aspartate (ASP) is one of the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitters in the mammalian brain, but its distribution in other vertebrates has not yet been well characterized. We investigated the distribution of ASP in the brainstem and rostral spinal cord of the adult sea lamprey by using ASP immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that ASP is accumulated in specific neurons, but not in glia (tanycytes). ASP‐immunoreactive neuronal populations were rather similar as the glutamatergic populations reported in the adult sea lamprey (Villar‐Cerviño et al. [2013] J Comp Neurol 521:522–557), although some important differences were noted. Characteristically, the largest reticular neurons of the lamprey brainstem (Müller cells) showed ASP immunoreactivity in perikarya and processes, in contrast to the absence or faint glutamate immunoreactivity reported in these perikarya. We also compared the distribution of ASP and γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) in brainstem neurons by using double immunofluorescence methods. In regions such as the midbrain tectum, dorsal isthmus, and motor nuclei, ASP and GABA immunoreactivity was mostly located in different neurons, whereas in other nuclei (torus semicircularis, octavolateralis area, parvocellular reticular formation), many of the ASP‐immunonegative neurons displayed colocalization with GABA. These results, together with those of our previous studies of colocalization of glutamate and GABA, suggest that some lamprey neurons may co‐release both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the pathways of uptake and release of ASP by ASP‐immunoreactive neurons. Our results indicate that ASP is a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system representative of agnathans, the earliest vertebrate group. J. Comp. Neurol. 522:1209–1231, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

[3H] Proline injected intraocularly in lampreys has been shown to be bidirectionally transported: 24–96 h after the injection, retinofugal fibers and terminals as well as nerve cell bodies at the origin of the retinopetal system were intensely labeled. These results are at variance with the generally held belief that [3H]proline is taken up only by cell bodies and transported by the anterograde flow. The significance of the retrograde axonal transport of [3H]proline in the lamprey retinopetal system is discussed.  相似文献   

Transporters for L-glutamate (excitatory amino acid transporters; EAATs), localized to astrocytes, are involved intimately in intermediary metabolism within the brain. Because (2S,4R)-4-methylglutamate (4MG) has affinity for glial EAATs, we employed [(3)H]4MG to define the characteristics of EAATs in cultured murine astrocytes and describe new approaches to analyze EAAT function. Specific binding of [(3)H]4MG in astrocytic membranes at 4 degrees C represented 90% of total binding. Binding was rapid (apparent t(1/2) approximately 7 min) and saturable. Saturation and Scatchard analyses indicated a single binding site (n(H) = 0.8) with a K(d) of 6.0 +/- 1.5 microM and B(max) = 9.7 +/- 2.9 pmol/mg protein. Binding of [(3)H]4MG to astrocytic homogenates was Na(+)-dependent and inhibited by K(+). Compounds acting at EAATs, such as L-glutamate (Glu), D-aspartate (D-Asp), L-(2S,3S,4R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine and L-trans-pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate displaced binding to nonspecific levels. L-Serine-O-sulphate, an EAAT1-preferring ligand, fully displaced binding of [(3)H]4MG. In contrast, inhibitors having preferential affinity for EAAT2, L-threo-3-methylglutamate, dihydrokainate, and kainate, were relatively ineffective binding displacers. Agonists and antagonists for Glu receptors failed to significantly inhibit [(3)H]4MG binding. Studies with [(3)H]D-Asp reinforced evidence that [(3)H]4MG was binding to EAATs. These data were consistent with Western blot analyses, which indicated abundant expression of EAAT1 but not EAAT2. [(3)H]4MG was also accumulated rapidly (apparent t(1/2) approximately 4 min) into whole astrocytes by a sodium- and temperature-sensitive process (K(m) of 146 +/- 24 microM, V(max) = 336 +/- 27 nmol/mg protein/min), which possessed an EAAT1-like pharmacologic profile. These findings confirm that 4MG is a substrate for EAAT1 and that the binding assay developed using [(3)H]4MG can be utilized in various preparations including cultured astrocytes.  相似文献   

Cultures of chicken day 8 embryo retinal cells, essentially free of contaminating non-neuronal elements, were used to examine the neurotoxicity of various excitatory amino acid transmitter receptor agonists. At 7 days in vitro, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), following 24 hr exposure to 0.1-1.0 mM, destroyed 60-70% of the multipolar neurons, but apparently spared photoreceptors. The cytotoxic effect of NMDA was prevented by extracellular Mg2+ or phencyclidine, suggesting a role for the NMDA ion channel; competitive NMDA antagonists were also neuroprotective. The mixed excitatory amino acid receptor agonist glutamate (0.1-1.0 mM) was also neurotoxic (approximately 70% loss of multipolar neurons) and strongly blocked by NMDA (but weakly by non-NMDA) antagonists and Mg2+, indicating a major action at NMDA receptors. As with NMDA, glutamate did not appear to affect photoreceptors. The neurotoxic action of kainate against multipolar retinal neurons, as reported by others, was confirmed here. Kainate neuronal injury was sensitive to the quinoxalinedione non-NMDA antagonists 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX) and 6-cyanoquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), but not to Mg2+ or phencyclidine. Ibotenate and quisqualate, even at millimolar concentrations, were not neurotoxic. The monosialoganglioside GM1 was also effective in reducing NMDA and non-NMDA agonist neurotoxicity to retinal neurons. Maximal ganglioside benefit required 1-2 hr of pretreatment with 100-200 microM GM1. The percentage of multipolar neurons remaining after the neurotoxin insult approximately doubled with GM1 treatment. Gangliosides may thus have a therapeutic potential in excitatory amino acid-initiated neuropathologies.  相似文献   

