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空勤人员保健疗养整体护理模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整体护理作为一种先进的护理模式已于90年代引入我国,并取得了良好的临床效果。疗养院由于其工作性质和任务与医院存在较大差别,如何树立以“疗养员为中心”的整体护理观念,使护士更系统、更主动地承担起为疗养员解决问题的责任,让疗养员从更经常、更周到、更直接的护理中直接受益,是疗养护理工作中亟待解决的问题。笔者依据疗养院的实际情况和空勤人员的特点,结合现代护理学理论,提出空勤人员保健疗养整体护理模式。1-针对空勤人员保健疗养可预见性的特点,做充分的准备工作。空勤人员保健疗养是指身体健康和基本健康的空勤人员…  相似文献   

健康是人体的最佳状态,即第一状态;疾病状态为第二状态,介于健康和疾病之间的边缘状态,世界卫生组织称其为"第三状态",国内常常称之为"亚健康状态"。世界卫生组织调查结果表明,世界上  相似文献   

合理的营养是满足人体各种活动所需要的物质基础,是保证其他疗养因子充分发挥作用的重要手段.为了保证飞行人员在疗养期间对营养的需求,我们应用科学的烹饪技术和调配方法,为空勤疗养员提供符合卫生学要求的平衡膳食,以达到维护健康,促进康复,提高飞行耐力之目的.  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变和疗养医学的发展,疗养护理工作的内容、范畴也越来越宽。以空勤人员的健康为中心,围绕空勤人员特点,拓宽疗养护理思路,是特勤疗养护理工作研究的重点课题。  相似文献   

苏虹彰  卢翠  刘瑞芳 《中国疗养医学》2010,19(12):1079-1080
<正>疗养文化活动是空勤人员疗养工作的重要组成部分,从某种意义上说是一种服务性工作,即为空勤人员提供精神食粮的工作。航空医学鉴定训练中心可根据服务对象,以及特有的气候、地理和设施条件等开展丰富多彩的疗养文化活动,对提高空勤人员的作战能力和疗养质  相似文献   

海滨疗养在空勤保健疗养中的作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 通过对海滨疗养特点分析 ,了解其在空勤保健疗养中的作用。方法 收集有关资料并结合临床来探讨海滨疗养对空勤保健疗养的作用。结果 海滨疗养在空勤人员保健疗养中的作用是很重要的。结论 海滨疗养在空勤人员保健疗养中具有医疗保健和促进疾病康复的作用。  相似文献   

徐莉  杨萍 《中国疗养医学》2012,21(7):595-596
去过北京小汤山疗养院的疗养界的同仁们都有一种感受,就是被该院开展的中华传统药膳所吸引,虽然从清朝开展至今历经曲折,但疗养院仍然在疗养保健中开展药膳,进一步拓展药膳食疗养生保健、防病治未病作用,达到防病健体的目的,从而传承了中华养生保健的一大特色。笔者在该院和几个专家经过多次学习和探讨,在此将学习体会和思考与大家交流。  相似文献   

世界卫生组织调查结果表明 ,世界上有 70 %人群处于不同程度的亚健康状态。由于亚健康的发病率高 ,给机体带来的潜在危害较大 ,对人们正常的生活、工作的影响较明显 ,受到越来越广泛关注 ,成为医学研究热点之一。而保健疗养通过综合性措施在预防和消除亚健康状态方面可起到明显  相似文献   

人人向往健康,期盼长寿,也晓得生命在于运动,除提高医疗技术提供优质服务外,增强老干部自身保健意识,是保证健康长寿的有效措施。随着老干部年龄不断增长,老年病的发生也随之增多,直接威胁着老年人的生命。面对这种实际情况,仅仅依靠医务人员的努力是不够的,还需从多方面去研究、探索。根据近几年来的实践,我们认识到提高老干部自身保健意识,是预防老年病的有效措施。现就我们的一些做法和体会介绍如下。1-正确认识老年人衰老的规律,是自我保健的前题。人是社会人群的个体,人的衰老是一个不以人的意志为转移的客观规律。但机…  相似文献   

杨玲  郭菊红  廖再波 《华西医学》2002,17(4):555-555
参加保健疗养的老干部均属高龄 ,且大多患有慢性病 ,如高血压、冠心病、糖尿病、慢支炎等。个别因骨折等行动不便 ,为保健医疗工作者提出了一个实际的问题———疗养期保健。近期 ,作者再次接受承担了省级干部的保健疗养任务 ,现就多次参加此种保健医疗工作 ,谈谈体会。1 保健人员对所承担的保健任务应有充分的认识  干部疗养不仅仅是保养、避暑 ,更重要的是党与政府对老干部的关心 ,所以 ,对医务工作者而言也并非是单纯的保健 ,应当作政治任务来完成 ,必须具有较高的政治思想觉悟 ,工作责任心强 ,服务态度端正 ,要热情、周到 ,不仅要为…  相似文献   

恢复期精神病患者健康教育的实施与研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的消除恢复期精神病患者的各种心理负担,改变其不良生活习惯,恢复和增强他们的生活能力。方法将120例患者分为实验组和对照组,实验组重点对恢复期精神病患者开展健康教育,通过知(知识和学习)、信(信念和态度)、行(促进健康行为)的模式进行项目计划设计、执行和评价,把健康教育贯穿于日常生活护理、治疗和康复之中;对照组实施常规治疗护理。结果通过对照观察表明,健康教育能缩短精神病患者恢复期的疗程和平均住院天数。结论健康教育对提高患者出院后的社会适应能力和预防病情复发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sexuality is an important contributing factor to quality of life and sense of well-being. All adults have the right to express their sexuality, regardless of their age. Research indicates, however, that older people frequently experience barriers to the expression of their sexuality. Many of these barriers are influenced by the health professionals and services that care for them. This paper will outline these barriers and identify strategies that the healthcare professional can implement to help improve practice in this area.  相似文献   

