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骨密度与身高,体重的关系及其修正 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人体骨密度(BMD)的测定是诊断骨质疏松症的主要指标,目前双能X线骨密度仪是国际上通用的精确度、灵敏度较高的仪器,临床应用前需首先测定健康正常人的BMD值。我们应用美国Lunar公司DEXA仪器对59例20~50岁的健康女性腰椎骨密度测定结果表明BMD与被测对象的身高、体重有相关性。身高与BMD呈正相关,r=0.172(P<0.01);体重与BMD呈正相关,r=0.179(p<0.05),为了排除身高体重因素对正常值的影响,我们从BMD的物理概念出发,对AP扫描的BMD值进行修正。结果表明BMD值已与身高、体重无统计学关系。 相似文献
生长激素(GH)是垂体前叶合成的一种糖蛋白。它能够影响生长和发育。幼儿GH分泌过多或过少可引起巨人症或侏儒症。采用RIA可准确测定血清或血浆中GH的含量,从而为临床诊断提供依据。为了弄清本地区学龄前儿童血清GH与身高及体重的关系,我们对69例2~6岁发育正常的儿童进行了血清GH检测,现将结果报告如下。 材料和方法 69例(男38,女31),学龄前儿童,年龄2~6岁。其中2~3岁儿童32例为Ⅰ组,4~6岁儿童37例为Ⅱ组,Ⅰ组加Ⅱ组为Ⅲ组。所有对象清晨空腹静脉采血3ml,分离血清后采用北方免疫试剂研究所提供的RIA kit检测血清GH含量,结果以±S表示,用u检验处理。仪器为二六二厂生产的FJ-2008P γ免 相似文献
锌是人体必需的微量元素之一,尤其是生长发育期的儿童更为重要,在该年龄阶段的儿童锌缺乏较普遍.为了解潍坊市区学龄前儿童发锌与饮食的关系,对我市区学龄前儿童发锌进行了检测. 相似文献
目的分析出生体重与学龄前儿童收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)的关系。方法选择在上海市闵行妇幼保健院产科出生,于2006年3月至2010年11月接受常规健康体检的2—6岁儿童,采用电子血压计测量SBP、DBP和心率,并测量身高和体重。血压评价参照1997年“日本学龄前儿童正常血压和高血压参考值”,以SBP或DBP≥其性别、年龄相对应的%诊断为高血压。采用多元线性回归分析出生体重与血压的关系,多因素Logistic回归模型分析儿童期患高血压风险的危险因素。结果4642名学龄前儿童进入分析,其中男性2458例(53%);低出生体重儿占3.2%(148/4642),巨大儿占5.4%(251/4642)。男童SBP水平和高血压患病率均高于女童(P分别为〈0.001和0.002)。低出生体重儿SBP、DBP与正常出生体重儿童无明显差异(P分别为0.492和0.398);巨大儿DBP低于正常出生体重儿童(P=0.003)。多因素Logistic回归显示低出生体重儿、巨大儿与发生儿童高血压无统计学关联,而心率高于平均水平发生高血压的危险增高,OR=2.55,95%CI=1.96~3.3l。结论在学龄前儿童中,男童SBP高于女童。未发现低出生体重、巨大儿与儿童期患高血压有统计学关联;心率、体重对血压水平的影响较为明显。 相似文献
陈伟文 《广东寄生虫学会年报》2008,(11):1188-1189
目的了解云浮市城区学龄前儿童乙肝病毒感染情况。方法对云浮市城区0-6岁学龄前儿童共2603名作乙肝病毒感染血清标志物(HBsAg,抗-HBs)检测,并对结果进行分析。结果2603名学龄前儿童HBsAg和抗-HBS的阳性率分别是1.92%和62.7%。结论云浮市城区学龄前儿童乙肝病毒感染率较低,血清中保护性抗体阳性率较高。 相似文献
学龄前儿童情绪问题调查分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
学龄前儿童情绪问题调查分析沙市妇幼保健院陈光虎王庆在开展早期儿童发展社区综合服务与监测过程中,对沙市区崇文片351名学龄前儿童进行了情绪问题调查。对象及方法对象沙市区崇文片教育幼儿园和该辖区3-7岁散居儿童共351名。方法问卷内容参考山西大学教育系心... 相似文献
目的:分析学龄前儿童龋病的影响因素以及预防方法,为学龄前儿童龋病的防治提供流行病学依据。方法选取我院在2010年1月~2012年2月收治的学龄前儿童患者128例,其中检查出现龋病患者45例,调查影响龋病发生的相关因素,针对存在的影响因素,做出相适应的预防措施。结果性别与学龄前儿童龋病发生没有关系,P>0.05,学龄前儿童龋病影响因素与年龄、刷牙次数、甜食习惯等存在关系,P<0.05,经过一年的龋病预防工作,来我院就诊的儿童患龋病的发病率降低为26.2%。结论预防龋病的主要方式时按时刷牙,少吃甜食。 相似文献
营养挂缺铁性贫血是一种常见的营养缺乏病,世界各国的发病率均较高,尤其是发展中国家高达30~90%。近来尤为令人注意的问题在于尽管铁缺乏并没有严重到足以引起贫血的程度,然而却可以对功能产生许多影响,包括降低机体对感染的抵抗力与免疫能力,影响学习和生长发育。 相似文献
本报告1116例学龄前儿童(2-7岁)眼部的内毗间距,外眦间距、瞳孔间距、眼裂宽度等4项指标的活体测量均数、性差及年龄发育特点。外眦间距、瞳孔间距在多个年龄段中男大于女,差异具有显性意义;内眦间距和眼裂宽度男女性间差异无显性意义。生长发育特点见头3项指标生长发育曲线随年龄增长而上升,并有1-2个高峰;另一条曲线随年龄增长上升平缓,在3-4岁间出现一次交叉,提示该年龄段女性发育快于男性。本为临床提供2-7岁10个年龄段不同性别眼距正常值及生长发育特点。 相似文献
武汉市1150例学龄前儿童气质特点分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的:了解学龄前儿童气质变化特点,为制订武汉市儿童气质常模提供依据。方法:选取武汉市桥口和江岸两城区3所幼儿园中1150名符合条件学龄前儿童为调查对象;采用《3~7岁儿童气质测查问卷》和自制《学龄前儿童基本情况调查表》进行调查。结果:随年龄增长,儿童活动水平降低、节律性增强、注意分散度降低且更易于接近,气质朝积极方向发展;男童较女童活动水平高,节律性强、心境积极,反应阈高;合并麻烦型的构成比高于全国常模;男女童与常模的维度得分存在较多差异。结论:武汉市学龄前儿童气质呈现明显的性别与年龄规律,但与全国常模存在较多差异,应进一步寻找原因,必要时建立武汉市学龄前儿童气质常模。 相似文献
《Medical engineering & physics》2014,36(6):774-778
It is not surprising that an orthopedic device used with poorly mineralized bone can have lower mechanical fixation strength than the same device with well-mineralized bone. As new devices are being designed and tested, it is important to develop a controllable technique to decrease the bone mineral density of bone in vitro, so the fixation strength of the devices can be better modeled. Several different bone demineralization techniques have been established, but some use caustic chemicals and comparisons of their rates of demineralization have not been performed. In this study, a total of 120 cancellous