[3H] Proline injected intraocularly in lampreys has been shown to be bidirectionally transported: 24--96 h after the injection, retinofugal fibers and terminals as well as nerve cell bodies at the origin of the retinopetal system were intensely labeled. These results are at variance with the generally held belief that [3H]proline is taken up only by cell bodies and transported by the anterograde flow. The significance of the retrograde axonal transport of [3H]proline in the lamprey retinopetal system is discussed.  相似文献   

A common strategy when searching for cognitive‐enhancing drugs has been to target the N‐methyl‐d ‐aspartate receptor (NMDAR), given its putative role in synaptic plasticity and learning. Evidence in favour of this approach has come primarily from studies with rodents using behavioural assays like the Morris water maze. D‐amino acid oxidase (DAO) degrades neutral D‐amino acids such as D‐serine, the primary endogenous co‐agonist acting at the glycine site of the synaptic NMDAR. Inhibiting DAO could therefore provide an effective and viable means of enhancing cognition, particularly in disorders like schizophrenia, in which NMDAR hypofunction is implicated. Indirect support for this notion comes from the enhanced hippocampal long‐term potentiation and facilitated water maze acquisition of ddY/Dao mice, which lack DAO activity due to a point mutation in the gene. Here, in Dao knockout (Dao−/−) mice, we report both better and worse water maze performance, depending on the radial distance of the hidden platform from the side wall of the pool. Dao−/− mice displayed an increased innate preference for swimming in the periphery of the maze (possibly due to heightened anxiety), which facilitated the discovery of a peripherally located platform, but delayed the discovery of a centrally located platform. By contrast, Dao−/− mice exhibited normal performance in two alternative assays of long‐term spatial memory: the appetitive and aversive Y‐maze reference memory tasks. Taken together, these results question the proposed relationship between DAO inactivation and enhanced long‐term associative spatial memory. They also have generic implications for how Morris water maze studies are performed and interpreted.  相似文献   

Introduction: Of the nearly 38 million people in the USA who receive statin therapy, 0.1‐0.5% experience severe or life‐threatening myopathic side effects. Methods: We performed a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) in a group of patients with severe statin myopathy versus a statin‐tolerant group to identify genetic susceptibility loci. Results: Replication studies in independent groups of severe statin myopathy (n = 190) and statin‐tolerant controls (n = 130) resulted in the identification of three single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), rs9342288, rs1337512, and rs3857532, in the eyes shut homolog (EYS) on chromosome 6 suggestive of an association with risk for severe statin myopathy (P = 0.0003–0.0008). Analysis of EYS cDNA demonstrated that EYS gene products are complex and expressed with relative abundance in the spinal cord as well as in the retina. Conclusion: Structural similarities of these EYS gene products to members of the Notch signaling pathway and to agrin suggest a possible functional role in the maintenance and regeneration of the structural integrity of skeletal muscle. Muscle Nerve, 2011  相似文献   

It was previously shown that the excitatory effect of the 5-HT(1A) agonist 8-OH-DPAT on firing activity of locus coeruleus (LC) norepinephrine (NE) neurons and the inhibitory action of the 5-HT(1A) antagonist WAY 100,635 are dependent on the presence of 5-HT neurons, whereas the inhibitory action of the 5-HT(2) agonist DOI is not. Using in vivo extracellular unitary recordings performed in anesthetized rats, iontophoretic applications of the excitatory amino acid antagonist kynurenate attenuated the enhancement in firing produced by glutamate and kainate. In contrast, GABA applications decreased the firing activity of NE neurons which was attenuated by the enhancement produced by glutamate and kainate. In contrast, GABA applications decreased the firing activity of NE neurons which was attenuated by the GABA(A) receptor antagonist bicuculline. 8-OH-DPAT (10-60 microg kg(-1), i.v.) produced a dose-dependent enhancement in the firing activity of NE neurons that was abolished in the presence of kynurenate application. The selective 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist WAY 100,635 (100 microg kg(-1), i.v.) suppressed NE firing which was reversed by the selective 5-HT(2A) antagonist MDL 100,907 (200 microg kg(-1), i.v.). In the presence of bicuculline, the inhibitory effect of WAY 100,635 was blunted. These results suggest that WAY 100,635 mainly attenuates NE neuron firing by blocking inhibitory 5-HT(1A) receptors on glutamatergic neurons, thereby enhancing glutamate release and activating excitatory amino acid receptors, possibly of the kainate subtype, on 5-HT terminals. The ensuing increased 5-HT release would then act on excitatory 5-HT(2A) receptors on GABA neurons that would ultimately mediate the inhibition of NE neurons. The prevention of the excitatory action of 8-OH-DPAT on NE neuron firing by kynurenate is also consistent with this neurocircuitry.  相似文献   

