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Retention of blood donors has benefits over recruitment of new blood donors. Retention is defined as preventing donors from lapsing and eventually becoming inactive. This review paper discusses literature on the importance of efforts to retain donors, specifically new donors, since lapsing is most common before the fifth donation. Studies have found that intention to donate, attitudes towards blood donation and self‐efficacy (does one feel capable of donating blood) are predictors of blood donation. Feelings of ‘warm glow’ predict donation behaviour better than altruism. The existing literature further suggests that first time donors can be retained by paying extra attention to adverse events (vasovagal reactions and fatigue). These events could be reduced by drinking water and muscle tension exercises. Feelings of anxiety (in regular donors) and stress can further prevent donors from returning. Planning donations amongst busy lives can help retention, and suggestions are given on which interventions might be helpful.  相似文献   

影响公民自愿无偿献血的因素调查分析   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:14  
目的了解影响公民无偿献血的各种因素以及公民决定献血的重点因素,以制定有针对性的招募策略。方法依照知、信、行(KAP)理论设计调查表,对成都市2385名献血与未献血的公民做现场问卷调查,通过对其无偿献血的知识、态度、行为的研究来做相关分析。结果①对无偿献血的认知:成都地区公民对我国实行无偿献血制度的知晓率较高(87.5%),但对无偿献血常识和危险行为方式总的知晓率较低(分别为29.4%、32.5%),其中献血者(1349名)对无偿献血常识和危险行为方式总的知晓率(分别为33.4%、38.1%)均高于未献血者(1036名)(分别为24.2%、25.1%)(P<0.05);文化程度越低,对献血常识和危险行为的知晓率越低,职业分布以医生的知晓率最高,农民的最低。②了解渠道:献血者通过人际传播的渠道了解的比例高于未献血者(P<0.05)。③献血动机:未献血者、初次献血者和重复献血者愿意献血的主要原因是“献爱心”,但献血动机比较多样,街头献血的行为受各种环境因素的影响;“人道主义”、“同伴招募”和“健康检查”是促使公民初次献血的因素,而影响初次献血的重点因素是“便利和勇气”;再次献血的公民主要是“献爱心、没什么特别原因和享受用血优惠”。④关注信息:未献血者如果打算献血,最希望了解的依次为“献血后是否影响身体”、“是否会感染疾病”、“血液相关知识”、“相关疾病知识”、“献血后优惠”、“献血时间地点”和“其他“。⑤对待献血的态度和行为:认为献血不影响身体的公民占73.5%,献血者(76.3%)的比例高于未献血者(70%)(P<0.05);献血者愿意继续献血的占93.3%,重复献血者(97.1%)高于初次献血者(91.1%)(P<0.05);77.3%的献血者表示“如有危险行为时选择放弃献血”。结论动机、认知、态度、个性及职业与文化程度等自身因素,献血法律法规、献血宣传方式、献血服务过程等环境因素亦都会影响公民献血。献血者招募的策略,首先应研究不同人群对献血不同的需求,采取针对性的措施,促使公民献血;其次,应为献血者提供安全、舒适和方便的服务。  相似文献   

The demand for blood products steadily increases. Concurrently, blood donor recruitment becomes more and more difficult. This study aimed to investigate effects of blood donation on blood donors, which could be helpful for blood donor recruitment and retention. In addition to cortisol measurements in saliva, three questionnaires quantifying mood (good/bad), vigilance (awake/tired), agitation (calm/nervous), actual strain and asking for donation-related effects perceived were distributed to 110 whole blood donors (DON). Results obtained were compared with 109 control subjects (CON) lacking the blood donation experience. Overall, 216 subjects completed the questionnaires. Sixty-eight percent of DON reported at least one effect perceived with blood donation. Exclusively, positive, negative or mixed effects were described by 26.5%, 23.5% and 17.6%, respectively. Among positive effects (i.e. physical/psychological well-being, feeling satisfied, happy, proud), no significant differences were observed between males and females (P = 0.07), whereas mixed or negative effects (i.e. vertigo, dizziness, tiredness, pain) were significantly (P = 0.03; P = 0.049) more associated with females. DON showed higher levels of well-being than CON as indicated by better mood (P = 0.004), higher vigilance (P = 0.015) and relaxation (P = 0.003). The latter even increased after donation with maximum values after 15 and 30 min. Despite significantly higher initial strain scores (P = 0.008), first-time donors maintained a better mood (P = 0.025) than repeat donors. DON showed a statistically better psychological well-being than CON, although the donation experience was perceived as stressful, especially for first-time donors. The results may facilitate donor recruitment and retention as blood donation may become less frightening and perhaps even attractive.  相似文献   

