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Intracerebroventricular administration of Orphanin FQ (5.5, 55 or 550 pmol) caused a dose-related increase in prolactin secretion in both male and female rats and stimulated GH secretion in males. The magnitude of the prolactin secretory response was greater in females than in males. These effects of OFQ on prolactin and growth hormone release are the same as the stimulatory effects of the endogenous opioid peptides.  相似文献   

Varying doses of cholecystokinin (CCK) dissolved in 2 μl of 0.9% NaCl or 2 μl of saline alone were injected into the third ventricle of conscious ovariactomized (OVX) rats bearing 3rd ventricular cannulae. Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), thyrotropin (TSH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were measured by RIA in jugular blood samples drawn through an indwelling silastic cannula. Control injections of saline i.v. or into the 3rd ventricle did not modify plasma hormone levels. Intraventricular injections of 4, 40 and 500 ng CCK produced a significant suppression of plasma LH within 5 min of injection. Injection of 4 or 500 ng doses of CCK has no effect on plasma PRL levels, but injection of the 40 ng dose produced a significant elevation of plasma PRL within 15 min. Plasma GH levels increased significantly within 15 min of the 3rd ventricular injection of each dose of CCK. The 40 ng dose of CCK caused a progressive reduction of plasma TSH which was significant by 15 min and lasted through the 60 min of experimentation. The highest dose of 500 ng reduced plasma TSH levels within 5 min. Plasma FSH was not altered by any dose of CCK. Intravenous injection of CCK caused a dose-related increase in plasma prolactin levels within 5 min, but only the highest dose of 1000 ng produced a significant decrease in plasma LH. No significant changes in GH, TSH or FSH levels were observed after i.v. injection of CCK. In vitro incubation of hemipituitaries from male rats with doses of CCK ranging from 10 ng to 5 μg had no effect on pituitary hormone release into the medium. The results indicate that CCK can alter pituitary hormone release via a hypothalamic action and suggest that it may act as t transmitter or modulator of neuronal activity controlling the release of hypothalamic releasing and/or inhibiting hormones.  相似文献   

Plasma growth hormone (GH) and prolactin concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in unanesthetized male rats after stereotaxic microinjection of adrenergic agents and 6-hydroxydopamine into the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area (PO/AHA). Norepinephrine, epinephrine, isoprenaline and clonidine failed to stimulate GH, moreover, 16 nanomoles norepinephrine produced a decrease. However, these agents stimulated prolactin secretion and the mixed alpha antagonist phentolamine, administered systemically, inhibited the stimulatory action of epinephrine on prolactin secretion. GH and prolactin secretory patterns were not affected by 6-hydroxydopamine disruption of catecholamine terminals in the PO/AHA. GH responses to adrenergic agonists and the failure of 6-hydroxydopamine to affect GH secretory patterns indicate that PO/AHA norepinephrine afferents do not facilitate GH secretion. Taken in conjunction with previous studies, the results suggest that there must be an extra-hypothalamic site at which norepinephrine is stimulatory for GH. Prolactin responses suggest that alpha adrenoceptors in the PO/AHA may participate in prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to determine the chronic effects of neonatal monosodium glutamate (MSG) administration (4 g/kg s.c.) and the acute effects of MSG (1 g/kg i.p.) on episodic growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) secretion and brain somatostatin (SRIF) in unanesthetized, chronically cannulated male rats.Adult rats showed the typical physical characteristics that result from neonatal MSG administration. Analysis of episodic GH secretion showed a significant reduction in: (1) the amplitude of GH secretory peaks; and (2) the mean 5.5-h plasma level of GH. Bursts of plasma PRL were inhibited by MSG, but the mean 5.5-h plasma levels were not affected. SRIF concentrations in the medial basal hypothalamus were reduced by 60% after neonatal MSG. Acute administration of MSG to adult rats caused an immediate, long-lasting suppression of rhythmic GH secretion and a rapid, transient release of PRL.These results suggest: (1) neonatally administered MSG causes a marked disturbance in episodic GH and PRL secretion in adult rats; (2) MSG induces a decrease in hypothalamic SRIF and possibly GH-releasing factor; and (3) the acute effects of MSG on GH and PRL may be due to the inhibition and/or excitation of a complex neuronal network involving monoaminergic and peptidergic systems.  相似文献   

