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目的 为口周岛状皮瓣切取提供更精准的解剖学资料。 方法 采用63例(126侧)头颈部铸型标本,观察口周动脉的来源、走行、分支分布、变异和动脉构筑特点。 结果 口周的血供主要来自上唇动脉、下唇动脉、唇颏动脉和颏下动脉升支。上唇动脉多于口角平面以上(68.25%)或以下(22.22%)起自面动脉,形成面动脉的1条分支(44.44%)或终支(49.21%),左、右侧呈对称(51.59%)或不对称(46.83%)分布;偶见缺如(1.59%)。下唇动脉多于下颌骨下缘上方(43.65%)或口角平面下方(28.89%)起自面动脉,形成面动脉的1条分支(61.90%)或终支(25.40%),呈对称(44.44%)或不对称(47.62%)分布;缺如者占(7.94%)。两侧上、下唇动脉相互吻合,围绕口裂形成动脉环,营养口裂、鼻区及颏区。唇颏动脉于下颌下缘附近起自面动脉,多为1支(约55%)或缺如(约30%),也可见2支(约10%)或3支(约5%)。颏下动脉在颏下中部发出2 ~ 12支升支,与下唇动脉降支和唇颏动脉形成唇颏血管丛,营养颏部皮肤。 结论 口周区域血供来源较多、吻合丰富,在口周形成动脉环及动脉网。但口周动脉的起始、走形和分布变异较大,动脉构筑形式不定,在切取口周岛状皮瓣时,术前超声探查十分必要。  相似文献   

目的 研究静脉窦内蛛网膜颗粒(arachnoid granulation,AG)随年龄变化的规律。 方法 按年龄分组收集360例核磁共振检查颅内未见异常的患者临床及影像资料,观察静脉窦内AG的分布、各年龄组AG的形状、大小和数量及同例患者AG形态随年龄变化情况。 结果 经MRI检查发现,AG最常出现的部位是横窦,其次是上矢状窦、直窦、窦汇,海绵窦未见;未成年组随着年龄的增加,AG的直径逐步增大,数量逐步增多,分叶型AG数量也增多;中青年组AG直径、数量随着年龄的增加而波动于某范围内,形状基本保持不变,能检测出AG的患者的例数及AG直径与未成年组相比均有统计学意义;老年组随着年龄的增加,AG直径减小,数量减少,分叶型AG数量也呈减少趋势,能检测出AG的患者例数及AG直径与中青年组相比均有统计学意义。 结论 不同年龄段人群的蛛网膜颗粒数量、大小及形状有所差异,这些变化可能与生长发育、衰老及脑脊液吸收调节有密切关系。  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration biopsies from three patients with neuroblastoma were studied by light microscopy, and the morphologic findings were correlated with those from transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Light microscopic examination of the aspiration smears from all three cases revealed small and large round cells with variable numbers of intertwining cytoplasmic processes. Transmission electron microscopy confirmed the light microscopic finding of cytoplasmic processes; in addition, it revealed the presence of other diagnostic morphologic features, including neurosecretory granules, microtubules, and synaptic cell junctions. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that the tumors were composed of a mixture of undifferentiated round cells and more differentiated cells with long cytoplasmic processes. The morphologic spectrum of these processes and their interrelationships with one another and with other cells could be studied in detail. These findings indicate that scanning electron microscopy may be used effectively in the morphologic evaluation and pathologic diagnosis of neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

