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水泥粉尘对作业工人鼻腔的损伤作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的: 探讨水泥粉尘对作业工人鼻腔的损伤作用。方法: 检查609例水泥粉尘作业工人、416 例矽尘作业工人、及287 例非接尘工人鼻腔疾病患病率及鼻腔粘膜的病理改变。结果: 水泥粉尘接触工人鼻腔疾病患病率明显高于矽尘作业工人及非接尘工人 (P< 0.05)。而且与接触粉尘的浓度、接尘工龄存在接触水平-反应关系。水泥粉尘所致鼻腔疾病主要表现为干燥性鼻炎, 鼻前庭炎, 鼻窦炎, 鼻中隔糜烂、溃疡与矽尘组比较有显著性差异(P< 0.05)。鼻粘膜细胞涂片检查, 水泥尘组鼻粘膜细胞损害较矽尘组、非接尘组严重。结论: 水泥粉尘对作业工人鼻腔有较强的损伤作用  相似文献   

目的 了解过氯酸铵(AP)粉尘对作业工人健康的影响,为其预防措施提供依据.方法 选择该厂接触AP粉尘的36名作业工人为接触组,不接触AP粉尘的48名该厂工人为对照组.调查工厂的一般情况,监测作业场所的AP粉尘浓度,对两组人群进行职业健康体检,检测血常规、肝肾功能、甲状腺激素指标,进行肺通气功能和X线胸片检查.结果 AP总粉尘浓度以组批车间最高,为(51.63±43.27) mg/m3.接触组收缩压[(146.14±21.03)mmHg]明显高于对照组[(134.67±18.58)mmHg],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).接触组全身各系统症状(皮粗、皮痒、气短、咳嗽、咳痰、咽干、疲乏无力等)累计检出率、气短及皮痒的检出率分别为86.11%、30.56%、36.11%,均明显高于对照组(66.67%、12.50%、10.42%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).接触组的游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)水平[(1.29±0.20) ng/ml]明显低于对照组[(1.41±0.23) ng/ml],差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).接触组工人的1秒用力肺活量与用力肺活量百分比值(FEV1.0/FVC)低于对照组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).接触组检出1例肺部X线影像异常者,并诊断为尘肺,对照组检出1例左肺门区有1约1.0x1.0小结节影.结论 接触组工人的收缩压明显高于对照组,不排除与接触AP粉尘有关;接触组工人的FT3低于对照组,提示长期接触AP粉尘可能会对作业工人甲状腺功能造成影响.  相似文献   

[目的]通过了解药物粉尘作业工人的身体状况,明确职业接触药物粉尘对作业工人健康的影响,为保护劳动者身体健康、控制职业病危害提供依据。[方法]选择某制药企业145名接触药物粉尘作业工人作为暴露组,同企业的无职业危害暴露的145名工人作为对照组,比较两组工人的健康状况。[结果]暴露组的血压、心电图、血常规、胸片、耳鼻咽喉、肝功能检查异常检出率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);血糖、尿常规、血脂异常检出率在两组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。暴露组工龄>10年组血糖异常检出率高于≤10年组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);肺功能异常检出率随着工龄延长而升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]药物粉尘可影响作业工人的呼吸系统及心血管系统,还可影响作业工人的肝功能,应对其药物毒理危害进行进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的研究过氯酸铵(AP)粉尘对作业工人健康的影响。方法选择甲、乙两厂接触AP粉尘的作业工人66人为接触组,选择不接触AP粉尘的作业工人48人为对照组。调查两厂一般情况,监测作业场所的AP粉尘浓度,对两组人群进行职业体检,询问职业史和临床表现,检测血常规、肝肾功能、甲状腺激素指标、肺通气功能和X射线胸片检查。结果乙厂的AP粉尘平均浓度(31.36 mg/m3)显著高于甲厂(2.53 mg/m3),差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。调查显示,接触组的年龄和工龄(40.97岁,19.8 a)、分别与对照组(40.04岁,20.8 a)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。接触组呼吸系统及消化系统症状检出率(31.8%,18.2%)均显著高于对照组(10.4%,4.2%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。肺通气功能检查,接触组人群的FEV1.0/FVC%显著高于对照组。X线胸片检查发现,1名接触AP粉尘26年的退休工人,其胸片可见不规则形肺间质纤维化阴影,诊断为尘肺Ⅰ期。结论长期吸入较高浓度的AP粉尘,会导致肺部纤维化改变,AP接尘工人呼吸系统症状显著高于对照人群,表明AP粉尘对呼吸系统存在危害影响...  相似文献   