The D and L forms of the dipeptide, gamma-glutamylglycine depress NMDA-, L-aspartate- and kainate-induced excitation in cat spinal cord while little or nor effect on L-glutamate- and quisqualate-induced responses. The dipeptides also depress dorsal root-evoked excitation of Renshaw cells, but not acetylcholine- or ventral root-evoked excitation of these cells. The D form of the dipeptide is more potent than the L form. The results are interpreted in favour of three types of receptors for excitatory amino acids on spinal neurones, these being sensitive to the selective agonist action of NMDA, kainate and quisqualate.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular transmission and muscle activity during early stages of embryonic development are known to influence the differentiation and survival of motoneurons and to affect interactions with their muscle targets. We have examined neuromuscular development in an avian genetic mutant, crooked neck dwarf (cn/cn), in which a major phenotype is the chronic absence of the spontaneous, neurally mediated movements (motility) that are characteristic of avian and other vertebrate embryos and fetuses. The primary genetic defect in cn/cn embryos responsible for the absence of motility appears to be the lack of excitation-contraction coupling. Although motility in mutant embryos is absent from the onset of activity on embryonic days (E) 3-4, muscle differentiation appears histologically normal up to about E8. After E8, however, previously separate muscles fuse or coalesce secondarily, and myotubes exhibit a progressive series of histological and ultrastructural degenerative changes, including disarrayed myofibrils, dilated sarcoplasmic vesicles, nuclear membrane blebbing, mitochondrial swelling, nuclear inclusions, and absence of junctional end feet. Mutant muscle cells do not develop beyond the myotube stage, and by E18-E20 most muscles have almost completely degenerated. Prior to their breakdown and degeneration, mutant muscles are innervated and synaptic contacts are established. In fact, quantitative analysis indicates that, prior to the onset of muscle degeneration, mutant muscles are hyperinnervated. There is increased branching of motoneuron axons and an increased number of synaptic contacts in the mutant muscle on E8. Naturally occurring cell death of limb-innervating motoneurons is also significantly reduced in cn/cn embryos. Mutant embryos have 30%-40% more motoneurons in the brachial and lumbar spinal cord by the end of the normal period of cell death. Electrophysiological recordings (electromyographic and direct records form muscle nerves) failed to detect any differences in the activity of control vs. mutant embryos despite the absence of muscular contractile activity in the mutant embryos. The α-ryanodine receptor that is genetically abnormal in homozygote cn/cn embryos is not normally expressed in the spinal cord. Taken together, these data argue against the possibility that the mutant phenotype described here is caused by the perturbation of a central nervous system (CNS)-expressed α-ryanodine receptor. The hyperinnervation of skeletal muscle and the reduction of motoneuron death that are observed in cn/cn embryos also occur in genetically paralyzed mouse embryos and in pharmacologically paralyzed avian and rat embryos. Because a primary common feature in all three of these models is the absence of muscle activity, it seems likely that the peripheral excitation of muscle by motoneurons during normal development is a major factor in regulating retrograde muscle-derived (or muscle-associated) signals that control motoneuron differentiation and survival. J. Comp. Neurol. 381:353-372, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors are of major interest in brain functions and neuropsychiatric disorders. However, at present there are few suitable radioligands for in vivo imaging of NMDA receptors. 7-choloro-4-hydroxy-3-[3-(4-methoxybenzyl) phenyl]-2(1H)-quinolone (L-703,717) is one of the potent ligands for the glycine-binding site of NMDA receptors. 4-Acetoxy derivative of L-703,717 (AcL703) is a candidate, as a positron emission tomography (PET) ligand for NMDA receptors, because of its better permeability at the blood-brain barrier compared with L-703,717. After intravenous injection of 624-851 MBq of [11C]AcL703, dynamic PET scan was performed on six healthy males for 90 min. Regions-of-interest were located on the cerebral cortices, cerebellar cortex, and cerebral white matter. The binding potential (BP) was calculated from the ratio of the area under the curve (AUC) of radioactivities from 40 to 90 min in the target region to that in white matter. Regional radioactivities reached close to equilibrium in all regions after about 40 min postinjection. Regional brain uptake of [11C]AcL703 at 40 min after injection was 0.00028-0.00065% of the injected dose/milliliter. Radioactivity concentration of [11C]AcL703 was highest in the cerebellar cortex and lowest in white matter. AUC in the cerebellar cortex was higher than those of cerebral cortices, thalamus, striatum, and white matter. BP in the cerebellar cortex was twofold higher than in the cerebral cortices (cerebellar cortex: BP=2.20+/-0.72; cerebral cortices: BP=1.05+/-0.45). Despite the low brain uptake of [11C]AcL703, regional distributions were in good agreement with our previous studies of rodents. This indicates the possibility of in vivo evaluation of NMDA receptors using PET with [11C]AcL703 in living human brain.  相似文献   

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