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Consumers have varying expectations and knowledge about evidence-based medicine (EBM), but expect the healthcare system to offer best practice based on the latest evidence. With the increasing power of the consumer movement, EBM has the potential to promote informed participation in health decision making by individual consumers and carers. To more effectively incorporate consumer experiences, views and concerns into the evidence base, there needs to be greater value put on qualitative research and acknowledgement of its importance. Consumers would like the research agenda to reflect population health needs, and for there to be more consultation about evidence-based decisions on access to care and rationing, and greater understanding of consumers' attitudes in decisions about treatment. Consumers want patient-centred healthcare and therefore must be involved collaboratively in the way EBM is used by health services and health practitioners.  相似文献   

Peh AL  Lim YC  Winslow RM 《Singapore medical journal》2012,53(7):435-7; quiz 438
Data from recent studies have shown an increase in substance use and addictive behaviours in Singapore. However, training and services still lag behind this trend, which means the provision of adequate treatment is lacking in spite of good evidence that treatment approaches for addiction disorders are effective. There is a need to train more manpower for this purpose, especially in primary healthcare. Another challenge is to ramp up services as quickly as possible to manage the growing number of addicts. Research should also focus on special populations, while public health education and national policies can be improved, particularly to curb binge drinking. We need to be open to the use of harm-reduction therapies and substitution treatments, as addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder with significant health and psychosocial morbidity.  相似文献   

古巴拥有覆盖全国的三级诊疗体系,并且实现了百分之百全民医疗免费,其中社区卫生服务起到了举足轻重的作用,在公共卫生服务、基层医疗保健、全科医生培养方面积累了丰富的经验。我国的基层医疗卫生服务事业在几十年的发展中已取得了丰硕的成果,但仍有很大的发展空间。本文旨在介绍古巴医疗体系的发展和现状、社区卫生服务现状、全科医生培养情况,分析古巴社区卫生服务在开展慢性病管理和传染病防控方面的具体措施,通过多方面的对比为我国社区卫生服务事业进一步发展提供思路。 该文的微信推文内容及相关研究报告请扫描下方二维码:  相似文献   

背景 实行家庭医生签约服务是深化医药卫生体制改革的重要任务,了解居民的知晓情况及其影响因素,有利于推进家庭医生签约服务,实现家庭医生签约服务有效覆盖和推广。目的 了解徐州市城区居民家庭医生签约服务知晓情况,探讨其影响因素,为改善居民的知晓情况提供切实可行的建议。方法 于2017年6—9月,采用分层随机抽样方法,选择徐州市4个城区34个社区的1 450例居民,应用自行设计的调查问卷进行入户调查。问卷内容包括:居民基本情况、居民家庭医生签约服务知晓及签约现状。共发放问卷1 450份,有效回收问卷1 397份,有效回收率96.34%。结果 1 397例调查对象中,785例知晓家庭医生签约服务,知晓率为56.19%;主要知晓途径为电视媒体〔36.08%(504/1 397)〕、社区医务人员的宣传〔30.85%(431/1 397)〕。单因素分析显示,不同年龄、文化程度、年收入、职业、慢性病患病种类、自评健康状况、健康体检经历、两周患病情况、基层就诊经历的城区居民对家庭医生签约服务的知晓率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同性别、从家至基层医疗卫生服务机构步行时间的城区居民对家庭医生签约服务的知晓率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,影响居民家庭医生签约服务知晓情况的因素有年龄、文化程度、职业、慢性病患病种类、自评健康状况、健康体检经历、基层就诊经历。结论 徐州市城区居民家庭医生签约服务的知晓率有待提高。相比较而言,年轻、文化程度高、企事业单位职工、离退休居民、患有慢性病、自评健康较差、有健康体检经历和基层就诊经历的居民对家庭医生签约服务的知晓度较高。可以通过充分挖掘和利用城区居民中政策推广的潜在有利人群,实现政策的真实有效宣传。  相似文献   

The rate of transfer of the knowledge gained from health and medical research into evidence-based practice is determined by many factors. Preconditions for the uptake of new evidence are the availability of good evidence, ready access to the evidence, a supportive organisational environment, and effective mechanisms for promoting knowledge uptake. Evidence-based medicine is being promoted in Australia by a body of enthusiastic clinicians, public health practitioners and consumer advocates, supported by initiatives from national, State and local healthcare services and professional bodies. The short to medium term future of evidence-based medicine in Australia is likely to be shaped by three major factors: a reduction in cost and technical barriers which limit access to computerised databases; a trend towards shared decision-making between clinicians and patients; and increased demand for information to fill the gaps in research-based evidence on specific problems.  相似文献   

