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健康促进县(区)建设是落实健康中国战略的重要举措,是各县(区)将健康放在优先发展位置的具体实践,是健康领域的社会治理行动。《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》明确提出“开展健康促进县(区)建设,着力提升居民健康素养”。2021年淄博市淄川区申报建设省级健康促进区,为做好淄川区省级健康促进区示范建设工作,了解淄川区居民健康素养水平,按方案要求,在机关事业单位、医疗卫生机构、学校、社区开展了健康促进区评估人群健康调查。  相似文献   

本文将从以下5个方面谈谈我区在健康促进工作中的一些做法。1开展学习活动,深化健康理念《健康新地平线》中指出"健康促进是指个人与其家庭、社区和国家一起采取措施,鼓励健康的行为,增强人们改进和处理自身健康问题的能力"。那么,学校就应该为学生提供完整的、有意义的健康促进经验和知识体系,创建安全健康的环境,促进学生的身心健康。要想为学生提供完整的、有意义的经验和知识体系,教师是关键。因此,在健康促进工作中应坚持"学习第一"的原则,由学校制定出具体的学习时间,组织健康促进学校活动小组和全体教职员工学习《健康学校章程》,通过升旗仪式、电视节目、橱窗、班级板报等多种形式对学生进行健康知识的宣传和教育。同时也提高了  相似文献   

健康促进学校学生卫生知识及行为调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
开展健康促进学校工作是增强青少年健康意识、培养青少年良好的健康生活习惯和行为方式,对他们一生的健康成长起到了促进作用.为了解我区开展健康促进学校情况,今后更好的指导健康促进学校的工作提供依据,我们于2002年12月对4所中小学申报市级健康促进学校进行模拟验收时组织了学生问卷调查,同时对未启动健康促进学校的5所中小学也进行了同样问卷调查.  相似文献   

目的 在世界卫生组织、国家卫生部、北京市卫生局有关专家的指导和帮助下,从1995年开始在北京市东城区内的学校开展了创建健康促进学校工作。方法 按照世界卫生组织《健康促进学校活动框架》和《国家学校卫生工作条例》,结合东城区实际情况,制订出《东城区学校健康促进章程》、《东城区创建健康促进学校计划》,以“六病”防治为重点,开展了创建健康促进学校工作。结果 到1999年年底,40所学校通过了专家评价,有7所学校获得金牌,6所学校获得银牌,8所学校获得铜牌。结论 健康促进学校活动的开展,使学校完善了卫生政策和规章制度,学校的物质环境得到明显的改善;学校、家庭和社区在健康促进行动上形成联合的局面,提高了学生的健康知识、信念、行为和技能水平。  相似文献   

2009年《中共中央国务院关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见》明确指出"加强健康促进与教育。医疗卫生机构及机关、学校、社区、企业等要大力开展健康教育"。因此,提高我国社区健康教育工作水平、促进社区健康教育工作非常重要和紧迫。美国疾病预防控制中心组织开展的"健康社  相似文献   

社区健康促进工作在促进大众健康 ,提高人民生活质量方面处于非常重要的地位。在区级健康教育所的工作实践中 ,主要的工作社区是街道、乡镇 ,其中每一个社区不仅面对辖区的居民 ,而且还要面对许多的学校、商店、工厂等单位 ,因此 ,社区健康促进任务重、难度大。多年的社区健康促进工作实践使我们体会到 ,要搞好社区健康促进工作 ,社区的领导重视是关键 ,因此 ,开发领导成为健康促进专业部门的一大任务。经过多年的努力 ,许多社区领导对健康促进重要性的认识有了较大的提高 ,因而健康促进工作搞得轰轰烈烈。但我们也发现 :由于缺少健康促进专…  相似文献   

目的评估宁波市健康促进学校,为创建和巩固健康促进学校提供依据。方法对宁波市的健康促进学校开展问卷调查,对其基本情况、健康政策、健康环境、健康服务和健康教育等方面进行描述性分析,并参照《浙江省健康促进学校考核标准》进行评价。结果宁波市共成功创建健康促进学校315所,其中金牌学校8所,银牌学校29所,铜牌学校278所。学校均配备独立的卫生室(保健室),平均配备卫生专业技术人员0.32人,且均与学校所在辖区的社区卫生服务中心签订服务合同。除金牌学校的女生厕所每蹲位人数超标外,其他均达到要求。健康教育课程每月安排≥3次的学校占33.33%,由专职老师授课的学校占12.70%。学生体质合格率为87.94%,其中金牌学校为96.69%,银牌学校为81.53%,铜牌学校为88.44%,银牌学校学生体质合格率未达到要求。男性教职工吸烟率为12.14%,女性为0.00%,教职工吸烟率和男教职工吸烟率均达到要求。结论健康促进学校创建工作初见成效,但还存在硬件设施配备、健康教育课程安排等方面的不足。  相似文献   

