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内镜颅底手术中选取合适的手术径路至关重要,视野暴露良好、避免重要血管神经损伤是两大原则,相对固定的解剖参考标志也是十分必要的。在内镜下经鼻腔入路旁中线颅底手术中,翼突根部、翼管、圆孔、卵圆孔、咽鼓管圆枕等解剖结构相对固定,可以互相作为参考。内镜经鼻翼突径路可以处理翼腭窝、颞下窝、海绵窦、Meckle腔、斜坡旁至海绵窦段颈内动脉、岩斜坡区域、岩尖区、咽鼓管区域、咽旁间隙上部。加强以翼突为解剖标志的内镜颅底手术,可以增加术中辨别的标志,并能以此为中心,向内、外扩展,充分利用其空间定位,增加术者在操作中的空间立体感,有助于内镜颅底手术的扩展。  相似文献   

前、中、侧颅底恶性肿瘤手术径路的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价前、中、侧颅底手术径路的实用性,可靠性及有效性。方法:自1984年6月至1998年12月,对30例颅底恶性肿瘤患者进行治疗。病变位于前颅底者13例,中颅底2例和侧颅底15例(包括4例中、外耳道癌患者)。累及前颅底者采用发际内大冠状切口并切除部分额骨入颅。或经额窦后壁入颅,然后实行颅面联合切除肿瘤,涉及中、侧颅底肿瘤则采用经颈-下颌入路方法整块切除肿瘤。中、外耳癌则实行颞骨次全切除术。结果:全组30例无手术死亡。无严重并发症,合并脑脊液漏等轻度并发症者6例(20%),均经保守治愈。全组2年生存率为68%,5年生存率55.56%。结论:上述资料显示所提出的颅底恶性肿瘤手术径路方法安全可靠,适合于大多数前、中、侧颅底恶性肿瘤的治疗,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

The nasopharynx, upper part of the parapharyngeal space, and skull base are relatively inaccessible to the surgeon without major postoperative complications. Operative fields reached by conventional approaches through the palate and maxillary sinus are too limited and narrow to remove extensive tumors. The authors applied a transmandibular transpterygoid approach for the removal of five residual nasopharyngeal carcinomas (NPCs) after full doses of irradiation, one pleomorphic adenoma of the nasopharynx, and one large parapharyngeal schwannoma extending into the jugular foramen. This approach offers a wide operative field so that large blood vessels and cranial nerves can be managed easily. All tumors were successfully resected. Two patients with benign neoplasma had uneventful recoveries after treatment. Of five patients with NPC, two are alive with no evidence of disease for 68 months and 50 months, respectively, while two died of metastases to the liver and bones. The other patient is alive with metastases in the lungs. No tumor recurred in the local primary site, however. Since the number of NPC cases is small, the usefulness of surgical removal of the postirradiation residual NPC is not clear. Our experience proved that the transmandibular transpterygoid approach is a practical method in the treatment of neoplastic lesions in the nasopharynx, parapharyngeal space, and skull base.  相似文献   

