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目的探讨踝关节骨折合并下胫腓联合韧带损伤内固定手术的效果。方法选取2015-05—2017-02间东莞市人民医院骨伤科收治的104例踝关节骨折合并下胫腓联合韧带损伤患者,根据手术方法不同分组。对照组实施常规非内固定治疗,观察组实施内固定术治疗。比较2组的治疗效果。结果观察组患者的骨折愈合时间短于对照组,术后6个月的踝关节功能评分高于对照组,二次手术发生率低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论对踝关节骨折合并下胫腓联合韧带损伤患者应用内固定术治疗,有助于坚强固定、术后开展功能锻炼及促进骨折愈合。  相似文献   

秦红照 《中国骨伤》2007,20(7):490-490
自1998年8月-2005年8月共收治踝关节骨折患者117例,其中合并下胫腓联合分离者39例,均采用手术治疗并取得了满意的疗效。 1临床资料 本组39例,男18例,女21例;年龄19—71岁,平均27.8岁;左侧22例,右侧17例;双踝骨折34例,合并后踝骨折5例。  相似文献   

不合并踝关节骨折的下胫腓分离   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
创伤性下胫腓分离通常合并踝关节骨折,不合并踝关节骨折的下胫腓分离非常罕见,下胫腓联合韧带的损伤并不一定导致下胫腓分离。Hopkinson等报告15例下胫腓联合韧带损伤中只有2例出现下胫腓分离,其中1例是在应力X线片中才发现,Rose等也只报告了2例。Edwards等将不合并踝关节骨折的下胫腓分离分为两类:(1)明显的分离(frank  相似文献   

目的探讨踝关节损伤中下胫腓联合分离的诊断与治疗。方法采用非手术和手术的方法共治疗踝关节损伤中下胫腓联合分离26例。结果本组26例随访3个月。8年3个月。根据Baird—Jackson踝关节评分标准:优15例,良6例,叮2例,差2例,优良率84.6%。结论明确的诊断和合理的治疗方案是取得良好治疗效果的关键。  相似文献   

自1999年-2002年,我们对45例踝部骨折脱位伴下胫腓联合分离患者进行手术治疗,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

2004年1月~2010年3月,我院采用切开复位内固定术治疗35例踝关节骨折脱位并下胫腓联合分离的患者,取得较好疗效。1材料与方法1.1病例资料本组35例,男23例,女12例,年龄17~58岁。采用Lauge-Hamen分型:18例为旋前外展型,12例为旋前外旋型,5例为旋后外旋型。  相似文献   

目的探讨三角韧带与下胫腓联合对踝关节稳定性的生物力学影响。方法采用6例新鲜踝关节标本,常规制成骨-韧带模型(标本可重复利用)。分为:A组:踝关节各韧带均完整;B组:三角韧带离断,下胫腓联合完整;C组:下胫腓联合离断,三角韧带完整;D组:下胫腓联合及三角韧带均离断;E组:锚钉修复三角韧带、螺钉固定下胫腓联合韧带组。对标本施加600 N轴向加载。分别测量三种体位(中立位、背伸10°位、跖屈20°位)在各种状态下胫距关节的接触面积、接触压力、压应力分布等变化。对比分析三角韧带及下胫腓联合韧带修复前后对踝关节稳定的作用。结果在三种体位下均可发现,随着下胫腓联合及三角韧带的离断,胫距关节接触面积逐渐减小,接触压力逐渐增大,与正常A组对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),压应力分布逐渐集中并有向外侧移位趋势;三角韧带与下胫腓联合修复前后的胫距关节的接触面积、接触压力等差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);修复后的胫距关节接触面积增大、接触压力减少,与正常组A组对比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),压应力分布分散。结论三角韧带与下胫腓联合断裂后,距骨发生移位,胫距关节面接触面积、接触压力及压应力分布发生剧烈变化。目前骨锚钉修复三角韧带、螺钉固定下胫腓联合能获得即刻稳定,且其生物力学强度与正常组相似,推荐对三角韧带伴下胫腓联合损伤者行手术治疗以恢复其正常解剖关系。  相似文献   