2005—2008年无锡市惠山区学校卫生监测情况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为贯彻执行《学校卫生工作条例》,及时了解学校教室卫生工作状况,确保学生具有良好、舒适并符合卫生要求的学习环境,我区在2005—2008年间结合学校新建、扩建以及争创健康促进铜牌学校的活动,对辖区内27所学校的162间教室进行了卫生监测,现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

中国/WHO学校健康促进项目创建工作分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学校是有效促进学生、教师、家庭和社区成员健康发展的场所。健康促进学校是指通过学校及学校所在社区成员共同努力,提供能促进并保护学生健康的、全面的、积极的经验和组织机构,即为促进健康而不懈努力的学校。健康促进学校的目标是改善学生的学习和生活环境,提高学生的身心健  相似文献   

1996年西太区提出了"发展健康促进学校区域行动纲要",强调学校应为学生提供完整的有效的经验和知识体系,创造安全健康的学校环境,提供适宜的卫生服务,让家庭和广大社区成员参与,以促进学生健康.我们认为要实现上述纲要,卫生、教育部门之间的密切配合是非常重要的.  相似文献   

Promoting the health of children through schools has long been an important task of the WHO. Guided by the recommendations of the Expert Committee on Comprehensive School Health Education and Promotion, the Initiative seeks to strengthen health promotion and education activities at the local, national, regional, and global levels. It aims to increase the number of schools that can truly be called "Health-Promoting Schools". The four strategies undertaken by WHO in creating Health-Promoting Schools are: 1) strengthening the ability to advocate for improved school health programs, 2) creating networks and alliances for the development of Health-Promoting Schools, 3) strengthening national capacities, and 4) research to improve school health program. Finally, WHO recognizes that the success of the Global School Health Initiative lies on the extent to which partnerships can be formed at local, national, and international levels.  相似文献   

Schools are identified as a key setting for health promotion in the UK Government's consultation report on the public health strategy for England. The concept of the 'healthy' or 'health promoting school' provides the basis for a broad settings approach to health promotion in schools. The approach extends beyond the formal health education curriculum to include a consideration of the physical and social environment of schools and their links and partnerships with parents and the wider community, in pursuit of better health. There is growing evidence that the health promoting school approach is effective in influencing outcomes related to health and education. Initiatives in the form of projects and schemes are commonly used by Health Promotion Specialist services and health partnerships, to stimulate and support the adoption of the approach by schools. A national healthy school scheme is to be launched alongside these local initiatives in 1999. The paper reviews research and practice in this area and makes recommendations to inform the future development of schools as health promoting organizations.  相似文献   

广州市中小学卫生健康促进中心是广州市教育局直属的学校卫生健康专业机构,是推动广州市学校卫生和学生健康促进事业发展的中坚力量。作为广州市唯一的专业学校卫生健康促进机构,中心紧跟党的步伐、贯彻国家的路线方针,在学校卫生和学生健康促进方面采取了积极有效的预防及干预措施,为学校卫生和学生健康促进事业更好的发展发挥了强有力的推动作用。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study analyzed data from the School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS) 2000 to examine the relationship between school health councils and selected school health policies and programs. SHPPS 2000 collected data from faculty and staff in a nationally representative sample of schools. About two-thirds (65.7%) of US schools have school health councils. Schools with councils were significantly more likely than schools without councils to report policies and programs related to health services. mental health and social services; faculty and staff health promotion, and family and community involvement. Schools with councils were as likely as schools without councils to report policies and programs related to health education, physical education, and food service. Although school health councils are associated with the presence of some key school health policies and programs, a council does not guarantee a school will have all important school health policies and programs in place.  相似文献   