The identification of cells in body cavities of cancer patients is sometimes difficult to make. In order to make a definite cytological diagnosis, we observed the same cells by using light microscopy (LM)-scanning electron microscopy (SEM)-transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In this study we first stained cells by the Papanicolaou method after fixation in 1% glutaraldehyde for LM, and then attempted to observe them successively by SEM-TEM after fixation in 1% paraformaldehyde and 1.25% Os04. Our method and procedures in examining successively one and the same cells in body cavity fluids by using LM, SEM, and TEM ensured accurate discrimination among adenocarcinoma cells, mesothelial cells, and macrophages. The results of this study suggest that LM-SEM-TEM may be of diagnostic value in distinguishing among mesothelial cells, macrophages, and adenocarcinoma cells. This method also succeeded in disclosing differences between the ultrastructure of the cell surfaces, and those of the cytoplasm, and of the nuclei It is desirable that LM-SEM-TEM observation can be introduced into various aspects in order to obtain an improvement in the diagnosis by cytologic examination, the judgment of therapeutical effects, drug selection, and prognostic presumption. Diagn Cytopathol 1994; 11:333–342. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in the surface and intracellular structure of erythrocytes in conjunction with the general morphological picture of the blood were studied experimentally. In hypoxic hypoxia changes take place in mature erythrocytes and in bone-marrow tissue erythroblasts. In the early stages of hypoxia (first to fifth days) the number of erythrocytes, their respiratory surface, and their hemoglobin content all increase. These changes are adaptive. In the later stages of hypoxia (10th–15th days) there is no increase in the number of erythrocytes, the number of reticulocytes falls, and erythroblasts disappear, i.e., the erythroblasts capacity of the bone marrow is exhausted and signs of its decompensation appear. The increase in the number of erythrocytes and the hemoglobin concentration in the blood are the result of stimulation of the function of the erythroid series of the bone marrow, as is shown by an increase in the number of reticulocytes in the peripheral blood and the appearance of erythroblasts.Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy and Postmortem Examination, A. N. Bakulev Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Department of Cytology, A. N. Natishvili Institute of Experimental Morphology, Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR, Tbilisi. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR M. N. Solov'ev.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 86, No. 10, pp. 502–506, October, 1978.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cytochalasin B (CCB) on chick mesoderm cells in vivo was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The embryos were mounted for New Culture and the mesoderm exposed by dissecting off the endoderm. Cytochalasin B was suspended in saline and the embryos flooded with the suspension. Control embryos were treated with saline alone. The embryos were reincubated for varying times at 37°C.In the treated embryos the mesoderm cells were rounded and separated from each other. Many had long branched processes and rough surfaces. These changes became more pronounced as treatment time was increased. They were also reversible on reincubating treated embryos in the absence of cytochalasin B. The morphological changes produced by CCB are thought to be due to an effect on the cytoskeleton, either a direct disruptive effect or detachment of skeletal microfilaments from the cell membrane. There may also be a direct removal of cell surface materials leading to the observed surface roughening of treated cells.  相似文献   

Summary A simple incision was made in the early chick embryo (stages 3–5) area pellucida endoderm and its subsequent healing studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Initially the wounded edges of the endoderm layer curl towards the ectoderm creating a gaping slit. The endoderm cells adjacent to the slit form large mounds probably in response to a loss of substrate and the trauma of the incision.Healing begins as the endoderm cells direct processes across the underlying cell layers and the two cut edges move towards one another. Many intervening mesoderm cells have cup-shaped processes.As the two endoderm edges meet in the corners of the wound, the wound outline changes to an oval shape.After 2 hours the wound outline is changed to a slit with the cut edges contacting in one or two areas. The cup-shaped mesoderm processes remain in the slit until the wound is healed primarily by endoderm cell movement.  相似文献   

Background. Although numerous studies about the synovial vasculature exist, reports about the three-dimensional architecture of the synovial vasculature with special respect to the regional differentiations are still lacking. Methods. The synovial vasculature in the knee joint of six albino rabbits was investigated using scanning electron microscopy of vascular resin casts. In addition, histological sections were made from the decalcified knees of two rabbits. Results. The vessels of the fibrous tissue in the joint capsule (medial and lateral parts) were arranged in two layers; a synovial layer with arteriovenous anastomoses and a layer facing the fibrous tissue with a more simply arranged vessel architecture. In the areolar (suprapatellar) pad, the vessels form a dense array of capillary loops that possess capillary arcades as arteriovenous connections and true arteriovenous anastomoses located in the deeper layer near the subsynovial tissue. Those capillaries that border the cartilage form more flattened and isolated loops. In the fatty tissue the vasculature resembles the simply arranged network of the outer layer of the fibrous tissue. Conclusions. This first scanning electron microscopic study of the rabbit knee synovial vessels shows that each region possesses a characteristic microvascular pattern–possibly adapted to the functional needs of the joint (production of synovial fluid, nourishment of the avascular tissues; maintainance of the blood flow during all joint positions). © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Histology and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the rhesus monkey spinal unit following controlled compression. Indications of cortical and end plate damage to the compressed vertebral units were present on radiographs following testing, and more extensive damage was observed with microscopy. The cartilaginous end plate was separated from the underlying bone of the vertebral body. The superior body of the spinal unit was more severely damaged than the inferior body, due largely to the direction of compression loading. Even relatively low strain rates (8.89×10–5 m/s) should be considered detrimental to the integrity of the spinal unit based on the observations of this study.
Etude au microscope électronique d'unités vertébrales sous compression
Résumé Des unités vertébrales de singe rhésus ont été examinées sur le plan histologique et à l'aide du microscope électronique après avoir subiune compression contrôlée. Sur les radios on a trouvé des indications de lésions des plateaux vertébraux et des faces corporéales et au microscope électronique on a trouvé des lésions plus importantes encore. La plaque cartilagineuse était séparée de l'os sous-jacent du corps vertébral. Le corps vertébral supérieur de l'unité vertébrale était plus endommagé que le corps inférieur, ceci étant très certainement dû à la direction de la charge de compression. D'après nos observations, des charges de compression relativement faible (8,9×10–15 m/s) doivent être considérées comme dangereuses pour l'unité vertébrale selon nos constatations.

