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月经是妇女的生理现象,出现月经病是整体技能紊乱的表现,中医理论认为,天葵是主管妇女生殖机能的现象,它是由全身气血津液所化生的,如果机体的脏腑特别是肝、脾、肾三脏经络功能调和,气血津液充沛,则天葵也旺盛。若脏腑功能失调,气血津液亏乏,则天葵减弱或不足。由于天葵是气血所化生  相似文献   

本文根据中医理论和临床实践,探讨了中医郁证的辨证论治。广义的郁证是指外感六淫、内伤七情等诸多因素引起的脏腑功能失调,气血痰火食湿等壅塞郁滞等气机不得发越的一系列病证。郁证的主要病因是七情失调,病机关键是气机郁滞,调畅气机、调和气血是治疗郁证的主要方法。  相似文献   

从调和气血论治类风湿关节炎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张其慧 《四川中医》2009,27(1):26-28
气血病变是导致疾病发生、发展与转归的基本病机。类风湿关节炎一病发生的诸多病因病机均与气血病变有关,因此,气血调和与否在类风湿关节炎的发生、发展过程中具有重要作用。中医治疗类风湿关节炎理法方药的选择,应在脏腑辨证的基础上,注重调和气血,兼以祛邪通络。  相似文献   

柴胡桂枝汤调和营卫,疏通气血。调和营卫治外感症及虚弱性疾患,调和气血治痛症。在外感病、消化系统、心血管系统及妇科调经等方面灵活应用,指出"调和阴阳、气血是临床应用的关键。  相似文献   

根据中医理论,将小儿迁延性肝炎辨证分为脾虚痰盛型、营卫不调型、气血失和型,分别用健脾助运、理气化痰法,调和营卫法,活血化瘀、理气除痰法,治疗60例,治愈率为75%。  相似文献   

中药足浴是在中医理论指导下,发挥水的温热效应和药物的治疗作用,通过刺激足部穴位,皮肤渗透、吸收和经络传导,输布到人体的脏腑组织,达到疏通经络、平衡阴阳、调和气血的目的。本文从中医、西医对足浴的功效、机制的不同分析河东少儿推拿流派中药足浴在小儿生长发育和养生保健中的应用价值。  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗甲亢疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察补肝肾调和气血法辅助治疗甲亢的疗效。方法:将50例甲亢患者随机分为治疗组25例,对照组25例,对照组采用常规疗法,治疗组在常规疗法基础上配合补肝肾调和气血中药治疗,观察两组临床疗效及FT3、FT4下降指标及症状改善情况。结果:治疗组和对照组总有效率分别为100%、92%,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05),未见不良反应。结论:中医补肝肾调和气血法辅助治疗甲亢可明显提高疗效。  相似文献   

足三里穴是足阳明胃经合穴,曲池穴是手阳明大肠经合穴。我院近10 a来根据阳明经多气多血、合穴主治脏腑疾病的中医理论,选用足三里、曲池穴为主治疗疾病,施用不同的针灸方法,发现两穴临床运用广泛,现将取得良好临床疗效的病症报道如下。1脑系病症1.1中风近几年来中医认为,中风的发生,总因内虚基础上出现脏腑阴阳失调,气血逆乱上冲于脑而致。针灸的要点在于平调阴阳,疏通经络,抑制气血上窜。取足三里、曲池调和气血,平调阴阳,调节内环境。近10 a来,我院治疗了近千例患者,有效率超过90%,而且不受急性期、出血性中风限制,越早针灸,康复率越高。…  相似文献   

正少儿增高保健推拿是以中医理论为指导,辨证论治为原则,运用手法技巧在少儿体表特定部位或穴位,通过疏通经络、调和气血、平衡阴阳,扶助人体正气,改善五脏六腑功能,促进少儿的骨骼发育,增加少儿身高。人的身高虽然受种族和父母遗传因素的影响,但实践证明,后天因素也不容忽视,被称作助长方式。助长  相似文献   