李雪竹  匡莉  张慧 《中国全科医学》2022,25(28):3466-3474
我国基层医疗卫生机构在承担基本公共卫生服务和基本医疗服务项目方面存在绩效考核体系和支付制度不完善的问题。英国质量与结果框架(QOF)经过多次调整,最新版本更加注重慢性病防控与疾病管理质量。本研究从管理与运作体系、指标体系的演变历程及新版(2021—2022年版)指标构成、计分规则和按绩效付费规则等方面对英国QOF进行介绍,并剖析了英国新版QOF的设计细节和运行情况。本研究发现,英国QOF是一个以结果为导向的质量控制系统和以报酬为导向的激励机制,其以主要慢性病及其危险因素为管理重点,通过设置三级指标体系,并规定指标分值和每分值对应的金额,实现将全科诊所服务质量与其绩效报酬相联系,能够从整体上提高英国卫生系统的效能。借鉴QOF的经验,我国应完善基本公共卫生服务规范与绩效考核指标体系、基层门诊慢性病支付方式,促进基本公共卫生服务资金和基本医疗保险基金的统筹使用。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情下的基层医疗卫生发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基层医疗卫生机构是新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控的“网底”,加强基层新型冠状病毒感染防控工作,提升基层医疗卫生机构服务提供和疫情应对能力,对全国疫情控制工作至关重要。本文通过实地调研,检索国家及各地卫生健康委官方网站疫情防控相关信息,梳理了基层医疗卫生机构在疫情时期发挥的重要作用,并提出疫情平战结合时期基层卫生工作重点,以及今后基层医疗卫生发展策略。针对疫情的复杂形势,目前基层医疗卫生机构应重点做好社区疫情防控、协助开展医疗救治服务、做好常规诊疗服务和公共卫生服务、做好医疗安全和院感防控、充分发挥好县域医共体作用五方面工作。同时,针对疫情应对和基层“短板”,提出今后基层医疗卫生发展策略:加强全科医生制度和分级诊疗制度建设;增强基层医务人员对重大疫情的预警灵敏性、报告及时性和应急处置能力;充分利用人工智能、信息技术工具等手段,持续加强基层信息化建设和应用;推进医联体、医共体建设,探索医防融合的有效模式;大力开展爱国卫生运动,强化群防群控机制,做好健康社区健康乡村建设。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify barriers faced by Aboriginal people from remote communities in the Northern Territory (NT) when accessing hospital-based specialist medical services, and to evaluate the impact of the Specialist Outreach Service (SOS) on these barriers. DESIGN: Combined quantitative and qualitative study. SETTING: Remote Aboriginal communities in the "Top End" of the NT, 1993-1999 (spanning the introduction of the SOS in 1997). PARTICIPANTS: 25 remote health practitioners, patients and SOS specialists. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numbers of consultations with specialists; average cost per consultation; perceived barriers to accessing hospital-based outpatient care; and perceived impact of specialist outreach on these barriers. RESULTS: Perceived barriers included geographic remoteness, poor doctor-patient communication, poverty, cultural differences, and the structure of the health service. Between 1993 and 1999, there were 5,184 SOS and non-SOS outreach consultations in surgical specialties. Intensive outreach practice (as in gynaecology and ophthalmology) increased total consultations by up to 441% and significantly reduced the number of transfers to hospital outpatient clinics (P< 0.001). Average cost per consultation was $277 for SOS consultations, compared with $450 at Royal Darwin Hospital and $357 at the closest regional hospital. Outreach has reduced barriers relating to distance, communication and cultural differences, and potentially bolsters existing primary healthcare services. CONCLUSIONS: When compared with hospital-based outpatient services alone, outreach is a more accessible, appropriate and efficient method of providing specialist medical services to remote Aboriginal communities in the NT.  相似文献   

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) integrates clinical experience and patient values with the best available research information. There are four steps in incorporating the best available research evidence in decision making: asking answerable questions; accessing the best information; appraising the information for validity and relevance; and applying the information to patient care. Applying EBM to individual patients requires drawing up a balance sheet of benefits and harms based on research and individual patient data. The most realistic and efficient use of EBM by clinicians at the point of care involves accessing and applying valid and relevant summaries of research evidence (evidence-based guidelines and systematic reviews). The future holds promise for improved primary research, better EBM summaries, greater access to these summaries, and better implementation systems for evidence-based practice. Computer-assisted decision support tools for clinicians facilitate integration of individual patient data with the best available research data.  相似文献   