bone cores were excised from ovine vertebra, scanned using a pico dual energy X-ray absorptiometry system to determine bone mineral density, then placed into one of five solutions (0.9% saline, 0.5 M hydrochloric acid, 0.5 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, 0.5 M formic acid, and 5% acetic acid). For each solution, 12 time periods ranging from 0 to 144 h were investigated. After demineralization, all cores were rescanned and biomechanically loaded in compression to failure. Based on the rate of demineralization, the ease of use, the availability, and the correlation with the compressive bone strength, it was determined that the 5% acetic acid was the optimal demineralization solution to controllably decrease the bone mineral density of cancellous bone. 相似文献
Kuang-Yao Chen Chuan-Min Yen Kao-Pin Hwang Lian-Chen Wang 《Journal of microbiology, immunology, and infection》2018,51(4):559-564
The prevalence of pinworm infection is extremely low in Taipei, Taiwan. This population study was designed to determine the current status and the associated risk factors of this infection among pre-school children.Methods
Perianal swab specimens were obtained from the parents or guardians using a two-consecutive-day adhesive cellophane perianal swab kit. Information of family background, personal hygiene, and household sanitary conditions were collected by asking the parents or guardians to complete a questionnaire.Results
Of 44,163 children, 0.21% was found to infect with pinworm. The positive rate was highest in Datong (0.59%) and Nangang (0.58%) Districts and lowest in Neihu District (0.02%). There was no significant difference in the rates by gender (boys 0.24% and girls 0.19%) or school (kindergartens 0.25% and nurseries 0.17%). Significantly higher positive rates were found in children having parent with lower educational level and elder brother(s)/sister(s). Children taking bath by themselves and those sleeping in bed with matting had significantly higher positive rates. Five significant independent predictors of pinworm infection were determined by multivariate analysis: having elder brother(s), having elder sister(s), infrequent washing hands after using toilet facilities, bathing without the help of family members, and sleeping on bed with matting.Conclusion
The prevalence of pinworm infection in the pre-school children of Taipei is extremely low and decreasing. Good hand washing habit should be an important preventive measure. Transmission of this infection in pre-school children may occur in the family through their school-age siblings. 相似文献13.
PURPOSE: Osteoporosis is a systemic disease in which bone density is reduced, leading to weakness of the skeleton and increased vulnerability to fractures. The purpose of this study was to compare known or suspected risk factors (medical, gynecological, and lifestyle characteristics) related to bone loss between 60 matched pairs of black and white postmenopausal women. METHODS: The two racial groups were matched one for one on selective anthropometric variables [age (years), standing height (cm), and body weight (kg)] in order to equate age and body size between groups. Information on risk factors was obtained from an orally administered questionnaire and body composition variables (in addition to those used for matching) assessed by anthropometry and total body dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Four skinfold