和法是多种治法的综合 ,有调和脏腑气血、营卫阴阳及解除表里寒热 ,扶正祛邪的作用。和法可分为调和营卫、调和气血、调和脏腑、调和表里、调和寒热等。疑难病病变复杂 ,多因共存 ,邪实正虚 ,故使用和法进行治疗 ,往往恰中病者 ,收效理想。  相似文献   

汗症不仅仅是指不正常的出汗诸如自汗、盗汗、多汗等,也包括了该出汗而不出汗或汗出不畅、汗出不足。汗症的出现既是机体相关脏腑功能紊乱、气血阴阳失调的结果,也是导致或加重机体功能失调和某些疾病的重要原因,故必须重视汗症的治疗。兹将笔者治疗不同类型汗症的心得体会总结如下。  相似文献   

<正>冠状动脉狭窄是冠心病病理发展过程中的常见重要环节。其病变机制为冠状动脉内皮受损后,氧化低密度脂蛋白胆固醇进入血管壁,巨噬细胞将之吞噬变成泡沫细胞后坏死成为粥样物质,后者不断堆积形成粥样斑块,导致冠状动脉狭窄;不稳定斑块一旦破裂,会诱发血小板聚集,形成血栓,最终导致心肌梗死等严  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effects of Bushenyiqihexue Formula (补肾益气和血方 Formula for Tonifying the Kidney, Replenishing qi and Harmonizing Blood, FTKRQHB) on the endometrial gland apoptosis in the mice with blastocyst implantation dysfunction. Methods: The mice with the first-day pregnancy were divided into the control, model and treatment groups, with 30 in each group, and blastocyst implantation dysfunction was induced by subcutaneous injection of mifepristone in the mice of the model and treatment groups. The pregnancy rate and implantation number of blastocysts were measured and the expressions of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), Bax, Bcl-2, and activated caspase-3 were detected in all the three groups. Results: The model group had significantly depressed pregnancy rate, implantation number of blastocysts and apoptosis index, and elevated proliferation index of endometrial gland as compared with the control group (P0.05 or P0.01). Administration of FTKRQHB (the treatment group) resulted in significant increases in pregnancy rate, implantation number of blastocysts and apoptosis index of the endometrial gland, and a significant decrease in the proliferation index of the endometrial gland as compared with the model group (P0.05 or P0.01). The differences in the four indexes between the treatment group and control group were not significant statistically. The Bax and activated caspase-3 expressions in endometrial gland in the model group became significantly lower than that of the control group (P0.01), whereas those in the treatment group were significant higher than that of the model group (P0.01). However, the Bax and activated caspase-3 expressions in endometrial gland were similar in both treatment and control groups. Conclusion: Promoting the increases in Bax and activated caspase-3 expressions in the endometrial gland and bringing into balance between apoptosis and proliferation of the glandular cells at the implantation window phase by FTKRQHB may contribute to the effects of promoting the establishment of endometrial receptivity and improving blastocyst implantation dysfunction.  相似文献   

药物在治疗疾病的同时,难免发生某些不良反应。对此,除强调安全合理用药外,还应注意采用合理的干预措施以纠正这些不良反应。近年来,导师彭建中教授以中医凉血培元法辨治某些西药不良反应,疗效满意,兹举验案2则如下。  相似文献   