Challenges in health and health care for Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The next Australian Government will confront major challenges in the funding and delivery of health care. These challenges derive from: Changes in demography and disease patterns as the population ages, and the burden of chronic illness grows; Increasing costs of medical advances and the need to ensure that there are comprehensive, efficient and transparent processes for assessing health technologies; Problems with health workforce supply and distribution; Persistent concerns about the quality and safety of health services; Uncertainty about how best to balance public and private sectors in the provision and funding of health services; Recognition that we must invest more in the health of our children; The role of urban planning in creating healthy and sustainable communities; and Understanding that achieving equity in health, especially for Indigenous Australians, requires more than just providing health care services. The search for effective and lasting solutions will require a consultative approach to deciding the nation's priority health problems and to designing the health system that will best address them; issues of bureaucratic and fiscal responsibility can then follow.  相似文献   

郭壹凡  朱先  曾志嵘 《中国全科医学》2021,24(25):3190-3196
背景 目前家庭医生团队在发挥突发公共卫生事件应急防控“守门人”的功效上仍然面临着重重阻碍,但目前较缺乏针对家庭医生团队在突发公共卫生事件应急防控中现实困境的研究。目的 分析家庭医生团队在突发公共卫生事件应急防控中的现实困境,为保障其高效参与突发公共卫生事件应急防控工作提供理论依据和对策建议。方法 2020年6月,采用方便抽样法抽取广州市25家基层医疗卫生机构,将其一线医务人员(每家机构抽取2名)作为问卷调查对象,对2月至调查时基本公共卫生服务专线开展情况、基本医疗服务开展情况、应急防控工作开展情况进行统计调查。同时选取部分愿意配合的基层工作人员进行访谈,结合价值链理论进行分析。结果 25家机构中,19家机构停止(过)部分或全部公共卫生专线,6家机构没有确诊/疑似病例的转运通道和能力,24家机构启动应急预案,10家机构开设健康教育专线,9家机构未开放传染病及突发公共卫生事件报告和处理专线,10家机构未开设发热门诊,11家机构的所有门诊一直正常开放。访谈结合价值链理论分析显示,家庭医生团队在突发公共卫生事件应急防控中面临着内部后勤保障不到位、外部沟通协作不顺畅、监测预警功能发挥不完全、健康教育工作不深入、基本医疗服务需求得不到满足、应急基础设施不健全、应急专业人才缺口大、信息化建设步调不一致、应急物资采购机制不完善等现实困境。结论 建议优先破除阻碍开展基本工作的困境,再深入优化解决辅助工作中出现的问题,让社区成为突发公共卫生事件应急防控的坚实堡垒,保障居民的生命健康安全。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市基层医疗卫生机构经常性卫生费用筹集及消耗情况,为卫生政策的制定提供依据。方法 2016年7月—2017年6月,以卫生费用核算体系2011为基础,核算2015年北京市基层医疗卫生机构费用概况、筹资方案构成、服务功能流向(包括治疗服务费用分析和预防服务费用分析)。其中卫生费用总量数据来源于中国统计年鉴2016、北京统计年鉴2016、北京市政府卫生投入监测系统、北京市公共卫生信息中心、2015年北京市卫生总费用核算报告等;分摊系数通过北京市卫生医疗价格监测数据平台的个案库以及医疗卫生机构抽样调查数据计算得到。结果 2015年北京市基层医疗卫生机构经常性卫生费用为138.11亿元,其筹资方案以社会医疗保险方案、政府方案为主(占比分别为56.14%、27.20%)。2015年北京市基层医疗卫生机构仅提供治疗服务和预防服务,其费用占比分别为86.96%、13.04%。2015年北京市基层医疗卫生机构的治疗服务费用按全球疾病负担(GBD)分类,主要由慢性非传染性疾病消耗(占比为70.90%);按国际疾病分类(ICD-10)标准分类,主要由循环系统疾病消耗(占比为25.88%);按年龄段分类,其主要由50~69岁患者消耗(占比为58.05%)。2015年北京市基层医疗卫生机构预防服务费用以免疫规划(占比为24.86%)、慢病防治(占比为13.33%)、老年人健康管理(占比为10.37%)、居民健康档案管理(占比为10.05%)为主。结论 公共筹资方案在北京市基层医疗卫生机构卫生筹资中起主导作用;经常性卫生费用核算结果与基层医疗卫生机构的治疗服务功能定位相符;基层医疗卫生机构是北京市预防服务的主要提供机构之一。  相似文献   