sites (chest, triceps, mid-axillary, and abdomen) were measured with Harpendon calipers and four body circumferences (chest, forearm contracted, waist, and gluteal) were assessed with a Gulick tape. DXA radius, spine, femur, and whole body measurements were obtained on a Hologic QDR-2000 with software version 7.20. RESULTS: White women reported significantly higher proportions of alcohol use, family history of broken bones, and a greater utilization of hormones, calcium and vitamins than did black women. Black women reported a greater numbers who had other diseases (i.e., overactive thyroid, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or kidney stones). Although age and body weight were similar in both groups, black women had greater lean tissue and less body fat than white women. Blacks had significantly higher bone mineral density across all body sites with the exception of the mid- and ultra-distal radius. CONCLUSION: On the basis of these data, it was concluded that part of the difference often observed in bone density between black and white postmenopausal women might be due to lifestyle factors. 相似文献
Difference in the effect of adiposity on bone density between pre- and postmenopausal women 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Objectives: Elevated bone mineral density (BMD) in obese women is partially attributable to the higher circulating estrogen levels derived from extraglandular aromatization in adipose tissue. However, it remains unclear whether there is an effect of overall adiposity on BMD in both pre- and postmenopausal women. The difference in the effect of overall adiposity on BMD between pre- and postmenopausal women was investigated. Materials and methods: Subjects were 296 premenopausal women with regular menstruation and 233 postmenopausal women. Age, age at menarche, years since menopause (YSM, in postmenopausal women), weight, height, and body mass index were recorded. Total fat mass amount, lean mass amount, and percentage of body fat were measured by whole body scanning with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Lumbar spine BMD (L2–L4) was measured by DEXA. In each group, significant determinants of BMD were investigated using univariate and stepwise multiple regression analysis. Results: In postmenopausal women, YSM, lean mass amount, total fat mass amount, and height were significant determinants of BMD (R2=0.273, P<0.001). In premenopausal women, only two variables including lean mass amount and age at menarche were significant determinants of lumbar spine BMD (R2=0.110, P<0.001), but total fat mass amount and percentage of body fat were not significant determinants of BMD. Conclusion: The effect of overall adiposity on BMD is more prominent in postmenopausal women than in premenopausal women. 相似文献
Francucci CM Romagni P Camilletti A Fiscaletti P Amoroso L Cenci G Morbidelli C Boscaro M 《Maturitas》2008,59(4):323-328