Health promotion first entered the South African health system in 1990. Today, Health Promotion is a Directorate located within the Social Sector Cluster (SSC) within Primary Health Care (PHC), District and Development operations which falls under the Deputy Director General for Health Service Delivery in the National Department of Health (DoH). The first significant piece of new policy for health promotion in South Africa appeared in the African National Congress (ANC) health policy document, health care services including reproductive health care. At the moment, health promotion service delivery is the responsibility of the national, provincial and local governments with provincial and local governments mainly implementing and the National Health Promotion Directorate offering support. Funding for health promotion activities comes from the Department of Health budget allocation by the National Treasury. One major problem for Health Promotion development is infrastructure. There is significant community participation in South Africa including health promotion policy and strategy document development. Health Promotion research and evaluation is limited. The National Department of Health considers the settings approach to be crucial in driving the progress of health promotion. There are very few trained health promotion specialists either capable or in the position to inform politicians and opinion leaders about the relationship between health and social determinants, and the evidence of effectiveness of health promotion action. Mechanisms for demonstrating evidence of health promotion effectiveness in terms of health, social, economic and political impact are lacking and occupational standards for health promotion education and training are needed.  相似文献   

This paper describes development, over a five-year period, of the Hunter Region Health Promoting Schools Project in New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The project implemented the principles and philosophy of the Health Promoting Schools concept and evaluated its effectiveness using a randomized controlled trial involving 22 public secondary schools. An overview of the preliminary intervention model based on the health promoting schools philosophy and trialed in a pilot study is provided. The authors also outline barriers to, and difficulties in, implementing the philosophically based intervention model in the secondary school setting. The current intervention approach, which evolved over five years, is described in relation to the roles played by project team members and school communities. In addition, the authors outline guiding principles arising from the new approach which facilitated adoption of health promotion strategies in secondary school settings.  相似文献   

This article explores key developments in health promotion within the European Network for health Promoting Schools project (ENHPS) in four formerly communist countries: Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Lithuania. The concept of the Health Promoting School has been uniquely interpreted by these countries resulting in a variety of health promoting initiatives at school, community and national levels. These include: variations in the management of the project in the different countries; the direction and support for schools provided by the national project teams in each country; the effect of national governments on project outcomes; the communication between project participants and strategies for disseminating project outcomes; the training of teachers and health professionals; and the extent to which the local community and parents have been involved in school projects. The introduction of a holistic concept of health promotion into the education system and schools in these countries has inspired and equipped teachers to adopt 'democratic' approaches to health education teaching and move away from the more traditional, didactic approaches. The two researchers witnessed more relaxed relationships and more opportunities for pupils to engage and be active. This corresponded with changes in the political, social and economic conditions of these countries since the removal of communist regimes. The vestiges of past regimes, current economic circumstances and national histories inevitably play a part in the context in which a radical vision of ENHPS is embraced by entrepreneurial professionals in under-resourced communities and schools.Key words: active learning; eastern Europe; educational innovation; Health Promoting Schools; WHO   相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elicit critical incidents that illustrate the reality in which health promotion processes take place in the Finnish European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS). In this study, critical incidents were used as a data collection method. The data were collected by asking representatives (n = 30) of the schools to describe in writing both positive and negative critical incidents related to health promotion in their school community. Altogether 48 critical incidents were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results show that collaboration in a network of participants from inside and outside the school community to plan and implement a special school health day was the most commonly described positive critical incident. In addition, the organizational culture of the schools seemed to improve in a positive way. The reorganization of resources for health promotion resulted in positive progress, whereas a lack of resources had a frustrating and negative effect. The most commonly described negative critical incident was a failure to discourage smoking by pupils.  相似文献   

Health literacy is a concept that can be widely embraced by schools. Schools throughout the world contribute to the achievement of public health goals in conjunction with their educational commitments. In this paper, the interface between a school's core business of education and public health goals is identified, and examples provided in the area of nutrition demonstrating how these links can operate at school level. The structure and function of the health promoting school is described and the author proposes that there is a very close connection between the health promoting school and the enabling factors necessary in achieving health literacy. Major findings in the literature that provide evidence of good practices in school health education and promotion initiatives are described. Also, those factors that make schools effective and which facilitate learning for students are identified. There is a substantial overlap between the successful components of a health promoting school and effective schools. This enables schools to potentially achieve all three levels of health literacy, including level 3-critical health literacy. However, there are three challenges that must be addressed to enable schools to achieve this level: the traditional structure and function of schools, teachers practices and skills, and time and resources. Strategies are proposed to address all three areas and to reduce the impediments to achieving the goals of health literacy and public health using the school as a setting.  相似文献   

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