慢性硬脑膜下血肿(CSDH)是临床常见的颅脑损伤,属于中医伤科“头部内伤”范畴。小儿慢性硬脑膜下血肿以双侧居多,常由产伤和外伤引起,症状常见嗜睡、头颅增大、顶骨膨隆、囟门凸出、抽搐、痉挛和视乳头水肿等特点,类似脑积水,治疗难度较大,病情易反复。目前,手术仍是西医治疗小儿CSDH的主要手段,但由于小儿血容量少,血压调节能力差,对失血的耐受力差,手术期间引起的颅内出血极易导致神经性低血压,加之小儿免疫力不足,术中血肿清除不尽而继发感染等情况时有发生,给患儿和家属身体、精神与经济上均带来沉重负担。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the anticancer activity of DT-13 under normoxia and determine the underlying mechanisms of action. METHODS: MDA-MB-435 cell proliferation, migration, and adhesion were performed to assess the anticancer activity of DT-13, a saponin from Ophiopogonjaponicus, in vitro. In addition, the effects of DT-13 on tumor growth and metastasis in vivo were evaluated by orthotopic implantation of MDA-MB-435 cells into nude mice; mRNA levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) and hypoxia-inducible factor 1a (HIF-1a) were evaluated by real-time quantitative PCR; and CCR5 protein levels were detected by Western blot assay. RESULTS: At 0.01 to 1 umol·L -1, DT-13 inhibited MDA-MB-435 cell proliferation, migration, and adhesion significantly in vitro. DT-13 reduced VEGF and CCR5 mRNAs, and decreased CCR5 protein expression by down-regulating HIF-1 a. In addition, DT-13 inhibited MDA-MB-435 cell lung metastasis, and restricted tumor growth slightly in vivo. CONCLUSION: DT-13 inhibited MDA-MB-435 cell proliferation, adhesion, and migration in vitro, and lung metastasis in vivo by reducing VEGF, CCR5, and HIF-la expression.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture for regulating the liver on depressive neurosis. Methods: In a multi-center randomized controlled trial, 440 patients were divided into 3 groups: Acupuncture group for regulating the liver (Acup., 176 cases) was treated by acupuncture at Siguan Points, i.e. bilateral Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3), Baihui (GV 20) and Yintang (EX-HN3) plus ear-acupuncture, Prozac group (P., 176 cases) by oral administration of Prozac, and Non-acupoint needling group (NAN, 88 cases) by acupuncture at non-acupoints as acupuncture placebo. Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) was examined before treatment, and one month, two and three months after treatment respectively to evaluate therapeutic effect, and Rating Scale for Side Effects (SERS) was used to evaluate the safety. Results: After one month of treatment, SDS scores in Acup. Group were significantly lower than that in P. Group (P〈0.05) and than that in NAN Group (P〈0.01), and SDS scores in P. Group were lower than that in NAN Group (P〈0.05), showing the SDS scores in Acup. Group 〈P. Group 〈NAN Group. After 2 months of treatment, SDS scores in Acup. Group were also significantly lower than that in P. Group (P〈0.01) and than that in NAN Group (P〈0.01), and SDS scores in P. Group were also lower than that in NAN Group (P〈0.05), showing the SDS scores in Acup. Group 〈P. Group 〈NAN Group. After 3 months of treatment, SDS scores in Acup. Group were also significantly lower than that in P. Group (P〈0.01) and than that in NAN Group (P〈0.01), and SDS scores in P. Group were also lower than that in NAN Group (P〈0.01), showing the SDS score in Acup. Group 〈P. Group 〈NAN Group. After treatment, SERS scores were 0.16±0.95, 6.51±5.09 and 0.23±1.36 in Acup. Group, P. Group and NAN Group respectively. A significant difference existed between Acup. Group and P. Group (P〈0.05), but no significant difference between Acup. Group and NAN Group (P〉0.05), showing the SERS scores in Acup. Group 〈NAN Group 〈P. Group. No side effect was found in Acup. and NAN groups. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of acupuncture on depressive neurosis is better than or similar to that of Prozac but with less side effect.