Blood donors are underrepresented in the general population. Thus, comparing barriers to blood donation between non‐donors and lapsed donors is crucial to improving their participation in blood donation and to targeting theses groups in recruitment programmes. The aims of this study were to identify barriers to blood donation and to compare their occurrence between lapsed and non‐donors in France. Data from a 2008 survey of 1400 individuals were used to evaluate differences in barriers between two subpopulations: 619 non‐donors and 567 lapsed donors. Individuals answered questions concerning sociodemographic variables and donation‐related variables. Results show that, in decreasing order, individuals cited medical reasons (32%), lack of time (15·12%), fear (12·20%), negligence (10·03%), lack of information (7·69%), no particular reason (7·18%), lack of solicitation (6·18%), lack of opportunity (5·18%) and prior deferral (4·43%) as barriers to blood donation. After adjusted analysis, non‐donors mentioned fear, lack of information and no particular reason more often than lapsed donors, who cited lack of time more often than non‐donors. This study has pinpointed nine main barriers to blood donation among the French population, the most significant being medical reasons (for both lapsed and non‐donors), lack of time, cited more frequently by lapsed donors, and fear of donating blood, most often cited by non‐donors. Future studies are needed to gain greater insight into what these barriers represent for individuals to improve awareness and for recruitment of French blood donors.  相似文献   

This narrative review examines current research on risk factors, prevention methods and management strategies for vasovagal reactions (VVRs) that occur during or as a result of blood donation. VVRs are important to blood collection agencies (BCAs) as they negatively impact the number of completed collections, perceptions of the safety of blood donation and rates of donor return. There has been significant progress in understanding and preventing VVRs in blood donation in recent years, with a multitude of risk factors identified. This has resulted in many BCAs implementing evidence‐based strategies, such as donor age and weight restrictions. However, the profile of our most vulnerable donors and features of the donation setting that may protect these donors from experiencing a VVR have not been identified. Furthermore, an increased number of trials of physiological and psychological prevention interventions to reduce both immediate and delayed VVRs have been reported. However, a lack of methodological consistency in operationalising interventions to reduce or prevent VVRs means that the identification of effective VVR prevention strategies remains a challenge for practitioners. Furthermore, research is still required to determine how to successfully implement prevention and management strategies into standard operating procedures within collection centres. Finally, research in the management and mitigation of the effect of VVRs is currently only suggestive of what should be done to care for the donor who reacts and how to empower those donors to return. Collectively, research into these aspects of VVRs will provide support to donors and BCAs and improve the safety of blood donation.  相似文献   

Recruitment of low-risk blood donors in developing countries is challenging. We studied the attitudes towards blood donation in several populations in a city in Western China. A survey of knowledge, attitude and practice was performed including 1280 individuals from eight distinct populations in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, China. Included were Han Chinese and Uyghur populations of blood donors, non-donors, injection drug users, students and factory workers. Knowledge about blood donation varied between the groups. Factors motivating blood donation included social pressure, desire to know screening results and altruism. Inhibiting factors included fear of contracting an infection and other adverse health effects, including loss of vitality. Misconceptions about the effects of blood donation are widespread, even among educated persons in Urumqi. Fear of acquiring a serious infection may have been increased by the reports of HIV acquisition during plasma donations in China.  相似文献   