Robotic endoscopic surgery of the skull base: a novel surgical approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To describe a novel robotic surgical approach that allows adequate endoscopic access for resection of tumors involving the anterior and central skull base and allows 2-handed, tremor-free, endoscopic dissection and precise suturing of dural defects. DESIGN: Transnasal endoscopic approaches are being increasingly used for surgical access and resection of tumors of the anterior and central skull base. One major disadvantage of this approach is the inability to provide watertight dural closure and reconstruction, which limits its safety and widespread adoption in surgery of intracranial skull base tumors. Other disadvantages include limited depth perception and several ergonomic constraints. Four human cadaver specimens were used for this study. The surgical approach starts with bilateral sublabial incisions and wide anterior maxillary antrostomies (Caldwell-Luc). Transantral access to the nasal cavity is gained through bilateral wide middle meatal antrostomies. A posterior nasal septectomy facilitates bilateral access by joining both nasal cavities into 1 surgical field. The da Vinci Surgical System is then "docked" by introducing the camera arm port through the nostril and the right and left surgical arm ports through the respective anterior and middle antrostomies, into the nasal cavity. A 5-mm dual-channel endoscope coupled with a dual charge-coupled device camera is inserted in the camera port and allows for 3-dimensional visualization of the surgical field at the surgeon's console. Using the robotic surgical arms, the surgeon may perform endoscopic anterior or posterior ethmoidectomy, sphenoidotomy, or resection of the middle or superior turbinates depending on the extent of needed surgical exposure. In addition, resection of the cribriform plate is performed robotically with sharp dissection of the skull base. The dural defect is then repaired with a 6-0 nylon suture. RESULTS: Adequate access to the anterior and central skull base, including the cribriform plate, fovea ethmoidalis, medial orbits, planum sphenoidale, sella turcica, suprasellar and parasellar regions, nasopharynx, pterygopalatine fossa, and clivus, was obtained in all cadaveric dissections. The 3-dimensional visualization obtained by the dual-channel endoscope at the surgeon's console provided excellent depth perception. The most significant advantage was the ability of the surgeon to perform 2-handed tremor-free endoscopic closure of dural defects. CONCLUSIONS: Transantral robotic surgery provides adequate endoscopic access to the anterior and central skull base. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report the feasibility and advantages of robotic-assisted endoscopic surgery of the skull base. This novel approach also allows for 3-dimensional, 2-handed, tremor-free endoscopic dissection and precise closure of dural defects. These advantages may expand the indications of minimally invasive endoscopic approaches to the skull base.  相似文献   

内镜经鼻颅底外科在实践中发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
谈到内镜经鼻颅底外科大多数外科医生联想到的是其微创的特点和有限的适应证.如20世纪90年代开展的内镜经鼻垂体腺瘤切除[1]、视神经减压和脑脊液鼻漏修补术等,以其微创、安全、疗效好的特点得到越来越多的耳鼻咽喉头颈外科、神经外科和眼科专家们的认可.  相似文献   

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology - Treatment of tumors arising in the upper parapharyngeal space (PPS) or the floor of the middle cranial fossa is challenging. This study aims to present...  相似文献   

目的通过尸头解剖来探索经眶外下壁入路内镜手术所能达到的解剖通道、解剖标志及解剖方法等。方法对5具尸头(10侧)进行内镜下经眶外下壁入路颅底手术的细分解剖,通过逐步解剖来界定该入路所能达到解剖通道、颅内外重要解剖标志、解剖边界等。结果本研究界定了内镜下经眶外下壁入路颅底手术所能达到的5个通道,它们分别是三叉神经通道、破裂孔通道、海绵窦通道、岩锥及后颅窝通道、中颅窝通道,它们的边界、解剖标志、解剖通道、解剖步骤及方法都得以明确的界定。结论内镜下经眶外下壁入路颅底手术可以到达旁中线颅底、中颅窝,甚至是部分侧颅底及后颅窝,而且对于上颌神经、下颌神经颅内外段的暴露能提供很好的视野。当然,这还需要进一步的解剖研究及临床实践加以完善及检验。  相似文献   

随着鼻内镜外科技术的发展,其在儿童鼻颅底病变的治疗上也开始得到越来越多的应用,但鉴于儿童解剖特点及手术的难度,此类手术并不普及.本文对儿童鼻颅底外科的发展现状、相关解剖及鼻内镜鼻颅底手术重建的方法和特点进行阐述,并对儿童鼻颅底病变的诊疗和未来发展方向进行展望.  相似文献   