目的 观察正定县粉尘作业工人肺功能检查结果, 探讨影响当地粉尘作业工人肺功能结果的主要影响因素。
方法 选取2015年1月-12月在正定县疾病预防控制中心进行在岗期间职业健康检查的1 014例接触粉尘作业的工人, 按照粉尘类型、接尘工龄、车间空气中粉尘浓度、是否采取防护措施等方式分成不同组别, 观察并比较不同组别肺功能检查结果。
结果 接触不同类型粉尘工人的肺功能异常检出率比较, 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05), 其中以接触煤尘工人的异常检出率(23.1%)最高, 接触木粉尘工人(9.5%)最低。接触无机粉尘作业者肺功能异常检出率(19.51%)高于有机粉尘(9.51%), 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。随着接尘工龄的增加、车间空气粉尘浓度增加, 接触工人的肺功能异常检出率均有逐渐增加趋势(P < 0.05)。经常佩戴防护用品的工人肺功能异常检出率(7.85%)低于不经常佩戴防护用品的工人(32.40%), 差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
结论 粉尘作业工人应当按照粉尘作业体检周期进行职业健康检查, 了解自身肺功能状况, 平时要加强自我防护意识, 养成佩戴防护用品的习惯, 避免长时间在粉尘环境中工作, 主动预防尘肺病。

目的探讨耐火陶瓷纤维对作业工人肺小气道功能的影响。方法选择从事耐火陶瓷纤维生产和加工的77名作业工人作为接触组,80名不接触耐火陶瓷纤维和其他职业有害因素的工人作为对照组。接触组分别按纤维计数浓度≤0.5 f/ml、0.5 f/ml,按总粉尘质量浓度≤5 mg/m~3、5 mg/m~3各分为低、高两个接触水平;按纤维计数浓度分组,低接触组62人、高接触组15人;按总粉尘质量浓度分组,低接触组47人、高接触组30人。测定研究对象肺小气道通气功能,最大呼气中期流量(MMEF)、用力呼气50%肺活量的瞬间流量(V_(50))和用力呼气75%肺活量呼气流速(V_(25)),均以实测值占预计值的百分比表示。应用方差分析、卡方检验和非条件Logistic回归模型分析不同接触特征、接触时间对作业工人肺小气道功能的影响及可能的危险因素。结果作业工人V_(50)%、V_(25)%和MMEF%水平随纤维计数浓度接触水平的增高而降低,但差异无统计学意义(P0.05);V_(25)%、MMEF%异常的检出率随纤维接触水平升高而增加,并呈线性趋势关系(P趋势0.05)。总粉尘高接触组V_(50)%、V_(25)%和MMEF%水平明显低于总粉尘低接触组和对照组(P0.05),V_(50)%、V_(25)%和MMEF%异常率均明显高于总粉尘低接触组和对照组(P0.05)。小气道功能障碍在总粉尘高接触组的检出率为33.3%,高于对照组(10.0%)和总粉尘低接触组(8.5%)(P0.05)。工人肺小气道功能障碍与其总粉尘接触水平有关(OR=2.115,P0.05),与接触纤维计数浓度、工龄和吸烟状态无关(P0.05)。结论接触耐火陶瓷纤维可以导致作业工人肺小气道功能降低,总粉尘接触浓度较高的作业环境可以显著增加作业工人小气道功能障碍的发生率。  相似文献   

目的通过对某水泥企业接尘职工进行职业健康检查,评价健康变化与职业性危害的关系。方法对467例岗中粉尘作业工人进行职业健康检查,将检出的异常率进行比较。结果年龄40岁以上组血压及心电图异常率高于40岁以下组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);工龄20年以上组肺功能、胸大片异常率高于20年以下组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);检出尘肺观察对象36例,工龄均在20年以上。结论长期接触水泥粉尘,严重危害工人身体健康,企业要降低粉尘浓度,提高工人的个人防护意识,减少职业病的发生。  相似文献   