In this single-blind study the effects of acute oral administration of the selective noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor reboxetine on the cortisol (COR), ACTH, growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) secretion were examined in 12 healthy male volunteers. In a randomized order, the subjects received placebo or reboxetine (4 mg) at 0800 h on two different days. After insertion of an intravenous catheter, blood samples were drawn 1 hour prior to the administration of placebo or reboxetine, at time of administration, and during the time of 5 hours thereafter at periods of 30 minutes. Serum concentrations of COR, GH, and PRL as well as plasma levels of ACTH were determined in each blood sample by means of double antibody RIA, fluoroimmunoassay and chemiluminescence immunometric assay methods. The area under the curve (AUC) value was used as parameter for the COR, ACTH, GH, and PRL response. Using t-tests for paired samples, statistical analysis revealed significant stimulatory effects of reboxetine on COR, ACTH, GH, and PRL secretion, compared to placebo (mean AUC values+/-S.E.M. (a) reboxetine: COR 127893.20+/-8125.75 nmol/l x min; ACTH 2385.68+/-387.19 pmol/l x min; GH 56026.59+/-15594.87 pmol/l x min; PRL 113961.60+/-10280.44 pmol/l x min; (b) placebo: COR 83672.19+/-5225.20 nmol/l x min; ACTH 1449.83+/-190.67 pmol/l x min; GH 9308.16+/-3402.75 pmol/l x min; PRL 64663.28+/-7283.62 pmol/l x min). Mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate were significantly increased by reboxetine, too. Our results suggest that besides COR, ACTH and GH secretion, the release of PRL is also under the control of the noradrenergic systems in man.  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of acute PO-administration of 15 mg mirtazapine on the growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and cortisol (COR) secretion were examined in eight physically and mentally healthy male subjects, compared to placebo. Mirtazapine is a new antidepressant agent which does not inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine or serotonin but is an antagonist of presynaptic and, presumably, postsynaptic alpha 2-receptors as well as an antagonist of postsynaptic 5-HT2 and 5-HT3-receptors. After insertion of an i.v. catheter, blood samples were drawn 1 h prior to the administration of mirtazapine or placebo, at time of application, and during the time of 4 h after application in periods of 30 min. Plasma concentrations of GH, PRL, and COR were determined in each blood sample by double antibody RIA methods. The area under the curve (AUC) value was used as parameter for the GH, PRL, and COR response. With respect to GH and PRL secretion, mirtazapine did not show any effects in comparison with placebo. However, in all subjects, the COR concentrations were remarkably lower after mirtazapine compared to placebo, the difference being obvious in the mean value graphs 60 min after the application up to the end of the measurement period. The t-test for paired samples revealed a highly significant difference (P < 0.01) in COR-AUC-values between the mirtazapine group (mean COR-AUC: 1558.07 micrograms/100 ml x 240 min) and the placebo group (mean COR-AUC: 2698.86 micrograms/100 ml x 240 min). Further studies have to elucidate the question whether the demonstrated inhibition of COR secretion after application of 15 mg mirtazapine is caused by central or peripheral effects of this substance.  相似文献   

Superior cervical ganglionectomy (SCG X) decreased significantly serum growth hormone (GH) levels in rats 14-96 h after surgery, during and immediately after anterograde degeneration of regional sympathetic terminals. At later times (up to 28 days after SCG X) an increase in serum GH was observed. SCG X augments prolactin (PRL) release, but only at the earliest time examined (14 h after surgery). Injection of the alpha-adrenoceptor blocker, phenoxybenzamine, but not of the beta-blocker, propranolol, negated the depression in serum GH found in SCG X rats 14 h after surgery, without affecting PRL release.  相似文献   