Summary The three-dimensional architecture of the intercellular matrix contained in the interspace between the presumptive lens and optic vesicle of the chick embryo was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The fibrous structure of the basement membranes lining the space was demonstrated. The space was shown to be filled with a dense fibrous meshwork. The reaction of basement membranes and interspace contents to enzymic digestion is described. The functional significance of the arrangement of fibres in the interspace is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A reliable method is described for processing substrate-dependent cells raised on culture-grade plastic for both scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This technique allows collection of specimens for TEM and SEM from the same culture dish or flask. In this way it is possible to study the surface morphology (SEM) and thin section ultrastructure of cells from contiguous regions of a culture. Specific regions of a culture can be selected and processed so that specimens retain orientation throughout mounting or embedment and sectioning. The method is applicable both to confluent cultures as well as isolated colonies.  相似文献   

The tongues of adult silver foxes were studied using scanning electron microscopy. Five types of lingual papillae were found on the dorsal surface of the tongue. The most numerous papillae were filiform papillae covering the apex and body of the tongue. The filiform papillae on the anterior part of the tongue are divided into 1 main and 10-12 accessory processes. In the posterior part of the body of the tongue the number of accessory processes is reduced. Fungiform papillae are located between the filiform papillae. A cluster of 12 large fungiform papillae was found on the apex of the tongue. Conical papillae are located in the area of the vallate papillae and cover the posterior part of the root of the tongue. Their size increases towards the pharynx, where they are distributed more sparsely. In the silver foxes there were two pairs of vallate papillae. The wall surrounding each papilla and its gustatory trench forms partly connected 6-8 conical papillae. The foliate papillae on both margins of the tongue body are small and consist of 4-5 laminae. The distribution and type of lingual papillae found in the silver fox are similar to those in the other species belonging to the family Canidae.  相似文献   

The visceral peritoneum of intraabdominal organs (spleen, stomach, liver, small intestine), omentum majus and the parietal peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall and the diaphragm were studied in adult Wistar rats by combined scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM, TEM). In general, the peritoneal surface consisted of a mesothelium composed of cubic, flat or intermediate cell types delimited by a basal lamina. Cubic mesothelial cells predominated in parenchymal organs (spleen, liver) and were characterized by prominent and indentated nuclei, a cytoplasm richly supplied with organelles, a dense microvillous coat, basal invaginations and elaborate intercellular contacts. Flat mesothelial cells were observed in the intestinal, omental and parietal peritoneum (tendinous diaphragm, abdominal wall) and showed elongated nuclei, scant cytoplasm, a poorly developed organelle apparatus and sparsely distributed microvilli. An intermediate mesothelial cell type was described within the gastric peritoneum characterized by a central cytoplasmic protrusion at the nuclear region containing most of the cytoplasmic organelles and by thin finger-like cytoplasmic processes. The submesothelial connective tissue layer was composed of collagen fiber bundles, fibroblasts and free cells (macrophages, granulocytes, mast cells) and contained blood and lymphatic vessels. In the spleen, elastic fibers formed a membranous structure with intercalated smooth muscle cells. Mesothelial openings were observed as tunnel-like invaginations within the hepatic peritoneum and as clusters of peritoneal stomata within the parietal peritoneum of the anterior abdominal wall and the muscular diaphragm. The round or oval openings of the peritoneal stomata were frequently occluded by overlapping adjacent mesothelial cells and their microvillous coat or obstructed by cellular material. At the side of the peritoneal stomata the mesothelial cell layer was interrupted to allow a direct access to the underlying submesothelial lymphatic system. The mesothelium and lymphatic endothelium shared a common basal lamina. The endothelial cells were discontinuous and displayed valve-like plasmalemmatic interdigitations facilitating an intercellular transport of fluids and corpuscular elements from the peritoneal cavity to the submesothelial lymphatic lacunae. The findings underline the morphological heterogeneity of the peritoneum in visceral and parietal regions, suggesting different functional implications, and further support the presence of extra-diaphragmatic peritoneal stomata.  相似文献   