目的探讨采用上颌骨翻转面部移位入路手术切除侵及颅底肿瘤的颅底修补与重建。方法38例颅底侵入瘤患者,均采用上颌骨翻转面部移位入路手术切除,颅底缺损采用9种不同方法修补。结果38例患者均达到显微镜下肿瘤全切或次全切。全部患者获1~70个月随访,平均随访33.7个月。因肿瘤复发死亡6例,与肿瘤无关死亡2例,带瘤生存5例,其余25例均无肿瘤复发。与颅底修补与重建有关的手术并发症包括:转移组织瓣部分坏死2例,脑脊液漏3例,1例术后第30天行面部创腔冲洗吸引时突发颈内动脉大出血死亡。结论上颌骨翻转面部移位入路手术切除颅底侵入瘤具有显露充分、肿瘤切除彻底的优点。根据肿瘤切除后颅底缺损情况采用不同的方法修补,重建颅底,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的探讨基层医院开展鼻内镜下颅底外科手术的可行性及手术范围。方法回顾性分析2006年5月-2012年8月收治的41例鼻颅底肿瘤患者临床资料,其中外伤性视神经病7例,脑脊液鼻漏11例,颅底肿瘤12例,蝶窦巨大囊肿8例,翼腭窝肿瘤4例,均在鼻内镜下手术治疗。结果11例脑脊液鼻漏修补获得成功,视神经减压5例有效,2例无效,1例术后出现脑脊液鼻漏,保守治疗愈合;12例颅底肿瘤手术,术中均能很好暴露肿瘤,1例术中损伤海绵窦,经处理后出血得到控制,顺利完成手术,1例术后出现脑脊液鼻漏,保守治疗愈合,所有病例无颅内感染并发症发生。肿瘤患者均随访3年以上,无复发。结论在合理选择适应证的条件下,基层医院开展鼻内镜下颅底手术是安全、可行的。  相似文献   