Summary Baseline and TRH-induced changes of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin (PRL), and growth hormone (GH) were measured in 15 healthy control subjects and 63 psychiatric inpatients with DSM-III diagnoses of major depression (n = 19), schizophrenic disorder (n = 20), alcohol dependence (n = 10), and adjustment disorder (n = 14); baseline and postdexamethasone cortisol (CS) were also determined 3–6 days after the TRH-challenge. All patients and controls were women of similar mean age, weight, height, and they were free from interfering illness or drugs.Baseline TSH and PRL were lower in depression, TRH-induced TSH and PRL responses were lower in the whole patient group, but most markedly in depression and alcohol dependence. Postdexamethasone CS was significantly higher in depression, schizophrenia and alcohol dependence. Basal GH did not differentiate the subgroups; TRH-induced pathological GH responses were sometimes found in the patient groups. The differences were most marked quantitatively in major depression: a multivariate analysis of variance showed that TSH, postdexamethasone CS and PRL were the most important variables in separating patients from controls. A discriminant function derived from these variables classified all controls and 18 of 19 depressed patients correctly; however, 25 of the 44 other patients were also classified with depression.It was confirmed that psychiatric patients show significantly more endocrine disturbances than controls, and this was seen not only in major depression but also in at least three other conditions. Further work is needed to identify other neuroendocrine patterns more specific to depressive disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) is a cytokine produced by T helper cells on antigenic challenge that may affect the release of several pituitary hormones. However, in vitro or in vivo studies have yielded disparate results with stimulatory, inhibitory or absent effects of IFN on pituitary hormone release. One of the reasons for these discrepancies could be that hormone changes were commonly assessed at a single time point in the day-night cycle. In this study we measured the circadian pattern of plasma ACTH, growth hormone (GH), prolactin, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) at 6 different time points within a 24-hour cycle in adult male Wistar rats. METHODS: Groups of 6-8 rats kept under light from 08:00 to 20:00 h daily received 5 daily injections intraperitoneally of human IFN-gamma (10(5) IU/kg body weight) or saline at 08:30 h. Plasma ACTH, GH, prolactin, LH and FSH levels were measured by a homologous specific double antibody RIA. RESULTS: A factorial ANOVA for main effects indicated a significant 43% increase of circulating prolactin in IFN-gamma-treated rats. Time of day changes were significant for the five hormones examined and these diurnal variations became altered by IFN-gamma administration, with a phase advance of ACTH peak, a suppression of the rest phase peak of GH, the appearance of a second peak of prolactin at an early phase of daily photoperiod, and the blunting of the 24-hour variations of plasma FSH. CONCLUSION: The data point out an effect of IFN-gamma on the mechanisms responsible for the circadian organization of pituitary hormone release.  相似文献   

The dopaminergic regulation of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) synthesis were studied in monolayer cultures of rat pituitary tumor (GH3) cells. PRL synthesis could not be inhibited by dopamine at concentrations ranging from 10−9 to 10−5 M. Bromocriptine inhibited PRL synthesis only at the very high concentration of 10−5 M, and this effect was not reversible by metoclopramide. GH synthesis was inhibited by 10−6 and 10−5 M dopamine but not by bromocriptine, and the dopamine effect was blocked by metoclopramide. These results suggest the existence of a defective dopaminergic regulation of PRL and GH synthesis in GH3 cells.  相似文献   

