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To check the efficacy of dorsal tongue flap in closure of anterior palatal fistula without using any fixation devices.

Material and Method

It is a prospective study in which 20 patients of anterior palatal fistula, larger than 5 mm, attending the outpatient department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, Genesis Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Ferozpur over a period of 5 years (from November 2005 to January 2011) were included. The surgical treatment was divided into 2 stages—raising of the flap on the tongue and transfer of the flap from the dorsum of the tongue to fistula site and then separation of flap and its adjustment at the site of defect after an interval of 3 weeks minimum. Follow-up was done for 3 and 6 months.


Successful closure was achieved in 90 % of the cases. 80 % patients experienced decrease in hypernasality. In none of the cases decrease in size of tongue, loss or change in taste sensation, difficulty in speech, difficulty in swallowing or bulkiness of flap was observed.


The results obtained during the course of this study strongly support the method used to close the anterior palatal fistula. It is concluded that the dorsal tongue flap is the highly successful method without the need of additional fixation devices in closure of anterior palatal fistula.  相似文献   



Oroantral fistula may develop as a complication of tooth extraction owing to infection, trauma, or removal of maxillary cyst or tumors. Closure by using a palatal mucoperiosteal flap with the greater palatine vessels is a very traditional and basic technique. The palatal mucosa is thick and is firm. However, deformation can occur with shifting of the mucoperiosteal flap, survival of the flap may be unsuccessful, and patients may have substantial intraoral discomfort felt until healing of the eminence with the arcuation. As a method to relieve these problems, we present a mucoperiosteal tunnel technique for the closure of oroantral fistula by using a palatal mucoperiosteal flap pedicled with the greater palatine vessels.


A 42-year-old man and a 69-year-old woman each had a palatal fistula after palatal tumor resection and tooth extraction, respectively. We designed a mucoperiosteal flap pedicled with the left greater palatine vessel. We ablated the mucoperiosteum between the fistula and the mucoperiosteal flap, and passed this flap under the ablated mucoperiosteum as a tunnel.


One year after surgery, the fistula had not reappeared and the mucoperiosteal flap harvest did not generate dyskinesis of the soft palate.


Tunnel technique for the closure of an oroantral fistula with a pedicled palatal mucoperiosteal flap is obtains good fructification.  相似文献   

目的:探讨颏下岛状皮瓣在修复舌癌术后组织缺损中的临床应用价值。方法:利用5具经10%甲醛溶液固定的国人成人男性标本,对颏下动脉相关解剖进行观测,并结合我院2005-09—2008-06使用颏下岛状皮瓣修复的9例舌癌患者进行临床回顾性分析。结果:颏下动脉走行恒定。9例颏下岛状皮瓣均成活,2例皮瓣远端表面部分坏死。修复后的舌黏膜表面光滑,运动受限不明显,吞咽功能良好。结论:颏下岛状皮瓣供血血管恒定,制备简单,成活率高,供区并发症少,且能够耐受放疗,是修复舌癌术后组织缺损较理想的皮瓣。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种新型桡侧双叶前臂皮瓣修复舌癌切除术后软组织缺损的可行性,并评价其疗效。方法:根据17例舌癌切除术后软组织缺损的部位及形态设计双叶前臂皮瓣,分析皮瓣成活情况及术后皮瓣修复效果。结果:17例皮瓣全部成活,成功率100%。本组全部病例随访6~24个月,患者吞咽、语言功能及舌外形恢复好。结论:桡侧双叶前臂皮瓣对舌癌切除术后软组织缺损重建,安全可靠,制备简单,是修复舌癌切除术后软组织缺损的理想方法之一,可明显提高患者的生存质量。  相似文献   