<正>踝关节骨折在日常生活中非常常见,据统计,在所有踝关节骨折和需要手术治疗的踝关节骨折的病例中,伴有下胫腓韧带联合损伤的比例分别占10%和20%[1]。临床中由于对踝关节下胫腓韧带联合损伤认识的不足,导致诊疗方面存在很多误区。下胫腓韧带损伤常导致距骨外移和踝关节不稳,尸体研究发现:当距骨向侧方移动1 mm时,胫距关节连接区域减少42%[2]。下胫腓韧带联合损伤会导致踝关节稳定性下降、踝关节疼痛,而治疗不当或漏诊常会导致疼痛、关  相似文献   

目的评价胫腓钩治疗伴下胫腓韧带损伤的踝关节骨折的疗效。方法2002年3月~2005年11月,应用胫腓钩治疗伴下胫腓韧带损伤的旋前型踝关节骨折脱位患者18例。根据术前X线片判断下胫腓联合损伤的程度,经术中探查证实;于下胫腓联合平面置钩,钩住腓骨,固定于胫骨上。取内固定的同时取胫腓钩。结果16例患者获得3个月~4年(平均17个月)随访,根据踝关节活动度、疼痛及X线情况评定疗效:优14例,良2例,未发现内固定物松动、断裂现象。结论胫腓钩在治疗合并下胫腓韧带损伤的踝关节骨折脱位中能有效地复位和固定,并能提供下胫腓微动关节的生理功能。  相似文献   

目的总结手术治疗踝关节骨折伴下胫腓联合分离的方法和效果。方法对34例踝关节骨折伴下胫腓联合分离患者均行内固定手术治疗,回顾性分析患者的临床资料。结果 34例均顺利完成手术,骨折愈合时间13~20周。优21例,良10例,可2例,差1例,优良率91.17%。结论踝关节骨折伴下胫腓联合分离应积极手术内固定处理,使踝关节解剖复位,下胫腓联合稳定。  相似文献   

Abstract Objective: Reconstruction of the three-point dynamic suspension of the fibula in the fibular groove of the tibia. Elimination of pain and functional disturbances. Prevention of posttraumatic osteoarthritis. Indications: Chronic symptomatic insufficiency of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis with widening of the mortise. Contraindications: Poor skin and soft tissue conditions. Advanced osteoarthritis of ankle. Surgical Technique: Reconstruction of the three most important ligaments of the distal syndesmosis complex: the anterior and posterior as well as the interosseous tibiofibular ligaments, with a halved, distally pedicled tendon of the peroneus longus tendon. Results: Ten tenodeses (eight women, two men, average age 40 years) were done between January 1998 and December 1999. The syndesmosis insufficiency persisted after surgical treatment of eight pronation-eversion and two -abduction fractures. Average duration of follow-up 11.4 months. Using the Karlsson score, the subjective and functional assessment of all patients reached 88 out of 100 points. One patient reached only 70 points on account of a preoperatively present dysesthesia in the territory of the tibial nerve giving rise to persistent pain. The following is a reprint from Operat Orthop Traumatol 2003;15:208–225 and continues the new series of articles at providing continuing education on operative techniques to the European trauma community. Reprint from: Operat Orthop Traumatol 2003;15:208–25 DOI 10.1007/s00064-003-1068-5  相似文献   