目的无偿献血者献血前后存在不同的心理,对其进行分析,采取切实可行的护理对策,减少无偿献血者献血时的不良反应,保证无偿献血者成功献血。方法通过电话回访和当面交谈对6 105名无偿献血者献血前后的心理进行分析总结,从而采取行之有效的护理对策。结果无偿献血者献血不良反应大大减少,保证无偿献血者成功献血,促进固定的无偿献血者队伍不断壮大,2次以上献血者人数占献血总人数由2009年47.5%,2010年上升到58.5%,2011年上升到71.5%。结论献血前后的护理可减少献血反应的发生,保持献血时愉快的心情,保证无偿献血者成功献血,促进无偿献血事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

目的了解承德市无偿献血现状,挖掘更多的潜在献血者,为献血者招募策略制定提供依据。方法收集2008—2013年承德市无偿献血者献血信息,统计各采血点献血人次、献血总量及400ml献血比率等数据。结果承德市2008—2013年共采血164451人次,县城采血点献血人数达到73375人次,占献血总人数的44.6%,献血量占到总献血量的49.5%,均排在第一位。结论在用血量快速增长、血源招募相对乏力的情况下,保持并提高400ml献血比率是保障供血的关键。同时,根据各采血点的特点,采取多种宣传形式,提倡献血过程中的人性化服务,打动潜在献血者,提高招募实效,才能确保充足的血液供应。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are no reports in the transfusion medicine literature that describe adverse reactions and donor arm injuries after whole-blood donation based on solicited information. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The present study solicited adverse reaction and donor arm injury information from 1000 randomly selected whole-blood donors approximately 3 weeks after the whole-blood donation. Two 16-gauge phlebotomy needles in use were also compared. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of the donors had one or more adverse effects (AEs). The most common systemic AEs were fatigue (7.8%), vasovagal symptoms (5.3%), and nausea and vomiting (1.1%). The most common arm findings were bruise (22.7%), arm soreness (10.0%), and hematoma (1.7%). Men were half as likely as women to have an AE (23% AE vs. 48% AE, p < 0.0001). Repeat blood donors had fewer AEs than first-time blood donors (36% AE vs. 47% AE, p < 0.007), and African-American donors had numbers of AEs similar to those of Caucasian donors (31% AE vs. 38% AE, p = 0.30). The two phlebotomy needles did not differ in causing blood donor AEs. CONCLUSION: AEs after donation and complaints may be more common than previously thought. The postdonation interview is a good tool for defining the blood donor's experience. It can also be used to evaluate and potentially improve blood donor safety and comfort.  相似文献   

目的通过对主动召回的全血献血者的人口学特征进行分析,为本地区制定高效的招募策略,解决季节性、结构性和紧急性供血紧张问题提供科学参考依据。方法分析2019年1月~2020年6月通过主动召回并成功献血的21 934名全血献血者在年龄、性别、户籍、职业、血型、文化程度、献血次数、献血地点和召回方式的特征规律,探讨建立本地区的招募策略。结果主动召回的献血者的年龄在36~45岁的占39.79%,男性占69.61%,外地户籍占70.49%,学历为初中至高中的献血者合计占62.96%,职业为普通员工的占36.57%,献血量400 mL的占56.87%,O型血的比例达42.18%,献血2~5次的献血者合计占70.27%,松山湖片区献血者人数最多(23.46%),水乡片区最少(3.26%),通过短信召回的献血者占76.42%。结论在制定本地区招募策略时,首选36~45岁,献血2~5次,曾献血400 mL,初中、中专或高中学历的外地户籍男性普通员工,重点招募区域为松山湖片区、主城区、滨海片区和东南临深片区,并根据不同的招募规模和紧急程度选择不同的召回方式。  相似文献   

目的 调查分析高校学生献血服务质量,为提升高校献血服务水平提供依据.方法 基于SERVQUAL量表设计调查问卷,调查宜昌市3所高校的学生献血者的献血服务质量感知,分析高校学生献血服务的改进方向.结果 按高校学生献血者对献血服务的期望分值排序依次为:保证性、可靠性、有形性、响应性、移情性.实际感受分值排序为:可靠性、移情...  相似文献   

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