目的:探讨电磁影像导航系统在内镜鼻窦、颅底手术中的优缺点。方法:12例患者,其中慢性鼻窦炎、鼻息肉5例,脑脊液鼻漏2例,慢性鼻窦炎合并脑脊液鼻漏1例,筛窦异物1例,垂体瘤1例,额、筛侵袭性丛状神经纤维瘤病1例,鼻咽、斜坡韦格纳肉芽肿1例,均应用Insta Trak电磁导航系统行鼻内镜手术。结果:术前准备平均15min,手术均顺利完成,术中、术后未出现并发症。结论:电磁导航系统能帮助术者确定术区周围重要解剖结构,减少并发症。尤其是在既往手术或病变破坏了鼻腔、鼻窦解剖标志的情况下,导航系统对术者的帮助更大。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Direct connection between the sinonasal and intracranial cavities and passage of multiple instruments and graft materials through a contaminated field occur routinely during endoscopic pituitary and skull base surgery. Despite the theoretical risk of intracranial contamination with sinonasal flora, the incidence of central nervous system (CNS) infection following such procedures is not well documented, and the ideal antibiotic regimen has yet to be determined. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective case series of 24 to 48 hours of single-agent perioperative antibiotics in patients undergoing endoscopic skull base surgery. METHODS: Prospective database of procedures performed between January 2004 and May 2006 was reviewed for antibiotic use and infectious complications. RESULTS: The diagnoses of the 90 patients in this series included pituitary tumor (62%), craniopharyngioma (9%), encephalocele (9%), and meningioma (8%). Fifty-eight (64%) patients experienced intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. A variety of autologous, synthetic grafts, hemostatic agents, and tissue sealants were placed through the sinonasal cavity for reconstruction. All patients received 24 to 48 hours of a single antibiotic based on patient sensitivity: cefazolin (87%), vancomycin (10%), or clindamycin (3%). Additional antibiotics were subsequently required during the hospital stay in eight (9%) patients for a variety of indications. There were no cases of intracranial infections or meningitis in patients with or without intraoperative CSF leak. CONCLUSIONS: Despite direct contamination of the intracranial cavity during endoscopic, endonasal skull base surgery, the risk of CNS infections is low. Limited use of a single perioperative antibiotic may be sufficient prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Maxillectomy followed by radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy can result in lacrimal blockage and the need for subsequent dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). Endonasal endoscopic DCR, as opposed to external DCR, allows better accuracy and leaves no scar. To date no report was published regarding the results of endoscopic DCR in these patients. The current study presents a retrospective review of all patients with paranasal and skull base tumors who developed nasolacrimal duct blockage after ablative maxillectomy with or without radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy and underwent endonasal endoscopic DCR between January 2006 and October 2012 in a tertiary reference medical center. According to our results, ten patients underwent 11 subsequent endonasal endoscopic DCR. There were 6 men and 4 women with a median age of 55 years (range, 19–81 years); four suffered from benign tumors and six had malignant tumors. All underwent maxillectomy. Six received high-dose radiotherapy. Time interval between primary ablative surgery and endonasal endoscopic DCR was 18 months (range, 7–118 months). Silicone stents were removed after median period of 11 weeks (range, 1–57 weeks). Nine out of ten patients experienced symptomatic improvement following one endonasal endoscopic DCR. One patient had recurrent epiphora and underwent a successful endonasal endoscopic revision DCR. In conclusion, endonasal endoscopic DCR in patients with paranasal and skull base tumors, who previously underwent maxillectomy, is generally successful and not associated with a high rate of complications or failure. Moreover, our findings may suggest that silicone stents can be removed shortly after the operation with high success rate.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The expanding role of endoscopic skull base surgery necessitates a thorough understanding of the indications, techniques, and limitations of the various approaches to reconstruction. The technique and outcomes of endoscopic skull base reconstruction remain incompletely described in the literature. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Patients undergoing endoscopic skull base surgery underwent an algorithmic approach to reconstruction based on tumor location, defect size, and presence of intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. A prospective database was reviewed to determine the overall efficacy of reconstruction and to identify risk factors for postoperative CSF leak. RESULTS: The diagnosis in the 127 patients in this series included pituitary tumor in 70 (55%) patients, encephalocele in 16 (12.6%) patients, meningioma in 11 (8.7%) patients, craniopharyngioma in 9 (7.1%) patients, and chordoma in 6 (4.7%) patients. Successful reconstruction was initially achieved in 91.3% of patients. Eleven (8.7%) patients experienced postoperative CSF leak, 10 of which resolved with lumbar drainage alone. One (0.8%) patient required revision surgery. Correlation between postoperative CSF leak and study variables revealed a statistically significant longer duration of surgery (243 vs. 178 min, P = .008) and hospitalization (12.1 vs. 4.5 days, P < .0001) and a trend toward larger tumors (mean, 3.2 vs. 2.3 cm; P = .058) in patients experiencing postoperative CSF leak. CONCLUSION: The algorithm for reconstruction after endoscopic surgery presented in this study is associated with excellent overall efficacy. A greater understanding of risk factors for postoperative CSF leak is imperative to achieve optimal results.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》2023,50(1):32-39
Over the past couple of decades, endoscopic skull base surgery (ESBS) has significantly evolved and is applied to a broad range of skull base pathologies, including sinonasal malignancies. Recent studies have demonstrated remarkable progress of ESBS in complete resection with low morbidity and extension of its application to larger and more complex lesions. In this review, we focus on the evolution of functional preservation and multiportal approaches. Progress in preoperative assessments and surgical techniques improved the preservation of olfactory function after ESBS. The technical feasibility of olfaction preservation even after resection of olfactory groove lesions has been reported. To overcome the limitations of extending use of the endoscopic endonasal approach in surgical fields, various types of multiportal approaches, including combinations of the endoscopic endonasal and transorbital, transmaxillary, or transoral approach, have been reported, as they are useful for complete resection of extensive pathologies while limiting morbidity. These innovative techniques are still in the process of maturation. Hence, an ongoing critical evaluation is essential to ensure efficacy.  相似文献   

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