目的:比较颏下岛状皮瓣与游离前臂皮瓣修复口腔鳞癌术后缺损的结果。方法:2009年5月~2011年8月,69例口腔鳞癌术后缺损采用颏下岛状皮瓣或游离前臂皮瓣修复,比较2种修复方法的皮瓣大小、手术时间、住院时间、并发症、口腔功能恢复及复发情况。结果:69例患者中,采用颏下岛状皮瓣修复32例,游离前臂皮瓣修复37例。颏下岛状皮瓣组与游离前臂皮瓣组在平均皮瓣大小(32.78cm2 VS 48.27cm2)、平均手术时间(351min VS 508min)、平均住院日(13.06dVS 17.48d)等均有统计学差异(P〈0.001);两组患者总的并发症发生相似,但颏下岛状皮瓣组发生颌下区积液的比例较高(P〈0.05);两组患者在术后口腔功能恢复及肿瘤复发方面无差异。结论:颏下岛状皮瓣修复可明显缩短手术时间及患者住院时间,可作为口腔鳞癌术后中小型缺损修复的首选。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用带蒂颊脂垫衬里与颞肌筋膜瓣联合钛网对上颌骨缺损行闭合式三维重建方法的可行性。方法 11例上颌骨肿瘤患者,8例行上颌骨次全切除,其余3例行上颌骨全切除,术中同期应用带蒂颊脂垫衬里和颞肌筋膜瓣联合钛网构筑上颌骨各壁,恢复上颌骨外形。结果 所有病例组织瓣全部成活,带蒂颊脂垫瓣和颞肌筋膜瓣术后4-6周上皮化,恢复鼻腔、腭部、牙槽及牙弓外形。张口度2.5-4 cm,进食时无食物从鼻腔返流,发音恢复良好,对面容外形修复效果较满意。3例上颌骨全切除的患者术后随访无复视。结论 采用带蒂颊脂垫衬里与颞肌筋膜瓣联合钛网闭合式重建上颌骨缺损的方法,可恢复患者的外形和功能,术式简单适用、风险小。  相似文献   

目的 探讨联合应用游离组织瓣和带蒂胸大肌皮瓣移植修复大型头颈部缺损的可靠性和应用价值。方法 对9例联合应用游离组织瓣和带蒂胸大肌皮瓣行头颈部缺损修复的患者作回顾性研究,分析头颈部缺损的类型、受区血管情况、游离组织瓣的类型、组织瓣成活情况及术后并发症,探讨有可能影响组织瓣成活的因素。结果 9例患者采用的游离瓣包括前臂瓣6例、腓骨瓣2例和大腿前外侧皮瓣1例。1例前臂皮瓣于术后24 h出现静脉危象,经紧急手术探查和重新吻合血管后获得成活,其余游离瓣术后均未出现血管危象,全部成活。9例患者的9块胸大肌皮瓣也均获得成活。结论 游离组织瓣联合带蒂胸大肌皮瓣移植主要适用于无法或不适合作双游离瓣移植的大型头颈部缺损修复,安全性较高,在大型头颈部复合缺损的修复中有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨舌瓣在舌癌术后缺损重建中的临床应用价值。方法:对19例舌癌患者在原发灶切除后利用舌体组织瓣修复舌体缺损和舌体形态重建,术后随访评价舌体功能恢复情况。结果:舌瓣无明显萎缩,舌体运动良好,患者的言语、咀嚼、吞咽功能满意。结论:舌瓣修复舌癌切除术后缺损手术设计符合舌的解剖生理特点,手术相对简单、安全,术后功能恢复较好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腭侧旋转结缔组织瓣在上颌前牙种植修复中的临床意义。方法:26例上颌前牙种植二期修复时,唇侧软组织有轻度缺损或凹陷,在牙槽嵴顶种植体位置作“H形”切口,形成颊侧带蒂粘骨膜瓣尖端带有腭侧的结缔组织瓣。将腭侧结缔组织旋转折叠,插入颊侧龈瓣内侧。愈合基台挤压龈乳头瓣诱导种植体周围龈乳头成形。2~4周后上部冠修复。6月后测量腭侧旋转结缔组织瓣移植前后唇侧牙龈丰满度等变化。结果:所有种植体均稳固,唇侧龈缘基本对称,手术前后唇侧软组织丰满度差为(1.10±0.45) mm,外形有明显改善,龈乳头顶到牙冠邻面接触点的距离为(2.05±0.76) mm。结论:腭侧旋转结缔组织瓣手术方法简单、易行,针对唇侧软组织缺损较少的部位可以较好地改善上颌前牙美学区种植义齿的软组织凹陷问题。  相似文献   

个体化设计前臂皮瓣修复口腔缺损的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨前臂皮瓣修复口腔缺损时,为适应缺损的个体化需要而设计皮瓣形状的可行性。方法:应用前臂皮瓣修复口腔缺损40例。设计方法,术前根据肿瘤的范围和预计手术造成的缺损大小和外形,结合血管蒂的走行方向在前臂设计皮肤的形状,再设计皮下筋膜层的外形,皮下筋膜层的范围要包括桡动脉和头静脉在内,大于皮肤范围。术后1周、3个月、6个月评价皮瓣在口腔内的外形。结果:31例皮瓣修复成功,3例皮瓣完全坏死,6例皮瓣外形臃肿、牵拉影响口腔功能。结论:前臂皮瓣修复口腔缺损时如果带有范围较大的皮下筋膜层,且筋膜层将桡血管和头静脉血管网包括在内,进行适形设计是非常安全的。  相似文献   