Serum thyrotropin (TSH), prolactin (PRL), and growth hormone (GH) levels were measured before and after stimulation with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) in 10 patients with bulimia, 7 with features of the restricting subtype of anorexia nervosa, and 6 with bulimic subtype of anorexia nervosa. The mean basal levels of TSH, PRL, and GH did not differ among the three groups. A delayed TSH response was found in 86% of the restricting anorectics, 80% of the bulimic anorectics, and 22% of the bulimics. The PRL response was normal in all patients, with no significant difference among the three groups. Elevated basal GH levels were found in 29% of the restricting anorectics, 33% of the bulimic anorectics, and 33% of the bulimics. An abnormal GH increase after TRH stimulation was observed in 50% of the restricting anorectics, 20% of the bulimic anorectics, and 13% of the bulimics. These results suggest that some patients with bulimia, and some with anorexia nervosa, have a hypothalamic dysfunction. These neuroendocrine abnormalities do not appear to be due solely to low weight or to metabolic changes resulting from binge eating and are not associated with depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Adult male rats under pentobarbital anesthesia received electrolytic lesions in various sites within the preoptic-hypothalamic complex. Anodic direct current (500 μA, 30 s) was delivered through platinum electrodes. Blood samples were taken before and after the lesions, at 30-min intervals. LH, TSH, and prolactin were measured by RIA procedures in the same plasma sample. LH and TSH mean values did not show any significant increase after discrete lesions in several brain regions. On the contrary, prolactin increased significantly 30 min after a lesion in a region encompassing the dorsal preoptic area and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Lesions placed in other preoptic-hypothalamic regions (excluding the arcuate nucleus-median eminence region) did not result in prolactin release. A common effective region for the control of the preferential release of pituitary prolactin in the male rat seemed to include neural elements within the dorsal preoptic area and/or the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis which probably projected caudally and ventrally toward the arcuate nucleus-median eminence region. Whether this contribution is locally generated within the dorsal preoptic area-bed nucleus stria terminalis region and/or is mediated by incoming fibers remains to be established. Results are discussed in terms of possible local effects of the induced lesion, i.e., activation vs. suppression.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency for the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin after anodal and cathodal stimulation applied within the preoptic-suprachiasmatic region (POA-SCH) was studied in adult male rats under pentobarbital anesthesia. Single monopolar pulses 0.5 ms duration, 100 or 200 microA intensity, were applied within the dorsal [vertical (V) 7.3] or ventral (V 7.8 to 7.9) aspects of the POA-SCH at a mean rate of 10 Hz in 30-s trains every other 30 s for a period of 30 min. Blood samples were obtained at 30-min intervals starting immediately before onset of stimulation. Although there were no obvious effect on plasma LH titers, prolactin concentrations tended to be higher when cathodal stimulation was applied at V 7.9 and when anodal pulses were applied at V 7.3. Stimulation with paired twin pulses (1.0 ms duration, 20.0 ms intrapair interval) resulted in clearer hormonal effects, namely, a significant increase in plasma prolactin concentration at 30 min only when cathodal stimuli were applied to the ventral aspect of the POA-SCH. Plasma LH concentrations were higher also at 30 min in the same experimental group, although the increase was not statistically significant. These results indicate the effectiveness of cathodal stimuli to induce hormonal release when applied within the ventral half of the POA-SCH in male rats. Present results suggest the existence of predominantly facilitatory neural elements for the release of prolactin (and LH) in this brain region.  相似文献   

Three potent stressors (forced running, immobilization, and footshock) were found to increase levels of cyclic AMP in the pituitaries of both female and male rats. The pituitary cyclic AMP response in females was generally similar to that observed in males.

The tested stressors elevated both plasma corticosterone and prolactin and decreased plasma growth hormone. Plasma corticosterone rose more rapidly in females than in males following stress. Control growth hormone levels were higher in male rats. There was no clear cause and effect relationship between elevations of pituitary cyclic AMP and changes in plasma levels of prolactin, corticosterone, and growth hormone.  相似文献   

(1) Studies of serum thyrotropin (TSH), growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) responses following TRH administration were performed in 7 subjects with anorexia nervosa (AN). (2) Five patients demonstratod significant increases in circulating GH from a mean of 15.6 ng/ml to a peak of 31.8 ng/ml 30 min after TRH. (3) Basal TSH concentrations were undetectable (< 2μU/ml) in all patients prior to stimulation but following TRH, significant elevations (ΔTSH > 6 μU/ml) in TSH were identified in 3/7 patients. (4) The largest elevations in TSH occurred in the two subjects in whom no GH rises were found, whereas blunted TSH rises were noted in 4/5 subjects who showed substantial GH secretory responses to TRH. (5) Basal PRL concentrations were normal and rose appropriately after TRH in all subjects. (6) These studies demonstrate that GH secretion can be provoked in AN by TRH similar to patterns in other states (acromegaly, uremia, protein-calorie malnutrition), characterized by elevated basal GH concentrations. (7) It is hypothesized that activated GH secretion may favor TRH responsivity of somatotrophs. (8) Obtundation of TSH secretion in AN, moreover, may be related to the augmented secretion of GH, since TSH secretion can be lowered by exogenous GH administration in man.  相似文献   