Distal tibiofibular syndesmosis injury accounts for 1% to 11% of soft tissue injuries of the ankle. Some acute syndesmotic injuries will fail to heal effectively owing to inadequate treatment or misdiagnosis, eventually resulting in chronic instability, which can destroy the stability of the ankle joint. Various surgical techniques have been described for fixation of the syndesmosis. Among the existing methods, the suture button has the advantage of allowing for physiologic micromotion at the syndesmosis by maintaining the reduction and preventing the risk of screw breakage. However, the “relatively” long suture between buttons can gradually relax under continuous loading, resulting in fixation failure, which we have termed electric wire phenomenon. In the present report, we have described a modified technique for flexible fixation using the Endobutton CL ULTRA fixation device by tricortical fixation, instead of quadricortical fixation, to allow for robust and reliable fixation of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. The modified technique is devoid of the concern regarding the use of screw fixation and can reduce the risk of displacement or elongation and skin irritation associated with the suture button.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the radiographic outcomes of syndesmosis injuries treated with a partially threaded 5.0-mm cannulated screw. The present study included 58 consecutive patients with syndesmosis injuries concurrent with ankle fractures who had undergone operative fixation with a partially threaded 5.0-mm cannulated screw to repair the syndesmosis injury. Radiographic indexes, including the medial clear space, tibiofibular overlap, tibiofibular clear space, and fibular position on the lateral radiograph, were measured on the preoperative, immediate postoperative, and final follow-up radiographs. The measurements were compared between the injured and intact ankles. All preoperative radiographic indexes, including the medial clear space (p?<?.001), tibiofibular overlap (p?<?.001), tibiofibular clear space (p?<?.001), and fibular position on the lateral radiograph (p?=?.026), were significantly different between the injured and intact ankles. The medial clear space of the injured ankle was significantly wider than that of the intact ankle preoperatively (p?<?.001) and had become significantly narrower immediately postoperatively (p?<?.001). Finally, the medial clear space was not significantly different between the injured and intact ankles at the final follow-up examination (p?=?.522). No screw breakage or repeat fractures were observed. A 5.0-mm partially threaded cannulated screw effectively restored and maintained the normal relationship between the tibia and fibula within the ankle mortise with a low risk of complications. This appears to be an effective alternative technique to treat syndesmosis injuries concurrent with ankle fractures.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the technical details of performing a newly developed arthroscopic grading of inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis injuries. Arthroscopy is emerging as the gold standard for evaluating painful, unstable ankles. The inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis contributes substantially to disorders of the ankle. However, no structured grading system exists that would help surgeons evaluate injuries of the syndesmosis. Seventy-eight patients with pain or instability symptoms in the ankle were arthroscopically evaluated for syndesmosis injury. The lesions were graded according to the prospectively developed protocol.More than 61% of the patients had syndesmosis disruptions of various grades affecting the anterior/posterior ligaments or both ligaments. Fourteen patients had anterior ligament disruptions whereas 4 patients had posterior lesions; another 7 patients had both ligaments asymmetrically injured. Eighteen of the 78 patients had symmetric grade 1 lesions, and 5 had grade 2 lesions.More than half of chronic ankle pain cases have syndesmotic lesions. Symmetrical lesions of the anterior and posterior ligaments predominate, followed by isolated anterior ligament disruptions. The proposed grading system for inferior tibiofibular syndesmosis disruptions serves as a guide to systematic documentation of injuries of the syndesmosis.  相似文献   

Tibiofibular fixation using suture-button implants is an optional method for the surgical treatment of syndesmosis injuries. Although good clinical outcomes have been reported, inadequate stability between the tibia and fibula has also been documented. Thus, suture-button fixation is not considered the reference standard. For surgical treatment of lateral ligament injuries of the ankle, good treatment outcomes have also been reported with ligament augmentation using nonabsorbable suture tape. Ligament augmentation tape with suture-button fixation could also be promising for improved treatment outcomes in syndesmosis injuries. We describe suture-button fixation together with mini-open anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament augmentation using suture tape for treatment of syndesmosis injuries.  相似文献   

目的对下胫腓联合损伤诊治作一综述。方法查阅近年有关下胫腓联合损伤诊断和治疗的文献,总结进展。结果病史(损伤机制)、临床体检、影像学检查(X线片、CT、MRI)等可辅助诊断下胫腓联合损伤。对于不稳定下胫腓联合损伤需积极手术治疗,原则为解剖复位和固定,避免踝关节不稳定、长期慢性疼痛和创伤性关节炎发生。但对于内固定方法仍存在争议。结论下胫腓联合损伤诊断仍缺乏特异性量化参数,疗效评价仍需大样本临床研究加以明确。  相似文献   