OBJECTIVES: Early menopause (EM) is included among the risk factors for osteoporosis. Several studies have shown that women with early menopause have lower bone mineral density (BMD) than those with normal expected age of menopause. The aim of our cross-sectional study was to investigate the effects of time of menopause on vertebral bone mass in healthy postmenopausal women and to evaluate if early menopause is a risk factor for lower vertebral BMD. METHOD: We studied 782 who had never received drugs acting on bone mass. The study population was divided into three groups: women with early, normal (NM), and late (LM) menopause. Our study population was further categorized in 5-year age segments between 45 and >75. RESULTS: The three groups examined did not differ for age, age at menarche, body mass index (BMI), and vertebral BMD, while there were significant differences in age at menopause and years since menopause. Our study showed that women with EM presented significantly lower vertebral BMD than NM and LM in 50-54 age segments. Beyond 55 years, EM, NM, and LM women had no differences in lumbar BMD values. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, controversial data demonstrated that the absolute amount of bone loss is greater after early menopause than after normal or late menopause, even if a slight effect of early menopause on bone mass cannot be excluded. 相似文献
Genome-wide linkage studies have shown several chromosome loci that may harbor genes that regulate bone mineral density (BMD), but results have been inconsistent. A meta-analysis was performed to assess evidence for linkage of BMD across whole genome scan studies. Eleven whole-genome scans of BMD or osteoporosis containing 3,097 families with 12,685 individuals were included in this genome scan meta-analysis (GSMA). For each study, 120 genomic bins of ~30 cM were defined and ranked according to maximum evidence for linkage within each bin. Bin ranks were weighted and summed across all studies. The summed rank for each bin was assessed empirically for significance using permutation methods. A total of seven bins lie above the 95% confidence level (P=0.05) and one bin was above the 99% confidence level (P=0.01) in the GSMA of eleven linkage studies: bins 16.1 (16pter-16p12.3, Psumrnk <0.01), 3.3 (3p22.2-3p14.1), 1.1 (1pter-1p36.22), 18.2 (18p11.23-18q12.2), 6.3 (6p21.1-6q15), 20.1 (20pter-20p12.3), and 18.1 (18pter-18p11.23). GSMA was performed with seven studies with linkage scores of LOD >1–1.85 for sensitivity test, confirming the linkage on chromosome 16p and 3p and revealing evidence of new linkage in bins 10.2 (10p14-10q11.21) and 22.2 (22q12.3-22pter). In conclusion, the meta-analysis of whole-genome linkage studies of BMD has shown chromosome 16pter-16p12.3 to have the greatest evidence of linkage as well as revealing evidence of linkage in chromosomes 1p, 3p, 6, 10, 18, 20p, and 22q across studies. This data may provide a basis with which to carry out targeted linkage and candidate gene studies particularly in these regions. 相似文献
Mª José Montoya Mercè Giner Cristina Miranda Mª Angeles Vázquez José R. Caeiro David Guede Ramón Pérez-Cano 《Maturitas》2014
Osteoporosis (OP) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders in the elderly but the relationship between them is unclear. The purposes of this study are to analyze the bone turnover markers (BTM), bone mineral density (BMD) and the structural and mechanical properties of trabecular bone in patients with OP and OA, and to explore the relationship between these two diseases. We studied 12 OP patients and 13 OA patients. We analyzed BTM (β-CrossLaps and PINP), BMD and microstructural and biomechanical parameters (micro-CT). Our results were: OP group has higher levels of β-CrossLaps and lower BMD at the femoral neck. Also, OP patients have a decreased volume of trabecular bone and less trabecular number, with architecture showing prevalence of rod-like