The influence of serotonin on luteinizing hormone (LH) release caused by exposure to two acute Stressors differing in their intensity (restraint in tubes and immobilization in woodboards) was studied in adult male rats. Inhibition of serotonin synthesis with p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) significantly abolished LH release caused by immobilization (IMO). Administration of the serotonin antagonists mianserine and methiothepin also eliminated LH release caused by IMO without altering basal LH levels. These data represent the first evidence that a classical neurotransmitter (serotonin) is involved in LH release caused by stress in the rat.  相似文献   

The responses of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (Prl) to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) were studied in two selected groups of patients with endogenous depression (ED). One group, ED 1, was characterized by an increased thyrotropin (TSH) response to TRH after recovery from depression and by a good prognosis, whereas the other group, ED 2, was characterized by an unaltered TSH response and relapse within six months after stopping the antidepressive treatment. (1) After treatment significantly increased responses of GH (p <0.01) and Prl (p <0.05) to TRH were found in group ED 1, whereas those in group ED 2 were unchanged. (2) Using an increase of the GH response after treatment of 0.5 mg/ml compared to that before treatment, and an increase of 8.0 ng/ml of the Prl response, a correct prediction of the prognosis was possible in 74 and 72% of the patients, respectively. Using the TSH response to TRH we have previously reported correct prediction in 91% of patients with ED. This value is significantly higher than those obtained with the GH and Prl responses (p <0.05). (3) GH and Prl responses in ED were compared to those obtained in healthy and psychiatric controls, but they were found to be of no diagnostic value.  相似文献   

1. Interpretation of neuroendocrine studies in schizophrenia requires consideration of (a) the large number of variables that affect drug-induced endocrine responses (b) the effect of prior neuroleptic therapy (c) heterogeneity of schizophrenia (d) heterogeneity of receptors (e) uniqueness of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (f) selectivity and pharmacokinetics of administered drugs. 2. Apomorphine increases growth hormone secretion by an effect on dopamine receptors that are not linked to adenylate cyclase and which are located outside the blood brain barrier. 3. Hypothalamic-pituitary histaminergic H2 and alpha-adrenergic function are unchanged in chronic schizophrenia. 4. Schizophrenic symptoms persist despite complete blockade of dopamine receptors modulating prolactin secretion. 5. Studies on dopamine receptors modulating prolactin secretion are unlikely to shed light on the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. 6. Screening for drugs which block apomorphine-induced growth hormone secretion but do not increase prolactin may provide a way of detecting anti-schizophrenic drugs which are devoid of side effects associated with hyperprolactinemia and which do not induce parkinsonism or tardive dyskinesia.  相似文献   

Basal serum cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin and immunoreactive (IR) plasma beta-endorphin levels were measured in 31 depressed patients (14 endogenous, 17 nonendogenous) undergoing the dexamethasone suppression test. The endogenously depressed patients had significantly higher (22.55 +/- 1.34 micrograms/dl) predexamethasone cortisol levels than the nonendogenous patients (16.34 +/- 1.93 micrograms/dl). The mean serum prolactin and growth hormone values of these two groups were not significantly different, while plasma IR-beta-endorphin levels of the endogenous group (40.11 +/- 3.57 pg/ml) were significantly lower than those of the nonendogenous group (120.33 +/- 27.98 pg/ml). Neither group showed a significant correlation between plasma IR-beta-endorphin and serum cortisol values. These results indicate that measurement of predexamethasone serum cortisol values and plasma IR-beta-endorphin could be valuable laboratory tests in the diagnosis of depression.  相似文献   

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