目的:观察胸锁乳突肌瓣即刻转移修复腮腺部分或全叶切除后组织缺损的临床应用效果。方法:常规进行保留面神经的腮腺浅叶或深叶及肿瘤切除,即刻转移胸锁乳突肌瓣覆盖固定于腮腺缺损区,关闭手术创口。结果:10例病例术后均无感染或肌瓣坏死,切口均一期愈合。术后3~12个月无明显局部凹陷畸形,仅1例发生Frey综合征,颈部运动正常。结论:采用胸锁乳突肌瓣即刻修复腮腺部分或全叶缺损,能明显改善腮腺肿瘤术后畸形。  相似文献   

目的:探讨舌癌前臂游离皮瓣修复术后前3d皮瓣温度、颜色与皮瓣成活的关系。方法:运用半导体皮温计测量40例舌癌前臂游离皮瓣修复术后前3d皮瓣及残余舌组织的温度,计算其差值(△T),观察皮辩温度、颜色的变化与其成活的关系。通过不同的干预手段提高皮瓣温度,提高皮瓣成活率。结果:术后3d平均△T≤2℃的皮瓣中92.6%能在术后3d内恢复红润,经保温、抗凝等一系列措施干预后,全部皮瓣在术后7d内恢复红润;术后3d平均2℃<△T<3℃的皮瓣仅18.2%能在术后3d内恢复红润,经相关干预后全部皮瓣也均在术后7d内恢复红润;术后3d平均△T≥3℃的2例皮瓣在经过一些列相关护理后,1例在术后7d内恢复红润,另1例效果不佳,皮温过低,静脉栓塞时间过长坏死。3组间比较有统计学差异(P=0.000)。结论:术后3d皮瓣及残余舌组织的温度差与皮瓣成活存在一定关系。采用半导体皮肤测温仪与观察皮肤色泽相结合的方法准确率高、操作简单、发现血运障碍及时,是移植术后血运监测的良好手段。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腮腺全叶切除术中,面部除皱切口减少面部瘢痕,胸锁乳突肌瓣修复面部凹陷的临床应用,为修复腮腺全叶切除术后的面部轮廓缺陷提供临床依据。方法:挑选53例术前初步诊断为腮腺良性病变的患者,选择腮腺全叶切除,术中采用面部除皱切口,解剖面神经并切除腮腺全叶后,以胸锁乳突肌上端为蒂部,以乳突尖下1.5~2cm处为肌瓣旋转轴点,根据缺损大小切取肌瓣,向前旋转,远端缝合至咬肌,以填充修复缺损,分层缝合腮腺咬肌筋膜、皮下组织及皮肤。结果:53例患者术后面部瘢痕不明显,左右面部基本对称,患者均对面部轮廓外形满意。结论:在腮腺全叶切除术中采用面部除皱切口有瘢痕隐蔽,不影响面部美观的临床作用;胸锁乳突肌瓣血供丰富,易于成活,切取及转移方便,为自体组织,无排异反应,是腮腺全叶切除术后修复面部轮廓外形的理想组织。  相似文献   



The use of buccal fat pad as a grafting source in the closure of intraoral defects has gained popularity in the last quarter of this century. Because of the ease of access and rich blood supply, its use in oral defects is an attractive concept.


The study comprised of 8 patients with oral submucous fibrosis, 1 patient with oroantral fistula, 1 patient with verrucous hyperplasia. The acquired oral defects following resection of pathology in the oral cavity, were reconstructed with pedicled buccal fat pad. The Post operative follow up at the intervals of 1st, 7th and 15th day, followed by 1st month, 2nd month and 3rd month was done.


The procedure was successful in all the patients. Healing was satisfactory with no breakdown or liquefaction necrosis post operatively. All the patients had definitive colour change at the end of 1st post operative month owing to the epithelialisation. Residual defect was present in one patient diagnosed of verrucous hyperplasia on the 1st and the 7th post operative day which subsequently healed. In 8 patients with oral submucous fibrosis post operative mouth opening was measured in and was observed to be in the range of 12–26 mm on the 1st post operative day and 34–42 mm during 3rd month post operatively.


The results of this study support the view that the use of buccal fat pad is a simple, convenient and reliable method for the reconstruction of small to medium sized intra oral defects.  相似文献   

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