trabeculae and worse connectivity than OA patients. The biomechanical parameters were worse in OP patients. BMD was correlated with almost all the structural and biomechanical parameters. Moreover, β-CrossLaps was negatively correlated with hip BMD and with bone surface density and positively with trabecular separation. BTM, BMD and bone microstructural changes in osteoporosis are opposite to those of OA. These findings justify a less resistant bone with higher risk of fragility fractures in OP patients. These histomorphometric and biomechanical changes may be suspected by measuring of BMD and β-CrossLaps levels. 相似文献
目的:超声骨密度检测仪检测妊娠各期桡骨远端骨密度。方法在奎屯市妇幼保健院围产期保健门诊进行检查的430例各期孕妇进行骨密度测量,同时段选取100正常健康妇女作对照。结果各个孕期骨密度较对照组明显下降P<0.05,各个孕期骨密度之间呈明显负相关。结论妊娠妇女中晚期骨密度明显的下降。通过超声骨密度检测仪的检测,可以很好的了解妇女孕期的骨钙代谢情况,科学合理的指导孕妇营养保健,保障母婴安全。 相似文献
We undertook a prospective study to assess the impact of HIV infection on BMD in a cohort of HIV-infected and uninfected women that included illicit drug users, and to measure the contribution of traditional risk factors as well as HIV-related factors to loss of BMD over time.Methods
We analyzed BMD at baseline and after ≥18 months in 245 middle-aged HIV-infected and 219 uninfected women, and conducted linear regression analysis to determine factors associated with annual BMD change at the femoral neck, total hip and lumbar spine.Results
HIV-infected women had lower baseline BMD at the femoral neck and total hip compared with controls; unadjusted rates of BMD change did not differ by HIV status at any site. In multivariable analyses, we found that HIV seropositivity without protease inhibitor (PI) use was associated with BMD decline at the lumbar spine (−.009 g/cm2 per year, p = .03). Additional factors associated with BMD decline were: postmenopausal status, lower BMI, and methadone use at the lumbar spine; postmenopausal status and hepatitis C seropositivity at the femoral neck; and postmenopausal status, age, smoking, and lower BMI at the total hip (all p < .05). Among HIV-infected women, ≥3 years of PI use was associated with an increase in lumbar spine BMD (.013 g/cm2 per year, p = .008).Conclusions
Bone loss among HIV-infected middle-aged women was modest, and possibly mitigated by PI use. Methadone use was associated with BMD decline, and should be considered when evaluating women for osteoporosis risk. 相似文献20.
Complex segregation analyses of bone mineral density in Chinese 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
China has the largest population in the world; approximately 7% of the total population suffers from primary osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is mainly characterized by low bone mineral density (BMD). In the present study, familial correlation and segregation analyses for spine and hip BMDs have been undertaken for the first time in a Chinese sample composed of 401 nuclear families with a total of 1,260 individuals. The results indicate a major gene of additive inheritance for hip BMD, whereas there is no evidence of a major gene influencing spine BMD. Significant familial residual effects are found for both traits, and heritability estimates (±SE) for spine and hip BMDs are 0.807(0.099) and 0.897(0.101), respectively. Sex and age differences in genotype‐specific average BMD are also observed. This study provides the first evidence quantifying the high degree of genetic determination of BMD variation in the Chinese. 相似文献