目的探讨心理干预对康复期精神分裂症患者心理健康状况的影响。方法对52例康复期精神分裂症患者在常规药物治疗和护理的基础上进行心理干预,观察6w。心理干预前及干预6w末采用症状自评量表评定患者的心理健康状况,并与国内成人常模进行对比分析。结果康复期精神分裂症患者心理干预前症状自评量表各因子分均显著高于国内成人常模(P〈0.01);心理干预6w末除偏执因子分无显著变化外,其他各因子分均较心理干预前有显著性下降(P〈0.01~0.05),与国内成人常模比较,除恐怖因子分有显著性差异(P〈0.05)外,其他各因子分均无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论心理干预能显著改善精神分裂症患者的心理健康状况,提高其人际交往能力和生活质量。  相似文献   

目的研究如何按照JCI标准改进、提升护士的职业形象。方法查找影响护士职业形象的主要问题,应用PDCA循环、根因分析(RCA)等管理工具,制订整改计划、方法及措施。观察全院护士伦理素质考核情况及患者对护理工作的满意度。结果JCI复审前期,护士伦理素质量化考核优秀占比达90.7%,患者对护理工作的满意度保持在高位状态,达96.0%。结论通过创建JCI标准认证医院,全面提升了护士伦理素质,塑造了良好的职业形象,丰富了优质护理服务内涵。  相似文献   

The article reports on selected findings of a research study concerning emotional wellbeing and professional nursing practice (Rose 2002). It highlights the relationship between community mental health nurses' and emotional wellbeing, and their capacity to provide satisfying professional nursing practice (Rose 2002). The notion of emotional wellbeing, factors that impacted upon the participants' emotional wellbeing, and the relationship of emotional wellbeing to professional practice were revealed in the study. These findings were based on a qualitative critical feminist research inquiry and specifically, interviews with five women community mental health nurses in Australia. Whilst complex, emotional wellbeing was found to be both implicitly and explicitly linked to the participants intertwined personal and professional experiences. Four key components were identified: the nebulous notion; the stress relationship; the mind, body, spirit connection; and, inner sense of balance. In terms of emotional wellbeing and professional practice, three themes were revealed. These were: being able to speak out (or not); being autonomous (or not) and being satisfied (or not). The authors argue that the emotional wellbeing of nurses working in community mental health settings is critical to satisfying professional practice. Furthermore nursing work involves emotional work which impacts on one's emotional wellbeing and emotional wellbeing is integrally linked to professional practice. It is recommended that health organisations must be pro-active in addressing the emotional needs of nurses to ensure the delivery of health care that is aligned to professional practice. This approach will ensure nurses will feel more recognised and validated in terms of their nursing practice.  相似文献   

Clinical reasoning is an important skill for health professionals that should be developed to achieve high levels of expertise. Several education strategies have been suggested for implementation by health professional educators to foster their students' clinical reasoning skills. The strategies have included the following: problem‐based learning, the integrative curriculum, reflection, and concept mapping. This review assesses which is the most effective education strategy for developing the clinical reasoning skills of health professional students. Four publications, from a total of 692 identified records, were included. Overall, this review was not able to make a final conclusion to answer the question. Therefore, there is a need to conduct more studies with larger samples and to undertake research that evaluates the following aspects: more alternate education interventions, variations in the delivery of education interventions, and the cost‐effectiveness of implementing education strategies.  相似文献   

An expanding body of literature is examining interprofessional teamwork and its effect in healthcare. To produce capable healthcare professionals prepared to participate in interprofessional roles, teamwork training must begin early in health professional students’ training. The focus of this scoping review was to explore interprofessional education (IPE) studies designed to teach and/or assess interprofessional teamwork skills to students from two or more different health professions, to find and describe effective pedagogy and assessment strategies. Using a scoping review methodology, 1,106 abstracts were reviewed by three teams of investigators. Eligibility criteria were inclusion of students in interprofessional teams, an intervention to improve interprofessional teamwork skills and assessment of outcomes related to teamwork. Thirty-three studies met the criteria for inclusion. The literature was varied in terms of study design, teaching methods and assessment measures for interprofessional teamwork. The lack of rigorous, comparable studies in this area makes recommending one teaching method or assessment measure over another difficult. Regardless of teaching method, it appears that most learning activities where interprofessional teams interact result in positive changes in student perceptions and attitudes towards IPE and practice. As health education programs seek to incorporate more interprofessional activities into their respective programs, it is important to review methods and measures that would best fit their individual program. This review highlights the importance of standardising the reporting of methods and outcomes for those who wish to incorporate the studied methods into their curricula.  相似文献   



Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) were designed to provide care in medically underserved areas. Substantial and sustained federal funding has accelerated FQHC growth.


To examine temporal trends in primary care provider supply and whether FQHCs have been successful in reducing the gap in provider supply in primary care health professional shortage areas (HPSAs).


Retrospective cohort study design using national county-level data from 2009 to 2013. Primary care providers included physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.


Partial-county HPSAs had the highest average provider supply and the greatest increase, followed by non-HPSA counties and whole-county HPSAs. The provider gap was larger in whole-county HPSAs compared with partial-county HPSAs. Counties with one or more FQHC sites had a smaller provider gap than those without FQHC sites. An increase of one FQHC site was statistically significantly associated with a reduction in the annual provider gap.


FQHCs reduced the gap in primary care provider supply in shortage counties and mitigated uneven distribution of the primary care workforce.  相似文献   

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