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate systematically the clinical efficacy and safety of Qingkailing(QKL) injection in the treatment of acute stroke.METHODS: Searches for randomized controlled trials into acute stroke treated with QKL injection were performed in the China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database, China Science and Technology Journal Database, Wan fang Database,Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, PubMed and Cochrane Library, from January 1979 to March2013. Two reviewers independently retrieved the RCTs and extracted the information. The Cochrane risk of bias method was used to assess the quality of the included studies, and a Meta-analysis was conducted with Review Manager 5.2 software.RESULTS: A total of 13 studies with 1110participants were included. The quality of the studies was generally low. The Meta-analysis indicated that the combined use of QKL and Western Medicine was significantly superior to control group therapy in terms of the total effective rate. The relative risk(RR) in the acute cerebral hemorrhage(ACH) sub-group was 1.17 [95%confidence interval(CI)(1.08, 1.26), P=0.0001]. In the acute cerebral infarction(ACI) sub-group, RR was 1.27 [95% CI(1.14, 1.42), P0.0001], and in the ACH and ACI mixed sub-group, RR was 1.34 [95% CI(1.20,1.50),P0.00001]. Additionally, QKL promoted the absorption of hematoma [mean difference(MD)=﹣3.73, 95%CI(﹣4.48, ﹣2.98), P0.000 01],decreased neurological damage in ACI [MD=﹣5.60, 95% CI(﹣8.50, ﹣2.70), P=0.0002] and ACH[MD= ﹣ 4.08, 95% CI( ﹣ 8.00, ﹣ 0.16), P=0.04],promoted the recovery of awareness [RR=1.56, 95%CI(1.09, 2.21), P=0.01] and reduced the whole blood viscosity coefficient [MD=﹣ 0.75, 95% CI( ﹣1.47, ﹣0.03), P=0.04]. There were no adverse drug reactions reported in the included studies.CONCLUSION: Based on this systematic review,QKL combined with conventional therapy was effective compared with control treatment.However, because the articles used in the study were not of high quality, further studies should be conducted into the efficacy and safety of QKL in treating acute stroke.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship in ma- lignant-neoplasm patients of hypercoagulability between syndromes differentiated with the theory of abnormal hilit in traditional Uyghur medicine(TUM). METHODS: A total of 248 patients with malignant tumors were enrolled. Based on the theory of TUM they were divided into two groups: abnormal Sav- da and abnormal Non-Savda(including abnormal Khan, abnormal Sepra and abnormal Belghem types); fifty healthy volunteers were selected as controls. Platelet(PLT), prothrombin time(PT), plas- ma fibrinogen(FIB), thrombin time(TT), activated partial thromboplastin time(aPTT) and D-Dimer(D-D) were measured in both groups. RESULTS: Compared with the control and abnor-mal Non-Savda groups, in the abnormal Savda group the PLT count increased(P0.05), the PT was lengthened(P0.01), and the FIB significantly in- creased(P0.01). D-Ds in the three groups were sig- nificantly different(P0.05). No significant differ- ence was found inTT and aPTT values(P0.05). CONCLUSION: Hypercoagulability existed in pa- tients with malignant tumors in the different types of TUM syndromes, especially in the abnormal Sav- da group; this was characterized by increased blood viscosity, platelet aggregation and thrombo- sis. D-D appears to be a significant predictor for the therapeutic effect of TUM in relation to malignant tumor therapies.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of feeding phenylalanine (Phe) and tyrosine (Tyr) on the accumulation of total phenolic compounds and four phenylethanoid glycosides (PeGs) to a cell suspension culture of the parasitic plant Cistanche deserticola.METHOD: A cell suspension culture of C. deserticola was established and precursors of different concentrations were fed. In each group, the cell was sampled at the 24^th day after inoculation. The content of total phenolic compounds and four PeGs compounds were determined using the Folin-Ciocalteu method and an HPLC method, respectively.RESULTS: In the Phe fed cells, the maximum PeGs yield was achieved when Phe was fed at 1.5 mmol·L^-1 and the yield reached 1.13 times the control cell concentration. In the Tyr fed cells, the maximum yield of PeGs was 1.60 times of control when 0.75 mmol·L^-1 Tyr was fed to the cells. Furthermore, it was found that the salidroside yield was 4.01 times of control group when 5 mmol·L^-1 Tyr was fed.CONCLUSION: Tyr is a better precursor for PeGs accumulation compared with Phe, and the rate limiting enzymes might be involved in the Tyr branch.  相似文献   

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