水泥作业工人肺功能测定分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水泥为人工合成的无定型硅酸盐 ,原料为石灰石和粘土 ,混以少量铁和石膏 ,它的生产工艺过程复杂 ,具体包括 :采石、生料、烧成、熟料等四部分。由于不同作业环境空气中粉尘浓度、二氧化硅含量不同 ,对工人的健康损害情况也各异 ,为此本次对不同工种作业工人的肺功能进行测定分析。1 对象与方法1 1 调查对象  接尘组为某水泥厂接触水泥尘的男性工人 2 14例 ,其中接触生料工人 12 7例 ,接触熟料工人 87例 ,另选不接触粉尘作业、劳动强度、身高、工龄、生活习惯等相仿男工 61人 ,两组的吸烟率相近 (分别为 32 .12 %和 31.44 % ) ,基本情况…  相似文献   

目的 探讨职业接触岩棉对工人皮肤、眼和上呼吸道的机械性刺激作用.方法 对工作场所空气中的岩棉总粉尘质量浓度和纤维计数浓度进行检测.选择生产和加工岩棉的109名工人作为接触组,选择空气分离、造纸和制盖企业不接触岩棉的104名工人作为对照组,进行问卷调查以及皮肤、眼、鼻咽部检查.结果 接触组接触性刺激性皮炎检出率为10.1%(11/109),与当前的总粉尘接触水平呈线性趋势关系(P<0.05),与接触工龄无关联性(P>0.05).接触组检出结膜炎14例,检出率为12.8%,明显高于对照组(3例,2.8%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).接触组皮肤痒和眼睛痒症状的发生率(59例,54.1%和46例,42.9%)均明显高于对照组(12例,11.5%和27例,26.5%),差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),接触组中不同接触水平和不同接触工龄间皮肤痒和眼睛痒症状发生率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).接触组与对照组的慢性鼻炎和慢性咽炎检出率以及鼻、咽部症状发生率的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 职业接触岩棉对皮肤和眼具有一定的机械性刺激作用,应控制当前的总粉尘接触水平.  相似文献   

目的为了解噪声联合金属粉尘暴露对作业工人听力损伤的影响,特对噪声作业工人和噪声联合金属粉尘作业工人听力损伤情况进行调查分析。方法选择某大型汽车制造企业冲压车间噪声作业人员105人为噪声接触组,噪声和金属粉尘作业人员135人为联合接触组,另选择从无有毒有害接触史的普通体检工人108人为对照组,对不同组纯音听阈测试异常检出率进行比较。结果噪声接触组、联合接触组纯音听阈测试异常检出率、高频4 000 Hz异常检出率均高于对照组(P0. 05),联合接触组纯音听阈测试高频4 000 Hz异常率高于噪声接触组(P0. 05)。结论噪声联合金属粉尘暴露会增加听力损伤程度,尤其是对高频4 000 Hz的损伤,在对噪声作业工人健康监护过程中应加强对噪声联合粉尘暴露人员的健康监护,以减轻噪声联合金属粉尘对人体造成的损害。  相似文献   

Exposures to complex mixtures of metals in the workplace or environment are more likely to occur than exposures to a single metal alone. The evidence shows that exposures to complex metal mixtures can enhance the risk of cancer in certain human populations. The findings of several studies have suggested, however, that certain metal-metal interactions can inhibit carcinogenic activity. The mechanisms of metal-metal interactions in human carcinogenesis are relatively unknown. Metals represent a highly diverse group of agents: each metal can act through different mechanisms and in one or more steps of the carcinogenic process. Some potential mechanisms may involve direct reactions of the metal with DNA or indirect mechanisms that include modification of DNA repair, DNA methylation status, and metabolic processes involved in DNA replication and expression. Lipid peroxidation and the generation of free radicals induced by certain metals can affect DNA integrity. This review will address the role of metals in carcinogenesis and how concomitant exposure to metal mixtures can influence cancer induction. The most current mechanistic data regarding metal interactions and its implications in human carcinogenesis will be discussed. Furthermore, research gaps will be identified to provide data that will improve risk assessments for complex metal mixtures encountered in the workplace and environment.  相似文献   