目的了解临床医务人员对循证医学认知与实践现况以及面临的主要困难,为临床更好开展循证医学实践提供参考。方法采用自编问卷对285名临床医务人员进行调查.并对组间差异进行比较。结果①调查对象的循证医学平均认知得分为6.19±2.62分,35.8%的人得分在8分以上。组间比较发现,来自三级医院、硕士及以上学历、工作年限〉10年者认知相对较好;②工作年限〉10年、硕士及以上学历的医生文献检索和信息获取能力相对较强;③医务人员循证医学的认知程度与其实践频率问存在关联(rs=0.21,P=0.000),认知程度越高,开展循证医学实践的频率越高。④影响循证医学实践的前三位因素是:时间不足、外语水平低以及循证医学资源了解不足。结论本次调查对象对循证医学的认知情况水平一般,需重点加强对硕士以下学历、工作年限〈10年、三级以下医院人员的循证医学培训,注意帮助其克服应用中的困难,促进循证医学的实践。  相似文献   

Access to basic health services was affirmed as a fundamental human right in the Declaration of Alma-Ata in 1978. The model formally adopted for providing healthcare services was "primary health care" (PHC), which involved universal, community-based preventive and curative services, with substantial community involvement. PHC did not achieve its goals for several reasons, including the refusal of experts and politicians in developed countries to accept the principle that communities should plan and implement their own healthcare services. Changes in economic philosophy led to the replacement of PHC by "Health Sector Reform", based on market forces and the economic benefits of better health. It is time to abandon economic ideology and determine the methods that will provide access to basic healthcare services for all people.  相似文献   

背景 在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发之后,特大城市公共卫生突发事件的治理能力被提上政策议程,而基层卫生作为公共卫生体系的“网底”所发挥的作用十分关键。目的 探索上海市基层卫生在应对此次新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情中的实践并剖析当前存在的问题与困境,为完善公共卫生应急体系提供政策建议与决策依据。方法 本研究于2020年6-9月选取上海市具有代表性的郊区、城区与城郊结合地带,采用小组座谈形式调查了5个区10家社区卫生服务中心,以及相应卫生健康委员会与疾病防控部门。访谈工具为自行设计的半结构式访谈大纲,社区卫生服务中心的访谈内容主要包括疫情期间承接主要任务、组织架构、实际工作内容、内部协同、主要问题与建议等,相应卫生健康委员会与疾病防控部门的访谈内容主要包括社区卫生服务中心在疫情中的主要职能与实际作用、暴露的“短板”、卫生健康委员会/疾控中心如何予以支持及如何平战结合。结果 上海市基层卫生在公共卫生防疫中主要发挥了战时应急响应、区域联防联控,院内分诊筛查、保障基本医疗,借力新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情、做实签约服务的功能,存在物资与人力资源不足、心理防疫能力不足、内部协同与多部门管理不足、激励机制与活力不足四大问题。结论 针对当前基层卫生在公共卫生疫情防控中的困境,建议从四个方面理顺关系,即理顺基本医疗与公共卫生关系、理顺平时与战时关系、理顺社区与上级部门关系、理顺政府与市场关系。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether rural consumer preferences for health services have changed over time or vary across communities with different models of health service delivery. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey replicating a 1989 study, with ranking of seven different healthcare services. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: Adult occupants from a 20% sample of private residences, in towns and on farms, in the rural shires of Bogan and Warren in north-west New South Wales. The survey was conducted in September 2002. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Rank order of preferences for different healthcare services; preference structure intervals showing relative "distance" between preferences. RESULTS: Response rates were 68% (Nyngan town), 78% (Nyngan farms) and 59% (Warren town). The doctor was the most valued health service in rural communities, followed by the hospital. These preferences occurred regardless of age, sex or place of residence, persisted over time, and were similar for residents of towns with different models of healthcare service provision. CONCLUSIONS: Rural people, both in towns and on farms, rate acute primary healthcare services provided by the doctor and hospital as the two most important services. These preferences have not changed substantially after a decade of restructuring rural health services and reorienting them towards a primary healthcare approach. The stability of rural consumer preferences may reflect a bias towards the status quo.  相似文献   