胫腓下联合分离伴踝部骨折的治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨踝关节损伤时胫腓下联合分离的机制及胫腓下联合固定的利弊.方法伴胫腓下联合分离的踝关节损伤共31 例,其中19 例未行胫腓下联合分离固定,10 例用螺针固定胫腓下联合,2 例用下胫腓钩固定.内踝骨折以螺钉或张力带钢丝固定.外踝以螺钉或钢板固定,后踝用松质骨螺钉加压固定.结果胫腓下联合固定患者中2 例松动,2 例术后1~2 a取出固定螺钉,其余10 例均6~12周取出胫腓下联合固定螺钉.未发生胫腓下联合螺钉断裂.内外踝及后踝骨折内固定于6~29个月取出.未行胫腓下联合分离固定的病例均未出现胫腓下联合分离.结论胫腓下联合的稳定性不仅仅取决于胫腓下联合本身,胫腓下联合韧带损伤时,只有同时伴有踝关节内侧骨韧带复合体损伤,才会出现临床上的胫腓下联合分离,因此踝关节骨折脱位时,只要内外踝或后踝解剖复位,固定牢固,胫腓下联合分离即可自动复位,一般不必做胫腓下联合的固定.  相似文献   

The effect of shear stress on a fixated distal syndesmosis of the ankle was evaluated with a servohydraulic materials-testing machine. Eighteen syndesmoses were fixated in a quadricortical technique using 3.5-mm cortical and 4.5-mm cortical stainless steel screws. A shear stress was applied via an axial load in an attempt to simulate weightbearing. The 4.5-mm quadricortical screws produced a higher yield load and peak load (484.3 +/- 93.8 N and 597.7 +/- 81.4 N) when compared with the 3.5-mm quadricortical syndesmotic screws (412.8 +/- 55 N, P = .033 and 511.2 +/- 64.4 N). These findings suggest that a larger diameter screw provides greater resistance to an applied shear stress at the distal syndesmosis.  相似文献   

胡勇  谢辉  徐荣明  薛波 《中国骨伤》2007,20(4):241-244
目的:探讨创伤性耻骨联合分离合并骶髂复合体损伤适应证、手术方法及疗效。方法:2002年3月-2004年6月,对20例创伤性耻骨联合分离合并骶髂复合体损伤患者,采用前路切开复位重建钢板内固定治疗耻骨联合分离和后路在CT引导下经皮空心拉力螺钉固定治疗骶髂复合体损伤。男12例,女8例;年龄18~65岁,平均42.6岁。通过影像学检查明确20例患者有34侧骨盆骶髂复合体损伤。按照AO骨盆环损伤方法分型:B型8例,其中B2型5例,B3型3例;C型12例,其中C1型4例,C2型5例,C3型3例。结果:20例均获随访,随访时间4~21个月,平均14.2个月。平均入院后第8天手术。前路手术时间平均150min,后路手术时间平均60min。前路术中平均失血200ml,后路术中平均失血30ml。20例共置入骶髂螺钉34枚。术后3周患者可扶双拐下地行走,3~4个月可完全负重行走,并逐渐恢复体力劳动。未发生神经损伤及螺钉断裂现象。耻骨联合分离患者术后影像学显示解剖学形态完全恢复,耻骨联合间隙<2cm。结论:前环耻骨联合分离时要考虑可能有后环骶髂复合体损伤存在。耻骨联合分离与骶髂关节损伤应分别根据具体情况采用相应的固定术式。  相似文献   

H.J.S. Willmott  B. Singh  L.A. David 《Injury》2009,40(11):1204-1206
Fixation of ankle syndesmosis injury with a fibre-wire tightrope has previously been reported. Early clinical results indicate that it can remain in situ indefinitely without complications. We are the first to report complications with the use of this device. Six patients were treated for ankle diastasis using the tightrope. These included four Weber C fractures, one Maisonneuve fracture and one isolated diastasis without fracture. Fractures were treated according to AO-ASIF principles and the tightrope applied through a plate in three cases and directly through the fibula in three cases. In two cases the device caused soft-tissue irritation with granuloma formation, necessitating subsequent removal, one after six months, and the other after ten months. Histological examination revealed refractile material within giant cells, suggestive of foreign-body reaction. Average time to weightbearing was six weeks (range 4–8). In all cases the syndesmosis was reduced and held, even after device removal. Functional outcome was good and patients were satisfied. This series shows that there is a significant incidence of soft-tissue complications with the use of tightrope fixation and subsequent need for removal. Patients should be warned of this.  相似文献   

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