This study presents exposure data for various metal oxides in facilities that produce or use nanoscale metal oxides. Exposure assessment surveys were conducted at seven facilities encompassing small, medium, and large manufacturers and end users of nanoscale (particles <0.1 μm diameter) metal oxides, including the oxides of titanium, magnesium, yttrium, aluminum, calcium, and iron. Half- and full-shift sampling consisting of various direct-reading and mass-based area and personal aerosol sampling was employed to measure exposure for various tasks. Workers in large facilities performing handling tasks had the highest mass concentrations for all analytes. However, higher mass concentrations occurred in medium facilities and during production for all analytes in area samples. Medium-sized facilities had higher particle number concentrations in the air, followed by small facilities for all particle sizes measured. Production processes generally had the highest particle number concentrations, particularly for the smaller particles. Similar to particle number, the medium-sized facilities and production process had the highest particle surface area concentration. TEM analysis confirmed the presence of the specific metal oxides particles of interest, and the majority of the particles were agglomerated, with the predominant particle size being between 0.1 and 1 μm. The greatest potential for exposure to workers occurred during the handling process. However, the exposure is occurring at levels that are well below established and proposed limits.  相似文献   

Uptake and accumulation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Zn by sawfly larvae, Dolerus sp, were studied. Larvae were reared under controlled conditions, allowing their uptake of ingested metals to be calculated after exposure to two different doses of metals. After 10 days of exposure, the concentration of Cd was higher than at the start of exposure, whereas concentration of Cu was higher only in the high dose group. In contrast, the Fe concentration decreased during exposure. Concentrations of Zn in the larvae were the same irrespective of the Zn concentrations in the food. Uptake of the metals, quantified in percent of ingested amounts, was 11% for Cd in both low and high dose groups. The uptake of Zn was 26% at the low dose and 12% at the high dose, while that of Cu was 12% and 19%, respectively. There was a loss in both low and high doses of Fe. The amount of a metal taken up by the larvae was correlated with their growth increment. In conclusion, the concentrations of Cd and Cu in plants influence the concentrations of these metals in plant-eating insects more than the Fe and Zn concentrations.  相似文献   

To investigate causes of contact dermatitis in the metal spray process in a film-condenser factory, we developed a questionnaire survey for workers exposed to metal dust, analyzed the metal dust, and conducted patch tests with the metal dust and its constituents. In the questionnaire survey, we identified 12 workers (12/26, 46.2%) who had had dermatitis. The main symptoms were itching, itchy red skin and itchy papules. Analysis of the metal dust showed that there was no copper oxide, but nickel, not contained in the materials of the metal spray, was detected. One worker with dermatitis had a positive reaction to 2.5% nickel sulphate. Some of the workers showed primary irritant reactions to 5% copper sulphate. As a result, we considered that these cases of dermatitis involved irritant contact dermatitis due to copper and/or allergic contact dermatitis due to nickel. To prevent dermatitis, we recommended improvement in ventilation, reducing the room temperature to reduce sweating, and to educate workers on the importance of frequent hand washing. Thereafter, the incidence of dermatitis decreased, and there were no cases requiring medication.  相似文献   

Conclusions Freshwater and marine sediments are known to be potential sinks for heavy metals discharged into the atmosphere and into water through man's activities. Under natural conditions lake sediments may concentrate heavy metals to a certain extent over surrounding geological material.Wapato Lake is accumulating high levels of certain heavy metals, particularly lead and zinc, in its sediments from street surface contaminants. This situation is probably of widespread occurrence wherever street surface drainage is discharged directly into natural settling basins of this sort.  相似文献   

Copper and cadmium concentrations were monitored in a population of the grasshopperChorthippus brunneus in grasslands in and around a copper refinery. Total body copper and cadmium concentrations increased with site contamination levels from control to highly contaminated refinery site environments. Refinery site grasshoppers accumulated both metals throughout the summer and autumn reaching a peak concentration of 1,600 g/g for copper. The seasonal pattern of accumulation of copper and cadmium closely followed seasonal trends in metal contamination levels in the indigenous vegetation, particularlyAgrostis stolonifera. Copper accumulated progressively through the developmental instars ofC. brunneus. However, there was evidence of copper exclusion during the final moult. This may be linked to copper compartmentalization in the integument of the later instars. Metals were not evenly distributed within the grasshopper body; 85% of total body copper and cadmium is associated with the integument.  相似文献   

猴头菇中7种金属元素含量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用原子吸收光谱法测定猴头菇中K,Ca,Mg,Zn,Cu,Fe和Mn 7种金属元素含量。结果表明,猴头菇中含有较为丰富的金属元素,K、Ca、Fe、Mg和Zn的含量均较高,是一种营养价值较高的药食两用真菌,具有广阔的繁殖栽培市场。  相似文献   

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