背景 上海市作为国家科技创新中心重要承载区,除了满足创新创业的政策支持、创业环境、资金投入等需求外,满足各类人才在健康保健等方面的延伸需求对于促进“产城融合”至关重要。发展功能社区卫生服务是完善功能配套、促进“产城融合”的关键环节,但当前功能社区服务存在短板,无法为“产城融合”提供支撑,亟须突破。目的 分析科创承载型功能社区人群多样化的健康服务需求,并为家庭医生健康服务在功能社区的拓展提供建议。方法 2019年3-11月,通过对上海市科创承载型功能社区进行分层随机抽样调查,共发放1 500份问卷,获得功能社区人群基本情况及生活方式、心理健康状况、卫生服务需求与利用等相关数据,了解功能社区人群的健康状况、卫生服务需求与利用情况,并分析功能社区家庭医生服务需求的影响因素;并参考文献研究结果,对比与其他类型功能社区人群的主要健康问题与卫生服务需求的差异。结果 共回收有效问卷1 487份(99.13%),其中调查对象两周患病率〔5.92%(88/1 487)〕、慢性病患病率〔5.98%(89/1 487)〕较低;功能社区人群健康服务主观需求主要是常见疾病处理(1 251人,84.13%)、健康管理(858人,57.70%)、健康体检(699人,47.01%)、健康咨询(586人,39.41%)、心理咨询(470人,31.61%)。功能社区人群家庭医生签约服务知晓率为57.03%(848/1 487),45.73%(680/1 487)有签约意愿,且性别、年龄、文化程度、自我感觉健康状况、慢性病患病情况对家庭医生签约意愿产生影响(P<0.05);就诊意愿调查中,患病后想去的卫生机构前3位分别是市级医院(620人,41.69%)、区级医院(404人,27.17%)、门诊部(所)/卫生室/卫生服务站(153人,10.29%),其中质量(734人,25.41%)、距离(732人,25.34%)和有可信赖的医生(391人,13.48%)是主要影响因素;卫生服务实际利用情况与就诊意愿基本一致。结论 在科创承载型功能社区中开展健康保健服务具现实意义和可操作性。不同类型功能社区卫生服务需求可能存在差异,应针对不同需求提供差异化的健康服务方案,并吸取其他类型功能社区健康服务发展的优秀经验。建议从明确覆盖人群与服务内容、丰富供给方式、优化筹资来源、加强统筹协调等角度完善功能社区家庭医生服务的推进工作。  相似文献   

There is evidence that Australia is not meeting its obligations to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for their right to the "highest attainable standard" of health, required under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Poor access to primary health care for Aboriginal peoples and substantial shortfalls in government spending to address this are in violation of the ICESCR. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' share of the universal health coverage expenditure offered to all Australians is less per person than for other Australians. The failure to monitor the provision of mainstream health services to Aboriginal peoples and inequitable distribution of health facilities and services compound these violations. Equality in health between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians is achievable, but not until the shortfall in health services expenditure for Indigenous Australians is addressed.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire to determine the perceptions of primary care doctors towards evidence-based medicine (EBM) was conclucted in Melaka state. About 78% of the primary care doctors were aware of EBM and agreed it could improve patient care. Only 6.7% of them had ever conducted a Medline literature search. They had a low level of awareness of review publications and databases relevant to EBM; only about 33% of them were aware of the Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews. Over half of the respondents had at least some understanding of the technical terms used in EBM. Ninety percent of the respondents had Internet access and the majority of them used it at home. The main barriers to practicing EBM were lack of personal time and lack of Internet access in the primary care clinics.  相似文献   

推进基层医防深度融合,做实家庭医生签约服务,是深化医药卫生体制改革的重要任务。本文以高血压、糖尿病健康管理为突破口,以家庭医生签约服务为载体,探索基层医防融合健康管理服务模式。通过基层医疗卫生机构内部的“管理融、队伍融、服务融、绩效融、信息融”,实现由全科医生团队统揽医疗和公共卫生服务,做到一次门诊既满足患者诊疗需求,同时也完成必需的基本公共卫生服务。医防“五融合”提供“防、治、管”一体的健康管理,既有利于提升服务质量,增强居民获得感,又有利于推动机构内部横向的基本医疗和基本公共卫生的融合及机构外部纵向的医疗资源整合。  相似文献   

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