Summary The fetal microvascular architecture of the feline near-term placenta was investigated using scanning electron micrographs of partially fractured corrosion casts from plastic-filled vessels. The findings were compared with those on corresponding semithin histological sections.The branches of both umbilical arteries and veins roughly follow a course parallel to the zonary girdle on the allantochorionic side of the feline placenta in an acute-angled pattern of ramifications. They join the double-layered capilary networks in the chorionic lamellae of the labyrinth, which generally exhibit a chorio-uterine orientation and are partially twirled. On the allantochorionic side of the labyrinth, these fetal capillary networks are suspended on the maternal stem-artery-system of the placenta; on the uterine side, they have peduncular or tuft-like endings of capillary loops and are flattened by the uterine septa, which at this level converge into the maternal veins. The chorionic capillary lamellae have a variable breadth and length and therefore need shorter or longer arterioles and venules from the allantochorionic side to become irrigated at any level of the labyrinth.As a result, the feline placenta is characterized by a generally one-way crosscurrent type of materno-fetal blood flow.Supported by the Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Bern  相似文献   

《Anatomy and embryology》1996,195(1):79-86
 The phenotype of perivascular placental cells has previously been studied using tissue sections from the fetal villi. The examination of these cells in culture by scanning electron microscopy gives us the opportunity to observe their three-dimensional phenotypes and associations outside their normal constraints. Human umbilical endothelial cells, which have a phenotype comparable to that observed in other sutdies, seem more flattened in culture than in their usual environment. Microvascular endothelial cells did not attain an epithelioid phenotype with close contacts between cells but formed a network of branched, elongated cells with phagocytotic activity. Some circular associations were observed when using a gelatinized matrix. Microvascular pericytes were large, flattened cells with an irregular border that pushed up nodular associations on a gelatin matrix. Chorioplacental myocytes adopted a network template comparable to that developed by microvascular endothelial cells. However, these elongated cells were thicker, without microvilli, and superficial filaments could be observed. In culture, confluent endothelial cells from the umbilical cord or microvascular pericytes associated as nodules reached a cell phenotype close to their in vivo counterparts. This attainment of an in vivo phenotype remains questionable for chorioplacental myocytes. Microvascular endothelial cells, however, though there was sparse formation of circular associations, remained far from their in vivo phenotype. Accepted: 24 June 1996  相似文献   

采用扫描和透射电镜对低,中和高海拔实验性动脉粥样硬化家兔主动脉壁超微结构的观察结果发现,海拔愈高,动脉粥样硬化发生率愈低,病变程度愈轻,提示海拔高度是影响动脉粥样硬化形成一个重要因素。本对其与动脉粥硬化发生发展的关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This paper is a concurrent scanning and transmission electron microscopic study of 13 cases of nodular goitre.  相似文献   

Summary The nasal cavities of opossums prior to and shortly after birth were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Numerous morphologically mature olfactory receptor neurons are observed in the dorso-rostralmost extent of the olfactory epithelium positioned adjacent to the opening of the nares in all prenatal stages and newborn animals examined. The remainder of the olfactory epithelium, occupying a more dorso-caudal position within the nasal cavity, is undifferentiated, and lacks morphologically mature receptor neurons. A short transition zone of stratified squamous epithelium lies between the epithelium lining the nares and olfactory epithelium. It forms an abrupt junction with the latter. The remainder of the nasal cavity in this group of animals is lined by a non-ciliated pseudostratified type (undifferentiated respiratory) of epithelium. By the end of the second postnatal week the morphologically mature olfactory epithelium is no longer observed in the vestibular area of the nasal cavity, which is lined by stratified squamous epithelium at this time. Mature receptor neurons are now observed within the olfactory epithelium lining the roof of the nasal cavity and covering the turbinates. The greater part of the nasal cavity is lined by a ciliated respiratory epithelium. It is proposed that the precocious differentiation of mature olfactory receptor neurons within the rostral-most extent of the olfactory epithelium just prior to birth is important in guiding the newborn young to the pouch.Currently Visiting Professor to The Department of Anatomy and Human Biology, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia  相似文献   

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